

death: the cure for life
Dec 9, 2019
idk what has happend or why im so affected by traffic noises. i wish i could just disappear, any kind of loud noises, even people talking at times just stresses me a lot..
i just want a few days of total silence, solitude and peace.. it makes me wonder why the f am i even here, why have i been born if my bare existence isnt compatible with this life at all..
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Feb 4, 2020
idk what has happend or why im so affected by traffic noises. i wish i could just disappear, any kind of loud noises, even people talking at times just stresses me a lot..
i just want a few days of total silence, solitude and peace.. it makes me wonder why the f am i even here, why have i been born if my bare existence isnt compatible with this life at all..

Have you tried a white noise generator? You can also get smartphone apps, websites or YouTube videos which provide this. Basically, it doesn't create silence, but it provides a constant level of predictable background noise which masks other noises (i.e traffic). With time and practice you can learn to acclimatize to the white noise and not be as disturbed by it as you would be more unpredictable sounds such as traffic.
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death: the cure for life
Dec 9, 2019
Have you tried a white noise generator? You can also get smartphone apps, websites or YouTube videos which provide this. Basically, it doesn't create silence, but it provides a constant level of predictable background noise which masks other noises (i.e traffic). With time and practice you can learn to acclimatize to the white noise and not be as disturbed by it as you would be more unpredictable sounds such as traffic.
i gonna try it! thanks!<3
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Feb 4, 2020
i gonna try it! thanks!<3

It does take some practice to acclimatize, you do need to persevere, and possibly start off getting used to it in the background while awake, doing other tasks etc. before trying it for sleep.

Additionally, it's not a complete substitute for the proper recharge you will get from taking some time to visit somewhere with actual silence and calm. But it's usable as a short-term alternative.
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Feb 28, 2020
I was a very active, busy professional before I got sick and bedridden. The sound of airplane in particular makes me very upset, anxious and very sad. It reminds me of people going places and doing things that I can't do. The same goes for traffic noise, people talking and jogging outside, doing yard work, kids playing. Life represented.
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Feb 22, 2020
Do you have hearing problems? Hyperacousis or tinnitus?
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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
I have Aspergers and noise really affects me. I live in a large housing estate and the noise is unreal, constant barking dogs, the sound of motorcycle engines that literally pierce through your ears, buses that go through, large lorries that do deliveries to the nearby shop. It's a nightmare place to live you never get peace :/
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death: the cure for life
Dec 9, 2019
Additionally, it's not a complete substitute for the proper recharge you will get from taking some time to visit somewhere with actual silence and calm.
agree! thanks! i will go into nature the next days, maybe a few hours of silence/just nature sounds might help:) maybe i'll find a good place for drowning x3

I was a very active, busy professional before I got sick and bedridden. The sound of airplane in particular makes me very upset, anxious and very sad. It reminds me of people going places and doing things that I can't do. The same goes for traffic noise, people talking and jogging outside, doing yard work, kids playing. Life represented.
also agree with that, makes me feel the same, i wish i could have a new body..

Do you have hearing problems? Hyperacousis or tinnitus?
tinnitus, especially at night with insomnia.. hate it!
Hyperacousis, uhm not sure never got tested for that by any doc, but it resonates with me.

I have Aspergers and noise really affects me. I live in a large housing estate and the noise is unreal, constant barking dogs, the sound of motorcycle engines that literally pierce through your ears, buses that go through, large lorries that do deliveries to the nearby shop. It's a nightmare place to live you never get peace :/
i've been living in a place which was originally kind of a village, since 2 supermarkets have opened here, the road next to my house has become a nightmare too, feel you!
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Aug 20, 2019
I think people been talking before about it but couldn't the earplugs solve the problem?

If it's very load then I don't know, but if it's a general sound of traffic then maybe they could work :)

612QcOYJe6L AC SX425
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May 18, 2020
Hey, I relate to this. I'm on the autism spectrum and have sensory issues. I'm easily startled and worried by noise too. Hope you know you're not alone
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
Sorry to hear. I have the same symptoms and I think it's because or partly because the body has some inflammation going on with the depression and makes the ears etc sensitive to noises
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Dec 28, 2019
Another option is noise canceling headphones. They can be great when awake and some can use them when they sleep. It depends on how you sleep, the type you get and your sensitivity to wearing them.

There are also special curtains for absorbing sound. It won't eliminate all sound but may help bring it down to manageable levels or can be used in conjunction with one of the other options listed so far.
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Mar 31, 2020
I have the same issue. I have sensory issues due to Autism, but I also suffer from the "fear of loud noises". Even running the vacuum cleaner distresses me because of how loud the noise is. Trains are the absolute worst for me- they're so loud it unnerves me.
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May 15, 2020
I remember my councillor saying to me "Why do you go to the forest all the time?"
I said "You know what. Why do you think i go to the forest?
Councillor: "Because you go there to drink and... i don't know."

I find his response fascinating now, because, who the fuck in their right mind would want to be where me and the councillor where at the time. The fucking traffic, we where at ground zero of a heavy crime area (Saw someone get shot there and oh my what a beautiful experience my fellow man presented to me...pfffuck)
Now, he doesn't have a clue why i go to the forest, he is obviously at ease with the reality that is around him, no anxiety for him, nothing.Just another day on the job, then he goes back home rinse and repeat.

I basically told him :"The reason i go to the forest is to escape from the noise of society for a while, i meditate, contemplate, pray to God alot (I was a practising Catholic at the time so you can crucify me and my beliefs if you want, i dont give a flying fuck to be honest.) I drank too, smoked a little weed if i had some and i watched and listened to the wild life around me. I would rather listen to the wind going through the trees than listen to rap music blasting out of an intimidating looking car with tinted windows, not knowing wtf is about to go down.

So yeah _Minsk, i can relate alot to what you are trying to say here. I can't stand the constant swooshing of cars on the road, drives me fucking nuts. I don't remember anything worth remembering going through those fucking hoods because i was anxious and thought someone was going to rob me or pop my ass with a glock19. But i do remember that time i was smoking and drinking in the forest under the moonlight, and this white albino possum slithers right under my feet and scurries by. Now that was beautiful...that was worth remembering and to be honest, that is actually worth living for. I can see why someone would blow their brains out when their knee deep in a shitty hood where gangs have total control of the area.

I remember watching this video of a black guy who was streaming a video of a guy who just jumped in front of a subway train in fucking New York city, the concrete jungle of hell. The Black guy was like "oh daaang bro, yo yo why would you do that homie oh dang bro!" Well i can think of multiple reasons why that lil homie would rather jump infront of the train then stay another second in that loud ass city surrounded by ignorant , selfish, asshole human beings that would probably trick you for a couple of bucks if they had the chance.

I'm rambling now...so yeah i can relate.
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May 27, 2020
idk what has happend or why im so affected by traffic noises. i wish i could just disappear, any kind of loud noises, even people talking at times just stresses me a lot..
i just want a few days of total silence, solitude and peace.. it makes me wonder why the f am i even here, why have i been born if my bare existence isnt compatible with this life at all..
idk what has happend or why im so affected by traffic noises. i wish i could just disappear, any kind of loud noises, even people talking at times just stresses me a lot..
i just want a few days of total silence, solitude and peace.. it makes me wonder why the f am i even here, why have i been born if my bare existence isnt compatible with this life at all..
I have the same problem, not just with noise but with bright light, like sunshine. I remember reading that this can be one of the symptoms of depression, which has overtaken my life. I like to listen to a YouTube video of rain falling, I find it soothing.
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Feb 11, 2020
I remember my councillor saying to me "Why do you go to the forest all the time?"
I said "You know what. Why do you think i go to the forest?
Councillor: "Because you go there to drink and... i don't know."

Wow, I'm sorry but that's such a horrible response from your counselor! They didn't even try to imagine why someone would enjoy going into the peace of nature? Something that many people love and that can be really helpful for people with depression... Instead they assume it's just so you can drink. That's just dumbfounding. I'm sorry you had to deal with such a response, that counselor sounds completely non-empathetic and like they can't even picture anything different from their own lives.
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Mar 1, 2020
I can't stand noises too, it stresses me out. Earplugs work for me, they block out some of the noise.
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May 15, 2020
Wow, I'm sorry but that's such a horrible response from your counselor! They didn't even try to imagine why someone would enjoy going into the peace of nature? Something that many people love and that can be really helpful for people with depression... Instead they assume it's just so you can drink. That's just dumbfounding. I'm sorry you had to deal with such a response, that counselor sounds completely non-empathetic and like they can't even picture anything different from their own lives.

In all honesty, he did help me alot with motivation and future planning. I just couldn't believe his bewilderment as to why i go hermit in a beautiful forest.
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Feb 11, 2020
In all honesty, he did help me alot with motivation and future planning. I just couldn't believe his bewilderment as to why i go hermit in a beautiful forest.
Ah okay, well atleast he was better in other areas of counseling. I guess he just reeeeally wasn't into nature or solitude. To the point that he thought people need to be drunk to enjoy time alone in a forest :))
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