

Oct 8, 2020
Does anyone know how much they see in toxicology reports ie: concentrations of drugs present in system?

I'm debating whether to use opiates or try to acquire N. For various reasons it would be advantageous if my death looked accidental. With N obviously this would not be possible.

I've been dabbling with opiates for a few months now and despite managing to keep it relatively under control, over the past week I have been sliding toward full addiction. I had this timed locking safe thing that was working to keep me using only a few times/week, but I took some benzos for the first time in a while, and I think they disinhibited me enough such that I smashed the safe thing to get into it a day early<facepalm>. It turns out you can order a replacement container for it as people seem to do this a lot. However it won't get here for a couple of weeks and I'm already at 5 days consecutive use so probably borderline have a physical addition now. I knew that it was always going to be tricky to keep control of them once my CTB date approached as I'd have less and less reason to be self disciplined if I've got one foot in the grave.

In any case, I've been thinking more about trying to OD on opiates instead of N so that it could look accidental. However I'd want to take a big dose of drugs to ensure that I definitely die. Would they see on the toxicology report exactly how much I took? People die constantly in my area from ODs so it would probably be easy enough to pass off as a legit OD. The other thing is right now I'm taking opiates without any Fentanyl in them, so it would look a bit strange to OD on these 'clean' drugs.

So I'm thinking of trying to find some stuff with Fentanyl, just to give it a a realistic profile. Then take a massive amount of the clean opiate I normally take as well. Also add some benzos to amp up the lethality.

To make this foolproof you'd really want to have someone who could dose you until you genuinely stop breathing. However not many people would be willing to take the risk and be trustworthy enough to carry it out. I'd definitely be willing to pay someone $1000s to do it, but again how you do trust them to actually carry it out properly. So if you don't have a trusted executioner, would they be able to tell in the toxicology that you took a truly heroic amount of drugs, and would that look suspicious?


May 19, 2021
Wow, so there's a lot going on here. Maybe try getting clean before you decide to CTB. Might be messing with your perspective. You'll have some issues with determining an amount of opiates. As you become more addicted, your body can handle larger volumes. Like you said, you might need someone to actually put the needle in your arm. That being said, anyone who did that would essentially be committing murder, and it would be a crime. I'm not an expert, but $1000 would not be enough for me to take that risk.

Toxicology if your family did an autopsy would show up whatever is in your system, N or opiates. I don't know if there's a huge difference at that point for whether it was an accident or not. I would lean towards N.


Oct 8, 2020
Wow, so there's a lot going on here. Maybe try getting clean before you decide to CTB. Might be messing with your perspective. You'll have some issues with determining an amount of opiates. As you become more addicted, your body can handle larger volumes. Like you said, you might need someone to actually put the needle in your arm. That being said, anyone who did that would essentially be committing murder, and it would be a crime. I'm not an expert, but $1000 would not be enough for me to take that risk.

Toxicology if your family did an autopsy would show up whatever is in your system, N or opiates. I don't know if there's a huge difference at that point for whether it was an accident or not. I would lean towards N.

Thanks for taking time to reply.

The opiates were really just part of a scheme I devised to bribe myself to cling on to life a bit longer. I have been chronically ill for 25 years and every day has been a grind, with the last few years just been semi-torture. I initially intending to CTB around xmas but I realized I had to stay alive a bit longer to finish off some commitments I had (foolishly) made.

So my strategy to try to get myself through another half-year was: Computer games, Opiates, and educating myself by reading books about death.

I bought a gaming PC and played through The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Red Dead Redemption, and now am on Horizon Zero Dawn. I hadn't been into computer games since college but I actually got into these ones and enjoyed them quite a bit, found I could play for 3 hours a night and it really helped time to fly by.

My other (risky) strategy to use some opiates in a semi-controlled manner to give myself some kind of relief. It honestly worked pretty well for the first few months and I still have almost no tolerance at all. It was surprising to me that it basically didn't go up at all over 3 months, when I was typically using 3x a week with a couple of days in between doses. I think it is creeping up a bit now that I've been using since Sunday but still pretty minimal.

I had done opiates a bit in the past never had a habit but actually overdosed once in Mexico and nearly died. (Wish I had TBH). I also had a plan to CTB when I was 21 and was intending to go to Amsterdam (was in Scotland at the time) and do a bunch of opiates until I died (Wish I had carried this out). Unfortunately for me my parents 'saved' me. Basically I've been ill for a long, long time and have just gotten sicker with each passing year. I love the feeling of opiates though and although I realize their potential to completely fuck up your life, my life is basically over at this point and I have nothing to lose. So I feel blessed in a way to be able to enjoy the opiate buzz rather than just feeling horrible all the time.

The books about death have also been enlightening. I'm currently reading:

The Palgrave Handbook of the Afterlife​

I really want to go and doubt I can hold on much longer than June really. So does it really take someone commissioning an autopsy to get a full toxicology report? I'm in a developed country and assumed that they would just do toxicology on all OD deaths.
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May 19, 2021
Thanks for taking time to reply.

The opiates were really just part of a scheme I devised to bribe myself to cling on to life a bit longer. I have been chronically ill for 25 years and every day has been a grind, with the last few years just been semi-torture. I initially intending to CTB around xmas but I realized I had to stay alive a bit longer to finish off some commitments I had (foolishly) made.

So my strategy to try to get myself through another half-year was: Computer games, Opiates, and educating myself by reading books about death.

I bought a gaming PC and played through The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Red Dead Redemption, and now am on Horizon Zero Dawn. I hadn't been into computer games since college but I actually got into these ones and enjoyed them quite a bit, found I could play for 3 hours a night and it really helped time to fly by.

My other (risky) strategy to use some opiates in a semi-controlled manner to give myself some kind of relief. It honestly worked pretty well for the first few months and I still have almost no tolerance at all. It was surprising to me that it basically didn't go up at all over 3 months, when I was typically using 3x a week with a couple of days in between doses. I think it is creeping up a bit now that I've been using since Sunday but still pretty minimal.

I had done opiates a bit in the past never had a habit but actually overdosed once in Mexico and nearly died. (Wish I had TBH). I also had a plan to CTB when I was 21 and was intending to go to Amsterdam (was in Scotland at the time) and do a bunch of opiates until I died (Wish I had carried this out). Unfortunately for me my parents 'saved' me. Basically I've been ill for a long, long time and have just gotten sicker with each passing year. I love the feeling of opiates though and although I realize their potential to completely fuck up your life, my life is basically over at this point and I have nothing to lose. So I feel blessed in a way to be able to enjoy the opiate buzz rather than just feeling horrible all the time.

The books about death have also been enlightening. I'm currently reading:

The Palgrave Handbook of the Afterlife​

I really want to go and doubt I can hold on much longer than June really. So does it really take someone commissioning an autopsy to get a full toxicology report? I'm in a developed country and assumed that they would just do toxicology on all OD deaths.
I hear where you're at. It's a tough bind then. I don't know the details on your specific area. My thinking is that they usually only do an in-depth tox report if there's a question surrounding the death. Also you could just take some opiates and some N at the same time to go. The tox report would come back positive for both, and it would just look like someone mixed some weird stuff into your drugs. I don't think it would be clear it was a suicide in that case. My two cents. Good luck bud.
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Oct 8, 2020
So I did a bit more research into this and it seems like barbituates are not commonly screened for in current post-mortem toxicology.

So unless it looks like an obvious Nembutal suicide they probably won't even check for N.

So the question is if you make it look like an heroin OD death, shoot the heroin, leave the needle around. And then drink the N but without leaving a trace of the bottle, would the manner of death be different enough to make them suspect N was involved?

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