Have you chosen tourniquet as your main method? It just seems like something most people avoid and go for partial or full instead so I wasn't sure if it was less effective. I struggle finding my carotids
they're there somewhere!! Yeah I'm wondering about that balloon like feeling but hoping it's something that would pass quickly or you'd black out fast enough for it to be too uncomfortable
Nah, definitely partial. It's so easy once you get it figured out. Almost too easy.
I replaced bean bags with 2 tightly rolled calf high socks for carotid pressure and use a pro series ankle strap around my neck. Once everything is in place all you have to do is lean in and relax.
I've been practicing for almost 2 years now. Awareness is key. I found the first sign for me is loss of hearing, then seeing spots, then the involuntary spasms, no pain or anything. It all comes in so fast with zero effort on your part unlike tourniquet. Having to lay there and anticipate with each and every twist or click of the ratchet.
Luckily I have a close friend that I'm able to call who's into sinister shit and is always willing to standby and assist me whenever I decide I want to take it a little further. He's saved me on 2 occasions. It was the same process. Lean in and relax, hearing fades, spots, twitching, then within 10 to 15 seconds a super vivid dream, usually just landscape. Really green grass, blue skies, as if you're there and can smell the grass and fresh air. Then he says I snore real loud and that's when he pulls me out.
I have sn, blood and strip tested, ready to go. I'll most likely choose partial though. I'd be stupid not to at this point.