What if we as humans were never meant to become this smart as a species.
Humans were never meant to come to this point, nothing should ever come to this point for that matter. All it does to this world is destroy it and with the influx of people being born into this world there is even further destruction.
"Meant to" by what measure? Morality? Pragmatism? Whose intentions and values are we questioning the conception of human intelligence by? Our own? Yours?
I'm sorry for being harsh, but frankly I find that notion ridiculous. The only thing in the universe questioning human existence is humanity itself. How can we be so self important that we think our existence is wrong when we were created by the very universe itself? I suppose I just find that hard to understand.
Why is it so wrong that humans are destroying parts of this world? Do volcanic eruptions and earthquakes and such not do the same thing? Are we not a part of the world like they are? Sure, it is in our own interest not to destroy the planet and ecosystems we live in, but if that's the only reason destroying the world is bad then you can't question humanity's existence since the reason destruction is a problem then hinges on humanity's existence itself.
Like what, should we not have come into existence so that earth's ecosystem would be slightly less disturbed? To protect plants, animals, and other life, humanity should not have been conceived? You think the universe gives a fuck about the preservation of species? Yes, humans are the current greatest cause of animals going extinct, but so what? There have been numerous extinction events far worse than humanity several times in the past. Not to mention, in a few billion years the entire planet is gonna get swallowed by the god damn sun anyway! Who would care if a bunch of literally unthinking creatures die out now or in a few billion years, a tiny span of time on a universal scale? Certainly not those unthinking creatures, incapable of making that judgement!
Should humanity not have come into existence
just in case a "better" intelligent species could have come along? Why? Are you the kind of person who would pass up a winning lottery ticket because someone else might use it better or need it more? Most likely, they'll be exactly the same as us anyway since the exact same pressures on survival would exist. Heck, for all you know, they could be even worse. Do you really want to roll the dice on that?
So why the hell shouldn't humanity be intelligent? Because it causes us suffering? Then fight against it! Fight against the world to make it so that humanity being smart isn't a cause for suffering! And it's ok if you don't have the strength to do that.
I don't have the strength to do that. There's nothing wrong with just giving up. But to then arrogantly declare that humanity was some sort of mistake as if you get to make that judgement? C'mon.