

May 25, 2023
To people who have seriously gone through with it, but ended up failing or were found by other people, what was the experience before the attempt like and how did you defeat the SI? What went through your head when you actually did it?

Apologies if this thread and these types of questions come off as insensitive/offensive. The reason why I'm asking is because my date is in 2 months (January 18th) and I want to know what to expect.
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Jul 10, 2023
Both attempts were overdoses. One was 30 years ago and the other last year. Both times I had shut down so much it was easy on impulse to do it. the first time, I was living in my car because I was homeless and I had badly planned to get almost unconcious before setting fire to the car. As I was sat waiting for it to take effect, I saw a friends car go past me. I'd previously thought there would be no-one to speak to that day because everyone was at work, but I got his shift wrong. So I got out and walked to his house to tell him what I had done.

The second time, I just took everything as I went to bed and thought I'd just not wake up again. It didn't occur to me it had failed until I got home from hospital.
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May 25, 2023
Both attempts were overdoses. One was 30 years ago and the other last year. Both times I had shut down so much it was easy on impulse to do it. the first time, I was living in my car because I was homeless and I had badly planned to get almost unconcious before setting fire to the car. As I was sat waiting for it to take effect, I saw a friends car go past me. I'd previously thought there would be no-one to speak to that day because everyone was at work, but I got his shift wrong. So I got out and walked to his house to tell him what I had done.

The second time, I just took everything as I went to bed and thought I'd just not wake up again. It didn't occur to me it had failed until I got home from hospital.
Thank you for sharing :heart:
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Oct 24, 2023
Serious attempts - twice aged 14 (in my late 40s now) - was found, taken to hospital and had my stomach pumped and hospitalised both times.

Another overdose in May 2021 - ended up in hospital for three days and given the antidote. I was throwing up from the word go.

Had a number of other overdose including yesterday - didn't both with medical services and been throwing up last night and today and absolutely knackered, heart palpitations, weakness etc. But I will live another day.

Ended up at cliff edge, mountains several times - don't have a problem jumping except I have two children that I need to be around for.

One day.., Clearly I am not getting the help that I need and the therapist that I see has also said that sessions will be ending soon. Refusing to engage with hospital and GP due to accessibility challenges. So one day, I will have to end my life - not sure how ling I an keep myself alive..
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Nov 22, 2022
a number of other overdose including yesterday - didn't both with medical services and been throwing up last night and today and absolutely knackered, heart palpitations, weakness etc. But I will live another day.
Oh god, you've been offering so much help and advice to me and others in my thread and you're battling the effects of an overdose at the same time, I'm so sorry. You're SO kind, I wish you could be getting the support you need. Hope the symptoms wear off soon.
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Jul 8, 2023
I drank 2 cups of antifreeze in my mid 20s. Downed it all in 2 quick swigs. Had a split second of OMG panic then vomited it all up. My friend took me to the ER. The doctor trreated me in total silence. He didnt't tell me what the effects I what I did were and I was too ashamed to ask. I got sent the the psych ward straight fom the hospital. Was able to put on an act that I was ok and was released in 4 days.
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Stormy Raine

Stormy Raine

Quietly counting down the days, hours, minutes..
Apr 7, 2023
I've had a few attempts that's always start and end the same. The day of an attempt I usually go from the deepest sadness you can possibly feel to crying my eyes out. Eventually I make a quick decision to do it (always pills). I never wrote notes, so as I'm waiting to die I feel elated, a spur of happiness that this will be my last day of this miserable life and I finally lay down and wait to die. Hours later I wake up pissed off and cry because the method didn't work again, I feel awful and sick but too ashamed to go to the hospital so I suffer in silence and prays the sickness passes soon. Years later I repeat the process. I doubt I'll ever do it again. I just have to accept this is my life and one day I won't wake up anymore and I'm ok with that. Hope that helps
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Farewell, My Concubine
Nov 16, 2023
What was the experience before the attempt like?
I was ready to go but then
Realised I hadn't practiced enough(hanging is tricky), so I failed and corrected as I went

How did you defeat the SI?
Sleeping pills- which also increased my risk of failure

What went through your head when you actually did it?
Excited to wake up to something new - I'm chronically ill and disabled so...

Life after failure
Suicidal Stigma
So imma try again soon - but I'm terrified I'll fail
Cause now everyone looks at me like imma freak
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I feel like I died long ago
Jun 1, 2023
Twice I attempted, both overdoses. I felt my heart slowing down and I was physically unable to walk due to the strength of the pills both times. Sent to the same psych ward with a 2 star rating, so nothing changed when I got home.
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Sep 22, 2023
My method was helium asphyxiation, I went to a motel and prepared everything there, since I couldn't bring a gigant helium thingy home.

I stay a long time in the bathtub listening to music, and then I put the mask on.

I tried for 15 minutes, but oxygen kept getting in. Eventually I gave up due to breathing CO² being painful.

I felt very relaxed and just wanted to get this over with. I was extremely disappointed when it didn't work out.
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Nov 19, 2023
- ~10 1/2 years ago @16yo. We were sexually assaulted (pressured into a situation and revoked consent) and took nearly a bottle of diphenhydramine HCl we had hoarded over the last few months along with a few drinks worth of alcohol about 2 hours afterward. (The moment was impulsive, our flawed method was planned. We have never been happy and were abused+neglected a lot growing up and first wanted to CTB at like 8yo.)
Going into it, we were more calm and composed than we have ever been before or since. We were looking forward to finally knowing what peace was like. Unfortunately we did not get the relief we sought so much.
- It was awful. So much inexplicable pain all over (like stabbing feelings everywhere but not like typical nerve pain). And a very uncomfortable restless feeling. It was so unpleasant to even try to lay down as we had planned. Trying to stay still resulted in an all over prickly/crawling feeling. Worse was this mental feeling of being both super eepy and paradoxically stimulated at the same time. We wanted to OD and lay down for one final nap. These awful feelings lasted for about 12 hours before we could actually get to sleep. It was obvious we failed about 4 hours in when we were past the peak effects. At the time, we had no absolutely survival instinct, just a fear of an interrupted attempt. We vaguely remember crying a few hours in out of sheer frustation. We broke mentally after that and never recovered really. That failure has been one of our biggest regrets in life. We certainly did not want another failure after that experience.

- ~6 years ago, life took yet another turn for the worst (injury that leaves us in severe pain daily, or excruciating if we try to do anything physical + lost job). We started to be very reckless with the hopes that we would accidentally CTB. At one point, we got ourself into a situation that was very likely to turn into a partial hanging. We had rope marks for a few weeks as well as did some damage to our trachea that has permanently impacted a small portion of our vocal range. We remember going through a drivethrough after and the bitch at the window calling her friend up to look so they could both have a laugh. That's how we found out about the marks as they weren't visible at first.
- A few weeks/months later, we had planned to take a nice scenic drive and shoot ourself, but this frustrating SI had already set in heavily at that point so we could never bring ourself to carry through with that plan. That is also our last resort option as we absolutely hate that it checks only one or two of our many criteria. (Reliable, peaceful, no risk of harm to others, fast, not super traumatizing to whomever discovers us, effectively irreversible once started, no severe impairment if another failure, no obvious signs if another failure, portable so we can find a lovely place to find peace and comfort, NOT asphyxiation/cerebral hypoxia in any form such as hanging/night_night due to SI)
- And recently, we found out that morphine does absolutely nothing for us (ER visit) so finding a method that fits our criteria and doesn't rely on opiates since none of them work right (some frustrating genetic issue, also messes with a lot of other things including dopamine synthesis and SSRI's) is proving to be very difficult. We know for certain that morpine and Tramadol do nothing. Hydrocodone and Oxycodone do almost nothing for us aside from make us feel icky. Also we now have a very frustratingly powerful survival instinct and a severe fear of yet another failure. It's so frustrating having not wanted to continue for 20 years, and having such failures making it so much harder to try again despite life continually getting worse.
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Cringe Isekai Author
Apr 27, 2023
To people who have seriously gone through with it, but ended up failing or were found by other people, what was the experience before the attempt like and how did you defeat the SI? What went through your head when you actually did it?

Apologies if this thread and these types of questions come off as insensitive/offensive. The reason why I'm asking is because my date is in 2 months (January 18th) and I want to know what to expect.
Well, I failed 3 times, 1 time gave up.
1st time was by cutting, SI was setting in but I tried to be as fast as I could, the knife wasn't sharp enough, I tested it on other things and it wasn't my SI, that thing didn't actually cut, it couldn't even cut bread, I was left with 2 to 4 scars on the neck but that was it
2nd time I tried to overdose on caffeine, I spent all my money on energy drinks and caffeine tabs, and my hands were shaking before drinking them, I got the courage to mix them and drunk the mix in one gulp, wasn't the smartest way I could have attempted it, ended up getting very sick for 1 week straight.
3rd time it was the night-night method, I tried it, I used what materials I had, I felt pretty calm, and there was minimal SI. The problem this time was the belt, it couldn't tighten more then, I ended up slowly suffocating instead of getting knocked out, so I decided to give it up
4th time I wanted to do it by car, but I decided it wasn't worth traumatizing someone else, so I gave it up before attempting it.
Most of my failures were to faulty equipment or lack of funds to get better equipment.
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sleep deprived and/or drunk
Jul 23, 2023
not too long ago. thought i prepared enough. was not emotional or anything. co was my method. it was too hot so i guess i kept opening the door. next time, i'll bring frozen water and some drinks. didn't feel it right away but had headaches for a couple days (normally don't have any)
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Jul 10, 2023
May I ask with what substance? Ofc you don't have to answer yk but it's just my curiosity

The first time it was paracetamol and the second time was mostly propranolol, and some paracetamol and aspirin and ranitidine.
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go home at dawn sleep in the sun
Sep 13, 2023
ive had two attempts where i really went through with it. od on opioids about 6 years ago and a fsh attempt back in august. i don't remember the od that much. if youve ever done oxy, it makes you dreamy. i slept for a few days but was able to go back to normal. i think the dose i took was way too low so i just passed out.

when i tried to hang myself i was almost successful. si was hard to get over, it took me about 4 times to kick the bin i was standing on, but i was 100% determined i was going to die. as i was hanging it felt absolutely horrible, my limbs were shaking and it felt like my eyes were going to pop out. i totally lost track of time and my vision went out and i stopped feeling pain and started just having memories cut with "oh my god im dying". idk how long it took me to lose consciousness but then i woke up on the ground. i used a belt and did not secure it well enough so it came undone when my body was thrashing and my roommate heard it. i seriously had no idea your body shakes that much lol! anyway i was hospitalized for a while to make sure i didn't seriously hurt myself and spent a week in the ward. i wish i had found this forum before i attempted so i would have better prepared.
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May 5, 2023
i've had quite a few.

1. when i was younger i just really wanted to die. i realize now when i look back to it, it would've never worked. I chose to cover my face in a blanket and basically choke myself outside of the blanket. after about 2 minutes i started to feel myself start to pass out and i genuinely thought i would die, not sure what it was, but something just told me to get up, so i did. honestly i almost laugh looking back considering how i really thought i would've died.

2. quite few years later, i took a bunch of tums, about 15, in a stupid non-planed attempt to overdose. i stopped taking them because the flavor was gross. nothing happened i just had a headache for an hour.

3. a week after that i got more desperate, and that became my first "true" attempt. i took about 25 Tylenol, half the night before, half the next morning. then i chickened out and told someone. i was rushed to the hospital, spend 3 days under an IV taking it out of my system. then i spend the next 5 days and that thanksgiving in the psych ward.

4. 2 months after my partner died, and a bunch of research, i attempted shallow water blackout. for several hours i tried in freezing cold water. never worked successfully because months later i realized i did it completely wrong. it started to rain and i cried on my patio at 4 in the morning for the next two hours. eventually i felt it was pathetic and i had to do something at some point, so i sulked back inside and tried to figure out what i would do next.

5-8. in the next few days, i tried hanging several times, probably more than three. i tried with a belt around my bed frame several times over several nights. at one point i even tried the night-night method. i brought a rachet strap, and i had corn bags. i realized when attempting i had brought the wrong type of rachet strap, and it wouldn't become tight enough around my neck.

9?. for this attempt, i took xanax (7.25mg), and i tried to drink some liquor with it. i chose the worst type of liquor and it was very old. i didn't get any down and basically just was unconscious for 17 hours. operantly i woke up a bit at some point and mumbled some words, but i don't remember any of it.

10. my most recent attempt. i feel slowly my attempts have become closer and closer to succeeding. i choose to jump into a lake in the middle of the night, slightly high on opioids. eventually after about 2-3 hours of swimming around i gave up and decided to get out because i didn't think it would work.

i'm still considering ctb, very stuck on how to though. right now i've been desperately trying to get good sources for SN, i have a few but i'm worried about sending it to my home. i've been really stuck and it's kind of frustrating.

to answer your questions. usually i would feel a lot of emotions before, excitement, sadness, fear, etc. as every attempt failed, those feeling simmered down much more. eventually even on the times i truly believed i would make it, i would barely have any emotions beforehand, it felt like the same story over and over again. that's why for SI, my best recommendations are 1) to be 100% ready, once you truly feel like you are ready, the SI beforehand (not like lets say your SI trying not to choke while choking to death), will usually decrease and 2) to practice what your going to do many times before. really get into the mindset while sitting in that rope or something practicing hanging, that you are there and you are ready to hang (even if your not). get as close as you can to the day you'll be ready. doing that can help your body get ready so when you actually do it, your familiar with it and it's not as scary.

i wish you luck <3
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May 2, 2023
I've had to get very drunk. Then I put my gun to my head or in my mouth and play with the trigger. Honestly its a tremendous rush of a feeling accompanied by a wonderful clarity.
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