
Nov 12, 2018
I am by no means bullet proof i have the same pesky survival instinct we all share but i am at a point its put up or shut up, if i really want to die young my chances are dwindling

1) WE ALL DIE, backing out of a suicide doesn't save your life it simply prolongs your life. Death is inevitable and its not certain youd live a long life anyways. If not for suicide i could still die in a home invasion in 2034 or a car accident in 2022 hell i could die in a robbery next saturday WE ALL DIE.

2) YOU WONT BE THE FIRST OR THE LAST. We all see the world through a first person perspective its easy to give our existence a bloated sense of importance but truth of the matter is many people have CTB before us and many will after us. If those before us could get over the hurdle why not us?

3) YOUR FAMILY WONT BE THE FIRST OR LAST. Tying into the last point this is something i struggle with leaving behind my family. The truth of the matter is and its not pretty but they wont be the first family of a suicide victim and they wont be the last. Time heals everything.

4) DO NOT DWELL. Its easy to curl up in a metaphorical ball and feel bad for yourself but if you really want to leave doing that is counter productive. Do not play sad music, do not reflect on your life instead have laser focus and stay on the task at hand.
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
Yep, if you're going to kill yourself...get r done!!! I fucking need to kill myself and it's not going to happen by itself...is it? Fuck no!
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
Yep, if you're going to kill yourself...get r done!!! I fucking need to kill myself and it's not going to happen by itself...is it? Fuck no!

I think at some point you reach the breaking point and you know you gotta do it.
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Nov 2, 2018
I think at some point you reach the breaking point and you know you gotta do it.

Yup, reached it about August this year.
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Nov 2, 2018
Nice post @YoungThugLover I really like that!
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I fully agree with all your tips except for #4, it seems like #4 can vary for some people. Some people aren't ready until they've gone through their ritual, but sometimes they can also do it after the trigger (the straw that broke the camel's back) event. So #4 isn't wrong, but it isn't fully correct either. I'd say it depends on the person and the circumstances surrounding the person at that person's given time (moods, events before, during, and after, and health, etc.). In my case, it would be more of a trigger event even after I've already made up my mind many years ago and have gotten to that point. You could claim that I'm probably not ready, but I am and just waiting for a catalyst to push me over the edge (especially after I've gotten my method - which I will soon). Sometimes the survival instinct is a bitch (both the body and the irrational mind fighting against the rational mind).


I think at some point you reach the breaking point and you know you gotta do it.

Yes, this makes sense. I've had maybe one or two times in my life where I'm like fuck it, gonna just do it, but then things suddenly improved (albeit temporary and sooner or later, turned to shit again). Plus, I didn't have any reliable methods to go and chances are, I'd probably fail and end up as a vegetable if I had really attempted years ago.
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Nov 12, 2018
I fully agree with all your tips except for #4, it seems like #4 can vary for some people. Some people aren't ready until they've gone through their ritual, but sometimes they can also do it after the trigger (the straw that broke the camel's back) event. So #4 isn't wrong, but it isn't fully correct either. I'd say it depends on the person and the circumstances surrounding the person at that person's given time (moods, events before, during, and after, and health, etc.). In my case, it would be more of a trigger event even after I've already made up my mind many years ago and have gotten to that point. You could claim that I'm probably not ready, but I am and just waiting for a catalyst to push me over the edge (especially after I've gotten my method - which I will soon). Sometimes the survival instinct is a bitch (both the body and the irrational mind fighting against the rational mind).

Yes, this makes sense. I've had maybe one or two times in my life where I'm like fuck it, gonna just do it, but then things suddenly improved (albeit temporary and sooner or later, turned to shit again). Plus, I didn't have any reliable methods to go and chances are, I'd probably fail and end up as a vegetable if I had really attempted years ago.
My personal problem with the opposite of #4 is if i reflect on my life too much or listen to sad music it sort of temporally heals me and i feel i got it out of my system for a few hours...i feel its the survival instinct taking over and clouding my vision.

For me #4 represents overcoming that and telling myself this is what you want this is what you fantasize about so much then do it and dont stop yourself
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Sep 19, 2018
I agree. The only problem I have is the fear of suffering and a lack of resources.
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