Many people are in this difficult situation, myself included. If one live long enough, a good life becomes bad. If there are only reasons to die and no reason to live - why be forced to continue? Apart from identical twins, we humans are very different from each other. Humans react differently in the same situation. I think that suicide is harder for women than for men. I think that suicide is easier for criminals than non-criminals. There are many people who want to commit suicide but never dare. These people will die from natural causes. Death is the most terrifying thing we have to go through. We should have the right to euthanasia which will probably be possible in the future but not everyone can wait for this change in law. Is it possible to overcome the fear of death? I do not think so, but if this fear is repressed in the subconscious? I believe that anyone can kill themselves. Very strong chronic pain, chronic illness, chronic disability, fearlessness, compulsion, willpower or courage should be enough to venture into death. In my case, it is about courage - I must perform a brave act. Courage is the triumph over fear.