I have wrestled with the idea of eternal recurrence that basically forwards the idea that even if we successfully die, we will be "reborn" eventually as mass-energy recoalesces into a singularity again, and repeats the big bang, thus starting a new universe with new possibilities. The assumption here is that because matter can not be created nor destroyed, it can't really go anywhere except gravitate back into itself (Big Crunch Scenario) and start the cycle anew. If we then factor the concept of a googolplex, then we can assume that given an infinite amount of time, all possible scenarios of existence have played out, are playing out now, and will play out again indefinitely.
This all requires thinking outside of the standard model of physics though, so unless you challenge some of the fundamental assumptions of it, this line of thinking doesn't mean much. It's still something I hate having to face because I don't like the idea that my suffering's end will not be final and there may be another version of me that I will never be aware of who will suffer the same, or possible worse than I am currently. Perhaps, it may play out more favorable to that version of me and they will be happy and successful in life, but of course non of that matters to me in the here and now.
Related is the Nietzschean concept of "Amor Fati" or "Love of one's fate", but this concept only makes sense for those who want to live the lives they're currently in. Otherwise the idea must accept that some will suffer eternally, over and over again, and catching the bus will just bring them back to the original station eventually. This is not a fate I could ever love, and thus I choose to reject it to avoid having to think of suffering this all again.