Now I don't know who's who there. It just sounds like shouting accusations at one another, but definitely, likening somebody to a baby means being reduced, and if so in their eyes, why would they let it be known what they think? Just the facts, ma'am, and hit the carpet.
Isn't that called BDP? I think I have it, not diagnosed but still. It's apparently not okay, they always tell you to not lash out at them and to contain yourself. Can only do so much when they are stupid and especially have terrible habits that are a problem. I mean, when you've been bottling it up for months and years on end. Anything you explain or bring up in a normal expression gets you told off, talked down to and brushed aside.
It rather is an expression of their view of us, one of perceived weakness and social ineptitude. I can't wait until they find out one day, that a complete, resolute and balanced person doesn't need to assert themselves to others.
But they constantly point out how negative the patient is. Why can't they just admit they are equally disappointed by society as most of us here are?
In any case, hope you get over this cretin soon enough and find a new therapist.
I suppose to clarify somewhat...A negative emotion is not a bad thing in and of itself. Human beings experience a wide gamut of justifiable, healthy emotions. Many of which can be negative.
What I am saying here essentially is sometimes expressing a negative emotion is the healthiest thing to do.
I for example regularly drop objects due to possible nerve damage and joint issues. About 6 months ago I picked up a clothes iron and it immediately fell from my hand. It landed pointy end first onto my bare foot and it was damned painful. I believe my exact words were a hushed "Owwww...faaaaaaack....faaaauuuuck...fuck fk fk fk fk..."
I didn't shout or scream or throw the iron through the nearest window. It was damned unpleasant and not being particularly steady on my legs at the best of times, with the added benefit of a possibly broken toe, made perambulation a bit more of a chore than usual.
I think that is an example of a rather understated, justified negative emotion.
But say, I step on someone's toe, totally by accident. Often the average response (from far too many people) is to rage, like you just took aim with a blunderbuss and blew off both their feet while they were wearing their favourite Italian loafers. That's a tantrum.
A tantrum is not:
1. Expressing disappointment eg. at loosing your wallet with all your money in it.
2. Expressing shock at unexpected bad news.
3. Being firm or asserting yourself.
4. Voicing an objection, particularly to harsh or unfair treatment.
5. Calmly standing up for your rights.
6. Having a better considered or, more valid and rational argument.
7. Telling the unvarnished truth.
8. Expressing valid concerns.
9. Disagreeing or having a different opinion or point of view.
10. Dropping your phone and saying "shit" in response.
Throwing a tantrum is...well let's use some definitions that Google provided...
1. A display of ill-humor, especially a demonstration of rage or frustration by shouting or violent physical movements, such as the stamping of feet; called also temper tantrum.
2. It is usually associated with children, but is sometimes seen in adults.
3. A display of anger expressed by irrationally striking out at innocent targets or inanimate objects.
4. An often childish display or fit of bad temper.
a display of bad temper.
There's more but, you get the idea.
My psychiatrist displayed all of these traits in quick succession. I did not.
If you can convince someone that a justified behaviour is somehow unacceptable, you can control them. This is why words like "tantrum" are used when vulnerable people assert themselves. It's called "false equivocation" or manipulating concepts. Gaslighting.
"Eat ye not from the tree of knowledge!"
In other words, "You are in an undermined position. Attempt to change that at your peril."
Only god may eat from the tree of knowledge, as only someone in authority (like this psychiatrist) may shout and throw actual honest to goodness tantrums.
I can't remember where I heard it, but recently someone defined the problem with power crazed people and their concept of "respect". I'm paraphrasing..."Treat me like a god and I will treat you like a person." And I think that captures the power dynamic when it comes to certain authority figures and their attitude to vulnerable and ill people.