Dead beat dad
- Mar 5, 2019
- 1,030
Sorry just got from a post yoga smoothie, what did I miss...
As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
Depends on the state of mind I think...Guys, why they call the act of suicide as cowardice? I just can't understand this, because my aunt told me that.
Some people think that suicide means you were just too scared to stay alive and took the easy way out instead of facing reality. Like if you broke your friend's vase and were so scared that you ran away from their house and stopped talking to them forever, instead of admitting what you did and dealing with the consequences.Guys, why they call the act of suicide as cowardice? I just can't understand this, because my aunt told me that.
Somehow, my brain had filtered out the existence of this one 5 seconds after I saw it. Jeez, talk about somebody who does not have any concept of how colors actually look. And is 7 in Comic Sans?View attachment 12120
- To whoever made that... go fuck yourself. Nice use of excessive fonts and colours, really instills the message that life is sooo worthwhile. Might do yoga and sniff some essential oils after this.
I understand cowardice as inclination for avoiding things you don't want (danger/harm/pain/suffering/difficulties/etc.). Not wanting to jump in front of a heading truck is an expression of cowardice. Not messing up with a person who can effortlessly make your life miserable without getting retaliation is an expression of cowardice. Not wanting to count 56247x7863 in your head is an expression of cowardice. So I would ask if there is something wrong with cowardice in the first place. We can adjust the definition to "inclination for avoiding things you don't want (danger/harm/pain/suffering/difficulties/etc.) as prerequisites for what you want (whatever that is)". But then it becomes tricky. What if potential benefits from courageous act aren't worth potential harms? Not wanting to jump in front of a heading truck might not be an expression of cowardice here if you have nothing beneficial to get from this action. But if you're suicidal and don't want physical pain, then you might consider potential benefits of dying to not be worthy of potential harm of getting serious life-compatible injuries.Guys, why they call the act of suicide as cowardice? I just can't understand this, because my aunt told me that.
Cowardice is a strange concept anyway. It's an arbitrary judgement people make when they decide that somebody else "should have" acted a certain way.I understand cowardice as inclination for avoiding things you don't want (danger/harm/pain/suffering/difficulties/etc.). Not wanting to jump in front of a heading truck is an expression of cowardice. Not messing up with a person who can effortlessly make your life miserable without getting retaliation is an expression of cowardice. Not wanting to count 56247x7863 in your head is an expression of cowardice. So I would ask if there is something wrong with cowardice in the first place. We can adjust the definition to "inclination for avoiding things you don't want (danger/harm/pain/suffering/difficulties/etc.) as prerequisites for what you want (whatever that is)". But then it becomes tricky. What if potential benefits from courageous act aren't worth potential harms? Not wanting to jump in front of a heading truck might not be an expression of cowardice here if you have nothing beneficial to get from this action. But if you're suicidal and don't want physical pain, then you might consider potential benefits of dying to not be worthy of potential harm of getting serious life-compatible injuries.
Some guy insulted you in front of a working group you belong to and everyone is laughing at you. You cherish your social status but don't want to get into a verbal/fist fight and decide to avoid conflict. Would that be an expression of cowardice? Maybe that guy is twice as bigger than you. Coward or not? Or maybe you're the bigger one and can easily turn his face into a squash. Coward or not? Or maybe cowardliness would have a scale where in first case it's low-magnitude cowardice and high-magnitude in the latter...
Maybe some of them see suicidals as wanting to live but willing to avoid the struggles of life by dying. "Life is so beautiful, so wonderful, but I can't deal with its dark side anymore"; "I want to live so much but I struggle with depression and suicidal urges, and I feel like I'm losing the battle..."
Hell fucking yeah. Couldn't have put it any better, the state of society is this.Cowardice is a strange concept anyway. It's an arbitrary judgement people make when they decide that somebody else "should have" acted a certain way.
Take away that "should" and suddenly cowardice turns into terms like having healthy boundaries, knowing your limits, being humble, not making rash choices, rationally keeping yourself safe, taking baby steps, giving yourself time and space to heal.
It's not the avoidance that's the issue, it's that somebody decided they know better than you about how you should act.
You can even flip it the other way. If their judgement was that you shouldn't do something but you did it anyway, then instead of being courageous or brave it turns into irrational, immature, impulsive, arrogant, cocky, rash.
And most people don't even have the self-awareness to realize this, they don't see the they're judging and moralizing, that they're putting their own spin on things, being arrogant by claiming to know you better than you know yourself, or even that "courageous" is a completely subjective label. They don't stop to think what they'd really do in your place. They just pat themselves on the back for being soooo insightful and morally superior.
There is one more quote that I loath so much."Never give up"............ god i hate this.
When I was in college, i had a professor that said to us "just give up." (as in give up on the course we were taking). At that time i was like, ......what?!
Now i know what he means.
Guys, why they call the act of suicide as cowardice? I just can't understand this, because my aunt told me that.
One of the main reasons i can try to conjure for a reason to live is to reduce as much suffering in the lives of other people as possible. Do that as long as you can.
Yeah my therapist always says this to me tooThere is one more quote that I loath so much.
"Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem."
Lol I've always loved this quote because it just defeats itself. Life is our temporary problem, and suicide is the permanent and 100% effective solution."Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem."
There is one more quote that I loath so much.
"Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem."
I remember I used to search for suicide related things and I'd stumble upon those. They often assume that:
1. You're young.
They say you got your whole life ahead of you, you have so many dreams that need to come true, you contribute so much to the society. Like are you dead ass rn. I'm an useless member of society with no dreams or long term goals. Am I young? I mean yeah but that doesn't mean I see any hope in my future, and it's not just teenagers and people in their 20s and 30s who are suicidal, anyway. They can be any age so this really means absolutely nothing to someone who's like I don't know, 80, I don't think they usually think of that shit no more, most probably think it's too late for them to accomplish things now.
2. You have people who will miss you.
They talk about how your suicide will created catastrophe to others and they will be in so much pain. I it's good to remind someone that you genuinely care (if you do), but people writing those shits have NO IDEA how anyone's life must be like. There are people who legitimately have no one, and they know that, like no family members no friends no pets no significant others. Are those people fucking unicorns to them or something? Do they not realize they exist? So saying that to someone who really is alone in this world will probably make them want to kill themselves even mre if anything, cause it will just show how others can't really understand the shit they're going through. And besides, if you tell me I'm selfish for wanting to kill myself because others will be sad, Imma be fucking mad. Even if it's true. Cause taking your own life is no easy decision and saying that sounds like you actually believe that I don't give a fuck about anyone and I have to sympathy and no feelings, that I just wake up one day and decide Meh I'm kinda bored maybe I'll die today. Like no bro we ain't fucking robots we realize that if we have someone in our life they're gonna be hurt.
3. You give a fuck what people will think. Like yea some people care what others will have to say, some don't. Personally, I know I won't care cause I'll be dead b. Wanna call me a coward, wanna talk shit about me, wanna assume shit and pretend you knew me? You can do that, I won't be alive no more.
And then they just kinda give the most bullshit reasons, like little things a lot of people wouldn't give a shit about. I mean yea I get it if you've had a bad day or week that could make you feel better, but when you've been depressed for a long time those don't mean shit.
Its just ridiculous.
What if we'd collectively create a response list, as in their item -> our response? Each one of us (who wants to, of course) gives his/her reaction, thoughts in response to a given item. And from that collection of responses to try to synthetize an efficient, perceivable by the "normal average people", information. To make something strong that could make them snap out of the limitedness of their angle?
That's why I said "perceivable". I know what kind of challenge that is. But it's worth the efforts, in my opinion. We vent here anyway, why not channel that?The thing is that people believe what they want to and can understand.
So it might just be futile to push it ahead to others who aren't familiar with the concepts of mental health like we are
Sure.That's why I said "perceivable". I know what kind of challenge that is. But it's worth the efforts, in my opinion. We vent here anyway, why not channel that?
Here's something I thought up, made to sound catchy:What if we'd collectively create a response list, as in their item -> our response? Each one of us (who wants to, of course) gives his/her reaction, thoughts in response to a given item. And from that collection of responses to try to synthetize an efficient, perceivable by the "normal average people", information. To create something strong that could make them snap out of the limitedness of their angle?
"Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem."
IKR? I've always compared it to a bunch of random stuff breaking - laptop screen, air conditioning, headphones, and clutch plates. Why would you want your mechanic to give you a temporary solution?I've always hated that one.
Why would I want a temporary solution?
Lol. I spend a lot of time discussing the child-free lifestyle and anti-natalism. The breeders always try to shame us into breeding by telling us we have "lost at the game of life" because breeder genes will live on but childfree genes die out.I know a woman who is a certified Pollyanna. She feels good about herself by comparing herself to those who are worse off. Thus, she is infinitely better off than the 20,000 people who die worldwide every day due to starvation. Is this really something to feel good about? Or does that fact that 20,000 die every day from lack of food point out just how nasty & horrible the world really is? I got that starvation stat from David Benatar who uses it to show why you should not bring kids into this world.
Well, most Indian parents feel proud of their kids as if they were property and use them as a way to feel good about themselves. And they compare their children just like they compare their cars and houses, for the exact same reason.I know a woman who is a certified Pollyanna. She feels good about herself by comparing herself to those who are worse off. Thus, she is infinitely better off than the 20,000 people who die worldwide every day due to starvation. Is this really something to feel good about? Or does that fact that 20,000 die every day from lack of food point out just how nasty & horrible the world really is? I got that starvation stat from David Benatar who uses it to show why you should not bring kids into this world.
Well, the people who don't like the idea of breeding will opt out again, ensuring that the breeders get to continuously pass down their opinions. Seems like a good deal, until the point one group starts to think that its opinion is right.Lol. I spend a lot of time discussing the child-free lifestyle and anti-natalism. The breeders always try to shame us into breeding by telling us we have "lost at the game of life" because breeder genes will live on but childfree genes die out.
How do you think their kids would feel to know Mom and Dad just had them to serve as poker-chips in some fucked up game of genetic competition with a bunch of strangers on the internet? That is was all just a need to fling as much DNA into the planet as possible?
I remember I used to search for suicide related things and I'd stumble upon those. They often assume that:
1. You're young.
They say you got your whole life ahead of you, you have so many dreams that need to come true, you contribute so much to the society. Like are you dead ass rn. I'm an useless member of society with no dreams or long term goals. Am I young? I mean yeah but that doesn't mean I see any hope in my future, and it's not just teenagers and people in their 20s and 30s who are suicidal, anyway. They can be any age so this really means absolutely nothing to someone who's like I don't know, 80, I don't think they usually think of that shit no more, most probably think it's too late for them to accomplish things now.
2. You have people who will miss you.
They talk about how your suicide will created catastrophe to others and they will be in so much pain. I it's good to remind someone that you genuinely care (if you do), but people writing those shits have NO IDEA how anyone's life must be like. There are people who legitimately have no one, and they know that, like no family members no friends no pets no significant others. Are those people fucking unicorns to them or something? Do they not realize they exist? So saying that to someone who really is alone in this world will probably make them want to kill themselves even mre if anything, cause it will just show how others can't really understand the shit they're going through. And besides, if you tell me I'm selfish for wanting to kill myself because others will be sad, Imma be fucking mad. Even if it's true. Cause taking your own life is no easy decision and saying that sounds like you actually believe that I don't give a fuck about anyone and I have to sympathy and no feelings, that I just wake up one day and decide Meh I'm kinda bored maybe I'll die today. Like no bro we ain't fucking robots we realize that if we have someone in our life they're gonna be hurt.
3. You give a fuck what people will think. Like yea some people care what others will have to say, some don't. Personally, I know I won't care cause I'll be dead b. Wanna call me a coward, wanna talk shit about me, wanna assume shit and pretend you knew me? You can do that, I won't be alive no more.
And then they just kinda give the most bullshit reasons, like little things a lot of people wouldn't give a shit about. I mean yea I get it if you've had a bad day or week that could make you feel better, but when you've been depressed for a long time those don't mean shit.
Its just ridiculous.
Guys, why they call the act of suicide as cowardice? I just can't understand this, because my aunt told me that.
Yes. Bullying AND gaslighting AND victim blaming AND inconsiderate AND, indeed, selfish. All in four words, usually from someone close who's part of the problem. There's a lot of that shit about unfortunately. Positively encouraged in society, good apex predator behaviour.What REALLY makes me wanna punch faces is when they say "don't be so selfish"
Countering anyone who has ideas like "Smile. Someone is starving, you at least have food" may be beyond my capacity.