

I wish I could delete my trauma...
Aug 10, 2021
I'm getting a new therapist soon, and would like some insight on this since I'm already diagnosed with autism but also suspect I have ocd and I'm planning to mention it for them. I just hope I finally get taken seriously this time. I'm not very positive it'll be any better, but I guess I'll at least try if anything.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Let's see, ASD can be confused with an obsessive personality but not with OCD (unless you run into a psychologist who doesn't know the difference between an obsessive personality and OCD, bad students are everywhere).

ASD is not autism specifically, it is just a drawer in which to put all those disorders whose main characteristics are the difficulty to relate socially and the repetitive behavior patterns. Levels ranging from 1 to 3 are assigned depending on the severity.

OCD is an anxiety disorder and obsessive personality is a personality disorder. With OCD it is normal to "see" images or think of words/phrases in your thoughts that you cannot control (obsessions) and because of this you develop a series of techniques to try to counter them (the compulsions) such as washing your hands or constantly checking if the entrance door is closed.
On the other hand, the obsessive personality is very controlling, it tries to get everything to the millimeter because it causes great discomfort when things happen unexpectedly and out of your control.

I have OCD, I have ASD and I have an obsessive personality... that's why I've had so many problems, why there are still doctors who exclude one diagnosis in favor of another when it's possible for several to coexist, thus making pharmacological or therapeutic treatment difficult.


A veure, el TEA es pot confondre amb una personalitat obsesiva pero no amb el TOC (si no es que et topes amb un psicóleg que no sap diferenciar entre una personalitat obsesiva i el TOC, mals estudiants hi han a tot arreu).

El TEA no es autisme concretament, només es un calaix on posar tots aquells trastorns que tenen com a característiques principals la dificultat per relacionarte socialment i els patrons de conducta repetitius. En funció de la gravetat s'asignen uns nivells que van de l'1 al 3.

El TOC es un trastorn d'ansietat y la personalitat obsesiva es un trastorn de la personalitat. Amb el TOC es normal "veure" imatges o pensar en paraules/frases en els teus pensaments que no pots controlar (obsessions) i degut a això desenvolupes una série de técniques per intentar contrarrestarles (les compulsions) com rentarte les mans o comprobar continuament si la porta de la entrada es tancada.
En canvi la personalitat obsesiva es molt controladora, intenta que tot vagi al milímetre perque causa un gran malestar quan les coses succesiexen de forma imprevista i fora del teu control.

Jo tinc TOC, tinc TEA i tinc una personalitat obsesiva.. per això he tingut tants problemes, perqué encara hi ha metges que exclouen un diagnóstic en favor d'un altre quan es posible que coeexisteixin diversos, dificultant així el tractament farmacológic o terapéutic.


I wish I could delete my trauma...
Aug 10, 2021
Let's see, ASD can be confused with an obsessive personality but not with OCD (unless you run into a psychologist who doesn't know the difference between an obsessive personality and OCD, bad students are everywhere).

ASD is not autism specifically, it is just a drawer in which to put all those disorders whose main characteristics are the difficulty to relate socially and the repetitive behavior patterns. Levels ranging from 1 to 3 are assigned depending on the severity.

OCD is an anxiety disorder and obsessive personality is a personality disorder. With OCD it is normal to "see" images or think of words/phrases in your thoughts that you cannot control (obsessions) and because of this you develop a series of techniques to try to counter them (the compulsions) such as washing your hands or constantly checking if the entrance door is closed.
On the other hand, the obsessive personality is very controlling, it tries to get everything to the millimeter because it causes great discomfort when things happen unexpectedly and out of your control.

I have OCD, I have ASD and I have an obsessive personality... that's why I've had so many problems, why there are still doctors who exclude one diagnosis in favor of another when it's possible for several to coexist, thus making pharmacological or therapeutic treatment difficult.
Tysm. I'll definitely keep this in mind. Based on this I don't think I have obsessive personality, coz while I heavily depend on routines and such, I wouldn't say I'm obsessive over it. I can handle changes as long as I'm prepared, and sometimes I'll even cancel routines on my own terms and I'll still be fine. The ocd description definitely fits me though. I do get get images and phrases inside my head. Sometimes I get these random ideas that if I do or don't do something it will cause good or bad luck or it'll cause someone to suffer. Idk how to explain it, it kinda just pops into my mind out of the blue and then I get anxiety so bad that I end up acting on it. I do also get images of what would or could happen if I don't act on my compulsions.
You didn't mention anything about how obsessions and/or compulsions in autism work though, could you go into more details about that?

Also sorry if my title is confusing, I was worried about running out of characters so I had to shorten it as much as possible.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Tysm. I'll definitely keep this in mind. Based on this I don't think I have obsessive personality, coz while I heavily depend on routines and such, I wouldn't say I'm obsessive over it. I can handle changes as long as I'm prepared, and sometimes I'll even cancel routines on my own terms and I'll still be fine. The ocd description definitely fits me though. I do get get images and phrases inside my head. Sometimes I get these random ideas that if I do or don't do something it will cause good or bad luck or it'll cause someone to suffer. Idk how to explain it, it kinda just pops into my mind out of the blue and then I get anxiety so bad that I end up acting on it. I do also get images of what would or could happen if I don't act on my compulsions.
You didn't mention anything about how obsessions and/or compulsions in autism work though, could you go into more details about that?

Also sorry if my title is confusing, I was worried about running out of characters so I had to shorten it as much as possible.
I have not commented anything because I can only speak for myself and each person is different. I mean I've never looked up information on how ASD influences other disorders. But I'm doing it now:

In my specific case I have the invasive images of the OCD as well as the words, also the fear of something happening (in 2008 to throw myself off the balcony, nothing to do with the CTB.. in 2021 it happened to me again, but then if they were suicidal impulses that I had to control), or insult strangers.
I also have Generalized Anxiety Disorder at the same time... ASD would be like an enhancer in terms of anxiety (smells, noises), in terms of the repetitive acts that OCD also has... the problem is that everything feeds back folded.

I also have no idea what life is like for people without these disorders, I was born that way. ASD and anxiety were already present when I was 2 years old, I was not aware of OCD until I was 7, but I did not know that they were disorders (I was diagnosed with OCD at 28 and Asperger at age 40).

What I know about OCD and obsessive personality I have taken from these videos (they are in Spanish):

I'm sorry I couldn't help you more. I leave you my certificate of disability (and that's not all, I suspect I have attention deficit):


No he comentat res perqué només puc parlar per mi i cada persona és diferent. Vull dir que no he cercat mai informació sobre com influeix el TEA en altres trastorns. Però ho estic fent ara:

En el meu cas concret tinc les imatges invasives del TOC així com les paraules, també la por a que passi alguna cosa (el 2008 a llençar-me pel balcó, res a veure amb el CTB.. el 2021 em va tornar a passar, pero llavors si eren impulsos suïcides que havía de controlar), o insultar a desconeguts.
Tinc alhora el Trastorn d'Ansietat Generalitzada també... El TEA sería com un potenciador en quant a l'ansietat (olors, sorolls), en quant als actes repetitius que també té el TOC... el problema es que es retroalimenta tot plegat.

Es que tampoc tinc cap referéncia de com es la vida de les persones sense aquests trastorns, jo vaig néixer així. El TEA i l'ansietat ja hi eren ben presents quan tenía 2 anys, del TOC no vaig ser conscient fins els 7 anys, pero jo no ho sabía pas que eren trastorns (el TOC me'l van diagnosticar als 28 anys i l'Asperger als 40 anys).

El que se del TOC i de la personalitat obsesiva ho he tret d'aquests videos (són en castellà):

Sento no poder ajudar-te més. Et deixo el meu certificat de discapacitat (i no hi és pas tot, sospito que tinc déficit d'atenció):
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I wish I could delete my trauma...
Aug 10, 2021
I have not commented anything because I can only speak for myself and each person is different. I mean I've never looked up information on how ASD influences other disorders. But I'm doing it now:

In my specific case I have the invasive images of the OCD as well as the words, also the fear of something happening (in 2008 to throw myself off the balcony, nothing to do with the CTB.. in 2021 it happened to me again, but then if they were suicidal impulses that I had to control), or insult strangers.
I also have Generalized Anxiety Disorder at the same time... ASD would be like an enhancer in terms of anxiety (smells, noises), in terms of the repetitive acts that OCD also has... the problem is that everything feeds back folded.

I also have no idea what life is like for people without these disorders, I was born that way. ASD and anxiety were already present when I was 2 years old, I was not aware of OCD until I was 7, but I did not know that they were disorders (I was diagnosed with OCD at 28 and Asperger at age 40).

What I know about OCD and obsessive personality I have taken from these videos (they are in Spanish):

I'm sorry I couldn't help you more. I leave you my certificate of disability (and that's not all, I suspect I have attention deficit):

View attachment 133432


No he comentat res perqué només puc parlar per mi i cada persona és diferent. Vull dir que no he cercat mai informació sobre com influeix el TEA en altres trastorns. Però ho estic fent ara:

En el meu cas concret tinc les imatges invasives del TOC així com les paraules, també la por a que passi alguna cosa (el 2008 a llençar-me pel balcó, res a veure amb el CTB.. el 2021 em va tornar a passar, pero llavors si eren impulsos suïcides que havía de controlar), o insultar a desconeguts.
Tinc alhora el Trastorn d'Ansietat Generalitzada també... El TEA sería com un potenciador en quant a l'ansietat (olors, sorolls), en quant als actes repetitius que també té el TOC... el problema es que es retroalimenta tot plegat.

Es que tampoc tinc cap referéncia de com es la vida de les persones sense aquests trastorns, jo vaig néixer així. El TEA i l'ansietat ja hi eren ben presents quan tenía 2 anys, del TOC no vaig ser conscient fins els 7 anys, pero jo no ho sabía pas que eren trastorns (el TOC me'l van diagnosticar als 28 anys i l'Asperger als 40 anys).

El que se del TOC i de la personalitat obsesiva ho he tret d'aquests videos (són en castellà):

Sento no poder ajudar-te més. Et deixo el meu certificat de discapacitat (i no hi és pas tot, sospito que tinc déficit d'atenció):
No worries, this was very useful. Thank you :) I suspect I have one or more anxiety disorders too, but I'm not rly diagnosed with anything other than autism bc most proffessionals I've seen blamed everything on my autism and refused to diagnose me bc of that. It's frustrating to no end! I just hope it won't be the same with my new one. I just want answers dammit! No, it's not just my autism, bruhh -_-
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