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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
This may come as a shock to pro-lifers but this forum is probably the only reason I have not ctb yet. Thank you Marquis, RainAndSadness, and all the other mods for providing a space where individuals can freely express ourselves and our thoughts towards suicide and the ethics of such a decision.

Before I stumbled across the original subreddit in 2017/2018, I would have most definitely gravitated towards dangerous and harmful methods that would have further damaged my health in the long term.

I was a naive 18 year old, and all of the suicide prevention organizations tell you is, "Don't do it!" rather than the consequences of failure and the types of damage that certain methods may cause, because you are not allowed to speak about it.

Discussing suicide methods is banned on nearly every platform, so often people receive information that is obscufated and purposefully left vague to try and scare you.

Yet the consequences of this mean that everyday people will make botched attempts that have serious consequences. They won't tell you how hanging can leave you with brain damage. They won't tell you overdoses often leave you with organ failure and liver damage that will cause nothing but agony.

Knowing that I have a way out is freeing to me. Becoming educated about the dangers of botched attempts has prevented me from taking stupid and impulsive actions. Knowledge is power, and by having a wealth of information at my disposal, I feel more in control of my life, and by extension, my death.

I believe it should be a human right for all consenting adults to make our own decisions about our own self-determined mortality, and as long as the right to die is not an option, those who truly wish to exit will always seek out information and they will find it regardless of whether or not this forum exists.

Sometimes, a person's situation does not improve. You should try everything in your power to try to fix what is ailing you, but there are quite a few problems in this world that do not have a solution. Forums like Exit International do not let people under 50 join, and that is problematic to those of us in our 20s, 30s, and even 40s who are suffering from insurmountable issues. Having a place to vent, share our stories, and interact with people who don't treat us like pariahs has actually improved my wellbeing and the wellbeing of many others on this forum who have expressed their gratitude.

I am deeply sorry for people who have lost loved ones who were forum members. However, it is not the existence of this website that is to blame. People do not randomly stumble across ctb discussions, they seek them out when they want answers. People are not forced to join this site or view it, they come of their own accord because they had thoughts of wanting to ctb before they ever knew this place existed.

I understand that grief is painful. Many family members of mine died via ctb, a close friend of mine did as well, many family members and acquaintances I know have attempted, sometimes multiple times. When I was younger, I couldn't fully understand why they would do such a thing, despite having suicidal ideation myself since age 12, but as I have gotten older and been through similar issues, it opened my eyes to how much those people were suffering.

I watched my father put a gun to his head when I was only 10 years old, so trust me, I know that ctb often effects other people because I have been seeing people die throughout my entire life.

My friend who ctb was the same age as me, both of us 18 years old at the time of her death. At first glance, you would have thought she made an impulsive decision and it made no sense that she would want to leave this world.

For awhile, I asked myself if there was anything I could have done to help her. Then I found out more about her predicament and realized not only did she have emotionally abusive family members who constantly threatened her with homelessness, but she was stuck doing a degree she hated, in an institution she hated, and bad actors pretty much controlled her entire life.

It is not my place nor anyone else's to speculate whether or not things would have improved for her, but I imagine she felt incredibly hopeless. When people are gone, we cannot bring them back. I have accepted her death and realised there was nothing I nor anyone else could have done to make her life easier due to the grip others held on her circumstances.

It is tragic. It is sad. Yet I do not blame her or others for the fact that she is gone. That would be illogical and wrong. Anger will not bring back the departed. The fact of the matter is, when someone is hellbent on taking their own life, you cannot stop them.

I agree that young teenagers should not be here and they are too young to make a rational decision about this issue, but that is why there is an age requirement to join the site, and fundamentally it is not the responsibility of the admins to block access to people viewing the site, parents have the responsibility to monitor the sort of content that their child is viewing if said individual is a minor. Once people become members, then it is possible to ban them from the site if there is suspicion they are under aged.

Every site with explicit content has similar rules. Websites with sexual content or adult themes will have similar disclaimers saying you must be 18 to enter, but these websites cannot prevent a minor from lying their way in and accessing the page. Only parents or guardians can.

On another note, not everyone here is suffering from a temporary rough spell that can be conquered. Many of us have been burnt and further damaged by the mental health industry, hotlines, involuntarily psychiatric hospitalizations and "wellness checks." Many of the members here, myself included, have dehabilitating physical or mental illnesses that have not responded to treatment and are incurable. Some members have terminal illnesses and live in countries where euthanasia is illegal. A lot of us have no family and no friends to lean on for support. I literally have no one except a partner who gets upset at me for being unable to function or be happy.

We are not insane. We are not suffering from cognitive distortions and abnormal patterns of thought clouding our judgements. Seriously, if you had to suffer from chronic fatigue, chronic pain, IBS, autism, ptsd, and tmj every single goddamn day of your life, would you enjoy it? Would you find it worthwhile? I cannot enjoy the majority of things that would make life worth living, and feel trapped because there is no way out and most people won't understand. I am 21 years old. I should not be forced to suffer for several more decades against my will.

This forum has allowed me to converse with people who truly understand. No platitudes, no bullshit, no gaslighting or lying to me about things getting better, just pure, unfiltered honesty. It is refreshing. It is a breath of fresh air. Everywhere else I will be told to keep trying even though I've taken over 17 different drugs, many supplements, lifestyle changes, 10+ years of therapists, experimental treatments like psychedelics, and have made no improvements. Then they blame you and say you didn't try hard enough.

I cannot talk about my problems on support groups for my illnesses, because one of the mods there said, and I quote, "Even if we know there will be no cure for chronic fatigue anytime soon, it is not good for morale to talk about the extent to which you are disabled and your condition is deteriorating. People need to have hope, and saying these things doesn't give them hope." Every other place on the Internet forces you to lie and give in until you agree with their platitudes. Here, I can be my true and honest self. Ironically, this has made me postpone my desire for ctb.

As long as society silences us, we will find outlets where we can speak our minds and converse freely on this subject. As long as society treats disabled people like the shit on their shoes, many of us will wish for a way out of a listless existence. As long as treatments for many chronic illnesses do not exist, we will search for ways to escape the pain. As long as life torments and scars us, we will long for death. And as long as the world refuses to have uncomfortable and honest conversations regarding death, we will have to hide away and share our thoughts on these forums.
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Mar 22, 2020
Same here, dear.
I'm alive and actually in recovery thanks to SS and the wonderful people, just like you, that I've met here.
Sorry fixthe26, SS is actually the best.
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Apr 5, 2018
Discussing suicide methods is banned on nearly every platform, so often people receive information that is obscufated and purposefully left vague to try and scare you.
I've noticed this. I've seen several articles in my native language talking about methods in a scaremongering tone. "Did you know your body will swell and turn blue? Did you know that you will be gasping for air for the next few hours? Did you know there is a good change to survive paralyzed and/or without limbs? (With the aid of health care, of course.)" Presenting methods like cutting wrists or drinking bleach, and not discussing important details that may cause method to fail, and the attempter to recieve serious, irreversible damage. As if it's only allowed to talk about methods through misinformation.
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Dec 11, 2020
Definitely. Feel the same way as you. A lot of things have been lifted off my shoulders, just the fact that there's actually solutions to this unbearable pain we all feel in variety of ways actually gives me a sense of peace. A sense that when the time is right, I can ultimately control my faith. Not to mention this is also a really great place to express all sorts of thoughts that you just can't do in real life. It honestly sucks that a lot of people who lurk here cannot understand this.
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May 24, 2020
Me too. When SS is out of reach I want to ctb much more
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Jan 22, 2021
I noticed this too. People have no mercy whatsoever. They genuinely believe that removing access to less horrific methods will prevent suicide? If I couldn't get gas I would end up throwing myself under a train and my family would be presented with my remains in a jar of extremely macabre jam. Want to prevent suicide, get your kids mental health support from the age of 5 into infinity, even if you think they are fine and treat all people you meet with kindness, including people you deem lesser than yourself. End of story.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
Well said. I don't understand why they think people won't CTB if by a chance SS is gone. Suicide rates have remained ever increasing for a very long time, and will continue to do so as long as problems in society remain the same. Those problems are getting worse and worse even now. The closure of SS won't do anything but leave the people here in the dark, and for certain force those who have chosen to stay longer purely cause of SS, to CTB.

SS has helped people to recover and prolonged many others' lives just by existing, including myself.

If I can't get access to my preferred method by my birthday, I will still be going no matter what.
With or without SS, ctb is the only thing certain for me.

Me too. When SS is out of reach I want to ctb much more

Myself as well.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Same here, dear.
I'm alive and actually in recovery thanks to SS and the wonderful people, just like you, that I've met here.
Sorry fixthe26, SS is actually the best.
Great to hear, you should tell me more about the Japanese classes, it would be fun to learn together! じゃね!
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Dec 29, 2020
I agree. SS is a true sanctuary for me. I can express my true feelings to others who understand. It... helps. While the site was down for me, I happened to stumble upon the take down SS Facebook page. It kind of disgusted me. Why blame yourselves for not helping your child (If you could), when you can easily blame a website. Regardless, I love SS and I love you all c:
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Jan 22, 2021
Well said. I don't understand why they think people won't CTB if by a chance SS is gone. Suicide rates have remained ever increasing for a very long time, and will continue to do so as long as problems in society remain the same. Those problems are getting worse and worse even now. The closure of SS won't do anything but leave people in the dark, and for certain force those who have chosen to stay longer cause of SS, to CTB.

SS has helped people to recover and prolonged many others' lives just by existing, including myself.

If I can't get access to my preferred method by my birthday, I will still be going no matter what.
With or without SS, ctb is the only thing certain for me.

Myself as well.
I have my theories about why they decide to tackle the method instead of the cause and that is that they are usually part of the cause and are looking to blame anything other than themselves.

Here is a hypothetical story:

Imagine it's my responsibility to care for my Granny. I do love her and I look after her and make sure her basic needs are met, we enjoy our time together and have lots of fun, but I'm not really interested in her negative feelings because they make me feel unhappy. My granny gets very depressed, not just because she feels that she can't talk to me, but she also is struggling with other things whatever they may be. She wants to ctb, but she knows she can't talk to me about it because I will be upset, she knows that I love her, but she also knows I will never let her open up about her pain and sadness. One day I take Granny to the beach, and we have a lovely time walking the dog and chatting about happy things. I leave her for a few mins to go and get us some coffee and when I come back I find that Granny has cbt in the ocean.

Is that the oceans fault? Or mine?

Most people would empty the ocean with a teaspoon and blame every drop of water before they accepted the reality.


Moral of the story: You can't remove the method, but you can remove the cause
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Mar 17, 2020
I need this site. 12 years ago I started with depression and what helped me to get ahead, among other things, was being able to talk to people who also wanted to die, at that time there were more forums about ctb and they were not censored. Today my situation has worsened a lot and this place is my only peace.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
I have my theories about why they decide to tackle the method instead of the cause and that is that they are usually part of the cause and are looking to blame anything other than themselves.

Here is a hypothetical story:

Imagine it's my responsibility to care for my Granny. I do love her and I look after her and make sure her basic needs are met, we enjoy our time together and have lots of fun, but I'm not really interested in her negative feelings because they make me feel unhappy. My granny gets very depressed, not just because she feels that she can't talk to me, but she also is struggling with other things whatever they may be. She wants to ctb, but she knows she can't talk to me about it because I will be upset, she knows that I love her, but she also knows I will never let her open up about her pain and sadness. One day I take Granny to the beach, and we have a lovely time walking the dog and chatting about happy things. I leave her for a few mins to go and get us some coffee and when I come back I find that Granny has cbt in the ocean.

Is that the oceans fault? Or mine?

Most people would empty the ocean with a teaspoon and blame every drop of water before they accepted the reality.


I understand it's a hypothetical, but that sounds pretty spot on to the situation. Similar to what many of us are going through right now, I feel.
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Mar 17, 2020
I have my theories about why they decide to tackle the method instead of the cause and that is that they are usually part of the cause and are looking to blame anything other than themselves.

Here is a hypothetical story:

Imagine it's my responsibility to care for my Granny. I do love her and I look after her and make sure her basic needs are met, we enjoy our time together and have lots of fun, but I'm not really interested in her negative feelings because they make me feel unhappy. My granny gets very depressed, not just because she feels that she can't talk to me, but she also is struggling with other things whatever they may be. She wants to ctb, but she knows she can't talk to me about it because I will be upset, she knows that I love her, but she also knows I will never let her open up about her pain and sadness. One day I take Granny to the beach, and we have a lovely time walking the dog and chatting about happy things. I leave her for a few mins to go and get us some coffee and when I come back I find that Granny has cbt in the ocean.

Is that the oceans fault? Or mine?

Most people would empty the ocean with a teaspoon and blame every drop of water before they accepted the reality.


Moral of the story: You can't remove the method, but you can remove the cause
society does not want to admit that their system is a failure that drives people to ctb, we are garbage to them and they just want to ignore us or hide us, they are the ones who think we should not exist.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
I'm glad you found support here. Unfortunately humans are faraway from understanding the real problems and how people should be free to end their life peacefully. From my perspective, I'll never be in "recovery" at all but the forum helped me stay longer and not do a bad method.

I wish you peace :heart: :hug:

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May 13, 2020
SS is basically my only source of interaction with anyone outside of my family. I've been managing to hang on for a bit longer for various reasons, and SS is the only place I can find any kind of understanding or even just talk about most things. I can't say exactly what I'd do without the site, but I'm pretty sure me and the tree ratchet strap under my bed would be spending some time together very soon.
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I choose love
Jan 25, 2021
I couldn't have said it better myself. Could I quote some of this into my suicide note?
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
society does not want to admit that their system is a failure that drives people to ctb, we are garbage to them and they just want to ignore us or hide us, they are the ones who think we should not exist.
You hit the nail on the head here. So sorry you've had to experience it as well. Everyone in the real world treats me like garbage and a burden. Whenever I ask for help people treat me worse, they fundamentally cannot understand that I am permanently disabled and that I am not like them.

Society treats disabled people like garbage. I try to reach out to my partner and it always ends horribly because he says he can't agree with anything I say without it "being encouragement" and that it's morally wrong in every case to want to ctb.

You can tell by the look in his eyes that he doesn't want me and only feels pity for me. Everyone I interact with treats me like a charity case to serve as their self-flagellation example when they say, "Well at least I'm not as bad off as her!"

I will never recover from my physical illnesses, my developmental disability, my ptsd. People think that I am just a bit sad though and should call a hotline or a therapist like somehow my pain is not real and that other people aren't horribly depressed in regards to being disabled.

This is no quality of life. The voices of Adam Clayton, the woman who got assisted ctb in Netherlands for her ptsd, and the author of Two Arms and a Head were shunned because they spoke openly about how their disabilities made their lives unbearable and how others treated them differently as a result of it.

I think they'd prefer that I quietly disappeared so I will no longer be a "burden on society"
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Jan 22, 2021
I have to agree @Isisnefert
I think all people know the system is flawed, and I think they are also not so ignorant that they can't see the many horrors and injustices in the world. But they have to ignore it, they are afraid to look because if they look they have to acknowledge there is a big problem and once you do that you are forced to either do something about it or fall into despair or both. Most people feel powerless to do something about it and nobody willingly chooses despair. For their sanity they have to squeeze their eyes shut.

They are afraid of us because we remind them of the things they are trying so hard not to see, and they will resort to anything to discredit us. If you show the slightest bit of concern or go against the system and point out the problems they will condemn you and discredit you. 'Fit in or f**k off' Mentally ill, not of sound mind, talking gibberish, can't be trusted, overly emotional, and I have forgotten that other badge of disgrace they give us, it's used a lot as a reason to refuse us euthanasia and implies that we are not capable of making a rational decision.
Refusing to take part in this circus is the most rational decision I have ever made.

A good example of this is Greta Thunberg the autistic environmental activist. Everyone knows the damage we are doing to the planet is real, scientists have proven it. But when an extremely brave young girl opens her eyes and stands up to address the problem a bunch of very powerful and highly educated men (who should know better) start behaving like playground bullies and gang up on her, call her mentally ill and try to discredit her because she is forcing them to look at a problem they don't want to see. Resolving that problem threatens their way of life and risks popping the little rose-tinted bubble they live in. That is insanity. Autism isn't even judgement impairing, how can they justify using that as an excuse.
I am seriously at a loss, I don't believe there is a single sane person on this planet but the people running the show are not only mentally ill, they are bat-shit crazy with no hope of recovery because they don't even know they got a problem.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
This may come as a shock to pro-lifers but this forum is probably the only reason I have not ctb yet. Thank you Marquis, RainAndSadness, and all the other mods for providing a space where individuals can freely express ourselves and our thoughts towards suicide and the ethics of such a decision.

Before I stumbled across the original subreddit in 2017/2018, I would have most definitely gravitated towards dangerous and harmful methods that would have further damaged my health in the long term.

I was a naive 18 year old, and all of the suicide prevention organizations tell you is, "Don't do it!" rather than the consequences of failure and the types of damage that certain methods may cause, because you are not allowed to speak about it.

Discussing suicide methods is banned on nearly every platform, so often people receive information that is obscufated and purposefully left vague to try and scare you.

Yet the consequences of this mean that everyday people will make botched attempts that have serious consequences. They won't tell you how hanging can leave you with brain damage. They won't tell you overdoses often leave you with organ failure and liver damage that will cause nothing but agony.

Knowing that I have a way out is freeing to me. Becoming educated about the dangers of botched attempts has prevented me from taking stupid and impulsive actions. Knowledge is power, and by having a wealth of information at my disposal, I feel more in control of my life, and by extension, my death.

I believe it should be a human right for all consenting adults to make our own decisions about our own self-determined mortality, and as long as the right to die is not an option, those who truly wish to exit will always seek out information and they will find it regardless of whether or not this forum exists.

Sometimes, a person's situation does not improve. You should try everything in your power to try to fix what is ailing you, but there are quite a few problems in this world that do not have a solution. Forums like Exit International do not let people under 50 join, and that is problematic to those of us in our 20s, 30s, and even 40s who are suffering from insurmountable issues. Having a place to vent, share our stories, and interact with people who don't treat us like pariahs has actually improved my wellbeing and the wellbeing of many others on this forum who have expressed their gratitude.

I am deeply sorry for people who have lost loved ones who were forum members. However, it is not the existence of this website that is to blame. People do not randomly stumble across ctb discussions, they seek them out when they want answers. People are not forced to join this site or view it, they come of their own accord because they had thoughts of wanting to ctb before they ever knew this place existed.

I understand that grief is painful. Many family members of mine died via ctb, a close friend of mine did as well, many family members and acquaintances I know have attempted, sometimes multiple times. When I was younger, I couldn't fully understand why they would do such a thing, despite having suicidal ideation myself since age 12, but as I have gotten older and been through similar issues, it opened my eyes to how much those people were suffering.

I watched my father put a gun to his head when I was only 10 years old, so trust me, I know that ctb often effects other people because I have been seeing people die throughout my entire life.

My friend who ctb was the same age as me, both of us 18 years old at the time of her death. At first glance, you would have thought she made an impulsive decision and it made no sense that she would want to leave this world.

For awhile, I asked myself if there was anything I could have done to help her. Then I found out more about her predicament and realized not only did she have emotionally abusive family members who constantly threatened her with homelessness, but she was stuck doing a degree she hated, in an institution she hated, and bad actors pretty much controlled her entire life.

It is not my place nor anyone else's to speculate whether or not things would have improved for her, but I imagine she felt incredibly hopeless. When people are gone, we cannot bring them back. I have accepted her death and realised there was nothing I nor anyone else could have done to make her life easier due to the grip others held on her circumstances.

It is tragic. It is sad. Yet I do not blame her or others for the fact that she is gone. That would be illogical and wrong. Anger will not bring back the departed. The fact of the matter is, when someone is hellbent on taking their own life, you cannot stop them.

I agree that young teenagers should not be here and they are too young to make a rational decision about this issue, but that is why there is an age requirement to join the site, and fundamentally it is not the responsibility of the admins to block access to people viewing the site, parents have the responsibility to monitor the sort of content that their child is viewing if said individual is a minor. Once people become members, then it is possible to ban them from the site if there is suspicion they are under aged.

Every site with explicit content has similar rules. Websites with sexual content or adult themes will have similar disclaimers saying you must be 18 to enter, but these websites cannot prevent a minor from lying their way in and accessing the page. Only parents or guardians can.

On another note, not everyone here is suffering from a temporary rough spell that can be conquered. Many of us have been burnt and further damaged by the mental health industry, hotlines, involuntarily psychiatric hospitalizations and "wellness checks." Many of the members here, myself included, have dehabilitating physical or mental illnesses that have not responded to treatment and are incurable. Some members have terminal illnesses and live in countries where euthanasia is illegal. A lot of us have no family and no friends to lean on for support. I literally have no one except a partner who gets upset at me for being unable to function or be happy.

We are not insane. We are not suffering from cognitive distortions and abnormal patterns of thought clouding our judgements. Seriously, if you had to suffer from chronic fatigue, chronic pain, IBS, autism, ptsd, and tmj every single goddamn day of your life, would you enjoy it? Would you find it worthwhile? I cannot enjoy the majority of things that would make life worth living, and feel trapped because there is no way out and most people won't understand. I am 21 years old. I should not be forced to suffer for several more decades against my will.

This forum has allowed me to converse with people who truly understand. No platitudes, no bullshit, no gaslighting or lying to me about things getting better, just pure, unfiltered honesty. It is refreshing. It is a breath of fresh air. Everywhere else I will be told to keep trying even though I've taken over 17 different drugs, many supplements, lifestyle changes, 10+ years of therapists, experimental treatments like psychedelics, and have made no improvements. Then they blame you and say you didn't try hard enough.

I cannot talk about my problems on support groups for my illnesses, because one of the mods there said, and I quote, "Even if we know there will be no cure for chronic fatigue anytime soon, it is not good for morale to talk about the extent to which you are disabled and your condition is deteriorating. People need to have hope, and saying these things doesn't give them hope." Every other place on the Internet forces you to lie and give in until you agree with their platitudes. Here, I can be my true and honest self. Ironically, this has made me postpone my desire for ctb.

As long as society silences us, we will find outlets where we can speak our minds and converse freely on this subject. As long as society treats disabled people like the shit on their shoes, many of us will wish for a way out of a listless existence. As long as treatments for many chronic illnesses do not exist, we will search for ways to escape the pain. As long as life torments and scars us, we will long for death. And as long as the world refuses to have uncomfortable and honest conversations regarding death, we will have to hide away and share our thoughts on these forums.
This hits home. Thank you for sharing <3
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
Before I found SS I felt so alienated. It's not like I agree with everyone on this site all the time, but at least I don't feel like some solitary alien life form in a room full of humans trying to pretend to be human and failing miserably.
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Jan 13, 2021
I only recently joined to see if I could get some advice about my chosen method. But since then I have enjoyed putting in my 2 cents here and there and getting a little involved. Because the people here understand me better than people irl, without even knowing me! The sense of comfort, understanding, and community I have received has been so, so lovely. The openness and honestly we are afforded here (and only here) is priceless. Honestly, I'm not sure if this is good for my mental health to keep being on this site in the long run. But for now, it's meeting a need for connection I haven't had met in a very long time.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Good post KGK. (Stein's Gate is a great anime!) Nice points made.

I know the advice lately has been to keep our heads down and turn a blind eye to the people promoting the vile directive in getting this site taken down, but I think it's coming to a point where we really need to use offense as the best defense.
I just wish there was a more visible Right to Die movement and all the sub movements. Outside of this site, it's very difficult for me to find people who are trying to build or participate in such a thing. The ones I do find are wonderful, but they are far and few between, and they cannot carry all the weight.
The "pro-lifers" also take advantage of the fact that most here are not in the position to waste their breath arguing, and that yes, this site is not perfect and contains individuals who should not be here or who cause issues, but that is no different from any other corner of the internet.
And as far as the origins and ties to other less savory websites that they never shut up about, it's just something we have to deal with and it has no bearing on the actual community of SS.

We have nowhere else to go, and they want to erase all our tireless words and pain that we have poured into posts, just like the one I am replying to.
It would be a cataclysmic, unjustifiable tragedy if one day, the entire history of this site perished because of such selfish and misplaced attacks on the ones who suffer the most. They (those trying to take the site down) are already in good spirits about the fact that many members have still not found their way to the new domain.
They are actually salivating over their own self-serving "salvation" in pushing to delete the sentiments and last thoughts of many members who gave their goodbyes on this site. That is beyond heinous, that is inexcusable.
I often times find myself digging through old posts for comfort, some of which were from users who had long since gone, once I signed up. How could they be so volatile as to actively erase us, and our most intimate and authentic selves expressed on this platform?? They do not care about us, who we are, nor our quality of life.

I have been staying away from the FB groups, but when the site went down, I took another look to see if they had something to do with it. I just can't even believe the things they say about us, I guess I had forgotten since the last time this blew up. A cult?? My god. I don't think they understand how cults/"high control groups" work. They are delusional cherry pickers who focus on the minority and not the majority of members.
I mean, I've had arguments with some people on here, of which a few I never wish to interact with again. (Others I simply respectfully disagree with and vice versa). But Jesus, what these people say, how they describe us, well that's up there with the type of nasty commentary and bullying I have received in my life, which contributed to my deterioration and my reason for being here.
They tear apart those who, a short amount of time earlier, were indistinguishable from the very people they lost.
They prey on the same vulnerability they claim the site itself is preying on.
From a less emotional perspective, they are probably one of the finest examples of hypocrisy this society has ever bore witness to. A damn work of art.
One which needs to be burned to the ground.

The ex-member phenomenon is also baffling to me, by this I mean the people who claim to have been previous members, who now side with these individuals. Some of the things they say do not even make logical sense, and they seem to contradict themselves.
I believe half of them were never even genuine members of the site, and the other half were probably never invested in the idea behind it to begin with, or had a bad experience with the minority of problematic individuals. Now they are punishing the 'whole' to spite the 'part'.
If anyone is getting brainwashed or succumbing to cult like behavior, it is those who visit the FB groups and the similar pages, who are taken up into their grasp. We already know that by default, those who don't share our woes are prone to being dismissive or blaming our issues on anything but the actual problem.
All this twisted, exaggerated, or outright false information just adds fuel to the flames.
Please. Let me have one thing in my life-for the sake of all that is fair and good,
let it be known that I am a rational human being, confined in the arms of a torturous existence. I do not want my decision or anyone else's to be invalidated or for our autonomy or intelligence to be so severely insulted. And just look at how they treat the privacy of their loved ones, they've done more damage and participated in more disrespect toward the memory of their loved one, than anyone here could ever muster. We should not know all this personal and sensitive information about the deceased, which their families have publicized. I would be fucking mortified if my family did that to me. Who are they doing this for, really?

I can only imagine what the private groups say about us, as I've only had access to the public pages and I'm not sure I could stomach more intense filth and blind hatred than that. I'm just exhausted, I have already lost other outlets for my suffering, I cannot lose my last one. And I know I'm not the only one.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
SS is basically my only source of interaction with anyone outside of my family. I've been managing to hang on for a bit longer for various reasons, and SS is the only place I can find any kind of understanding or even just talk about most things. I can't say exactly what I'd do without the site, but I'm pretty sure me and the tree ratchet strap under my bed would be spending some time together very soon.

Im not the most communicative person when it comes to the life outside the internet.
So it's basically my family (that is of no help when it comes to my depression and mental state in general) and some distant acquaintances with completely different lives/interests.

Now that I finally found a place and people I can discuss my stances on this difficult existence openly I feel much calmer and even happier.

The information this site has provided also made it possible for me to find a safe method for my exit (whenever I want to)

...and led me to rethink a lot of old planing I would have went through with all alone - potentially leaving me brain damaged and in pain.

One could say I would have ctb earlier without this place rather than with it.
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Reactions: ithappens, Spiral, NightmareTour and 3 others


Suffering Autointoxification
Nov 22, 2020
Exactly this! Amazingly well said, thank you
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