

Sep 13, 2018
Everyone on here plans to ctb at some point. In the mean time we all have to live.
Do you find it harder or easier to live being on this forum? Does it help you live as easily as possible until you die? Or does it make you question when to do it or make you feel the need to go sooner than you had planned? Does it make you feel better or worse?
I know what I mean but I'm never very good at explaining so sorry if this doesn't make much sense.
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May 29, 2018
It´s easier to wait for my end, since I´m in this forum. It´s good to know that you are not alone with your thoughts
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Sep 1, 2018
This forum has made it easier. It's helped get information about a few methods that I'm considering. The people here are also quite friendly.
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Caustic Cardinals

Caustic Cardinals

Sep 1, 2018
for those in desperate pain or terminal illness the resources are priceless. lets not discount the value of being able to speak freely about our hardships.
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Sep 13, 2018
This forum has made it easier. It's helped get information about a few methods that I'm considering. The people here are also quite friendly.
Yes it's fantastic for perfecting methods etc, I mean more once you have got your plan and are just living day to day until you ctb, does it still help?
Caustic Cardinals

Caustic Cardinals

Sep 1, 2018
Yes it's fantastic for perfecting methods etc, I mean more once you have got your plan and are just living day to day until you ctb, does it still help?
some get a lot of releaf just knowing they have that control
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not yet
Sep 3, 2018
Everybody has to die someday. My own time of death... I'm not a hurry and I don't think this forum has any influence on that. I've read up on methods, and to be honest I still haven't found my ideal method yet. I'm not certain that even exists. To be honest I have no real need for this place any more information wise.

This place... I think it does make me numb to thinking about suicide. Like I'm overloading my brain with it to the point where I get sort of sick of it and actually end up having less suicidal ideation spontaneously.

Also this forum serves a social function for me, but I can't get irrationally mentally involved because people here are going to disappear and whatever social issues I have don't really matter that much... Like normally I would get annoyed with the inevitable clique forming that happens on forums, it's less of a problem for me here.
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Reactions: Maravillosa, betteroffdead, Nofaith and 3 others
Caustic Cardinals

Caustic Cardinals

Sep 1, 2018
Everybody has to die someday. My own time of death... I'm not a hurry and I don't think this forum has any influence on that. I've read up on methods, and to be honest I still haven't found my ideal method yet. I'm not certain that even exists. To be honest I have no real need for this place any more information wise.

This place... I think it does make me numb to thinking about suicide. Like I'm overloading my brain with it to the point where I get sort of sick of it and actually end up having less suicidal ideation spontaneously.

Also this forum serves a social function for me, but I can't get irrationally mentally involved because people here are going to disappear and whatever social issues I have don't really matter that much... Like normally I would get annoyed with the inevitable clique forming that happens on forums, it's less of a problem for me here.

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Sep 13, 2018
I personally love that I have people to discuss suicide with and what methods. Anyone else would just say you are Ill, take some medicine etc but in here you listen. I don't feel so alone either, I feel more normal and accepted, thank you. I just don't want to get attached to anyone as I know our days are numbered.
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Reactions: Ktmnny, Jaded, Deleted_9cKnXB34QG and 6 others
Caustic Cardinals

Caustic Cardinals

Sep 1, 2018
I personally love that I have people to discuss suicide with and what methods. Anyone else would just say you are Ill, take some medicine etc but in here you listen. I don't feel so alone either, I feel more normal and accepted, thank you. I just don't want to get attached to anyone as I know our days are numbered.

many people change their minds after being here for a bit
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Reactions: MissLisa


I'll See You Guys On The Other Side Of The Rainbow
Aug 26, 2018
I personally feel indifferent with this forum, if that makes any sense - like it doesn't make me speed up or slow down ctb'ing. My life isn't surrounded around this forum, so in the end, what's happening in my reality life at the moment determines when or what the outcome is and whether or not I CTB now, later, or never. I do enjoy all the things this forum gives and especially the people around here. I initially joined this forum just to ask about methods and other questions about suicide. Without this forum, I'd still be distracting myself some other way and researching around the dark webs and probably would have winged CTB'ing when the time came, but since I've got this forum, I'm taking advantage of it and it feels good being around people who understand and accept suicide. Also, I've mostly been spending my time on this forum playing word games, and it's pretty fun...
Last edited:
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Caustic Cardinals

Caustic Cardinals

Sep 1, 2018
I personally feel indifferent with this forum, if that makes any sense - like it doesn't make me speed up or slow down ctb'ing. My life isn't surrounded around this forum, so in the end, what's happening in my reality life at the moment determines when or what the outcome is and whether or not I CTB now, later, or never. I do enjoy all the things this forum gives and especially the people around here. I initially joined this forum just to ask about methods and other questions about suicide. Without this forum, I'd still be distracting myself some other way and researching around the dark webs, but since I've got this forum, I'm taking advantage of it and it feels good being around people who understand and accept suicide. Also, I've mostly been spending my time on this forum playing word games, and it's pretty fun...

˙uɹnq ǝɥʇ lǝǝɟ puɐ ˙˙˙sllɐqǝʎǝ ɹnoʎ uᴉ ɯǝɥʇ ǝzǝǝnbs 'suoɯǝl noʎ sǝʌᴉƃ ǝɟᴉl uǝɥM
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Reactions: Desperate_Soul and MissLisa


Mar 18, 2018
Do you find it harder or easier to live being on this forum? I find it easier to live.

Does it help you live as easily as possible until you die? Yes.

Or does it make you question when to do it or make you feel the need to go sooner than you had planned? No to both.

Does it make you feel better or worse? It makes me feel better. I'd probably be gone without it. It's a great place to vent and talk to others who feel the same way. I don't feel as alone.
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Reactions: Deleted_9cKnXB34QG, Ashpac, Clover and 1 other person


Sep 13, 2018
I personally feel indifferent with this forum, if that makes any sense - like it doesn't make me speed up or slow down ctb'ing. My life isn't surrounded around this forum, so in the end, what's happening in my reality life at the moment determines when or what the outcome is and whether or not I CTB now, later, or never. I do enjoy all the things this forum gives and especially the people around here. I initially joined this forum just to ask about methods and other questions about suicide. Without this forum, I'd still be distracting myself some other way and researching around the dark webs, but since I've got this forum, I'm taking advantage of it and it feels good being around people who understand and accept suicide. Also, I've mostly been spending my time on this forum playing word games, and it's pretty fun...
Same as me, before this forum I was watching videos of suicide and researching places. Since this forum I haven't had to.


Jul 22, 2018
I find this forum helpful because now I feel I am not alone
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Reactions: betteroffdead, Nofaith, MissLisa and 1 other person

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