
Apr 29, 2019
I can't focus at all on work and the anxiety is just so bad. Has anyone ever been that can offer any insight? Does it help at all? And what kind of meds do they normally give?
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Jun 27, 2019
Sorry you're in such a bad place. What country are you in?

I'm in the UK, and I can honestly say that my experiences of psych wards have all been horrific. I have never gone voluntarily though so that might be different, I don't know.

4 years ago I was fortunate enough to have a good ward psychiatrist, she put her all into helping me but she left and her replacement was useless.

I have 10 years experience of psych wards and psychiatrists and she is my only positive example for the whole time.

I'm sorry, that's probably not what you wanted to hear but that's just my experience. Wherever you are in the world might be different, and even if you are in the UK you might be one of the lucky ones.

If you think it's what you need then you should go. I hope you find what you are looking for.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
If you think that would be beneficial to you you should do it. My guess would be that people who end up here generally do not have good experiences with psychiatry but that doesn't mean the same will happen to you.

Psychiatric wings are probably quite different depending on the country or even state or city. It'd be difficult to tell you what to expect. I spent 4 months in total on a psych ward for depression. It was on a voluntary basis. Wasn't traumatic but it didn't really help either. My conclusion is that they realized I was too smart to just accept their BS and they clearly didn't understand me. Their 'solution': lets ship him to another hospital... Of course I did not go that route as it'd be rather stupid to keep repeating the same 'treatments' in a different institution.

Did you see your GP or any other doctor about this? Perhaps they could give you a sick note to get out of work at least for a while.

What do you hope to gain from checking yourself into a psych ward? Chances are they'll give you the same drugs you can get from any GP or psychiatrist. Plus it'll probably be expensive.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Outpatient is way preferable. Go for that if at all possible. It's pretty nice, they will give you meds and lunch, and you play games etc. Then you can just go home at the end of the day. It worked great for me and I even met my gf there. I was there for about a month. Just long enough to stabilize me and keep me occupied, but without feeling like I was trapped. I think it's about finding that sweet spot between getting intensive help, but also being able to retain your freedom.
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Jun 28, 2019
I was inpatient in the US and it was terrible. It was basically prison, but with less going outside (not every day) and you're forced to take meds. I'm not sure how it is if you go in voluntarily - hopefully that means you can leave at any time - although it might still be up to the psychiatrist. They can decide you shouldn't be discharged if you're a danger to yourself or others, so maybe be careful not to appear like you are.

As for your question on what meds they normally give - it will depend a lot on the country you're in, the healthcare system, and the psychiatrists themselves. What I can say from my experience is that they prescribed meds very freely, and oftentimes for no reason. The staff and doctors want to minimize the chance of outbursts and non-compliance, so I guess it made sense for them. I never complained from insomnia, yet I was given heavy sleeping pills every night. They took our pulse every day and I had to take benzos because my pulse was too high a couple of times (I didn't have any anxiety, my pulse was just high from dehydration). Also, no one took into account that as a short/skinny female, the standard dosages were way too high for me, so I had more severe side effects. Refusing to take meds was seen as a red flag and caused a lot of problems. But then again, I know the US is more famous for pill-pushing, it might be different elsewhere.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
I can't focus at all on work and the anxiety is just so bad. Has anyone ever been that can offer any insight? Does it help at all? And what kind of meds do they normally give?

It all depends on the hospital. I had a good experience one time and a complete nightmare in another situation. What does your therapist think of your idea? S/He knows better than we do whether your local hospital offers care that could do you good.
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Apr 29, 2019
I just ultimately want relief from this horrible anxiety. But I'm not sure that exists.


Oct 5, 2018
Try magnesium and b vitamins niacin before psyc meds for anxiety please, they are very effective. Otherwise you may end up like me, completely destroyed by meds by 32. Do your self a favour and look at vitamins, hormones before psyc meds. You might need them but try magnesium first.

I wish someone told me that advice at 21, sadly I'm now severely fucked
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Mar 7, 2019
It depends on your genetics and what drugs they give you if it is going to work at all. It can also depend on your psychology if therapy can help you. Personally I think going to a psychward is over kill unless you have a really good reason to go. Also you probably can't get a fire arms card if you go to a psychward.
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Jun 24, 2019
I personally wouldn't recommend going, even on a voluntary basis. I also have severe anxiety, and going to a psych ward only made it worse (plus a huge hospital bill).
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chronic pain
Jun 14, 2019
Where I live in Canada the inpatient is basically a lockdown only for those at risk of seriously harming themselves or others. Next to no help is given, once you are off suicide watch by saying the right stuff you are freed. There are simply not enough beds for those people who need actual psychiatric care. Those folks are referred to outpatient sources like counsellors, etc. Occasionally people are sent away with an antidepressant or whatever if they don't have a doctor.
That being said, if you truly want help, and I commend you for thinking about it, I wish we all could be helped, you may want to find out what inpatient care entails where you live. The situation where I live may be due to a shortage of beds and a publicly funded health care system.
Try to find out if there is a crisis care unit available in your city that can provide emergency counselling or outpatient services. That may be another option that won't result in a potential lockdown. If you have a psychiatrist perhaps get in touch with them or their office... wishing you the best of luck. Hope you're feeling better soon.
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Dec 17, 2018
I can't focus at all on work and the anxiety is just so bad. Has anyone ever been that can offer any insight? Does it help at all? And what kind of meds do they normally give?

Hi. I'm currently voluntarily staying in the ward for two weeks as a sort of last-ditch effort by me and my psychiatrist. Honestly, it's hard but I today I felt some sort of hope that I had not felt in over a year. My stay in the ward isn't over until next week, but I think it's might be worth it.
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chronic pain
Jun 14, 2019
Hi. I'm currently voluntarily staying in the ward for two weeks as a sort of last-ditch effort by me and my psychiatrist. Honestly, it's hard but I today I felt some sort of hope that I had not felt in over a year. My stay in the ward isn't over until next week, but I think it's might be worth it.
This is excellent to hear! Glad youre feeling better, if even just for now. I would definitely give something like that a try if it were an option.
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Dec 17, 2018
This is excellent to hear! Glad youre feeling better, if even just for now. I would definitely give something like that a try if it were an option.
Why wouldn't it be an option for you?


chronic pain
Jun 14, 2019
Why wouldn't it be an option for you?
See my post above in this thread. Unfortunately psych wards here are basically for suicide watch. They provide next to no other care.
  • Aww..
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Jun 7, 2019
Hate to be "that guy," but what insurance and options do you have? Are you talking about admitting yourself to an ER for watch or an actual facility?

Will they accept you....

I went a few months back after watching my mom cry and beg me not to ctb. Place after place place turned me down. I had no insurance.

Even my previous therapist discussed this option with me and he said at best it's a bandaid... It's no different then calling yourself a babysitter. And for some of us, we'd need a babysitter for life... They can't "fix" everyone, if that makes sense
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Jul 8, 2019
The psych ward is the last place anyone with anxiety wants to be. It's a fucking madhouse.
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May 23, 2019
I was committed three months ago. It did not help me at all. It was boring as hell. I had to fake participate in groups in order to get out earlier. The only thing I could do was pace back and forth.
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Jun 20, 2019
I just ultimately want relief from this horrible anxiety. But I'm not sure that exists.
I suffer from debilitating anxiety, it's why I'm on this site. My psych hospital experience was absolutely horrific. And I believe the meds made me even worse. I wish I can offer a solution but I'm dealing with this non stop and it's ruining my life.
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Invisible 73

Invisible 73

Jun 22, 2019
Hi. I'm currently voluntarily staying in the ward for two weeks as a sort of last-ditch effort by me and my psychiatrist. Honestly, it's hard but I today I felt some sort of hope that I had not felt in over a year. My stay in the ward isn't over until next week, but I think it's might be worth it.
How are u able to be online? I'm having to hand im my phone when my transport to the hospital comes to take me away
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Mar 25, 2018
That's like asking if you should eat a steak or a hamburger for dinner on a vegan forum.

The response here was always gonna be obvious. This really isn't the place to ask.
Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
You are allowed your phone in the uk.
I had my charger taken away though at one point and the office charged my phone when needed.
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Jun 24, 2019
I can't focus at all on work and the anxiety is just so bad. Has anyone ever been that can offer any insight? Does it help at all? And what kind of meds do they normally give?
I've been inpatient a few times when things got really bad and I felt like it didn't help at all. Granted I did not stay longer than 72 hours. But that was mostly due to the fact that psych wards arent just for fellow suicidal ideations patients but all sorts of mental instabilities. At one visit I was roomed with a girl that was a chronic masturbator. It was horrendous. I went there for help but I wanted to leave immediately. And even though I signed myself in they wouldn't let me leave until 72 hours were up AND with a doctor's ok that you're no longer suicidal. This is in the US. Private facilities are probably a lot nicer, I have only been to psych wards in hospitals.
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Jul 14, 2019
I think going to a hospital just made me less likely to want to get help in the future because the last place I want to be is in a hospital. I just posted something about this on my "introduce yourself" post, but my experience traumatized me way more than it helped me. I genuinely went into a doctor's appointment begging for help and I just got locked in a room for ten hours without food or water. The only way I got them was from my friends coming by and bringing me stuff to eat and drink. Then, when I finally did go, all of my stuff got taken away and there was nothing to do but walk the halls and they got mad at you for that. All this for a two minute psych appointment to tell me that I'm having a bad reaction to antidepressants because I'm bipolar (surprise, surprise—my mom is bipolar). In the end, the only positive thing I got from that experience was a diagnosis that I could take to get treatment elsewhere.

I do hope that you find something that works for you. It took me a while, but I did find a pretty knowledgeable psychiatrist who is very understanding. Also, I'm not sure if you're on antidepressants, but those made me so anxious that I didn't want to leave my house.

Good luck! ❤️
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Apr 8, 2018
It depends on your genetics and what drugs they give you if it is going to work at all. It can also depend on your psychology if therapy can help you. Personally I think going to a psychward is over kill unless you have a really good reason to go. Also you probably can't get a fire arms card if you go to a psychward.

You can generally get a firearms card, but you can't join the military certain police jobs, etc.


My soul is awakened... and I’m f*cked
May 29, 2019
I can't focus at all on work and the anxiety is just so bad. Has anyone ever been that can offer any insight? Does it help at all? And what kind of meds do they normally give?
Hugs... either way and either place it's an uncomfortable experience. You have to face your thoughts and talk about things along with being under constant supervision. It's a good place if you're ready to get better, but hellish if you don't. Choose wisely and good luck.
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Mar 7, 2019
You can generally get a firearms card, but you can't join the military certain police jobs, etc.
In Illinois you can't buy a gun if you have been to a psych-ward.

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