

Oct 8, 2023
When I was 17, 5 years ago, I went to my 4th therapist after finally convincing my parents again that I was having problems still. I told the therapist during the first session that I was having suicidal thoughts since I wanted help to be better. I didn't want to spend the last year of high school miserable like I had for the past decade or so. Clearly, this therapist hadn't ever handled a suicidal person before since they called the police immediately. Great.

A police officer arrived, and I knew him. It was one of my dad's friends (my father was a police officer). Guy knew who I was too. Wonderful, now I'm bringing shame to my family. He asked why he was called and the therapist looked towards the ground and didn't say anything. Now I had to explain why she called him. He tried questioning the therapist but she wasn't very responsive. The officer wasn't pleased by this. Eventually, paramedics arrived and asked why they were called. I had to explain why they were called. The paramedics glared at the therapist. I was gently escorted to the ambulance, and then to the ER. I was told that I was going to be admitted to a psychiatric ward. I didn't speak once during this entire process because fuck autonomy.

The ward wasn't bad. It was a juvenile ward. The other patients were pretty cool and treated me well which was a bit of a shock since I've never been treated... well, decently by other kids before. We got to go outside a bit each day, and we'd have what was basically a gym glass, art class, yoga class, and a psychology class. They were teaching us how to cope with being suicidal, but the thought hit me: "We're not being taught how to fix our lives, we're being taught how to cope forever."

I spent 30 days there, thankfully it wasn't during the school year or I'd have been screwed. No amount of yoga, art, exercise, or knowledge that we learned there was enough to dissuade my hopelessness. My parents assumed that I would be magically fixed after spending a month there. I wasn't. They weren't pleased. They decided to give me the bill for the ambulance ride and 30-day stay. If I remember correctly it was about $24,000, and that's after insurance covered much of the expenses. America moment. All of those 30-hour work weeks while also being in school at a minimum-wage job... gone. No more going to a nice four-year school to help propel my future! All of those college classes that I took in high school were worthless! I eventually went to a much cheaper school, but by then irreparable damage had been done to my psyche.

It's not even the cost that screwed me up the most, and let's not be mistaken, that really fucked up my future. It was just the fact that the whole time we were learning to just... cope. It made me feel even more hopeless, that I spent a month of my life in a ward and came out even worse. I would spend my last year in high school dejected, desperately trying to work as many hours at my minimum wage job as I could just so I could maybe go to a cheap university. What little trust I had in people who were supposed to help me vanished. My suffering was to be profited from by the American health industry. I finally learned that I was truly alone in my pain.

I've thought recently about trying to go do therapy again, but between the lack of health insurance and poor pay, and the treatment I've received... I just don't think they're there to help you. They've taught me that I can't be helped and that I should just cope. The only reason for me to go to therapy is to just pay someone $120 per week (25% of my income btw) to talk to about how shitty everything is because I have literally nobody in my life to talk to. I have no family and not a single friend. This forum, as sad as it sounds, is all I have now. Like what's the worst thing someone's gonna do, think that I'm a loser while reading a post, and go click something else? That's perfectly fine by me and honestly; it's an improvement over the professional treatments I've gotten. Outside of SS if I'm not outright dismissed entirely I'm expected to think that my life isn't that bad and that I just need to cope, oh also here's the bill. Wow, thanks for your so-called "professional" treatment...

I wish I could just think of a method already.
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Traversing the grid of death
Sep 20, 2023
It's downright disgusting that your parents would drop the bill on you like that just because things didn't go the way they wanted. That, to me, is the most abhorrent aspect. I'm surprised you don't seem as mad at them for doing that to you as you should be lol. It seems like this would have been a much more manageable and fixable situation had it not been for that, the debt is real and it's evil.

I get how it feels though, already hurting and set years behind by incompetent psyches and inconsiderate guardians because you just wanted help. At the end of it all you receive their "help" and it all seems like some insensitive prank or a bad dream. It's true what you say, nothing they do will ever fix these shitty feelings, they'll never cleanse your thoughts, you simply cope living alongside them forever. They will seep into everything you do and drain the energy from you, and the best they can do is pat you on the back and say "tough". People don't care, many don't want to, they'll turn around and betray your trust or throw you under the bus as soon as the going gets rough. Everything you've gone through has been insult to injury, salt in the wound, and I'm truly sorry. I can relate, and I know it doesn't fix anything, but I hope you can find some infinitesimal fraction of solace knowing others out there have been down the same creek.

If you're genuinely open to talking to a therapist again, you might as well shoot the shit. It'll probably go better than it did in High School now that you're more developed and know what you're getting yourself into. I recommend it because, while this forum is amazing, it just doesn't fully emulate real human interaction. It's like a nicotine patch to an actual cigarette, it's just not the same. You write well and articulate yourself very nicely, so I think you'll do well in explaining to someone. With your past mistakes, you understand the consequences of oversharing, and know the boundaries of where to go, so things can be different. I hope you can you recognize their signs of betrayal, and if worst comes to worst, find it in you to stand up for yourself when they try to put you down again. Keep in mind, it will just be them spouting more cope to you, but the talking might do some good to alleviate your stress and loneliness. Worst case scenario it doesn't do that, you can just not go again and save the money. It's ultimately your choice, and your decision is your decision, I'm hoping you find peace and clarity in whatever you choose. There's no right or wrong answer to what you do, so don't stress anything.

There isn't much to say but I get it and I'm sorry, and if you want someone to talk to I'm open. Take it easy out there.
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Grave with a view...
Jan 22, 2023
This type of story is so bloody demoralising. I am so sorry you had to deal with this bullshit.

There's a bit of a civil war taking place in therapy circles right now. A lot of the therapy you can get these days is just some clueless fucks going over a manual, trying to teach you "skills" to cope with your issues. It's fucking bullshit. Real, effective psychotherapy is not that. A decent psychotherapist won't call the cops the moment you express suicidal thoughts. They'll acknowledge your thoughts and work with you to figure out what the underlying cause is. The fucked up thing is most people don't have access to this type of psychotherapy, and are stuck with the idiots who just fall back to worksheets and coping skills, or who just call the police on you to cover their asses.

I don't really have a point to make here. I understand where you're coming from, and even though I believe some form of therapy would be beneficial for you, I can't simply tell you to "go for it". There are so many therapists in the world whose only talents are to fuck their patients even more, and drag psychotherapy's name through the mud... It is truly fucking demoralising.
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Efilist. Possible promortalist.
Jan 14, 2023
Yes, it's so sad that we can't scientifically find the meaning of life. Ideally therapy should be that.

My experience has been that they don't want me to cope actually (that is, accept reality) but to have a naive belief that makes me feel good instantly.

But more ideally, this world should be fixed so there's no need for therapy in the first place.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
This is so horrible when you reach out for help and then you're treated like a criminal and you end up imprisoned in a psych ward. This is so incredibly inhumane and disgusts me. I'm sorry you have to endure all that. I wish you all the best.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I'm sorry that you are stuck with such a hefty medical bill along with all the other horrible consequences that are now a part of your life (not being able to go to a good school, advance in career or opportunities), and worst of all, the trauma caused by the psych ward as well as breach of trust. I don't know how I'd respond if I were in your shoes though I know it won't be a good thing (won't elaborate as to not get into trouble)... I hope you are able to plan your future exit and find peace in whatever your decision is... Additionally, if there is a way to write off the medical bill or get rid of it somehow (like not being able to afford it), I would look into options to do so.
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Jul 23, 2022
It ruined my life too for similar reasons. Hate it.
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finger on the eject button
Oct 4, 2022
Fuck that therapist and all the ones like them. Fuck this stupid, evil system. And sorry, but when I hear stories like yours, I always think about how Tantacrul (or Tantamount to Cruelty, as I like to call him) discouraged his viewers from thinking critically about asking for help. This is why everyone needs to know the risks. THIS IS WHY.

It's not our fucking fault that this is how it works. If anything, it's our obligation to warn people.

It's fucked up that the police didn't even seem to buy it, but I guess they were obligated to follow through anyway? Were any of those coping skills related to getting unceremoniously slapped with thousands of dollars of debt? Do any of these banally evil fucks think they're actually helping anyone?

And we're the crazy ones, apparently. Evil clown world.
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