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May 6, 2020
What is okay to discuss with my therapist? I mean what is the limit I can hit until I get sent to a pysch ward or something. Can I open up about my medication not working and the passive suicidal thoughts coming back? Is it fine to discuss suicide ideation as long as its just something in my head and not a plan to ctb. Is it fine to be open about self harming again. I want to get better and stop lying to my therapist but I want to know the limits.
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Nov 5, 2022
My understanding is that you can't be sent to the psych ward unless you have plans or intent to ctb. I would probably just refrain from saying that you are going to do something. In my experience, you can say you want to ctb without getting sent. You could also ask then to clarify on what constitutes a stay in the psych ward. Also, laws probably differ quite a bit depending on what country you are in.
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Sep 16, 2021
If you trust your therapist, just open up. He is there to help you. If something is not working he is responsible to make the changes to improve your chances of recovery.
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Feb 8, 2023
It really depends on the therapist. Generally they are supposed to talk to you and access if they think you are an immediate threat. Suicidal thoughts alone aren't really enough, but if the therapist thinks you're in danger, they have an ethical duty to warn.
If you say something like, "I don't think my medication is working, I'm having passive thoughts that life isn't worth living", almost 100% the therapist will ask a bunch of questions.
Generally, in my experience, if you say, "I have no immediate plan to hurt myself, I don't think the inpatient environment would help me, I want to seek other options right now" they're open to creating a "safety plan", i.e. maybe they'll say, go back and have your medication adjusted, or come to therapy more often, or talk to your pastor or something.... make some sort of change towards safety.
Self harm.... really depends. I don't want to say yes or no to either of your questions really because it's all up to what your therapist is like and what you are like. Some people cut daily and they aren't hospitalized because their doctors agree the hospital environment just makes them spiral, and their cutting is never very bad... I met several cutters back in high school like this, they would hardly draw a drop of blood and were still doing fine in classes, no reason to take them out of school, destabilize them further.... Other people cut and the second it is discovered they are sent to the ER because it's deemed very dangerous. Lots of people self-harm by doing drugs or drinking or even things like hitting themselves but their therapists don't try to get them to go to hospital.... other people, the therapist would.

I think if you open with, "I don't think going to the hospital would improve my situation, and I don't think I am in any immediate danger, but I want to create a safety plan and address recent passive thoughts of suicide", the therapist will probably not immediately want to send you to the hospital.

Even if you do get sent to like the ER for an evaluation, it's kinda the same deal. If you tell them you would rather work with your current therapist, say you'll go and see your psychiatrist soon to get meds adjusted, don't feel in any immediate danger, have no immediate plan, have someone to call if you feel in danger.... I mean, I wouldn't hospitalize that person, but same thing.... no guarantees.
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electric angel
Feb 9, 2023
Depends on the therapist. My therapist and I know when I'm feeling really down or not. I can say I've thought about suicide but as long as I say I don't have plans, we talk about it.
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May 26, 2022
Most of them if not all will send you straight to the psych ward. They care about their check. If you die and they knew about it they will lose their license. They won't put that just not to hurt you. Cause they only care about themselves. That's the truth it doesn't matter who wants or not to hear it


‘People can be dead before they’ve even died’
Jan 23, 2023
It depends on the therapist, how well they know you and if you have a wider team as to if they will take positive risks. I've been under my mh team for 5 years, they've put me in hospital before when I wasn't cooperating and they believed I would imminently take my life.
Now I have suicidal thoughts and a plan but no date and they know being in hospital won't help me and they're doing everything they can to keep me out of hospital and being very supportive
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dr pepper drinker
Feb 11, 2023
i have told my past therapists about my own suicidal thoughts and never been institutionalized, just prescribed antidepressants and passed onto more therapy/had my parents told to monitor me and anything i could potentially use to kill myself. it depends on the therapist really, but please try to put some faith in them!! being institutionalized is a terrifying thought, but if you dont insinuate that youre actually planning anything, i dont believe they will push you into a ward.

i understand your fear, but please trust your therapist! if they suck, move to the next, these people are here to help and they cant do that effectively when we lie to them, best of luck to you!!!
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May 7, 2023
I am not sure that it depends on the therapist, but rather on the legal obligations they must comply with, or your right to confidentiality as their patient.

I have had a relatively positive experience working with psychotherapists over the last few years, as they helped me understand myself and how I feel better, but I am always concerned about how transparent I can be. Generally, I have had the feeling that - as long as I am not explicit - and they have confidence that I will not take action from now to our next appointment - they won't intervene. However, I would like to know what my rights are, first.

Ideally, I would love to see a pinned thread somewhere on SS with reliable information, country by country, and references I could double-check.
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New Member
Sep 9, 2023
What is okay to discuss with my therapist? I mean what is the limit I can hit until I get sent to a pysch ward or something. Can I open up about my medication not working and the passive suicidal thoughts coming back? Is it fine to discuss suicide ideation as long as its just something in my head and not a plan to ctb. Is it fine to be open about self harming again. I want to get better and stop lying to my therapist but I want to know the limits.
its different for everyone but with my past therapist before i opened up to her about anything i asked "what are the limits of the things that would cause you to tell someone about it" and her awnser was if she felt that me or someone else was going to get hurt. so self harm, even talking about in the past having thoughts about self harm or violent thoughs she told my parenets
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May 6, 2020
its different for everyone but with my past therapist before i opened up to her about anything i asked "what are the limits of the things that would cause you to tell someone about it" and her awnser was if she felt that me or someone else was going to get hurt. so self harm, even talking about in the past having thoughts about self harm or violent thoughs she told my parenets
It really sucks we don't have a place to openly speak about our real problems, I ended up quitting therapy bc I felt like I had to constantly lie about my real thoughts and feelings since I was afraid of them telling someone or sending me somewhere.

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