

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
In some of my previous threads, "When society and people kick people who are already down..." and "People don't (really) care about the suicidal, just the "act" of caring." I gave examples of how society treats the suicidal and how cruel the world is. These two reddit threads (shown below) illustrate that pretty well.

The first one, by u/ExhuberantStorm shows how most people in society treats people like shit and takes others for granted. This is even worse when it comes to suicidal people as most of society feels like they get to shit on them without consequence while simultaneously earning the praises of society and their peers. (See post below)

People will treat you like shit regardless. You can give your best to people and they will still treat you how they want to. I am done trying to be good to people who aren't good to me. The funny part is after it's all said and done, you will still feel like the bad guy even though you weren't in that situation. I just don't care enough to live in a world that doesn't care about me.

The next one, by u/psychiatriclese explains the pro-life climate of society and how "instead" of validating and truly caring about the person in great detail. The poster also mentions what society should do in order to improve and what it needs to do to fix/improve the state of things. (See post below)

You don't know. You don't feel it. Everyone's "holier than thou" "how would your family/friends/whoever feel without you?" bullshit. I'm tired of it. "You" claim to know how it feels. "You" claim to understand. But then you contradict and talk down. "Your" platitudes. "Your" empty "I hopes" and "It's never that bads". It's all empty bullshit. You don't know me. Why the hell would you really care. There's nothing to suggest that you have any idea or real care or feelings for me. So when I say I want to die, don't patronize me with your empty platitudes. And who are you to say I'm wrong? Who are you to judge my life worth living? Walk 3 steps in my shoes. It doesn't take a mile. Just 3 steps to see what my life is. I try to explain. I get the same psychobabble from med providers, therapists (of which I'm one), and other professionals thinking their canned phrases and learned scripts can actually help.

My problem? I'm suicidal. Have been for 20+ years. I've been "successful" as you would claim, living without killing myself. Fuck success. It's nothing more than force and masochism that kept me going to this point. But when you have done it "the right way" all your life and have been continuously put down, turned down, and rejected, then you with your judgement and invalidations just pile on the guilt for feeling something that's not within my ability to change. You think I (we) would choose this? You think I (we) have a choice in how we feel? But we get judged anyway. And even though it's not a criminal activity, we are still treated like, if not worse than, criminals. We get locked up. We get FORCED to take medicine. We get judged by other people's morals about how we "should" live. And these get validated by the law, a judge, telling us we are wrong and that we no longer have rights to our own bodies. How dare you. How dare you judge. How dare you cram your beliefs, your values, your religion, your "feelings" down at us.

You want to know what I want? I want someone to say "yeah it does suck and yeah you have a great reason to want to die. It's not ok, it's not fun, and life is really only meant for some. So don't feel bad for how you feel. It's totally ok. You are alone. This seemingly "supportive" group is really only in it to feel better about themselves for saying some random canned bullshit about how life is precious and you are only looking at today and you can make it." Like I (we) haven't heard it before? I've been on meds for over 10 years. I've tried them all and maxed out on most. I've had no insurance for most of that time, so I've been paying full price to try to stay normal. Don't tell me I haven't tried. Don't tell me how it'll get better. Don't give me quotes from some kind of Fortune Cookie shit you have heard somewhere that made you feel better.

The true heros out there, the ones no one will ever know, are the people who fight themselves daily in an attempt to live but they don't ever get noticed. No, instead when they express their exhaustion, they get judgement. Do you really think the decision to die comes spontaneously? Or do you believe it's a long, drawn out process of fighting to get to the end of the day every day for years with no recognition of the extreme effort put in to please everyone else who judges every fault along the way? Either way, your opinion doesn't matter. And one stranger saying something trite will never save the life of someone who is seriously depressed and hopeless. That's all just to make you feel better about yourself.

So stop the judgement. Stop the feel good platitudes. Stop the canned phrases and belittling comments about it being worth living. You don't know. Every one of us is different in our hurt and loneliness. Every one of us has a damn good reason to feel this way and that shouldn't be minimized. Your "good intentions" is just another judgment which really tells someone depressed they are wrong for feeling.

And don't tell me you're sorry. You don't truly care about me or anyone else on here. You don't. You just feel better about yourself for saying those things and I just feel more judgement. Thanks for reading. I appreciate anyone who may think a little more before trying to "help" someone by saying some insincere line you heard in a movie or read in a book. Really think about it before you share and find a real way to support.

Anyways these two posts reinforce my previous threads (linked in the beginning of this thread) about how little society cares about people and how it treats it's citizens like shit and takes them for granted. So until people change, things will continue to get worse rather than improve. Even in the comments of those two reddit threads linked there are still lots of pro-lifers and other people in denial. Does anyone relate to this?
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The deep state intrusion/cruelty is murderous
Nov 15, 2019
The world is evil to us and causes suicidal ideations. It isnt going to feel bad after we become suicidal. The cultures here are failing many of us as are many elders and fraternities. Many refuse to help us or do what is actually needed. They will help lure us into a crime to send us to get stabbed, raped and killed in jail but they wont love us.

The culture here believes it is wise but it is poison. We are blessed in many ways yet starving in others. This is ancient plight.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
The world is evil to us and causes suicidal ideations. It isnt going to feel bad after we become suicidal. The cultures here are failing many of us as are many elders and fraternities. Many refuse to help us or do what is actually needed. They will help lure us into a crime to send us to get stabbed, raped and killed in jail but they wont love us.

The culture here believes it is wise but it is poison. We are blessed in many ways yet starving in others. This is ancient plight.
Indeed, and I strongly believe that it is the modern society and it's people that created circumstances in which result in suicidal people. If society wakes up and decides to acknowledge the problem (which they wouldn't do because it's easier to just go with the hive mind and bully and shame suicidal people like us into submission/accepting the pro life view), then we would see massive improvements but sadly, that is something that is really unrealistic as governments and society like to rule over everything and we just happen to be a convenient scapegoat, target, guinea pig, etc. :aw:
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The deep state intrusion/cruelty is murderous
Nov 15, 2019
Indeed, and I strongly believe that it is the modern society and it's people that created circumstances in which result in suicidal people. If society wakes up and decides to acknowledge the problem (which they wouldn't do because it's easier to just go with the hive mind and bully and shame suicidal people like us into submission/accepting the pro life view), then we would see massive improvements but sadly, that is something that is really unrealistic as governments and society like to rule over everything and we just happen to be a convenient scapegoat, target, guinea pig, etc. :aw:
Being plundered by other peoples and communities is a huge part of this problem.


F*ck this sh!t I'm out
Dec 30, 2019
[Regarding the first one] People think it's okay to blame the victim for being "too nice" and they continue to ignore the assholeness of others.
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