
Jul 11, 2020
I am 54 and for the past 5 years have been being eated alive by external as well as most likely internal parasites. My life is getting to the point of no return. Been to a slew of specialists, non could do anything for me but throw poison at me and nothing much else. I live in a homeless shelter which is were i picked these horrible parasites up from. I cannot get my haircut, I have lost my eyebrows, my nose is being disfigured by the insects in it that have chosen to begin to eat at it, that my ears, nose , eyes throat anal and vaginal areas. As well as under fingernails between toes = I beleive it could be a form of myasis wound, cutaneous and general, on a small scale. This all began with my ceiling collapsing and the toilet above my bed flooded sewage, whatever bugs that lay under those ceiling tiles and filthly muck onto me in my sleep on my head bed and everything else in this room. The casements on the windows are breeding grounds for the biting ghat type flys that bite. I think I might have a serious combo of GOD knows what breeding in my hair clothes shoes everything. This place is musty with sticky dusty shit that falls from the ceilings all the time, dont know the dust is literally alive, but now larger things are falling from my ceiling, that crawl off. across the hall the women been here over 10years has so many bed bugs that i almost fainted! She has been gone few months. Now that is a problem!!!! Once they start to clear out that room - I am screwed as I am highly allergic to bed bugs. I am scarred, head to toe - my face is ruined, my nose being eaten away. My bottom area I can hardly sit down!! My God!! I wash every day laundry every day all that i can possibly do. BUT I HAVE TO MOVE AND LEAVE IT ALL BEHIND if i am to make any headway. We share showers here YUK!! I caught an awful foot fungus for over a year now and cannot get rid of it. I cannot get anywere on foot because i have serious issues with bunions on both feet. walking is tough I have vertigo/seizure type. I need some serious help - a case worker - I get promised all these things and then I cannot locate anyone or there will be some excuse. It is because they "professionals, drs, etc" do not want me in near them for fear of catching parasites. I do not blame them I wouldnt wish this on anyone - but - seriously were does that leave me? I am alone with no network of support -wont have me because i might infest them etc. WHAT CAN I DO IF I AM NOT ALLOWED TO GO TO PLACES TO HELP ME? That is why i am seriously thinking - life is not worth it. I AM IN PAIN FROM BITES UPON BITES AND SCARES THAT IF KNOCKED OFF BLEED FOR 10 PLUS MINUTES? HORRIBLE. I FEEL LIKE A LEPER - since i am mentally disabled - i am automatically put in phyc ward because they have no answers if i were to go to a hospital (this has happened before, many times) God I need help I want to live but not with this pain, i cannot keeep a though in my head because of the crawling biting feeling i must look like a meth freak, I am fatigued, do not eat much anymore, ashamed, What family i do have wont have me over same issue - infestation and mental problems. No way i am going to be able to find a companion to apartment share even if i could afford it. I feel like i want to die before i loose my mind completely and am robbed of my independence and my money ssd money along with it in some insane asylum, or awful boarding house (been threw that never again!!!) Any ideas? Any options? in NJ - Help. and That is my story., NO MY DIAGNOSIS IS NOT IBBS!!!!!!!! DANM IT