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Dec 17, 2021
I've spent so much time thinking and trying to work out how I ended up here. I'm trying to unravel it in my head and connect the dots but there are so many messy intricacies. It nearly always leaves me unsatisfied, except the few times it doesn't. When it seems to 'click' in my head, there's momentary relief, then a sense of urgency over the fact I need to write it down before I lose it, and I need to go and tell everyone that I've figured out the secrets of the world (I haven't). Then there's anger because I realise I'm carrying all of this is my head and everyone is blissfully unaware. They only know about their own place, role, impact in my life. Some lack even the self-awareness to consider all of that. They don't know where they fit in in the grand scheme of things. Maybe if they did they'd think twice. People dismiss little things they do that hurt you, they dismiss big things they do that hurt you. They think the details don't matter, but they absolutely do.

I just want to say that the people that were supposed to help, offer hope, didn't. But it was even more purposeful than that. They took my hand and led me into the thick fog of despair, then walked away. Then told me I had to find my own way out.

It wasn't enough to just abandon me, then they had to tell me it was my fault. I made them do it. I made them hurt me. People talk about resilience and endurance. It's only ever to absolve themselves of responsibility. Stop creating ordeals for me to have to endure.

People tell me not to take it personally. How can I not? To not want to help someone's distress, to add to it instead, is deeply fucking personal. And they don't do it to everyone. My existence was just particularly offensive to them.

They sacrificed me to protect one of their own. They said he hadn't done anything wrong yet they were so vicious in tearing me down for someone they proclaimed was entirely blameless.

And even the 'good ones' never ventured further than neutrality. All the focus was on me unseeing what I see. They continue blindly.

I promise I'm not bad. I'm not bad like they made me out to be. I like to laugh, love, cry, give, help, learn, improve, do, think. I'm not just bad.

All they ever did was talk about how my family had hurt me. It's true they did. But I came to expect that from them. I didn't expect it from the people who say they'll help. That pain will never be undone.

One Psychiatrist told me it was understandable that I was physically abused because my Autism made me 'difficult'. He asked me if my friends 'put up with me'. He told me that 'everyone wants to get rid of' me, and laughed. He told me to cut.

And when I complained, what happened?
They all rallied around him and came up with so many different excuses. They said I'd misunderstood, then they just ignored it. They even suggested he's Autistic therefore he was just being clumsy. Then they turned nasty and said it's all my fault and that is caused it. They told me they didn't 'owe' me anything. They told me to stop 'preaching' to them. They downplayed all the pain and suffering they'd caused me.

That place broke me. I wish I'd never set foot in it. The South London and Maudsley NHS Trust made me lose all hope. They, and in particular Dr Jonathan Bindman, made me feel like I have no stake in the world. He systematically ground me down and he knew extacly what he was doing. He had a way of undermining you and making you feel weak and inferior, like nobody cares about you. He wrote in my notes that I 'talk (more likely scream!) about suicide'. He thought it was amusing.

They told me I have capacity to kill myself. They told me they had to make sure their resources were used on their local population, and that wasn't me, despite the fact I lived there. The Chief Nurse, Vanessa Smith, told accused me of wasting their resources and taking time away from other people. It's strange because they never gave me the time of day.

I never felt I belonged anywhere. I never felt safe anywhere. When I left for uni I thought it would be my fresh start, my chance to create my own life that I wanted. And yet again I faced being told I don't belong. She had no idea how her words would hurt, or maybe she did and just didn't care. The thing is, they think I'm so angry and nasty and monstrous that nothing would hurt me. They think I'm so manipulative that words bounce right off of me.

They utterly broke me. And not one person since has even had the decency to say it was wrong. I don't even know how to describe the pain, but it's there, every day.

I wrote about group therapy previously, but another reason I never liked it was because it just amplified the difference between me and everyone else. They say it's not personal. It is. I see the way they treat others, the way they wrapped them in support and compassion. I was left out in the cold and I still am.

The worst thing they did was render my words meaningless. Nothing I say matters now. The judgement has been made and I've been condemned. My whole self-image is shattered. I'm just want they want me to be now.

Nobody can tell me that this wasn't all planned. They planned on forcing me out of the world, so that they could say it was by my own hand and, well, I was always an attention-seeker anyway.

I have nothing but hatred for that place because I know they were capable of caring, it just didn't extend to me.

I hope it was worth it. I'm sorry you misunderstood me so badly. I'm sorry I was never worthy of help. I'm sorry you chose to crush me rather than hold me.

But I'm not sorry for being free of you and all the pain you've caused me. Pain which will never be acknowledged.

You want to know the saddest part? Just like they have all along, they'll frame my passing as an angry act of 'revenge'. Even in death, they like to centre themselves and their feelings.

So let it be clearly noted here that the South London and Maudsley Trust, and the abusive staff they harbour, don't matter enough to even feature in my calculations. Don't flatter yourselves. You simply amplified what was already eating away at me. You did me a favour by snuffing out the faintest hope and showing me what the real world is like.

What an insult it was, all those times you told me to 'reach out' after you entirely crushed me and my sense of self. But it was completely intentional, right? You've ticked the box, put the ball in my court.

Every time I did reach out, you either ignored me or didn't hear me. I really would like to know what it is that made you believe other people? How come you responded to their SOS? Was I not worth it? I promise I did want to offer something to the world. I had hoped and ambitions, hobbies and interests, people that loved me. I think people loved me, even though you made me doubt it so many times.

There's only so many times you can let someone walk away as you say 'see you next week,' 'see you in two weeks' until you won't.

It's so hard to not write all of this without sounding self-pitying. But that's what they do to you. They destroy and then make you feel stupid about it.

I hope the burden clearly caused of my existence is eased. Every time I stepped in to their buildings I thought everyone was whispering about me, I thought they were talking about how much they hated me. From the top down to the reception staff, they all got the memo about me.

How could you? They confirmed all my worst fears. And I can't live in this nightmare anymore.

Not only do I not have any practical way of living anymore, I don't have the will. I never did, but I thought if I keep doing things one step at a time, there'll be something waiting for me when I finally want this life. Now I have nothing. I have nothing.

For some reason I'm not someone people like. It's not victimisation, it's just self-awareness. I'm not a person people empathise with, or want to help, and that's ok. It's ok.

There's so much in my head. In the past I think what stopped me from going through with it was the need to have it all down. But I've let go of that. It's been helped by the brutal realisation that whatever I say will be twisted. What do you matter once you're dead? The focus is on the living. And that's fine by me. If I could, I wouldn't want any trace of me left behind.

I used to be afraid of dying, but who cares? You're dead. I think the shift occurred because at first it felt like it was my surroundings that were suffocating. It wasn't easy but I could find new surroundings. What can I do when my head feels like a prison? I just want to scream.

I never forget anything. Ever. It's a curse. I remember every detail about everything that I experience/encounter/learn. But it becomes too heavy to carry. People think I'm petty, but I physically can't forget the pain you caused me. I relive it every second of the day and I don't want this any more. I won't have it anymore.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I'm so sorry for what you went through. You write beautifully- not that that's any consellation I know. Did they ever allow you to write and talk about that? Seems like that would be a good exercise. I bet some people would write down things they didn't want to say. Plus- your writing shows so much self reflection.

Just out of curiousity- I Googled that doctor. He has a few bad reviews on www.iwantgreatcare.org - have you seen them? Not that it erases what happened but looks like others had problems with him too. Why would you even go into that sort of job without compassion?!! It just scares me what damage these people can do.
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Dec 17, 2021
I'm so sorry for what you went through. You write beautifully- not that that's any consellation I know. Did they ever allow you to write and talk about that? Seems like that would be a good exercise. I bet some people would write down things they didn't want to say. Plus- your writing shows so much self reflection.

Just out of curiousity- I Googled that doctor. He has a few bad reviews on www.iwantgreatcare.org - have you seen them? Not that it erases what happened but looks like others had problems with him too. Why would you even go into that sort of job without compassion?!! It just scares me what damage these people can do.
I raised the those reviews w the Trust to show it wasn't me just being 'sensitive'. Didn't change anything. Who knows why he does it. What nobody ever believed was when I said he genuinely seems to get a kick out of causing distress.

And thank you for commenting on my writing. It's very kind of you. I'm useless at verbalising things though. Comes out as word vomit :)
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I raised the those reviews w the Trust to show it wasn't me just being 'sensitive'. Didn't change anything. Who knows why he does it. What nobody ever believed was when I said he genuinely seems to get a kick out of causing distress.

And thank you for commenting on my writing. It's very kind of you. I'm useless at verbalising things though. Comes out as word vomit :)
No- you write very well I think. Very emotionally evocative. (I didn't mean that to sound dodgy.)

You know- that wouldn't surprise me a bit. Maybe he's on some power trip. Makes sense really- expect people who want that feeling gravitate to jobs where they are authorative and work with vulnerable people. 😬
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Per Ardua Ad Astra

Per Ardua Ad Astra

Malpractice: NeuroDystrophy-Paralysis-Meds-Injured
Sep 27, 2022
I'm so sorry for your suffering 💔

Thank you for sharing your awfully painful experience — appalling and tragic and essentially criminal IMho.

You're not alone 😥

Shocking and sickening— and so familiar— very similar has been happening to me for 6+ years at the hands of my local
"TRUST" — and it still continues unabated.

I believe and know every word of your experience is true.

Very much like you— I remember every fact/ detail— which they twisted into labeling a "Somatic disorder".

I desperately wish to name/ shame — but it's a long list in a small sadistic town.

Their cruel "treatments" have left me irreversibly physically disabled and deformed.

And still trapped on their toxic psyche Meds meant to help me "cope" with the C-PTSD — how ironic and horrific.

Progressively deteriorating and so utterly debilitated and decrepit that my spouse is "encouraging" me it's now best to go to care home.

2x secret but failed attempts past year— feels like caused further physical damage.

So now CTB is out of reach — prohibited— gatekeeper-spouse controls funds / refuses any assistance — due to fear of arrest.

A slow painful death sentence— a prisoner in this godforsaken body and hell hole town — zero allies— treated like a pariah.

All I did was trust and comply with the Doctors. And for that I am blamed.

They even managed to now completely gaslight my spouse — who witnessed much of the atrocities— but now refuses to blame them — the perpetrators — so I am a liability to spouse as much as to NHS.

Last year I made formal complaint to Surgery— useless — ignored, mocked.
As I have been for 6+ years but was oblivious initially— disbelief it was / could happen.
Or get so much worse that I pray for a peaceful death in my sleep every night/day.

Spouse also now refuses legal action— "too much trouble" — despite CRPS — one of my many physical diagnoses— and most legal cases are successful.

I wish I could disappear.
I want to escape so desperately from this gruesome trap.

I also wish I could make miraculous recovery and get justice.

Both impossible dreams.

I can't take anymore.
but I have nothing — not even a way out.

I hope you can find peace.
I wish I could too. 🕊️🙏

Sorry for rambling incoherently on my toxic med — on your thread— not looking for pity either— just wanted you to know you're not alone in the darkest parts of this sadistic "care" system.
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bpd . chronic pain . ptsd . pls be kind <3
Jan 4, 2023
I promise I'm not bad. I'm not bad like they made me out to be. I like to laugh, love, cry, give, help, learn, improve, do, think. I'm not just bad.

All they ever did was talk about how my family had hurt me. It's true they did. But I came to expect that from them. I didn't expect it from the people who say they'll help. That pain will never be undone.
this hit home really hard. i understand and i hear you. i'm so sorry you're going through this hurt and pain. i'm always here for you
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Reactions: ceserasera and Per Ardua Ad Astra


god makes no mistakes but he MaidenException
Sep 26, 2022
My heart broke reading your post. I relate to the feeling of having tried everything but not getting the support I need to get better. I'm disabled and unable to work so most people get angry at me for that, which just makes my mental health worse. A suicide hotline operator once scoffed at me "What do you do all day?" as if having an under-researched, under-treated condition was somehow my fault.

Not only do I not have any practical way of living anymore, I don't have the will. I never did, but I thought if I keep doing things one step at a time, there'll be something waiting for me when I finally want this life. Now I have nothing. I have nothing.

For some reason I'm not someone people like. It's not victimisation, it's just self-awareness. I'm not a person people empathise with, or want to help, and that's ok. It's ok.

I especially related to this part. I wasted so much time hoping things would get better, only to get more trauma and abuse because there was nobody else to go to. I can't say that I'm happy to be alive and I wish my first attempts succeeded. Everything I've been through since has been misery. I don't feel like I'm allowed to live
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May 26, 2022
I wonder where would I be if my own mother would have stopped them from hurting me. If she wouldn't have left, if she would have defend me, I don't know. No one helped. I guess they were supposed to care. But I had to grieve the fact that they didn't
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Reactions: ceserasera, donealready and Per Ardua Ad Astra

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