

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
The option of a guaranteed, peaceful exit from this existence needs to be available at all times, I just find it so hellish and beyond cruel how we cannot just choose to eternally cease existing in peace.
Humans are such a disgusting species with how they make what should be a basic human right inaccessible, wanting to deny people a peaceful exit is undeniably extreme cruelty. I just find it so horrifying how we were forced into this existence without consent yet the option to just fall asleep eternally without any risks or complications isn't there, nobody should ever have to struggle to die and it's evil how they do.

And I hate when humans act like suicide needs to be justified when it really doesn't, if one wants to die in peace they should simply be able to as it's their existence, not wanting to exist is always a valid way to feel no matter what.
I actually find it disturbing how many humans are against the right to die because as well as being futile and meaningless, existence is filled with harm, risks and potential for the most extreme suffering. Just the fact that nobody can suffer from not existing yet there is no limit as to how much one can be tormented as long as they exist is why suicide is very rational to me.

And we are all just waiting to die anyway so I don't see how death could ever be "bad", in fact I see suicide as something positive as it's the prevention of all futile, unnecessary suffering in an existence where one is just slowly dying destined for nothing but to decay and deteriorate. I don't see any value in decaying from age, I'd always prefer the peace of an dreamless, eternal sleep.
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Jun 25, 2022
Non-suicidal people can't comprehend our suffering. They think that as long as they are happy, others are happy too. To be fair, there is no way for someone to truly explain their situation to another. So yeah, it seems like we're being held hostage by our happy little friends. Don't be a debbie downer, cheer up! Your pain is an illusion!! Tough times make strong people!!! /s
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Jan 17, 2024
Unfortunately it won't happen. Keeping people alive makes companies and governments rich.
sad but true.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
It needs to happen, I agree, but unfortunately society is too pro suffering to ever let it happen. We have to ctb by our own hands which, again, is difficult to do because society is pro suffering. Nonetheless, we can't rely on society giving us a peaceful way to escape because they want us to go through hardship, whether that be to live or to die. All we can really do is oblige with this and hope that we die in an accident or just do the bare minimum until we die naturally through old age anyway. Not that I want to reach an old age and, hence, if I reach some kind of age threshold (no idea what this is yet but it does exist), I will try my best to ctb even if the method is inefficient and risky like jumping.

Still, I hope I get killed off by somebody because I lack the power to do it myself. Life is designed to punish the weak and benefit the strong. Me suffering because I'm alive and being too weak to ctb is my punishment for being weak

Either way, I wish you find your peace soon, best of luck
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