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Sep 14, 2019
During the sermon on the mount the saviour gave what we now know as the Lord's prayer. This beautiful prayer has been offered by billions of people around the world and is a wonderful template for teaching us how to pray.

As the Lord sat teaching the sermon on the mount, he taught the multitude to pray by beginning with..

"Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." - Matthew 6:9-10

I noticed the saviour begins with addressing the Father in a personal, yet reverential way. The expression "Hallowed be thy name" is a form of praise, and is more than just gratitude but recognition of the character and attributes of God. We do not just thank God for how he has blessed us, but we praise him for who he is!

The Lord next teaches us that we are to pray..

"Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." - Matthew 6:11-12

I would like to call myself a historian, but i think in ancient times women spent a significant portion of each day grinding, mixing and baking the daily bread for their family. Bread was probably the main staple of every meal, and apparently was considered sacred because of its importance for sustaining life. Thus God wants us to pray for our daily support, so we may contemplate on his unending bread which is love and divine mercy.

Jesus concludes the Lord's prayer with..

"And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen." - Matthew 6:13

The saviour here teaches that we are to pray for strength to overcome sin. Teaching us that we should not think that we can do it alone. Even the saviour prayed for fortitude while in Gethsemane, showing us by his example how to overcome our greatest trials.

The life of Jesus according to the disciples was a life of prayer. Prayer was an integral part of his life, he praised the Father for his greatness, he prayed for daily strength to have the power and inspiration of God. He offered gratitude instead of just asking. And perhaps the most important, he used prayer to bless our lives as he atoned, suffered and died for us. That we may have our prayers answered by our heavenly Father.

He often prayed in those moments where he most needed strength.
He often prayed in isolated areas, such as mountain tops, in quiet wilderness areas, in gardens and also at the beautiful temple of Jerusalem. I personally found silence and recollection are safeguarded by cloister and exclusion of all that may introduce the noise and anticipation of the world.
I also found poverty, fasting and penance effective in maintaining a strong relationship with God, also being in the spirit of total consecration to the immaculate Virgin Mary made the accumulation of graces and blessings attained more frequently.

I found that being conformed to the poor humble crucified Jesus, one must practice a life of unceasing charity/mercy, supernatural obedience and poverty.

I also tried to devote the key hours of the day to prayer, now i know this may be very intimidating for the novice, but do not fear for there is a prayer that I found easy, short and very rewarding.
Behold the Holy Rosary, it is one of the greatest most powerful prayer, a short cut, basically a physical tugging at the Lord's heartstrings for your undivided attention. Whenever i prayed the Rosary, graces would never cease to pour upon my tainted soul, and my prayers would be answered hastily by the most loving God with the help from our Lady. After witnessing miracles and the lifting of the veil i was able to think more clearly with increased humility and mercy. I noticed that this devotion is especially necessary if the life of the community is always to be solid, well observed and protected by the Seraphim, Archangel and Angel order's in heaven.

My summarised daily offerings would look like something like this: 5 hours of prayer this includes the holy sacrifice of the mass, divine office, mental silent prayer, adoration of the most blessed sacrament, the holy rosary, ongoing recollection and union with God whether your at work, cooking, feeding the children, playing video games or waiting in traffic.

I would not recommend a novice of daily prayer life to take Marian vow, take it easy on yourself at first, and do not put too much pressure on yourself when approaching a prayerful and poor minimalist lifestyle. I assure you once you have been caught by the snare of the immaculate's most Holy Rosary, you will want to rush to take the marian vow, which is a solemn promise made to God of unlimited consecration to oneself to the immaculate as her absolute property to hasten the coming of the kingdom of Christ in the world. Blackmadonnaimg 904299 146
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