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Memento mori
Dec 12, 2020
"I feel that life is divided into the horrible and the miserable. That's the two categories. The horrible are like, I don't know, terminal cases, you know, and blind people, crippled. I don't know how they get through life. It's amazing to me. And the miserable is everyone else. So you should be thankful that you're miserable, because that's very lucky, to be miserable."

― Woody Allen, "Annie Hall"
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Mar 15, 2019
Just think about what percentage of your life was spent inside bathrooms??? Just that alone is already a torture if you think about it. How pointless was all that effort???

All that constant need to piss, shit, clean and groom yourself for 80 years straight........... for what???? Just to fucking die in the end??? Its like..... what the fuck was all that effort even for??????

Now try adding what percentage of your life was spent stuff in traffic, stuck having to keep eating and drinking, stuck having to fit in and keep up with people and society, keep fulfilling different needs for your body, stuck slaving away, staying safe from danger, going to the doctors, endless daily chores and errands.........

All this effort....... just to fucking die in the end......... being born is the absolute worst curse!!!!!!!!

This planet (earth) is fucking hell....... it just won't stop operating....... it really needs to go extinct and stop functioning for once and for all, to end all this pointless and endless misery

All of us humans and animals just keep coming alive to suffer, and then die after........ with no end in sight. It just keeps repeating and continuing out of control. This really needs to stop!!
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Mar 26, 2023
The people who can't see what you can see have Stockholm Syndrome. And rest assured, they have little to no clue how governments and other entities work and how they benefit from their labour. People that claim they have a "purpose" and that their job gives them "a purpose of life", are saying that because they have been indoctrinated into thinking so.
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Womp womp womp
May 12, 2024
See, I'm the opposite. If someone can find something worth holding onto and enduring all of the migraines, malaise, violence, and buffoonery in this sadsack clown show, then I think that's fine; even admirable. I've never felt any jealousy or malice for the people who can get up every day, get on with their lives, and live it to the fullest. I may not understand it, and I personally think they're into lame shit, but whatever. I bless and release them.

I just wish they would extend that same bless and release to me when I say that I don't have, nor do I desire, anything to hold onto. You can put lipstick on this pig and call it Duchess, but at the end of the day, I still just see a pig.
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the stars are already dead
Jun 16, 2024
LIfe is absurd! The fact any of us exist for no particular reason is almost comical. Our existence is brief and painful, and we experience so much chaos because the chaos is just patterns we don't recognize because of the limits of our brains. Life is all that is here and nothing more. We will never experience any kind of infinity outside of the nothing of death. Some days it's kind of funny and others it is cruel and unbareable
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Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
When I was 14-15 years old, I realized that I never wanted to live among people. Waking up early every morning and going to the same place to do the same things. I don't know how they put up with this. This is accepted helplessness. Just follow the rules.

So I decided to become a musician. This is the only thing that makes me feel good in this shithole called the world. I never had to get up early. I would only work 15 hours a week. My clothes, my hair, all my choices belong to me. I've never had a lot of money, but it's enough to live on. A life most people dream of.

Do you know what happened? I was never happy or anything. Music is a drug. The audio cure for happiness that you can't find in the real world. Beethoven said, "I was born to suffer and to compose."

Because nothing is real in this shithole. Smiles, greetings, happiness... Just handling the situation. Happiness cannot be an individual thing. Happiness is social. True happiness is not possible in a sick society. Yes, I lived a good life, but it has no meaning in an unhappy society. Every day I have to face the fact that I live in an unhappy, toxic and corrupt society.

I had a doctor student. He was very talented. He had a luxurious house, a car, and a beautiful wife. He wanted to be in my shoes. Because he didn't have time to live. According to him, I was the happiest person in the world... with serious suicide plans :) One evening, he was leaving the art center and he said to me at the door, "Save me from this life."

Even in the best-case scenario, you may be unhappy. Probably my problem is that I was born in this country. So happiness is not possible anyway.
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Apr 11, 2024
The people who can't see what you can see have Stockholm Syndrome. And rest assured, they have little to no clue how governments and other entities work and how they benefit from their labour. People that claim they have a "purpose" and that their job gives them "a purpose of life", are saying that because they have been indoctrinated into thinking so.
So no economist or political scientist has ever done anything in life they find purpose in? Plenty of people understand the corruption and nature of labor markets, we've all studied the industrial revolution and taken econ 101. It's not some hidden truth that a select few are privy to.

What is your response to a woman I know who runs a non-profit animal sanctuary, mainly out of her own pocket (puts in over $250k a year to run it). Saves animals from the farming industry that would have been killed or bred. How exactly does that fall into the government's labor plan or indoctrination? You know, the same government that gives billions in subsidies to the animal industry in the US and makes it illegal to film the conditions of those farms.
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Jul 8, 2023
You left out the part where we all take that hard-earned wage slave money and give billions and billions of dollars of it to watch other people play with a ball, lip sync on stage and dance like braindead robots on social media. Death is the only escape from this really pointless and stupid simulation.
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Globl mod | Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
The people who can't see what you can see have Stockholm Syndrome. And rest assured, they have little to no clue how governments and other entities work and how they benefit from their labour. People that claim they have a "purpose" and that their job gives them "a purpose of life", are saying that because they have been indoctrinated into thinking so.

Or perhps sme ppl jst Njy thr lfe
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I was wrong
Sep 19, 2023
The people who can't see what you can see have Stockholm Syndrome. And rest assured, they have little to no clue how governments and other entities work and how they benefit from their labour. People that claim they have a "purpose" and that their job gives them "a purpose of life", are saying that because they have been indoctrinated into thinking so.
Plenty of people see what he sees and make the best of the bad situation. Being unable to cope with the tougher parts of life and turning away from reality doesn't make someone superior to those who accept the struggle and make the most of it.

It's incredibly condescending and close-minded to say anyone who doesn't consider their existence to be "pathetic" has Stockholm Syndrome. You can hate one part of your life and find true purpose and solace elsewhere.
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Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
Not to anyone in particular…

You do know it's possible to move between someone who enjoys their life and cope, and someone who doesn't. It's possible to move between these perspectives throughout your entire life.

I started out as an abused child, but then I've worked happily, with minimal issues, enjoying my life, seeing the world, watching myself and others develop and blossom for 35+ years. Then, I started to get the CPTSD flashbacks and the suicidal thoughts again. I can still see that others have joy in the way they live their life. But mine is very much diminished. I still enjoy things, but the daily reminders of being raped outweigh this.

What's shite is being somewhere like SaSu, where I hoped for a more understanding environment, but instead I'm faced with criticism of my life choices - parent, worker, LGBT, even being an 'older' person. I give myself enough shit and while I respect the rights of others to have their own opinions, when people openly criticise my choices (and don't just focus on the shit that their life has dealt them), I get a bit pissed off and reactive.

And, I suspect this is part of my upbringing and potentially closed mind, but I do look at some comments and think to myself how utterly privileged some people are to be in the position to criticise how others live their lives - and I admit, how immature I feel some people's thinking is.
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Jun 6, 2024
When I was 14-15 years old, I realized that I never wanted to live among people. Waking up early every morning and going to the same place to do the same things. I don't know how they put up with this. This is accepted helplessness. Just follow the rules.

So I decided to become a musician. This is the only thing that makes me feel good in this shithole called the world. I never had to get up early. I would only work 15 hours a week. My clothes, my hair, all my choices belong to me. I've never had a lot of money, but it's enough to live on. A life most people dream of.

Do you know what happened? I was never happy or anything. Music is a drug. The audio cure for happiness that you can't find in the real world. Beethoven said, "I was born to suffer and to compose."

Because nothing is real in this shithole. Smiles, greetings, happiness... Just handling the situation. Happiness cannot be an individual thing. Happiness is social. True happiness is not possible in a sick society. Yes, I lived a good life, but it has no meaning in an unhappy society. Every day I have to face the fact that I live in an unhappy, toxic and corrupt society.

I had a doctor student. He was very talented. He had a luxurious house, a car, and a beautiful wife. He wanted to be in my shoes. Because he didn't have time to live. According to him, I was the happiest person in the world... with serious suicide plans :) One evening, he was leaving the art center and he said to me at the door, "Save me from this life."

Even in the best-case scenario, you may be unhappy. Probably my problem is that I was born in this country. So happiness is not possible anyway.
This was amazing.
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Jan 16, 2022
At least the average guy gets sex, hugs and affection. These things can keep person going.


Why, do the birds, go on singing??
Mar 14, 2024
It IS exactly what the machine wants you to do though. School, college, work, career, partner, children, family, house is the life script that society expects everyone to follow. Society wants everyone to have children in order to birth the next generation of wageslaves and to have more human resources and capital for the pyramid scheme called society
Then how do you explain the caste system? The machine, if anything, just seems to be trying to keep a middle class afloat.

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