

Aug 18, 2020
I looked all over to find this today. I could not get the right words into the search engine and even then the stories were about post suicide not the day of. A very hard story to find. This is what goes through all of our heads as we struggle with this topic. This is someone's actual story or so I'm guessing. I posted most of it here. It was hard to copy due to comercials/ads. This is hard. I feel bad putting this up here but this stuff in my view is just as needed as finding a better method and doing it right the first time. So much goes into the subject of death and wanting to leave this world. Making the conscious decision to leave all your loved ones and even then some of us don't have that or at least we feel we don't. This is very sad. I know you guys can take it but if it gets rough just take a break from reading for a minute if you need to. I love you guys. GK ❤

So first the link to the FULL story.

This next part is what I copied from around the ads and photos. I did this so you wouldn't have to leave SS but it was too hard. Sorry if it is not in order. I may have missed some. I'm also drunk. ❤

It had started the night before. Our son was at the cottage, and we'd spoken to him by phone that day. He assured us he'd be home in time for dinner. But he never arrived, and we couldn't reach him. It filled us with dread, and we called a neighbour at the cottage. He reported that all seemed well. Nothing was amiss.

That reassured us. No one wants to assume the worst right away. But I still had an instinct that something was wrong. The truck could have broken down, he might have a flat tire … there are so many perfectly innocuous explanations. We called the police that night, said we'd expected him hours before, tried to get some rest.

The next morning, our neighbour walked over to our cottage and found our son's body. He called our house and left a message to call him immediately. It would be several hours before we had final confirmation that our son had died at our cottage.

Bruce and I drove to our daughter Emily's high school. Having to tell our youngest child that her brother had died was so unfair. So out of the natural order of life. Our kids were supposed to grow old together. There was no easy way to deliver this bad news.

Bruce got out of the truck, slamming the door. I waited in the car. He disappeared into the school's foyer and within a few minutes appeared on the steps at the front of the school. Emily was with him. I got out of the truck and walked towards them. Emily was shaking and her face was red from crying. She looked helplessly at me. I was her mom but I couldn't make this better for her

"Mom, did Daniel die? What's going on?" I nodded because I couldn't speak. "Is that why we didn't hear from him last night?" I nodded. "Oh, Daniel," she sobbed. She got into the truck and dropped her head into her hands.

We got back on the road, headed toward London to pick up Aimee, who was a university student there. Our crying sounded like soft chants. As parents there was nothing we could do to change our circumstances. We were now a family of four, not five

As Bruce drove I climbed over the console into the backseat so that I could hold Emily in my arms. During our drive Aimee tried calling us several times. She knew that we had not been able to reach her brother and she was worried. Aimee had contacted many of Daniel's friends the night before and they hadn't heard from him, either. Because we didn't answer, Aimee began to fear the worst. Each time one of our cellphones buzzed, I said, "Please don't answer the call." But Emily felt differently.

"Aimee and I texted this morning," she explained. "She is so upset. If we don't answer her it will make things worse. We should answer her. Don't you think?"

"Emily, I understand," I replied. "But we don't know if Aimee is alone or if someone is with her. We'll be there soon. I know she's waiting to hear from us, but we have to tell her about Daniel in person."

When we finally arrived at Aimee's apartment, there were U-haul moving vans everywhere. The school year was ending, and parents were running in and out of the apartment building trying to get their kids packed up for summer. Aimee was upstairs in her unit, so Bruce and Emily took the one available elevator to her floor. When they got off the elevator they walked down the hall toward her apartment door, which was propped open with packed boxes and garbage bins. When Aimee saw her sister's and her dad's desperate expressions, she understood. Immediately, Bruce reached his arms out and cradled his now eldest child.

"Aimee, I'm so sorry hon, but it's not good," he told her.

"What?" Aimee replied. "Dad, what happened?"

"The police said that sometime last night Daniel, took his life at the cottage."

Aimee, like so many other people, denied the first shocking words. She couldn't accept it, and wanted it to be untrue. Slowly, Aimee came to understand that Daniel had slipped away from us in the night. We had gone from being an ordinary family to survivors of suicide.

The four of us drove back home in silence. There were no words for the unimaginable feelings we had in those few hours on the road.

As we turned onto our street I dreaded the thought of walking into our house. Our home, the home that held so many wonderful family memories, now contained death.

A police cruiser sat in front of our house with two officers, whose job description included notifying parents of their child's suicide. They had to tell us officially, but I'd already heard the news once that day. I wasn't going to hear it again from the police. As they walked toward us I ran to the side door, opened it and then shut it quickly behind me. My brother was inside, and I fell sobbing into his arms. He promised me that he'd be there for us.

The real world's response to a suicide is to try and be supportive of those who are dealing first-hand with loss. But the real world goes on in spite of your tragedy. Meanwhile, we the newly bereaved, remain stuck in the moment that our world changed. And we aren't always able to reach out for help. What we need we can't have

I walked out to the backyard and sat on one of the stone steps. The garden was coming alive in the heat of the late spring. The grass below my feet felt cool as I rocked side to side, holding the pain in my arms. I needed the fresh air; hoped it would clear my head. I remember feeling like our family was literally dissolving. How do I live in this world without my child
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And so on it goes....
May 16, 2019
You don't by any chance have some connection to the family in that story, do you?
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Lowering my suicide-morale a bit, lol.
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Aug 18, 2020
Lowering my suicide-morale a bit, lol.
Jesus. lol. I wanted to show what a family actually goes through. Like when they get the first call from the school or they find their loved one in the closet. In the movie bully/bullied the young boy (12yo) hangs himself in the closet on the other side of the wall from his mom and dad's room. They went to wake the boy up for school the next morning. There he is hanging dead while they slept one wall away. I wanted to find a moment by moment story from a mom or dad or someone. This is what most of us think about before we die right? What will happen. How Will it go. Anyway, yes it's sad as fuck. One conversation could have saved the boys life but how is a parent to know? How are they not to know is my question. Talk to your fucking kids for Christ sake.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Jesus. lol. I wanted to show what a family actually goes through.
Yeah, my family will definitely have these kinds of emotional reactions. It really sucks...
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Aug 18, 2020
You don't by any chance have some connection to the family in that story, do you?
No. This is a newspaper or whatever. Wanted to get an idea of what happens the day of the families tragedy.


And so on it goes....
May 16, 2019
Your disguise is transparent.


Aug 18, 2020
Yeah, my family will definitely have these kinds of emotional reactions. It really sucks...
I think the same about mine. Sadly I also have the thoughts of "fuck em" as mean as that sounds. Many people here hate their families for ruining their lives. Mine were no different. Mine Will most likely be picking up a decayed body from the cops/morgue because they don't give 2 fucks about me. We've all heard this before blah blah my violin blah blah.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
i think what hurts me the most about this article is knowing i have loved ones that need me. however that alone sadly does not remove my pain. while i believe they would have understanding that it wasnt their fault im sure like many others they will question if they could have done something differently. i just wish there was some way to reassure them that i couldnt ask for better people in my life, however i feel that i could say it every second of every day and it wouldnt be enough.

what i wrote is what im thinking but not how i feel.....
sometimes having loved ones isnt the problem and that hurts because its not like im not trying...
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Aug 18, 2020
Yeah, my family will definitely have these kinds of emotional reactions. It really sucks...
Hey! No zodiac bracelet ads....LOL
i think what hurts me the most about this article is knowing i have loved ones that need me. however that alone sadly does not remove my pain. while i believe they would have understanding that it wasnt their fault im sure like many others they will question if they could have done something differently. i just wish there was some way to reassure them that i couldnt ask for better people in my life, however i feel that i could say it every second of every day and it wouldnt be enough.

what i wrote is what im thinking but not how i feel.....
sometimes having loved ones isnt the problem and that hurts because its not like im not trying...
What reasons DO you have to go?
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Feb 3, 2021
Losing someone to Suicide and finding out. It's as if you're entire world crashes down or a bottomless pit in your stomach. It's very hard to go through alone after losing someone you loved to it no matter what your views are about it. Interesting article.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
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Aug 18, 2020
all mental. all internal. i only wish they were external. its easier to hit a bully then it is myself.
Oh right! I was reading your mask post the other day. Internal stuff eats you alive. It does this to all of us. Am I good? What's wrong with me? Why is nobody else like this? It sucks. It seems way easier to just CTB and get a do-over.
Could it really?
Possibly. It's also possible that if they did sit and talk things out with him that he would have hid and CTB anyway. Hopefully he is happier now.


Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
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Sep 28, 2020
The article should start off with, "Once Upon A Time...", as most fairy tales do.

I firmly believe that a family who says "they had no idea", and presents themselves as the most loving, perfect family, is full of it. There is no such thing. If they truly had no idea that a family member was suicidal, they weren't listening. They were all too busy pretending "happily ever after".
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Dec 19, 2020
The article is hard to read knowing your wife and family will go through the same soon.
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Dec 20, 2020
The article should start off with, "Once Upon A Time...", as most fairy tales do.

I firmly believe that a family who says "they had no idea", and presents themselves as the most loving, perfect family, is full of it. There is no such thing. If they truly had no idea that a family member was suicidal, they weren't listening. They were all too busy pretending "happily ever after".
how many people on here deliberately deceive the people around them about their plans. i think most or we wud end up in psych ward. so most families probably do think everything is all good until they receive that time delayed email or wateva
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
so most families probably do think everything is all good until they receive that time delayed email or wateva
In some cases (like my own mother where I blatantly said I'm suicidal and want a therapist) yes the parent is completely at fault. However I feel (and this is just from what I've read here and stuff) that the people 'here' aren't open enough (yes understanding that its not possible in all cases but) how can you expect help when they don't even know whats wrong. There's a difference between my arm hurts and its broken. If the outside world doesn't know the extent of the damage how can you blame them when you were the one that didn't share. I read just about every day "my therapist doesn't know I'm suicidal" then why are you going? (and yes again this is in some cases the fault of the MHS) but this doesn't change the fact that if they don't know they can't help. And I'll read people says "they're just giving me more drugs" or whatnot. COMMUNICATE! It's a 50/50 and yes the MHS doesn't give their 50 in some cases. But in other cases it's the suicidal that cause their own downfall.
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Sep 21, 2020
Totally agree with NeverGoodEnough. I am not in touch with any family due to the abusive manner in which they treated me when I was a child. But I guarantee you that if I were involved with them and committed suicide, they would put on a grand show of drama and all the bullshit of "if I had only known" and make themselves into the victims. They, and many others, totally turned a blind eye to very bad behavior toward me. It was unbelievable. Screw em.
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Oct 3, 2020
Totally agree with NeverGoodEnough. I am not in touch with any family due to the abusive manner in which they treated me when I was a child. But I guarantee you that if I were involved with them and committed suicide, they would put on a grand show of drama and all the bullshit of "if I had only known" and make themselves into the victims. They, and many others, totally turned a blind eye to very bad behavior toward me. It was unbelievable. Screw em.
I completely agree with this. I've got my mother on camera telling me to kill myself, but if it ever happened you can guarantee the narrative would read the same as that article. Then the blame would be shifted to a website like this.
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Mar 22, 2020
This is really hard to read but at the same time very interesting. Thanks a bunch for sharing it.
I'm also interested in seeing how my family would react to and deal with my ctb.
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Dec 20, 2020
In some cases (like my own mother where I blatantly said I'm suicidal and want a therapist) yes the parent is completely at fault. However I feel (and this is just from what I've read here and stuff) that the people 'here' aren't open enough (yes understanding that its not possible in all cases but) how can you expect help when they don't even know whats wrong. There's a difference between my arm hurts and its broken. If the outside world doesn't know the extent of the damage how can you blame them when you were the one that didn't share. I read just about every day "my therapist doesn't know I'm suicidal" then why are you going? (and yes again this is in some cases the fault of the MHS) but this doesn't change the fact that if they don't know they can't help. And I'll read people says "they're just giving me more drugs" or whatnot. COMMUNICATE! It's a 50/50 and yes the MHS doesn't give their 50 in some cases. But in other cases it's the suicidal that cause their own downfall.
yup i think ur pretty bang on there

in some cases ppl arent asking for help, which im not blaming them for its complex. ive never admitted my ideation, its like there is something blocking me saying the words. like SI is blocking my ctb.. pfft!

and in other cases the family's involved are pieces of shit who contributed to the suicide then play the victim and love the narcissist drama
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Feb 3, 2021
The article should start off with, "Once Upon A Time...", as most fairy tales do.

I firmly believe that a family who says "they had no idea", and presents themselves as the most loving, perfect family, is full of it. There is no such thing. If they truly had no idea that a family member was suicidal, they weren't listening. They were all too busy pretending "happily ever after".
I knew my mother was depressed massively but I was preoccupied with my own life and cared more about school and grades selfishly than I did our relationship. She dropped hints months before her Suicide. Should've paid more attention but it is what it is.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
yup i think ur pretty bang on there

in some cases ppl arent asking for help, which im not blaming them for its complex. ive never admitted my ideation, its like there is something blocking me saying the words. like SI is blocking my ctb.. pfft!

and in other cases the family's involved are pieces of shit who contributed to the suicide then play the victim and love the narcissist drama
I have/had a physical problem where I couldn't say it and it literally gets caught in my throat. I find this a good place to start so they at least have an idea something up. (whoda think words could get stuck lol)
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Nov 4, 2020
Well, I guess this is all the more reason to find that junkie and pay him to blow your brains out or slit your throat and make it look like a robbery...
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
The article should start off with, "Once Upon A Time...", as most fairy tales do.

I firmly believe that a family who says "they had no idea", and presents themselves as the most loving, perfect family, is full of it. There is no such thing. If they truly had no idea that a family member was suicidal, they weren't listening. They were all too busy pretending "happily ever after".
Sounds like my family, they've ignored me and pretend the abuse in our family doesn't exist. Terrible people always seem to have selective memories so they can absolve themselves of responsibility I suppose.
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Feb 3, 2021
Sounds like my family, they've ignored me and pretend the abuse in our family doesn't exist. Terrible people always seem to have selective memories so they can absolve themselves of responsibility I suppose.
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Aug 18, 2020
I knew my mother was depressed massively but I was preoccupied with my own life and cared more about school and grades selfishly than I did our relationship. She dropped hints months before her Suicide. Should've paid more attention but it is what it is.
How did she die? If you dont mind anyone asking.


Feb 3, 2021
How did she die? If you dont mind anyone asking.
Oh I don't mind anyone asking, she took my gun I gave her a month prior because she was starting to behave strangely, thinking someone was breaking into our house, this was after she told me she didn't "need to take her antidepressants anymore." So I gave her my gun thinking she'd be safe in our apartment, she drove to a spot in town, shot herself and had a very painful stroke until she bled out and died. I still remember it all, made me sick anytime I see blood anymore.
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