

Apr 5, 2020
I absolutely don't care who would see me once I'm gone.


New Member
Jul 12, 2020
Both valid points. With point one, I think they'd feel like you've intentionally left them alone if your body wasn't found and you disappeared mysteriously. I guess I'm just considering that if you wanted to make it look like you disappeared, they would be wondering where you went for the longest time. What if your kids grow older (however old they are) and one day decide to look for you? I'm in no way trying to inflict guilt. If your body was found, of course it would hurt them deeply, but they would get their peace of mind.

That's the hard thing with ctb. I don't want to leave that legacy behind either and would also like to make it seem like I've disappeared. At the same time, I would like my body to be found so that I can be cremated and "fully" leave this world.

That's a valid point, which is why in thinking about this stuff I would more than likely leave a note or two in not hidden but not obvious places and set an email to send a day or two after so that they know it's final and there's no chance of me coming back.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
Both valid points. With point one, I think they'd feel like you've intentionally left them alone if your body wasn't found and you disappeared mysteriously. I guess I'm just considering that if you wanted to make it look like you disappeared, they would be wondering where you went for the longest time. What if your kids grow older (however old they are) and one day decide to look for you? I'm in no way trying to inflict guilt. If your body was found, of course it would hurt them deeply, but they would get their peace of mind.

That's the hard thing with ctb. I don't want to leave that legacy behind either and would also like to make it seem like I've disappeared. At the same time, I would like my body to be found so that I can be cremated and "fully" leave this world.
My country is full of single parent households. A lot of dead beat dads. My wife will eventually assume I bailed on her and adjust accordingly. It will take time since we're quite a strong couple but people change unexpectedly all the time. I hate that my daughter will grow up hating her runaway dad but what do you do? Better dead beat than dead on purpose.

Ctb is awful in regard to the ones you leave behind. Maybe if I could figure out a legit way to make it look accidental. I've really been looking into that of late. Any ideas?
I absolutely don't care who would see me once I'm gone.
I envy this attitude. Sometimes I wish I was more like this.
Yes. I committed a non-violent offense which is innocuous, maybe even arguably beneficial to society. They turned a guy who is otherwise peaceful and law-abiding and wanting to contribute to the world, into a criminal. My lawyer will try to get the case dropped but there is no guarantee. I will ctb rather than get tried as a criminal and paraded around in cuffs.
Sounds rough. I hope you get justice.
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death unto me

Jun 26, 2020
found or not, the people you left will be traumatized. The sight of your corpse will traumatize your family and so is the fact that you disappeared without any notice, for the rest of their lives your family will have to deal with the emptiness of your disappearance- no closure,nothing. Personally, I prefer to have my body found because my parents deserve that kind of closure, at least.


Dec 20, 2019
My country is full of single parent households. A lot of dead beat dads. My wife will eventually assume I bailed on her and adjust accordingly. It will take time since we're quite a strong couple but people change unexpectedly all the time. I hate that my daughter will grow up hating her runaway dad but what do you do? Better dead beat than dead on purpose.

Ctb is awful in regard to the ones you leave behind. Maybe if I could figure out a legit way to make it look accidental. I've really been looking into that of late. Any ideas?

I envy this attitude. Sometimes I wish I was more like this.

Sounds rough. I hope you get justice.
I personally think it's better to know it's a suicide then others assuming you were a dead beat based on what you had said -- however, that's me and I totally respect where you're coming from!

There is a pandemic going on and things happen accidentally all of the time. I don't have any ideas in mind but I guess that too depends on what method you were planning on. If it was "messy" or not
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
I personally think it's better to know it's a suicide then others assuming you were a dead beat based on what you had said -- however, that's me and I totally respect where you're coming from!

There is a pandemic going on and things happen accidentally all of the time. I don't have any ideas in mind but I guess that too depends on what method you were planning on. If it was "messy" or not
I may have gone overboard with the dead beat dad thing, but I see you got my point. I'm not decided yet about ctb. I'm at that crossroads where I'm not sure if I'll go on or down below.

Still researching the accidental thing. Especially in these crazy times where everyone is dying except us who actually want to.
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Iustitia Mortuus
Jun 12, 2020
When my method was inert gas anoxia, I was more or less stuck with home. Now I have the means for SN, I'm leaning towards the isolation of the wilderness. I've always found peace, connection and escape on the hills, by the sea and in the forest. I would like my final moments to be spent somewhere secluded and beautiful. I have a particular place in mind. I dreamed of dying there.

I'd rather not taint my home with my death. I'd also rather not taint my family with my death. Disappearing, completely vanishing, would be fulfilling in a way, as I seek to erase myself as much as possible. Leaving a corpse to be found denies me that. As would leaving notes or instructions.

My body would eventually be found and investigated, I'm sure. There's almost nowhere left on Earth where people do not tread. But the thought that it could be a long time before my remains are disturbed and dissected is a small comfort. Maybe I'll have returned to earth before they get me.
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Escargot Shorts

Escargot Shorts

Tears-of-a-Clown Ass Bitch
Sep 26, 2018
I've decided i wouldn't want to be found at home. The clean up would be a lot to deal with in a household and would leave a personal mark for anyone still living there.

I suppose the most 'ethical' method if you have loved ones is to spare them the uncertainty of a disappearance (not knowing is a slow agony and robs someone of an opportunity for coping more fully, esp if you can help it) and -- if yr method is efficient (lol) -- advise someone before the act. Hell, even a delayed text to let them know of locations/services to contact where someone more 'trained' to find a corpse.
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Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
I wouldn't want to be found by my family but I'd want to be found so my organs could be donated, other than that leave me to rot for all I care.


we all go home eventually
Jul 4, 2020
Pretty sure that once one passes, all the angst about what happens on Earth afterwards, dies with you. With the death of the ego, everything that seems important now will no longer matter. So while this may feel like an important topic now, from our first person ego burdened perspective, once one has CTB it will no longer matter in the least.
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But what do I know
Mar 31, 2020
To be honest, it would probably be more traumatic for my family if no body was ever found. My mother tends to assume the worst in everything so she'd probably believe I'm a victim of human trafficking and would probably torture herself every day for years praying for me. I don't really care what they identify the cause of death, but I cringe to think about one of those dopey memorials about "what a sad loss of someone so young and with so much potential." FOAD with that shit.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
To be honest, it would probably be more traumatic for my family if no body was ever found. My mother tends to assume the worst in everything so she'd probably believe I'm a victim of human trafficking and would probably torture herself every day for years praying for me. I don't really care what they identify the cause of death, but I cringe to think about one of those dopey memorials about "what a sad loss of someone so young and with so much potential." FOAD with that shit.
There's an overwhelming lean towards allowing your body to be found so that loved ones can get closure. I'm actually starting to reconsider my stance. Glad I started this thread guys.
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Feb 19, 2020
I don't want to be found, not because I'm concerned about traumatizing anyone, but because I simply like the idea of disappearing into nothing. Of course I also don't want some huge missing persons situation... Which is why I will either: A) Gradually distance myself from everyone so they don't notice my absence, or B) write a note instructing people not to look for me, and hope they actually listen
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Mar 22, 2019
I want to be found so at least people know I am dead.
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Taking it day by day
Jan 11, 2020
I want my body to be found so my family can have closure.
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May 30, 2020
My brother ctb at home and was found by my older brother, I was living away and didn't get to see him until he was waked.
The general thoughts of my family members are that they had privacy and a little bit of time with him before he was taken away.
It gives them slight comfort knowing that they tried cpr etc to no avail. And that they tried their best to save him.
I can only speak about my circumstances of course as each family is different.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
I don't want to be found, not because I'm concerned about traumatizing anyone, but because I simply like the idea of disappearing into nothing. Of course I also don't want some huge missing persons situation... Which is why I will either: A) Gradually distance myself from everyone so they don't notice my absence, or B) write a note instructing people not to look for me, and hope they actually listen
I like the gradually distancing part. I've been doing that with my extended family for almost 3 years now.
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May 27, 2020
I don't want my body to be found - I'd prefer to disappear; partly because I don't want others to have to clean up a corpse. It might be seen as wrong to do this since it won't give people closure, and that's a valid argument. To be brutally honest though I don't see why closure is always warranted.

In the past people have left me behind and they didn't give me a reason why. They didn't explain why they cut me out, they didn't explain why they ignored me, and they didn't explain why they ended our friendship; despite them saying it mean't a lot to them. You might say that's because they are not obligated to explain to me anything. Well if nobody owes me closure, or a reason for how they treat me, then I don't owe those 2 things to anyone else. Suicide is just ghosting in real life, and I think that's okay because I've been ghosted by others throughout most of my life... I hope this doesn't sound vengeangeful.

Another reason I don't want to be found is because people might start asking questions like "How could we have prevented it?" and I don't want that to happen. I'm not Catching The Bus to try and make a statement or anything, and it's not a cry for help or a need for attention either...

I just want to leave, and get it over with. That's it.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
Suicide is just ghosting in real life.
A quotable statement if I ever heard one. It's true, people rarely give you closure. Plus I'd also hate to leave a mess behind for others to clean up. I'd rather have nature do it the way it was intended.
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