
Mar 22, 2020
It was last year, I met a peruvian guy in a rave and he told me he had some DMT with him and he could share some of it with me at a reasonable price. I was in.
He and two more girls came to my apartment and we all had DMT while listening to some music.

Thus, I found out a new world.

I don't remember very much because it's just like dreams...you start forgetting everything very fast once you're conscious again.

However, I do remember meeting some ALIENS which were really bright and brilliant. They were very kind and explained to me that we humans, are just like ants for them, not in an offensive way. They said something like "it would be as if you were into a forest to look at birds and try to talk to them. At first it might look interesting but sooner or later you give up because there's no answer from them and they're just not as conscious and intelligent as you"

Thus, I felt frustrated because I felt just, so inferior...

Yet, they told me I shouldn't feel bad about it and here comes the crazy part: they explained to me EVERYTHING. I knew the true origin of everything, what was before the big bang or the so-callled "Gods". I couldn't stop crying. I was actually HAPPY!!!!!! But guess what? I remember NOTHING!!!! Nothing else...

I hate this. Sure, I was just high and this was probably just a delusion but...what if, what if....just a little part of it that was true?

Anyway, this peruvian guy disappeared and I have no way to have DMT again.

I would certainly love to experience that awesome tripping one more time before ctb...

Have you had any DMT experiences or any crazy thing with any other drugs? Tell me about it!
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Nov 19, 2020
I tried DMT once with a "guide" but had a bit of a bad experience. I felt like a heavy weight was on my chest and almost panicked. But, I did have a good psilocybin experience where I meditated and cried and felt and saw the beauty of colors...........I so wish there was legal psilocybin therapy, already.
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Apr 19, 2021
I wish I had such experience. I want to try psychedelics. I think such experiences have many answers for our mental problems. I bought Syrian rue but dont know how to prepare it to get such experience
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signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
Some of my most manic episodes took me to a place where I felt like I was on the verge of understanding everything. I tried to write out my own personal TOE (theory of everything) once - started pretty normally on one piece of paper, but then I just kept adding and connecting more and more crazy stuff until it was just a mess of diagrams and words. But it all felt so right at the time, everything seemingly fitting together in my mind like it never had done before.

Thankfully I've not had such strong manic episodes since those early days, but yeah, definitely miss the feeling of things making sense, if even just for a short while.
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Disco Biscuit

Mar 1, 2020
Aw, that sounds great!

I did some DMT and I was visited by lots of kind spirits who kept telling me over and over that everything was going to be ok. It was like one big telepathic hug and it was nice.
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Aug 12, 2018
I wish I had such experience. I want to try psychedelics. I think such experiences have many answers for our mental problems. I bought Syrian rue but dont know how to prepare it to get such experience

Anyway, this peruvian guy disappeared and I have no way to have DMT again.

There is a webiste that sells Ayahuasca tea kit. I've never ordered there though I see that they got certification from Peru government.

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Nov 16, 2019
It was last year, I met a peruvian guy in a rave and he told me he had some DMT with him and he could share some of it with me at a reasonable price. I was in.
He and two more girls came to my apartment and we all had DMT while listening to some music.

Thus, I found out a new world.

I don't remember very much because it's just like dreams...you start forgetting everything very fast once you're conscious again.

However, I do remember meeting some ALIENS which were really bright and brilliant. They were very kind and explained to me that we humans, are just like ants for them, not in an offensive way. They said something like "it would be as if you were into a forest to look at birds and try to talk to them. At first it might look interesting but sooner or later you give up because there's no answer from them and they're just not as conscious and intelligent as you"

Thus, I felt frustrated because I felt just, so inferior...

Yet, they told me I shouldn't feel bad about it and here comes the crazy part: they explained to me EVERYTHING. I knew the true origin of everything, what was before the big bang or the so-callled "Gods". I couldn't stop crying. I was actually HAPPY!!!!!! But guess what? I remember NOTHING!!!! Nothing else...

I hate this. Sure, I was just high and this was probably just a delusion but...what if, what if....just a little part of it that was true?

Anyway, this peruvian guy disappeared and I have no way to have DMT again.

I would certainly love to experience that awesome tripping one more time before ctb...

Have you had any DMT experiences or any crazy thing with any other drugs? Tell me about it!
That is a great story. I hope to go on a similar journey sometime soon. Thanks for sharing.
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Mar 22, 2020
That is a great story. I hope to go on a similar journey sometime soon. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you!!
Yeah, it was amazing! I gotta admit I was really scared of "bad tripping" because I've heard horrendous stories but fortunately, things went smoothly lol.

There is a webiste that sells Ayahuasca tea kit. I've never ordered there though I see that they got certification from Peru government.


Nice! I'll check it out! Ty 4 sharing!

Aw, that sounds great!

I did some DMT and I was visited by lots of kind spirits who kept telling me over and over that everything was going to be ok. It was like one big telepathic hug and it was nice.

Damn, those spirits sound awesome! haha
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Some of my most manic episodes took me to a place where I felt like I was on the verge of understanding everything. I tried to write out my own personal TOE (theory of everything) once - started pretty normally on one piece of paper, but then I just kept adding and connecting more and more crazy stuff until it was just a mess of diagrams and words. But it all felt so right at the time, everything seemingly fitting together in my mind like it never had done before.
That's probably the origin of religion - people having manic episodes, suffering from schizophrenia or munching on magic mushrooms & creating theories of everything
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New Member
Jan 31, 2021
I recently had an LSD trip that answered pretty much all my questions about life and death.

To get to the point, I have had death wishes for as long as I can think reasonably clearly. I have avoidant personality disorder that limits my social life to a great extent. I have been planning ctb for a long time.

I have tried various substances to alleviate suffering since I was young. From tobacco to weed, MDMA, LSD, mushrooms, benzos. Nothing worked in the long run. No antidepressants either. Nevertheless, funnily enough, I can say of myself that I have my consumer behavior under control surprisingly well. I guess I'm just not particularly susceptible to addictions. :hihi:

But now to my most informative LSD trip to date.
It was late at night and I was bored. I was in my bed, but I didn't want to sleep yet. Since my last trip was some time ago, I thought it would be a funny idea to take 300 ug of LSD. :smiling:

The hallucinations caused by LSD alone make one question the perception of our reality. It's indescribable and so beautiful.
During the trip I decided to go for a walk. I live in a rural area in the Bavarian foothills of the Alps. The landscape is even sober a dream: :halo:
The walk was so incredibly fascinating.
In any case, it was already dark. So I went my usual round and sat down on a meadow in the local park. I closed my eyes and, as so often, thought about the futility of our existence and once again looked through the illusion of life. Most of all, however, I've been thinking about whether it would really be the right decision to ctb.
What followed was really special. I suddenly felt connected to the universe. I can only describe it this way ... It felt like I was in direct contact with the source of all life.
I've never felt so at home in my life. I don't know what happens to us after death, but at that moment I was no doubt convinced that we would become one with this source of all life in the afterlife, regardless of the deeds of a person who had done them while they were alive.
There wasn't even a voice speaking to me. The communication was purely on an emotional level.
Now I "asked" whether it would be correct in my case to ctb. The answer was promptly expressed in a feeling of the utmost connection to this source and I knew that I could return to my home at any time. I felt so incredibly welcome. At that moment, my survival instinct was simply no longer there. I could have just let go at that moment. Without pain. Without suffering. It would have been perfect. I was merged with the universe. This experience took away all of my fears about what would happen after death.

Sorry for the formatting and the english btw. : S :D

WIsh you all the best,

Ihavenoclue :halo:
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Feb 6, 2021
I always love reading your posts - your English is so good even though I know you're Argentinian, so I doubt English is your first language.

I did LSD for the first time a few days ago. I was quite scared, but it turned out to be one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had. I listened to Bob Dylan and was almost crying (LOL).

In 2016 I trekked from Colombia into Peru to meet a Shaman for an Ayahuasca ceremony, which is virtually the same as DMT - I ended up lying on the floor of this hut in the middle of the Amazon jungle seeing all kinds of visions and puking and shitting my pants...

Before I CTB I'm going to buy some DMT in pure form and smoke it because I want to meet the aliens, but without the vomiting and shitting with Ayahuasca.

I also did ketamine months ago and because I had zero tolerance and the stuff I bought was so pure I K-holed very easily. I thought I was dead. To test if I was dead or not, I was thinking of screaming as loudly as I could for help - luckily I didn't, because my parents were in the next room.
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Mar 22, 2020
I always love reading your posts - your English is so good even though I know you're Argentinian, so I doubt English is your first language.

I did LSD for the first time a few days ago. I was quite scared, but it turned out to be one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had. I listened to Bob Dylan and was almost crying (LOL).

In 2016 I trekked from Colombia into Peru to meet a Shaman for an Ayahuasca ceremony, which is virtually the same as DMT - I ended up lying on the floor of this hut in the middle of the Amazon jungle seeing all kinds of visions and puking and shitting my pants...

Before I CTB I'm going to buy some DMT in pure form and smoke it because I want to meet the aliens, but without the vomiting and shitting with Ayahuasca.

I also did ketamine months ago and because I had zero tolerance and the stuff I bought was so pure I K-holed very easily. I thought I was dead. To test if I was dead or not, I was thinking of screaming as loudly as I could for help - luckily I didn't, because my parents were in the next room.

First of all, thank you very much for your lovely words! I'll go to sleep with a smile upon my face today haha.

Secondly, thanks again for complimeting my English! It makes feel great to know that having studied for so many years and then having gone to university to be a teacher has been worth it! (I might make some typos or mistake from time to time because I type really fast, though haha.)

Last but not least, your experiences! WOW!! Those were certainly some adventures huh?

Sorry about the vomiting part ! I was actually very worried about that too. Meeting the aliens was awesome! I wonder if those visios could have been real...I mean, they felt real! Although I will never know for sure because I can't remember what they exactly told me lol.

Thanks for dropping by, my friend.

Hugs and love,

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Feb 6, 2021
First of all, thank you very much for your lovely words! I'll go to sleep with a smile upon my face today haha.

Secondly, thanks again for complimeting my English! It makes feel great to know that having studied for so many years and then having gone to university to be a teacher has been worth it! (I might make some typos or mistake from time to time because I type really fast, though haha.)

Last but not least, your experiences! WOW!! Those were certainly some adventures huh?

Sorry about the vomiting part ! I was actually very worried about that too. Meeting the aliens was awesome! I wonder if those visios could have been real...I mean, they felt real! Although I will never know for sure because I can't remember what they exactly told me lol.

Thanks for dropping by, my friend.

Hugs and love,

Honestly, I live in the UK and your writing skills are better than at least 95% of the population here. I think you're an English teacher?? I'd have full confidence in you if I was a student of yours.

Dude, I've had some serious adventures lmao.

Have you had any other experiences with drugs? MDMA, coke?

Hugs and love back at ya!
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Mar 22, 2020
Honestly, I live in the UK and your writing skills are better than at least 95% of the population here. I think you're an English teacher?? I'd have full confidence in you if I was a student of yours.

Dude, I've had some serious adventures lmao.

Have you had any other experiences with drugs? MDMA, coke?

Hugs and love back at ya!

Haha yeah! I'm an English and also Spanish teacher! Now, I'm studying Japanese. I dunno why but I really love languages lol.
Thanks again for your words!!!

As for any other drugs, I've also tried MDMA and damn, that was amazing too.
I only felt happiness and I wanted to talk and hug all the people at the raves I was in!! lmao!

Unfortunately, the next days were hell and I didn't want to leave my bed! Damn pills!!!!
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Feb 6, 2021
Haha yeah! I'm an English and also Spanish teacher! Now, I'm studying Japanese. I dunno why but I really love languages lol.
Thanks again for your words!!!

As for any other drugs, I've also tried MDMA and damn, that was amazing too.
I only felt happiness and I wanted to talk and hug all the people at the raves I was in!! lmao!

Unfortunately, the next days were hell and I didn't want to leave my bed! Damn pills!!!!
Yeah, MDMA is crazy! I think everyone who will CTB should try it just once.

But yeah, the comedown is pretty awful.

When I was in Colombia, coke was really cheap/common. Everyone sold it.

Is it like that in Argentina?
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Mar 22, 2020
When I was in Colombia, coke was really cheap/common. Everyone sold it.

Is it like that in Argentina?

Not really! I mean, you can get drugs but everything is way too expensive here even if you have USD or pounds because our inflation sucks.

Also, it's not that easy to get drugs. For instance, when I tried MDMA I wanted to get more pills but I couldn't find any dealers. (maybe this was for the best? I might've become an addict to it lol)

Btw, I really agree with you, everybody should try MDMA because they will just know what true happiness is all about!
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Aug 21, 2019
You are making the mistake of confusing hallucinations with reality.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
MDMA is dangerous. You will hug all your pets to death & play "All Is Full of Love" by Bjork until you pass out. All is full of shit, my insane Icelandic friend...
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Feb 6, 2021
Not really! I mean, you can get drugs but everything is way too expensive here even if you have USD or pounds because our inflation sucks.

Also, it's not that easy to get drugs. For instance, when I tried MDMA I wanted to get more pills but I couldn't find any dealers. (maybe this was for the best? I might've become an addict to it lol)

Btw, I really agree with you, everybody should try MDMA because they will just know what true happiness is all about!
Yes, I think Colombia is a vastly different country to Argentina,

I planned to visit Argentina as well and I was really shocked at how expensive certain things are. More expensive than UK in certain cases. I'd still love to go one day.

Colombia was WILD. Waiters, hotel receptionists, street children, hotel maids ALL sold cocaine.

When we decided to get some, I walked up to this cool young guy I'd "spoken" to a few times in the hotel. I didn't really even know who he was. Neither of us could speak each other's language. This will make you laugh as a Spanish speaker - I asked "tiene cocaina', por forvaor" or "donde esta cocaína" or some other horribly broken way of asking for the drug.

Nevertheless, within an hour we were on a beach buying entire grams of coke for around $13 a bag.

That was a pretty hilarious night.
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Mar 22, 2020
You are making the mistake of confusing hallucinations with reality.

Of course it was a hallucination!
However, it felt WAY MORE REAL than dreams! I can assure you that!
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Life is just waiting for death
Mar 26, 2021
I envy you. I've never been high. Even when I was in Amsterdam with my friends, they didn't want to try even weed and I was the only one who wanted it.

They were so scared of drugs, so we had only some booze. I know it was a school trip, but still. My friends are pretty lame, I have to find another lol.
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Aug 21, 2019
Of course it was a hallucination!
However, it felt WAY MORE REAL than dreams! I can assure you that!

It may have felt real. It may felt really, really real, but they're still just hallucinations. We are material mechanical beings who's emotions and drives are the result of chemistry which had been selected based on how well they proliferate genes by natural selection. I don't see how voodoo magic plays any kind of a role in life let alone give it any kind of purpose or meaning. Consider that your entire perception, all of it, is derived from your brain so when you alter your consciousness with drugs, especially the most powerful hallucinogen known to man DMT, that it is going to completely mess with your head in profound ways. It's all just chemistry at the end of the day.
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May 4, 2021
I had a similar experience with psilocybin - I saw three "women" watching me that seemed to be made up of just pure energy or electricity. You could try growing your own mushrooms? The spores are legal in most countries (not sure about Argentina).

When I CTB eventually I will definitely trip one more time just before I do. I always feel extremely ready to CTB when coming down - I seem to be the exception to most people in this regard. (P.s., I have only tripped twice before but both times I felt dangerously close to CTB. The only reason I didn't was because I didn't have all the necessary items for my method and was scared of failure with other available methods).
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