Out of all the crap going on in the world, why do people waste so much time on trying to get this site taken down? I wish they go fight so patiently for others that need their help! It's really sad because if they simply read all these threads you can clearly see how a large group of people from different countries have shared their stories and repeatedly say how sad, lonely, miserable, and suffering from mental and physical pain and we just come to support each other. Nobody has ever told anyone to commit suicide and if a person says that's their plan then we understand and wish them peace in whatever they decide, why does that bother others so much? Well I've had some bad and terrible days and everyone here have always been so pleasant to me and I also do to others. I'll be leaving soon, my bus is coming, this world is a cruel place. The irony of it all is after I'm gone people will have the audacity to ask why? We all have asked for help for the most part, y'all see us deteriorating, barely clinging on to life, and nobody offers to help us. I wish these pro-lifers understand whether sites like this exist or not, suicide will always continue! This site probably helps us more than people are willing to see. I digress, my decision is made and I'll make my goodbye post soon. Sorry my response so long, but I'm sick of them!