

想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
This idiot NHS receptionist has ruined what little peace of mind I have left.

So, I had to register at this GP surgery, however, my boyfriend assured me things would be completely under my control- no more coercion, no more forced physical exams that I really did not need, no more gaslighting, no more forced drugging on psych meds, no more telling me that my pain isn't real, no more ever being sexually abused by a doctor ever again.

He assured me that any fear I had in my head this point was a fiction, because he would not allow them to push me around.

Well, the NHS had other plans. First, they made me go in person to deliver a form saying he could speak on my behalf. I was forced to speak, and I went mute, because I was triggered so badly being in that environment and was utterly horrified. We told them then and there, do not call my cell phone again, call my boyfriend's phone, because it is likely I will freeze up and not be able to have the necessary conversations due to my ptsd and autism.

These people start blowing up my phone with calls again several days later. They screwed up my paperwork and need me to come back and redo it. So I go back to the surgery, and am greeted with this condescending receptionist who once again starts forcing me to talk when I'm uncomfortable, and won't let my boyfriend speak. The whole time this is happening, she keeps saying my birth/legal name at the beginning of every sentence.

Once I fixed the paperwork, I looked at my boyfriend, and he understood exactly why I was upset. When I did the papers, they gave me no option to put a preferred name. I have never went by my legal name, because it is a religious nomenclature that my zealot parents blessed me with. Everyone knows that I do not go by that name, and my university and peers respect that I have always used a different name.

My boyfriend said to her, excuse me, my partner goes by __, is there any way you can call her that instead, your forums had no option for a preferred name? This Karen smirked at us and repeated my legal name name, saying that they would only accommodate those requests for legitamate reasons and that I had to give a compelling reason in writing why I did not want the NHS to call me my legal name.

He tried to argue with her but she just kept interrupting him and calling me the wrong name. At this point I'm very anxious and pissed, but try to remain composed. Then, out of nowhere this receptionist, who neither of us had ever spoken to today, brings up my fucking trauma loud enough for everyone on the street to hear.

We were standing outside and there were people on the sidewalks. I was so humiliated, I went mute again and physically couldn't speak. She keeps talking and says, "We will put a female chaperone in the room with you so that you're able to be examined."

First off, I did not consent to any of this and I did not appreciate her spilling my pain out in broad daylight. Second of all, they do not know of my health problems yet, so why are they already trying to force me to do things I am not comfortable with? The forms were such a joke, for the mental health section the only boxes that existed were for depression, anxiety, and bipolar. So I couldn't even explain that I had ptsd, I had to write a note on the end as a comment since they did not have anywhere to discuss it on the forms.

My boyfriend tried to shut her down but by then it was too late, she was trying to act like he was controlling or something when he was trying to protect me from whatever was about to come out of her mouth next. This woman was not understanding at all and made me feel embarrassed and ashamed because she spoke to me like I was an idiotic child. I couldn't get away fast enough.

Whenever I got home I wanted to curl in a ball and cry because I know they're going to hurt me. They're going to tell me that my CFS, chronic pain, and IBS is all in my head and I know they will try to withhold things from me unless I consent to doing things I don't want to consent to. I have already had so many blood tests, had to endure being touched all over while I wanted to scream multiple times, a scan, and tried around 20 different medications and treatments.

There is pretty much nothing they can do, yet everyone insists I must "face my fear" and accept the help. Can't they see, these people are not helping me at all, they are hurting me with their ignorance. They don't understand shit about chronic pain, nor trauma, especially not when the agony has been caused by their very profession. They have no compassion. They do not wish to make adjustments for people who have been scarred for life. They only care about covering their asses in regards to legal liability.

So thank you, valiant NHS heroes, I will be clapping for you on my way to the afterlife when I can finally leave this hell world.
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Mar 28, 2021
This Karen smirked at us and repeated my legal name name, saying that they would only accommodate those requests for legitamate reasons and that I had to give a compelling reason in writing why I did not want the NHS to call me my legal name

Then, out of nowhere this receptionist, who neither of us had ever spoken to today, brings up my fucking trauma loud enough for everyone on the street to hear.

It's all bad. The whole experience, the whole process, is awful.

But these lines, the rage I felt course through me as I read them. That f**king b**ch. I do not normally name call, but this receptionist sounds like an absolute arsehole (EDIT: I have taken out some harsher, more colourful words I initially wrote here). How dare she condescend you. How dare she smirk at such a reasonable request.

One of the many problems with the healthcare system is people like this. People who patronise, degrade, humiliate and gaslight their patients. People who use their title and authority to abuse, manipulate and devalue those they are supposed to help. It's so corrosive, so pervasive, so toxic.

I have been handled by medical professionals who should never, ever have been allowed within 1000 miles of a vulnerable patient, yet they were often in a senior position. It's disgusting.

I am so sorry for all they have done and continue to do to you. You deserve so much more - dignity, support, to be heard and supported.
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Mar 22, 2020
I'm so sorry to hear this, dear.

I can't believe things like this happen to people so wonderful and intelligent like you.

The more days go by, the less sense this world makes.

You know you can always count on me. I'll do nothing but my best to help you.

Hugs and love,

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Apr 23, 2021
OMG I'm devastated to hear how this surgery has treated you. There is the patients charter and also data protection legislation that seems to have been completely ignored here. It sounds like your boyfriend has got your back on this. Makes me so angry at these so called professionals. I really hope you both have the strength to make an official complaint because whoever was behind that desk shouldn't be there. Good luck
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Jun 26, 2020
I feel so, so sorry for you. The amount of hell that they put you through is unbelieveable. Gee they are "medical professionals" and they can not even listen at all? My heart broke in a million pieces when I read your post as you are such a loving and caring person. Please take some time to regroup, try and let your boyfriend deal with the idiots. Sending you lots of hugs, smiles and sunny days!!!! Walter
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Mar 21, 2021
I am sorry to read this, I know it is a horrible thing to say but I hate the NHS, they all want praise for this pandemic when many that work there do not care at all and make things worse. It is mainly hospitals in my opinion, and for mental problems it is a joke, what is the point in even going. The receptionists at GPs are the absolute worse and are so snarky, even my mother calls one of them a bitch and she does not have any mental problems. These people don't have empathy they don't know that some people can't cope with things they find easy, absolutely clueless.

I can't go on my own and it sounds like it is the same for you so I am glad you have your boyfriend, they are meant to be there to help people not act like they are working in a prison.

The last place on earth I ever want to be in again is a hospital, sleeping in waiting rooms because I am not going on a general ward before admission with some old guy snoring constantly or making rude comments when he's come from some care home and thinks you will appreciate his stupid compliments. I have autism too and think they are so poor in doing things for us, maybe it is too much to ask sometimes and they just don't get it but it would be nice to have some empathy every now and then the thing they say we lack and then act like they do.

I am lucky that the GP I go to I have been going to my whole life and the Dr I have seen for over a decade so he knows me well. The adverts on TV for the NHS really annoy me and I get all worked up, I wish they were how they are on the TV shows but they usually aren't. It's horrible to say I know, I am sorry for that if it offends people don't take it that I am doing that on purpose.
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Nov 30, 2020
This is so sad. They've broken a huge amount of rules here. You should report the cunts.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
These people shouldn't be allowed to have that job. They are very ignorant and are breaching confidentiality of patients. I am sorry for all you have suffered. Medical settings are an nightmare for me too. I am young with health problems and this is bound to get worse as I get older. They seriously have no compassion and understanding, they say that my symptoms are just in my head and prescribe pointless medication. I have autism too and I think that generally isn't understood by members of the general public.
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Mar 5, 2021
Shit that's awful, I'm so sorry that's happened to you. The NHS can be good, but then there are just some proper bastards as well.
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Sep 1, 2020
NHS aren't doing a good thing. With all the weights in the way, and for what liable purpose do they have for something as real as what most/all of us here are going through. NHS are a feathered douchebag scum and they're holding so many up.

Also they've got me held up in here for a reason no one seems clear about. Talk about boomers with tumours for a living sack.

Anyway I'm glad you have you bf but I wouldn't ever trust/make contact with them 'bs tickers'. Had enough of them.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
I know the EXACT type of receptionist your talking about as I have experienced it. The ones who think they have a medical degree . Sorry you had to go through that.
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Sep 16, 2020
It's so wrong.
The only people who get cared for are scroungers are playing the system and want their arses wiping. Well not ALL but it certainly feels that way to those of us neglected and abused...
I know drug barons who say they have mental health issues and play on say something like being 'pre diabetic' as 50% of people are, but they talk as if they have to inject insulin every 5 minutes and they don't even know what metformin is...

And they use anxiety and depression to claim benefits they fake schizophrenia so they get sectioned when they harm people not jailed, not that it often comes to that, usually they have bribed the corrupt police officers working with them or snitched/framed on somebody else.
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Jan 31, 2021
Very sorry to hear how you were violated. With health services like that, it's a bit rich of some in the profession to claim ignorance when there are suicides. The receptionist sounds like a damn plant; possibly doesn't work there, but acts as a go-between to get lord knows what and provoke patients in the process. I mentioned plants because of a similar story, although nowhere near as bad as yours, when a desk worker kept disappearing to a backroom nearly every time I spoke and your mention of past abuse by another doctor. I don't mean to trigger you :heart:.

It's like health services, in some parts of the world, think they're exempt from criticism just because of their COVID-19 front line work.
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May 6, 2021
Karen's! These bitches are taking over!!
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
I believe you OP, my experiences with the public system in my country have also been terrible. I don't bother trying to seek help anymore.
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
I believe you OP, my experiences with the public system in my country have also been terrible. I don't bother trying to seek help anymore.
I have to second this.
In my experience anyone or any group that is offering "help" is a trap and is not to be trusted.
Humans are too cruel, sociopathic, and braindead to comprehend the ideas of compassion and decency. They just like to preach it so that they can pat themselves on the back at the end of the day and say "I'm such a good person, yes I am!"
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