

drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
Would it be dumb to ask my parents that if they ever found me semi-death, not to try and "save" me because they could let me paralyzed for life?
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Jan 27, 2021
Nah.. I would personally never do that, they will obviously react negatively and try to stop you under any means and be more careful, controlling.
Or theyll get you to a psychiatry.. depends
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
Nah.. I would personally never do that, they will obviously react negatively and try to stop you under any means and be more careful, controlling.
Or theyll get you to a psychiatry.. depends
You're right... ahhh I just wish I could CTB without worrying of someone interrupting. It's MY life!
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Feb 15, 2019
It would be ineffective. If anyone but especially your parents finds you, they will attempt to save you.
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Jun 29, 2018
I like your screen name and feel the same way you do about psychiatry as all I've had from them in ten to fifteen years is god awful side effects and now the worst which is addiction. I feel like a zombie all day long and my parents would rather see me alive just as a log on the couch than dead because at least they don't have to explain to people what happened and way. I was almost left a vegetable because I was "saved" as I made a full recovery from a medically induced coma after an overdose and seeing how I am still sick with the same medical problems look back wishing I wasn't here anymore.
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Nov 4, 2020
@killedbypsychiatry there is nothing wrong with telling your parents or someone you trust about wanting to ctb. But understand, telling someone is a way of asking for help. Nothing at all wrong with that. As others have said, your parents will try to help you immediately, and will probably supervise you much more closely.

If you are set on ending things, don't tell anyone. The only people it's safe to discuss these plans with are here on ss. I have not told a single person I know about my plan - not family, not friends. Very, very few people are pro choice and will listen to and support you.
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
@killedbypsychiatry there is nothing wrong with telling your parents or someone you trust about wanting to ctb. But understand, telling someone is a way of asking for help. Nothing at all wrong with that. As others have said, your parents will try to help you immediately, and will probably supervise you much more closely.

If you are set on ending things, don't tell anyone. The only people it's safe to discuss these plans with are here on ss. I have not told a single person I know about my plan - not family, not friends. Very, very few people are pro choice and will listen to and support you.
Thanks for your reply... my family is the biggest obstacle I have when CTB and the desperate part of me thought that maybe they'll understand. But you're right, unfortunately pro lifers will do anything to save you, even if it means you'll end up as a vegetable which is so fucking sad. Why don't people understand some people just want eternal sleep? I really need to keep my mouth shut about anything related to CTB from now on because it could just make things harder for me. I'm being dumb and stubborn by thinking my parents will respect my decision. Thanks again :)
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Jul 11, 2020
I never told them or talked about this with my parents because i dont want my parents to be suspicious and save me.
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
I never told them or talked about this with my parents because i dont want my parents to be suspicious and save me.
True. I need to stop expressing my desire to die, it will just make things worse.
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I choose love
Jan 25, 2021
@killedbypsychiatry there is nothing wrong with telling your parents or someone you trust about wanting to ctb. But understand, telling someone is a way of asking for help. Nothing at all wrong with that. As others have said, your parents will try to help you immediately, and will probably supervise you much more closely.

If you are set on ending things, don't tell anyone. The only people it's safe to discuss these plans with are here on ss. I have not told a single person I know about my plan - not family, not friends. Very, very few people are pro choice and will listen to and support you.
Telling someone isn't always a way of asking help, I know that for a fact. Can people just stop pretending they know everyone and every situation? Psychotherapists do that enough for the rest of the people
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May 11, 2020
i'm going to leave a note asking them not to save me but i doubt they'll listen.
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Nov 4, 2020
@Aloken you're right, I was generalizing. Please share, what was your reason for telling, your expected outcome, and what actually happened.

I was just sharing my own experience, as well as what I have read numerous times on this forum. There is a strong "tell no one" sentiment on here. Actually, I can say my mom told me about her ctb plans when I was an older teenager. I didn't report her to the police or try to stop her. I tried to advise her on a method that might actually work. Her method wasn't going to work, I told her as much. She still tried, and surprise, it didn't.

God, I'm a cold, heartless mf haha :smiling:
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I choose love
Jan 25, 2021
@Aloken you're right, I was generalizing. Please share, what was your reason for telling, your expected outcome, and what actually happened.

I was just sharing my own experience, as well as what I have read numerous times on this forum. There is a strong "tell no one" sentiment on here. Actually, I can say my mom told me about her ctb plans when I was an older teenager. I didn't report her to the police or try to stop her. I tried to advise her on a method that might actually work. Her method wasn't going to work, I told her as much. She still tried, and surprise, it didn't.

God, I'm a cold, heartless mf haha :smiling:
Wow, thanks for understanding. I told my favorite person in the world once, but since I was talking to him after a while, I lost my train
of thought and I didn't plan it good enough before. I wanted to tell him because I always told him everything in my life, everything. And I thought "maybe he would feel better, if he didn't find out about it out of the blue". I'd rather not get into our conversation. I'm planning to tell him again, but now I will have thought about it way better, I will be prepared. Why I want to tell him again? Let's start with some background story. We were inseparable 6 years. He was my everything. Still is... His
psychiatrist told him to stop talking to me because apparently I wasn't good for him. He left while I was at my lowest. He's not allowed to have any kind of contact with me and I am not allowed to talk to him. Now, I want to ctb. Imagine knowing that you won't be here anymore and that you're not allowed to talk to your favorite person in the world. I'm not allowed to text him "hey". Imagine not being able to do that when you know you're leaving. It's KILLING ME inside. The only way to have him talk to me and not say again something like "why are you doing this to me, I told you I can't text you" is by telling him "I'm going to leave, sooner or later, it's a fact, please, please, let me say somethings I want before I leave
". I want to share some stuff with him, I want him to know some things, I want to have some questions answered. And I want him to know. See how this situation is probably nothing like you had in mind? We're all different and our situations different
  • Aww..
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Nov 4, 2020
@Aloken definitely different than either my own experience, or what I was expecting. Thank you so much for sharing. It's terrible that he stopped talking to you. I don't think he did it out of malice, instead, he was given poor advice by some pseudo-doctor. I would say the worst thing for both of you was to stop talking.

I do hope your friend comes around and realizes it will be good to pick up your relationship.
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I choose love
Jan 25, 2021
Yeah, he didn't know any better, he's very weak psychologically. This situation hurts me so deeply I want to stab my heart to death.. I don't think he'll realize what he has done and who he trusted his life to while I'm still here. It'll be too late unfortunately, and there's nothing I can do about it. I can only hope that he will listen to what I'm saying.. I'm afraid though that he won't believe me or won't have the strength to have a conversation with me either way, knowing that I'll leave.. This will hurt so badly I don't think I'll be able to stand it. I must have sn ready or a knife..
@Aloken definitely different than either my own experience, or what I was expecting. Thank you so much for sharing. It's terrible that he stopped talking to you. I don't think he did it out of malice, instead, he was given poor advice by some pseudo-doctor. I would say the worst thing for both of you was to stop talking.

I do hope your friend comes around and realizes it will be good to pick up your relationship.
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Dec 4, 2020
Would it be dumb to ask my parents that if they ever found me semi-death, not to try and "save" me because they could let me paralyzed for life?
Not only will they try to save you, but telling them that would put them on alert and they would probably watch over you all the time.
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Mar 7, 2021
i really want to tell my mom something like that because pretty much the only thing stopping me from killing myself right now is my fear of brain damage but my mom knows i've been suicidal before (but doesn't know i still am now) so she'd probably suspect something :/
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
your parents will try to help you immediately, and will probably supervise you much more closely.
I wouldn't count on this. My parents got a bit spooked but basically just recommended pills and therapy and wanted to pay for it. Maybe other's parents are total control-freaks or sum.
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