Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020


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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
All those stories are tragic. Results from either a rape, bullied/groomed, or extensive mental illness. The system once again failed all three people. Also, sad to think about that the only reason the Sun features these three were because they were either talented or attractive. No one bats an eye for an untalented, unattractive hack, but will pour their hearts out and donate to the cause if someone was attractive.
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Dec 13, 2020
I'm sure they are not even the tip of the top of the tip of the iceberg at the moment.

I dread to think what the suicide rates will be, we won't find out in the UK for at least 18 months. Coroners reports are very slow.
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
All those stories are tragic. Results from either a rape, bullied/groomed, or extensive mental illness. The system once again failed all three people. Also, sad to think about that the only reason the Sun features these three were because they were either talented or attractive. No one bats an eye for an untalented, unattractive hack, but will pour their hearts out and donate to the cause if someone was attractive.
Yes the sun like to advertise pretty people who CTB.

I'm sure they are not even the tip of the top of the tip of the iceberg at the moment.

I dread to think what the suicide rates will be, we won't find out in the UK for at least 18 months. Coroners reports are very slow.

The London Ambulance Service said on Twitter that it is attending 37 suicides or attempting suicides every day, they say every 90 minutes someone takes their life, I think they should change that to every 45 minutes.


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Dec 13, 2020
Yes the sun like to advertise pretty people who CTB.

The London Ambulance Service said on Twitter that it is attending 37 suicides or attempting suicides every day, they say every 90 minutes someone takes their life, I think they should change that to every 45 minutes.


That ambulance report was a while back, I'm sure it'll have increased a lot since then.

Your 45 mins might be optimistic in the current world.


Feb 3, 2021
All those stories are tragic. Results from either a rape, bullied/groomed, or extensive mental illness. The system once again failed all three people. Also, sad to think about that the only reason the Sun features these three were because they were either talented or attractive. No one bats an eye for an untalented, unattractive hack, but will pour their hearts out and donate to the cause if someone was attractive.
It is sad but they don't care about victims, they only care about clicks, neither do the social services, those suffering from the aftermath of sexual abuse or abuse in general are shunned or just ignored, then once they are gone. "OOh no how could this happen no!"
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
We have a problem in the UK where people throw useless crisis lines and keep calm and carry on platitudes instead of trying to develop actual solutions for those in need.

I don't doubt that the ctb rates have increased substantially. My university group is full of people asking for support. Everyday I see posts of people who are extremely depressed or suicidal, getting told to call a hotline while they sit locked up in solitary confinement due to covid restrictions.

When you live on a cramped, tiny little island, surrounded by wealthier people partying and having fun, whilst you barely scrape by and live in isolation, it's no wonder many students want to die. When you're raped or sexually assaulted, the world keeps on turning and you get no relief, told to get over it, while you're constantly reliving hell in your head.

Things grow increasingly more competitive. The economy is tanking. Yet no one listens when people say how messed up things are going in this country.

The mirror has a tag just for articles about ctb, you can read many stories on there as well that are quite tragic and make you lose even more faith in humanity when you release how badly the deceased were treated in this life.
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Jan 15, 2021
We have a problem in the UK where people throw useless crisis lines and keep calm and carry on platitudes instead of trying to develop actual solutions for those in need.

I don't doubt that the ctb rates have increased substantially. My university group is full of people asking for support. Everyday I see posts of people who are extremely depressed or suicidal, getting told to call a hotline while they sit locked up in solitary confinement due to covid restrictions.

When you live on a cramped, tiny little island, surrounded by wealthier people partying and having fun, whilst you barely scrape by and live in isolation, it's no wonder many students want to die. When you're raped or sexually assaulted, the world keeps on turning and you get no relief, told to get over it, while you're constantly reliving hell in your head.

Things grow increasingly more competitive. The economy is tanking. Yet no one listens when people say how messed up things are going in this country.

The mirror has a tag just for articles about ctb, you can read many stories on there as well that are quite tragic and make you lose even more faith in humanity when you release how badly the deceased were treated in this life.
So articulately put. I think I want to get out of here, but then I think..where to? I grew up in the states and its not much better there. It's not a problem with this country, its a problem with society and the lack of humanity as a whole.
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Apr 28, 2020
Similar to what I have experienced. A sexual abuse with non-consensual actions. I reported it to the police (the abuse, the administration of drugs with water, the infections) and my case has been rejected, even though there are multiple violations of the law. I reported it to doctors, who are still unsupportive in helping with the full diagnosis of all the painful symptoms that I still experience.
It is a heavy thing to forget, it leads you to close yourself more and more, to distrust everyone. And the hate for those people keeps coming back
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Sometimes I wish there were no laws for 24 hours so I can go kill all the sexual predators I can find. I probably do it anyways and end up getting gunned down by the police eventually.
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I want to end it

Apr 29, 2018
We have a problem in the UK where people throw useless crisis lines and keep calm and carry on platitudes instead of trying to develop actual solutions for those in need.

I don't doubt that the ctb rates have increased substantially. My university group is full of people asking for support. Everyday I see posts of people who are extremely depressed or suicidal, getting told to call a hotline while they sit locked up in solitary confinement due to covid restrictions.

When you live on a cramped, tiny little island, surrounded by wealthier people partying and having fun, whilst you barely scrape by and live in isolation, it's no wonder many students want to die. When you're raped or sexually assaulted, the world keeps on turning and you get no relief, told to get over it, while you're constantly reliving hell in your head.

Things grow increasingly more competitive. The economy is tanking. Yet no one listens when people say how messed up things are going in this country.

The mirror has a tag just for articles about ctb, you can read many stories on there as well that are quite tragic and make you lose even more faith in humanity when you release how badly the deceased were treated in this life.
There are no solutions for a lot of problems sadly. I discovered that for most problems, you have to work through them yourself and figure out your own solutions, because no one else can help you. People can pretend to help but they cannot actually provide solutions that work.
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Feb 3, 2021
Similar to what I have experienced. A sexual abuse with non-consensual actions. I reported it to the police (the abuse, the administration of drugs with water, the infections) and my case has been rejected, even though there are multiple violations of the law. I reported it to doctors, who are still unsupportive in helping with the full diagnosis of all the painful symptoms that I still experience.
It is a heavy thing to forget, it leads you to close yourself more and more, to distrust everyone. And the hate for those people keeps coming back
Being sexually abused and ignored is the worst, no one truly cares about you, they just think you are making it up for attention, lying to get them in trouble, breaking up with them. Especially men too, women experience shame but when men try to report sexual abuse its basically laughed at, shameful.
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Apr 28, 2020
Being sexually abused and ignored is the worst, no one truly cares about you, they just think you are making it up for attention, lying to get them in trouble, breaking up with them. Especially men too, women experience shame but when men try to report sexual abuse its basically laughed at, shameful.
exactly. The police officers and the courts cannot understand that if someone is reporting a sexual violence there might be high chances that there is a base for non consensual actions. It really takes a lot of will for someone to start the lawsuit, because it inflicts shame and depression if the denunciation will be rejected. It is shocking how the court can close quickly these investigations, without a proper interrogation, without collecting all the witnesses and evidences that have been suggested.

In the case of women, the sexual aggression can be far more heavy psychologically and, yes, men are believed not to ashamed for such things.
But there is much more than the psychological side and it is the fact that a sexual abuser is very likely a person that is sexually obsessed and he carries diseases. And no one would accept to be ruined for something that wasn't consensual and intentional.

In my specific case, I was invited to a private place and the person was interested in a sexual date. I never accepted to have any physical contact and I didn't get into intentional contact with the person, because I feared diseases a lot and I had bad vibes that this could have been the case. But when I reported this to the police, their first response was: you were adult and you accepted a date, so there is no crime for sexual abuse. Like if someone that is put under the effect of drugs can promptly stop the aggressor from committing something non consensual.
I received the response from the court in the middle of the covid pandemic, when everything was closed, and they asked me to request the reasons for their decision within 2 weeks. I didn't know that my case had been sent to the court already and that the process would have been so fast, so I didn't have a lawyer. It took some time to understand how to contact them; I asked to my family to send them a fax, as they were not accepting phone calls or emails; and now, 1 year later, I still haven't had a response.
So that's what happens: they run some very quick investigations, they probably ask a few questions to the person, they don't search for the witnesses that have been suggested and they trust that the aggressor is telling the truth. After that they report that they will close the case, unless you are willing to pay big money to hire a lawyer that will do the work that they should have done.

It is a humiliation that will keep coming back. It's no surprise that those poor girls ended their life.
Every time that I go to a doctor for my health problems, they recommend me to go to do some psychotherapy; they probably fear that I will break down, soon or later. And I pretend that I'm fine with the psychological aspect of this, as I do not want any sort of control on what I will decide to do. Because what the victim desires most is justice for how his/her life has been ruined.
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Feb 3, 2021
exactly. The police officers and the courts cannot understand that if someone is reporting a sexual violence there might be high chances that there is a base for non consensual actions. It really takes a lot of will for someone to start the lawsuit, because it inflicts shame and depression if the denunciation will be rejected. It is shocking how the court can close quickly these investigations, without a proper interrogation, without collecting all the witnesses and evidences that have been suggested.

In the case of women, the sexual aggression can be far more heavy psychologically and, yes, men are believed not to ashamed for such things.
But there is much more than the psychological side and it is the fact that a sexual abuser is very likely a person that is sexually obsessed and he carries diseases. And no one would accept to be ruined for something that wasn't consensual and intentional.

In my specific case, I was invited to a private place and the person was interested in a sexual date. I never accepted to have any physical contact and I didn't get into intentional contact with the person, because I feared diseases a lot and I had bad vibes that this could have been the case. But when I reported this to the police, their first response was: you were adult and you accepted a date, so there is no crime for sexual abuse. Like if someone that is put under the effect of drugs can promptly stop the aggressor from committing something non consensual.
I received the response from the court in the middle of the covid pandemic, when everything was closed, and they asked me to request the reasons for their decision within 2 weeks. I didn't know that my case had been sent to the court already and that the process would have been so fast, so I didn't have a lawyer. It took some time to understand how to contact them; I asked to my family to send them a fax, as they were not accepting phone calls or emails; and now, 1 year later, I still haven't had a response.
So that's what happens: they run some very quick investigations, they probably ask a few questions to the person, they don't search for the witnesses that have been suggested and they trust that the aggressor is telling the truth. After that they report that they will close the case, unless you are willing to pay big money to hire a lawyer that will do the work that they should have done.

It is a humiliation that will keep coming back. It's no surprise that those poor girls ended their life.
Every time that I go to a doctor for my health problems, they recommend me to go to do some psychotherapy; they probably fear that I will break down, soon or later. And I pretend that I'm fine with the psychological aspect of this, as I do not want any sort of control on what I will decide to do. Because what the victim desires most is justice for how his/her life has been ruined.
I wish I could kill my rapist, the courts do nothing.
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Apr 28, 2020
I wish I could kill my rapist, the courts do nothing.
I'm sorry that you also had to go through this. When you need to talk about it, feel free to write me.
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Feb 3, 2021
I'm sorry that you also had to go through this. When you need to talk about it, feel free to write me.
How long ago has it happened, you say you pretend you are fine, do you have anything to take your mind off it or does talking here help at all.
And thank you I appreciate it.
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Apr 28, 2020
It happened at the end of 2016, I was 35, far away from relatives and friends, working in a country that didn't speak my language.
Immediately after the episode, I went to a doctor as I was afraid of what could have been transmitted to me. I got misdiagnosed.
At first I thought that it was something I could forget.
I relocated to another country, I started a new life
But after some months my symptoms started to become worst and worst. So the physical pain that I experience always bring me back to that episode. I managed to get some diagnosis, but not all.
In the last 2 years I have locked myself at home, because of the fears of what is happening to my body.
Often, when I connect to this website, it's because I'm suffering for physical pain and so I find relief in planning how to end my life, if things will keep getting unbearable.
And what about you? Want to bring this to a private conversation?
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Feb 15, 2019
I find it to be extremely messed up to publish those womens' identities and stories for all to see.
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
That's the media for you, there could have been 10 suicides each day and The Sun will only publish stories of attractive people.


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Feb 3, 2021
I find it to be extremely messed up to publish those womens' identities and stories for all to see.
They're scum. I hate them. The media are vipers thriving off of tragedy.
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Feb 6, 2021
Man, I knew reading those comments would be a mistake, and yet I went ahead and did it. A lot of it is just bitching about how supposedly the younger generation is SO FRAGILE nowadays "in the west" lmao. As opposed to what? A large part of the east with their skyhigh suicide rates (no offense)? People infamously killed themselves centuries ago over things like Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther (supposedly), imagine how much yelling about a weak generation we would get if that happened nowadays (I mean, similar things do still happen, but you get what I mean).

It saddens me that people never seem to care or think much about the individuals' struggles and just use their suicides for their agenda and try to put them all into some box.
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Oct 27, 2020

They were all very beautiful, it's a tragedy.

I did LSD with someone years ago and he kept trying to have sex with me without my consent.. I blacked out and really can't remember what happened, I'm not sure if he anally raped me but it was traumatising to have someone randomly try and strip my trousers off me when we were both high.

A woman from work kept sending me photos of her naked and asking to come round to mine. When she came round we started making out, she agreed to stay the night too, when I took my clothes off she took a photo of me and left I think to tell everyone I tried to rape her, really fucked with my head.
I am ugly and on the spectrum so she definitely could have spreaded rumours, she was the type of person that enjoyed getting people fired from work and probably saw me as an easy target to mess with.
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Mar 6, 2021

They were all very beautiful, it's a tragedy.

I did LSD with someone years ago and he kept trying to have sex with me without my consent.. I blacked out and really can't remember what happened, I'm not sure if he anally raped me but it was traumatising to have someone randomly try and strip my trousers off me when we were both high.

A woman from work kept sending me photos of her naked and asking to come round to mine. When she came round we started making out, she agreed to stay the night too, when I took my clothes off she took a photo of me and left I think to tell everyone I tried to rape her, really fucked with my head.
I am ugly and on the spectrum so she definitely could have spreaded rumours, she was the type of person that enjoyed getting people fired from work and probably saw me as an easy target to mess with.
Gosh, that all sounds awful. Sorry to hear that you have been through that crap
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Feb 3, 2021
It happened at the end of 2016, I was 35, far away from relatives and friends, working in a country that didn't speak my language.
Immediately after the episode, I went to a doctor as I was afraid of what could have been transmitted to me. I got misdiagnosed.
At first I thought that it was something I could forget.
I relocated to another country, I started a new life
But after some months my symptoms started to become worst and worst. So the physical pain that I experience always bring me back to that episode. I managed to get some diagnosis, but not all.
In the last 2 years I have locked myself at home, because of the fears of what is happening to my body.
Often, when I connect to this website, it's because I'm suffering for physical pain and so I find relief in planning how to end my life, if things will keep getting unbearable.
And what about you? Want to bring this to a private conversation?
sure that is fine with me go ahead and pm me. I would like to talk to you.
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May 27, 2020
Man, I knew reading those comments would be a mistake, and yet I went ahead and did it. A lot of it is just bitching about how supposedly the younger generation is SO FRAGILE nowadays "in the west" lmao. As opposed to what? A large part of the east with their skyhigh suicide rates (no offense)? People infamously killed themselves centuries ago over things like Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther (supposedly), imagine how much yelling about a weak generation we would get if that happened nowadays (I mean, similar things do still happen, but you get what I mean).

It saddens me that people never seem to care or think much about the individuals' struggles and just use their suicides for their agenda and try to put them all into some box.

You have made some good points. I disagree as well with the claim that they are fragile. First of all everybody has a limit to how much pain they can endure; reaching that threshhold is not fragility, it is just being human. Those that make them comments might have came from a past era in which people were expected to suppress their emotions to maintain an image of being "macho" - this has deadly consequences. It seems that some people (over?)use words like "soft" or "snowflake" to describe anyone with an ounce of emotion(s), as if that is always bad. Secondly in the cases were those who have committed suicide due to rape: it is very traumatic no matter who it happens to, it is doubtful that an older person would be any less hurt by an experience like that.
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Jun 14, 2020
RIP to all of them and I hope they've found peace