

Mar 24, 2021
Hello, suicidefriends! Why are we here? To write about suicide, of course, because it is difficult to talk about death and suicide with people. But it has not always been like that. Suicide became a sin because of Christianity. If a person does not want to live, nobody should force them. We should be able to choose the time of our own death, regardless medical or legal reasons. The best way to die is with the help of a doctor, but euthanasia in Switzerland costs 10 000 euro. If we choose self-deliverance instead, this require forethought, planning and good friends. But if the years go by and we are still alive - what does it depend upon? As I can see it, there are following reasons:

1. The body is not created to kill itself.
2. To die is the most difficult decision.
3. It is not easy to find aids that will kill a person.
3. The pain or the illness is not so bad that you really want to die.
4. It is easier to kill someone else than to kill yourself.
5. Suicide requires a decisive and courageous action by you.
6. You maybee have some hope left after all.
7. If the suicideattempts failed - maybee you used a bad method - lack of oxygen is the best.
8. The society does everything thay can to prevent suicide.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
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Mar 22, 2020
I couldn't agree more.
Our bodies are programmed to live. Just try to go to the middle of a jungle and happily wait for a lion to eat you. I bet all of us, no matter how suicidal we are, will try to run away and survive lol.

Also, pro-lifers say those who ctb are a bunch of cowards. I think they're wrong. Individuals who commit suicide are actually the bravest beings on Earth.
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Apr 22, 2019
I couldn't agree more.
Our bodies are programmed to live. Just try to go to the middle of a jungle and happily wait for a lion to eat you. I bet all of us, no matter how suicidal are, will try to run away and survive lol.

Also, pro-lifers say those who ctb are a bunch of cowards. I think they're wrong. Individuals who commit suicide are actually the bravest beings on Earth.
I think the same, people who kill themselves are incredibly and insanely brave. No coward or a weak person could ever do something that requires SO MUCH strength. I admire the strength of everyone who killed themselves, because they deserve it. People who call suicidal people cowards are just blinded by their own fear of death so they would rather attack it with something, they don't understand and maybe don't want to understand.
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
it is true that the human earthly body is not designed to kill itself, however, the body and the spirit are linked, and when the spirit suffers and is ill, the body also suffers indirectly.

some articles relate on this subject, concerning certain severe depressive states (like mine for example) which program our cells to a kind of very slow self-destruction, which can leave a place conducive to diseases such as cancer for example, because hope is off.

when the mind is at such a low astral stage, I think it's easier to fight against the survival instinct, I remember a time when I was so badly, that I didn't even want to talk, eat, and breathe, if a lion came to me at this precise moment I think I could have stayed seated and waited for him to eat me rather than run, because I would not have had the mental strength, therefore physical also, to run.
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Mar 24, 2021
I think the same, people who kill themselves are incredibly and insanely brave. No coward or a weak person could ever do something that requires SO MUCH strength. I admire the strength of everyone who killed themselves, because they deserve it. People who call suicidal people cowards are just blinded by their own fear of death so they would rather attack it with something, they don't understand and maybe don't want to understand.
The fear of death haunts the human animal like nothing else. This is the terror: to have emerged from nothing, to have a name, a consciousness and with all this yet to die. So people who kill themselves are brave, but the suffering must also be stronger than the fact that we are programmed to live. You are right, people who call suicidal people cowards or mentally ill are blinded by their own fear of death and they do not understand. Or maybee they are just stupid.
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Mar 21, 2021
Animals have gnawed their leg off to get out of a trap and survive. That hiker broke his arm then cut it off to get away when stuck behind a rock. That shows how powerful the SI is and what people need to overcome.
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Feb 6, 2021
some articles relate on this subject, concerning certain severe depressive states (like mine for example) which program our cells to a kind of very slow self-destruction, which can leave a place conducive to diseases such as cancer for example, because hope is off.
Just out of curiosity, do you have a link to any of these articles or is there a name for this phenomenon?