Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Resisting the BS in life and resisting how you can be controlled by every factor. Not to be controlled by any system or anything else. You resist what humans made to control you but its not only limited to that. You resist how you've been born in a certain time and location that you didn't choose. You resist the taxes and needs of everyday life. And the greatest resistance is against pain and suffering.

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Sunflower Panda
Apr 6, 2018
I'd say not procreating is the ultimate form of resistance. Though I'm not for resisting just for its own sake, I'm for thinking logically and behaving accordingly. DNA is for propagating the species, not just surviving. Humanity is the same, it doesn't genuinely care, it just wants you to keep making those little consumers that the capitalist and monarchs can suck dry. Suicide is basically just correcting a bad situation, preventing future pain, but in a sense it fixes nothing. The world will still be shit, the people, foolish. The mother lion will still have to watch her cub get eaten by a competing male. Life itself is tragic, suicide doesn't fix much but your own personal, and very small in comparison, hell. I adamantly believe in the right to die, because any wasted suffering is a terrible thing. But I do not actually think suicide is a good thing, though for some it is quite necessary, unfortunately.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
I'd say not procreating is the ultimate form of resistance. Though I'm not for resisting just for its own sake, I'm for thinking logically and behaving accordingly. DNA is for propagating the species, not just surviving. Humanity is the same, it doesn't genuinely care, it just wants you to keep making those little consumers that the capitalist and monarchs can suck dry. Suicide is basically just correcting a bad situation, preventing future pain, but in a sense it fixes nothing. The world will still be shit, the people, foolish. The mother lion will still have to watch her cub get eaten by a competing male. Life itself is tragic, suicide doesn't fix much but your own personal, and very small in comparison, hell. I adamantly believe in the right to die, because any wasted suffering is a terrible thing. But I do not actually think suicide is a good thing, though for some it is quite necessary, unfortunately.

Mmm hmmm. I'm with you there. Personally though, I see suicide as fixing the problem. As Anatoly Rybakov said, "Death solves all problems. No man, no problem." As far as the world is concerned, fuck it. Let it drown in its own shit. Fuck the environment & fuck civilization. I never asked to be here and the only way out is to either commit one of the hardest, most grueling acts imaginable or wait in excruciating anticipation for the reaper to get off his worthless, bony ass and come collect me. Like all others, my parents had me without a moment's consideration to the potential consequences. I was merely the "second one", so the first one had someone to play with and wouldn't get lonely. All the pain & suffering I've been through, for the mistake, nay crime, my parents committed against me, willfully ignorant as they were/are, while also imposing all of its proceeding consequences. Take my father, for instance. He's the epitome of "penny-wise, pound-foolish". He squeezes every fucking dime we have, but then often makes stupid fucking decisions that cost us hundreds of dollars. The man's a complete moron. The point is, he's spent ages hemming, hawing & mulling over whether to give a random bum a loonie or a toonie and yet flung both me & my brother into this heartless world without ever thinking once about it at all. It just boggles the mind, but most people really are that unconscious. You almost can't even blame them for it. It's like wanting to bitch slap a cow for not paying attention to what you're saying. Pitiful loons like Inmendham (an efilist YouTuber) go on their ridiculous, pointless crusades of anger & vitriol trying to act as the counterpoint to all the natalist drivel out there, but in the end it's a laughable quest. Humans as a species are entirely incapable of demonstrating enough empathy & logic to grasp and accept such basic ideas of ethical & moral responsibility to other living things, both born & unborn. Efilism is the soundest of philosophies (the only one really), but actually trying to convince Joe Sixpack not to follow his base desires and/or society as a whole, is just a massive waste of time and effort.

"Know yourselves- be infertile and let the earth be silent after ye" - Zapffe. This is all you need.

Abdullah al-Qasimi:
All human actions are nothing more than attempts to heal the mistake of their existence.
- - أيها العقل من رآ؟ك
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Here's Tom with the weather
Jan 25, 2020
I've been thinking a lot about my motives lately. It feels like my life has spun completely out of control. I'm a financial ruin and I'm being relentlessly hounded through the courts by a vindictive ex who will not stop nor consider the repercussions of her actions. I've tried to disengage and/or settle the legal issues and she won't. This is added on top of all the other bs I've been through in the last 10-ish years. I've sunk to depths of despair and hopelessness I didn't know existed. I've lost everything I wanted: a family, a stable life and a home.

Will things get better? Maybe. The financial part might. I've still had my life turned completely upside down for the 3rd time.

If I ctb, I have taken back control of my life. It's an extreme solution i.e. a "permanent solution to a temporary problem." But it's MY solution.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
This is a good post @Life sucks and very true as well. This is part of my reason for wanting to CTB as well, the society sucks (and likely to continue to get worse as time progresses). Sure, when I CTB, I won't have any future experiences including potential recovery and pleasure, but that is fine with me because the recovery and pleasure would be fleeting, thus not worth the effort and time spent to get there. I'm also very, very tired of having an erratic life of ups and downs, when reaching a high point only to sink back down. CTB'ing would be like a net neutral, no pleasure but no suffering either; similar to non-existence.
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Heart of Ice

Sep 26, 2019
I'd say suicide is the ultimate submission. Life is too much to bear, so I will end it myself. I'm not saying suicide is bad, I'm just saying that saying suicide is resistance is glorifying it to some extent.

Who are you rebelling against by ending your own existence? God? Life? Your parents? The state? Reality?


Jul 5, 2019
I'd say not procreating is the ultimate form of resistance.

Agreed. I made the decision decades ago that I wouldn't be procreating. There's also no need for another genetically depressed person on the planet.
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Jan 10, 2020
I'd say suicide is the ultimate submission. Life is too much to bear, so I will end it myself. I'm not saying suicide is bad, I'm just saying that saying suicide is resistance is glorifying it to some extent.

Who are you rebelling against by ending your own existence? God? Life? Your parents? The state? Reality?
Reality, I would assume.


Dec 25, 2019
Who are you rebelling against by ending your own existence? God? Life? Your parents? The state? Reality?
I think suicide is sort of form of resistance. By commiting suicide you rebel against your own survival instincts. You also most certainly rebel against pro-lifer morality, the illusion that you most stay alive no matter what. If you were truly submissive, you wouldn't choose any CTB method that you like but just give up completly on prolonging your life at all and kill yourself by dehydration or starvation. But don't get me wrong, I don't want to glorify suicide in any way.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Buddhist monks have self-immolated in protest. First, ouch. Second, it certainly got attention. But I don't see it as an effective catalyst for change.


Apr 5, 2018
On the other hand, it's a form of submission to pain and suffering avoidance. Doesn't sound as courageous anymore.

Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Most people are missing the point. You are nothing but a piece of life/universe doing a certain program and its not neutral but negative experience. Not existing anymore is resisting the idea of life and how you are nothing but a piece of species program and how everything want to use you and doesn't care about you. Avoiding such a mess and pain is not being submissive but a rational choice. Being submissive is accepting pain and continuing the shit without questioning, pain doesn't tell you to die or live, if one wants to quit pain then its resisting and not vice-versa specially if the pain is unable to cure or end. The answer to a wrong life when circumstances are extraordinary is choosing to not exist.
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Apr 5, 2018
The point I was making is that suicide, among the other things, can be put in various tones.

Avoiding such a mess and pain is not being submissive but a rational choice.

I don't see how these are mutually exclusive. One could say that you are rejecting one "master" (self-preservation) by succumbing to the influence of another (pain).
Whether or not the choice is rational depends on the goal in mind. In a similar way, one's choices based on the self-preservation goal could be considered rational if one believes they promote self-preservation.

Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
The point I was making is that suicide, among the other things, can be put in various tones.

I don't see how these are mutually exclusive. One could say that you are rejecting one "master" (self-preservation) by succumbing to the influence of another (pain).
Whether or not the choice is rational depends on the goal in mind. In a similar way, one's choices based on the self-preservation goal could be considered rational if one believes they promote self-preservation.

Well, any word can be put in different tones.
Its true that everyone can believe in different things and find different results and assume its rational. However, some paths are self-contradictory and full of holes. Not to mention how one can know the whole truth and still not act accordingly because of different reasons like biology.

All paths created by humans to exist will have inevitable contradictions and thats why conflicts and suffering will never end. Its true that one can believe in whatever they want but if it hurts others and hurts oneself, its bad even if one ignores the pain. One can decide for themselves but not for others, if you exist, you'll automatically be in conflict with others and you'll not be safe from their paths. So even if we assume self-preservation, its possible one get killed for example. On the other hand, if one tried to ctb, prolifers might stop the process. But both are because of "existing", which creates endless contradictions and conflicts. The point is "not existing" for oneself is free of contradictions unlike "existing". If one want to live an absurd life filled with nonsense and suffering then its up to them but they should not force others to follow this when they don't want to participate in it.

What happens in life is based on the universal logic and not human-based logic and thats why humans will always fall into contradictions. Humans actions and thinking are based on limited logic (compared to universe) or biology. You have the choice to act then, nobody should force you to do a certain action. However, one could see how its just a machine (ranging from abstract level to daily life actions) and should have the ability to choose and say No for being within it.
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Aug 21, 2019
The elites can't parasite off you via taxes and consumerism if you are dead!

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