I'm not the dog in the picture
- Jun 12, 2023
- 311
Does masturbation shorten life?
TL;DR at the end.
I would like to look at eunuchs here, but it is worth mentioning animals, and there have been studies[1] in which reduction in sexual activity in animal organisms resulted in an increase in the lifespan of their organisms, slowing down aging.
On humans, I found studies only on eunuchs, in whom an extensionof life was observed, which is presented below.
In the 20th century castrations were performed on some difficult patients in psychiatric institutions. This was done to induce a calmer personality in the patients.
Scientists discovered [2] that castration prolongs life. Moreover, it was found that the younger the patient was when he was castrated, the longer he lived.
It should be mentioned that castrated and normal patients lived under the same conditions, which removes the problem of different lifestyles and the effects that may have on life expectancy.
All castrated patients were the same as the rest of the population in their daily lives except for the behaviors that led to castration.
That is, there was no health rationale for selecting specific patients for castration, indicating that the two groups were identical, so this experiment may yield meaningful conclusions. The experiment included 297 castrated menand 735 normal patients. It is important to note that half of the castrated population in the experiment survived to age 70, while half of the rest survived only to age 55! I made the graph myself, the original graph is in the article[2].
A study from Korea found that castrated men lived 14 years extra[3] than the average life expectancy.
Eunuchs grew their hair back!
Men who were castrated before the typical pattern of male pattern baldness did not go bald. Men who were castrated with aging-related alopecia reported regrowth of lost hair[4]. This directs to the anti-aging effect of castration.
Castrated, men live 14 years longer, animal organisms deprived of sexual activity lived longer. It can be theorized that if abstaining from sexual activity prolongs life, then masturbation shortens life.
Version in pdf: https://pdfhost.io/v/ocnfF0MlX_Does_masturbation_shorten_life.pdf
[1]Weindruch, R. 'TThe Retardation of Aging by Caloric Restriction: Studiesin Rodents and Primates'. In:Toxicologic Pathologyvol. 24 (6 1996),pp. 742-745.doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/019262339602400618.
[2]Hamilton, J. and Mastler, G. 'Mortality and survival: comparison of eunuchswith intact men and women in a mentally retarded population.' In:Journalof gerontologyvol. 24 (4 1969), pp. 395–411.doi:10.1093/geronj/24.4.395
[3]Min, K.-J., Lee, C.-K. and Park, H.-N. 'The lifespan of Korean eunuchs'.In:Current Biologyvol. 22 (18 2012), R792–R793.doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2012.06.036.
[4]Hamilton, J. ' Effect of castration in adolescent and young adult males uponfurther changes in the proportions of bare and hairy scalp.' In:The Journalof clinical endocrinology and metabolismvol. 20 (1960), pp. 1309–1318.doi:10.1210/jcem-20-10-1309.
[5]Shankar, J.Modern Biological Therory and Experiments on Celibacy:Brahmacharya under Microscope. 2nd edition (April 29, 2016). SlatewordPublishing House, 2016.isbn: 1519070756.
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