

What Do You See?
Sep 17, 2018
Stats prove it. You are the one who gave anecdotal evidence to try to discredit the stats. I listed an experts opinion in his field and stats. You would have to compare the stats on cops missing their intending to targets to other groups etc not give an explanation.

List his name. Prove he worked as a cop, and that he owns a security company. Show evidence. Otherwise its an anecdote, one mans word vs another. Its a proven fact that shots at the range vs shots under stress and pressure are effective at only half range or less. Thats what I was stating.

I researched your claim, 1 in 10 shots. Evidence was closer to 3 in 10. But that isnt universal, shots fired vs shots hit is not tracked across the country as well as it should be.

Again, this isn't furthering anything. I'm done with this conversation. A cop is a better shot than you, and probably a better shot than me. Become a cop, get put in those situations and then you can make decisions on a cops accuracy. Deuces.
After The End

After The End

The lily whispers, “I wait.”
Jul 31, 2019
Become a cop, get put in those situations and then you can make decisions on a cops accuracy.

I enjoy target shooting, and am a pretty good shot when I'm using any heavy, double-action revolver. I've also experienced the sort of acute stress reactions people in firefights do. Disassociation, tunnel vision, messed up sense of time, sensory distortion, the works. Can't imagine trying to shoot in a situation like that. Especially when you have split-seconds to react and the stakes are literally life or death. I can be very critical of police. I do not think they're perfect. But sometimes they're going to miss, and of course they can't control the trajectory of a round once it has left the barrel. In situations where someone else's actions led to them needing to use a firearm it should be entirely on them. But if they had no business pulling a gun in the first place that's a different matter entirely.


Jun 7, 2018
Who cares about the cop?....seriously?
No need to create a fuss. It's his job FFS. To serve and to protect...the government.
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Jun 7, 2018
Idiot. Why should a policemen take responsibility for your death. More importantly, why should the policemen feel the trauma for life of knowing you made him kill you. You are pathetic
Well, that's (also) what he signed up for. I'm pretty sure he knows the gun he's been issued is not just for show.


Mar 17, 2019
Do you live somewhere with easy access to guns? If you can get your own gun, that would be far more reliable. I know I'm moralizing here, but it's a dick move to involve an innocent person in your suicide. I'm sure there are some piece of shit trigger-happy cops that would be happy to do the deed, but there are plenty of decent officers that would be traumatized by such an event.
My sucide by cop is a fantasy. If it can happen I will be very happy.


Mar 17, 2019
Do you live somewhere with easy access to guns? If you can get your own gun, that would be far more reliable. I know I'm moralizing here, but it's a dick move to involve an innocent person in your suicide. I'm sure there are some piece of shit trigger-happy cops that would be happy to do the deed, but there are plenty of decent officers that would be traumatized by such an event.
CTB has become a fantasy for me bro. Trapped with no way out


Apr 25, 2019
As others have said, this is extremely unreliable and unpredictable. Stick to the tried and true Pento method.


Jul 23, 2019
I strongly advise against it.
It will not work. They will reason you, will control physically. You will never kill or maybe hurt with a bullet in one leg, one hand but never kill. The worst that could happen to you is that things go wrong, whether you end up in a psychiatric hospital or in prison for several years or for life.


Apr 8, 2018
List his name. Prove he worked as a cop, and that he owns a security company. Show evidence. Otherwise its an anecdote, one mans word vs another. Its a proven fact that shots at the range vs shots under stress and pressure are effective at only half range or less. Thats what I was stating.

I researched your claim, 1 in 10 shots. Evidence was closer to 3 in 10. But that isnt universal, shots fired vs shots hit is not tracked across the country as well as it should be.

Again, this isn't furthering anything. I'm done with this conversation. A cop is a better shot than you, and probably a better shot than me. Become a cop, get put in those situations and then you can make decisions on a cops accuracy. Deuces.

You sound like a college freshmen.
I told you what my armed security instructor who had a career as a cop and owns a Security company told me. He told me cops in his area and the areas he has been to have terrible aim in general and often fail his armed security test. Cops generally don't even shoot at anyone in their entire career in most areas. I guarantee you he knows all your head cannon since he devoted his life to the subject. Your head cannon response wouldn't disprove the claim. I even agree people generally have worse aim under pressure. What's your point, and how does that have anything to do with this? You would have to compare cops aim to other groups, address for factors like how much stress they were under, etc. I also wasn't trying to prove a scientific fact, my comment was not specific or worded like a scientific fact, which a few stats would be meaningless for, as they rely heavily on meta-Analyses. There are probably not even enough stats to prove this scientifically. I have no idea why you wrote cops have better aim than me. You have never seen me fire a gun and once again cops are not known for their great aim. I hope whatever is bothering you gets better. Best of wishes.
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Oct 16, 2018
Dont give those pigs the satisfaction. You might just get tased and rougly arrested by our heroes in blue and charged with 1000 years in prison for attack an officer even though you clearly were trying to suicide, or non fatally shot or painfully fatally shot. You'll probably be featured on one of those body cam youtube channels with a bunch of assholes cheering on your death
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Sep 22, 2018
Thought about this before but you would have to be lucky that the police you encounter are corrupt and trigger happy and maybe even racist if you're not white. Also the chance that they just shoot you in the legs and then throw you in prison to rot.


Mar 7, 2019
I have been thinking about this. Call the police act ruggedly and let them shoot me in the head. Him fantasy is a bitch. Still feel trapped with no method out.
There are many peaceful cheap reliable methods.


Jan 25, 2019
Some footage:

..and many more on the related channel. Doesn't end well that often.


May 31, 2019
It's a shitty thing to do to the cop. Maybe you should assault some gangsters instead.

Alan James

Apr 11, 2019
I can't believe they handcuffed him when he was already on the ground. What was the story behind this shooting? It looked like he was just walking away.

They write this was rookie mistake.


Jul 29, 2019
I'm not a fan of this idea, but I can't entirely dispute the rationale behind considering it. The statistics on police murders are staggering. Seems to me the success of this method would depend on a number of factors, including primarily the color of one's skin. If you are black or brown and additionally male that could increase your chances significantly.
If you are a black man who even slightly disrespects a cop and then reaches into his pocket, I would not be surprised if you ended up dead. It often takes much, much less than that to die at the hand of a cop in the US.
After The End

After The End

The lily whispers, “I wait.”
Jul 31, 2019
Seems to me the success of this method would depend on a number of factors, including primarily the color of one's skin. If you are black or brown and additionally male that could increase your chances significantly.

If you assume everyone lives in America. Though even there men are far more likely to be killed by police regardless of their race. This bias stacks with racial prejudice in the case of black men in the US specifically. Black women are less likely to deal with police brutality or shootings than white men even there. Though they face more on average than white women, but that doesn't mean white women are immune as there are other factors. Female sex workers are often brutalised by police regardless of their skin colour for example, but this is a phenomena which is mostly prevalent in countries where sex work isn't decriminalised. People prone to psychosis and mania are many times more likely to be shown excessive or lethal force than any other group period, especially men, and all the more so black men in the US. Then obviously blacks in countries where they represent the majority do not face any noticeable discrimination, for obvious reasons.

I'm always baffled when people act like majority-white countries represent a global norm when in fact they are the opposite. Moreover they usually have some of the lowest rates of police homicides and corruption period. Doesn't mean things cannot be improved or that there are no groups that get the shaft, as there certainly are, but it would be nice to see these things measured against a yardstick that actually exists as opposed to some perfect fantasy culture that only exists in certain people's imagination.

I mean I'm a poor, disabled man with psyche issues that often lead to mania and I don't consider the police my friends. I have a partially crippled hand to testify to that fact. Still I recognise that, while my demographic is marginalised here I am sill very, very lucky to live here. There are many places where I would fare much worse. In fact I'd have died, CTB'd or been tossed in prison a long time ago.
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