
Mar 22, 2020
Are you a religious person?

What do you think it happens when you commit suicide or simply die?

In my case, I'm 95% an atheist like Richard Dawkins and I think there is no punishment or things like that for those who kill themselves.

I just believe that when we die, it's simply like before we existed; there is nothing and we won't remember.

However, that really scares me because I'd really like to be reborn with these memories and do things better in a next life. Still, that's just fantasy for me.

Anyway, I'm interested in your opinions and theories about this topic. Do you think there will be something else when you die? If so, what exactly?
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Jul 6, 2020
I mostly agree with you, but I'm completely atheist.
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Jul 9, 2020
Are you a religious person?

What do you think it happens when you commit suicide or simply die?

In my case, I'm 95% agnostic like Richard Dawkins and I think there is no punishment or things like that for those who kill themselves.

I just believe that when we die, it's simply like before we existed; there is nothing and we won't remember.

However, that really scares me because I'd really like to be reborn with these memories and do things better in a next life. Still, that's just fantasy for me.

Anyway, I'm interested in your opinions and theories about this topic. Do you think there will be something else when you die? If so, what exactly?
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Apr 8, 2020
I'm a Christian. Regardless of the general rhetoric (at least from more "outspoken" Christians), I don't believe you're damned to Hell just because you died by suicide. I think that line of reasoning makes a lot of assumptions and puts God in a box. I think God understands the pain and suffering that a person feels before they take their life, and that He takes that into consideration instead of just throwing a person into Hell.
I personally think I will probably go to Heaven. But I have doubts, like most Christians, because I could have lived a much better life. Because of that I'm a bit scared of dying. Regardless, I'm inclined to believe I'll go to Heaven. It's a lot to explain though and I feel like I've just been blabbing like an idiot.
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May 17, 2020
I also think death is like before we were born - just a void, nothingness. I don't think there is anything like Heaven/Hell because I don't believe that there are definitively "good" and "bad" people. I also don't think those who end their own lives experience death any differently from those who die of other causes.

I find it hard to believe there is anything else after death than nothingness but I respect others' beliefs and enjoy hearing them!
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little froggie

little froggie

it's okay, i don't like me either </3
Jul 21, 2020
i believe that there's heaven and there's hell. i believe hell is eternal suffering beyond our scope of imagination.

i do not believe that people go straight to hell just because they died by suicide. i believe in God and the bible. there is no sin we can commit that would send us down to hell, simply because we've already been saved. (by Jesus Christ, keep in mind this is just my belief and i'm not trying to force this onto anyone).

nobody is perfect. nobody. we all have done terrible things in our lives. imo that doesn't determine whether we go to heaven or hell. you don't go to hell just cuz you were unlucky and happened to die while doing something bad. the best people on this planet rn still do terrible things, i promise you that no person is perfect (besides Jesus). you can't become perfect while you're human.
u can read the bible if u wanna know what i believe does determine whether you go to heaven or hell.
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Jul 14, 2020
I'm Wiccan. We get reincarnated. I feel I have a better shot coming back positively if I leave the world positively. So, I don't plan to be crying my eyes out when I ctb. It will be a relief. I won't have to suffer with chronic pain anymore.
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Feb 14, 2019
I am an atheist. I believe (and hope) that there is nothing after death. I don't want an after life but for those that do I hope they get it...Or that my energy can go on into something greater but I think (and again hope) our conscience ends with death. Like before we were born we will remember nothing. I was forced into a christian school and at a young age it never appealed to me...eternal life?....no I thanks! Plus the evil school helped me on my path of religious deconversion where I'm at now. I never wanted to live or consent to living so I wish to return to non existence.
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Mar 22, 2020
I also think death is like before we were born - just a void, nothingness. I don't think there is anything like Heaven/Hell because I don't believe that there are definitively "good" and "bad" people. I also don't think those who end their own lives experience death any differently from those who die of other causes.

I find it hard to believe there is anything else after death than nothingness but I respect others' beliefs and enjoy hearing them!

Same here! In spite of being almost a 100% atheist, I find the Bible, Quran, and so on very interesting pieces of literatures and I love hearing different afterlife theories.

Yet, I know that's probably nothing but fantasy because I think just like you: we won't be aware we're dead when we die simply because our brains will be gone too.
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Jul 14, 2020
Same here! In spite of being almost a 100% atheist, I find the Bible, Quran, and so on very interesting pieces of literatures and I love hearing different afterlife theories.

Yet, I know that's probably nothing but fantasy because I think just like you: we won't be aware we're dead when we die simply because our brains will be gone too.

I would be fine with this too.
Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I'm a deep theologian and have studied many different religions throughout my life. Even in Christianity, suicide isn't seen as a mortal sin.

There's multiple accounts of suicide that didn't result in being condemned to hell. I think Catholics like to cling to the story of Judas, Judas supposedly went to hell but for far more then hanging himself.

Anyone who is honestly interested in this subject can feel free to PM me. I will also provide the largest NDE archive link below. There are many CTB related accounts and very few of them are any different then natural causation.


draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
I'm not religious, but I grow up with the idea of heaven and hell. Killing yourself is like a surefire way to go to hell, even though I would probably end up there regardless of my nature of death. But personally I like the idea of reincarnation. There was a story where everyone in this world is just you; it's your soul that lives in various lifetimes. I want to come back as another person and live another life. After that, nothingness is also a good thing. I'm not sure what to believe in, and even if I believe in one thing, would it make a difference to what will actually happen?


Jul 5, 2020
I'm Christian. I believe Hell is separation from God, while Heaven is closeness to Him. Heaven is whatever you want it to be. If you imagine it as big clouds with happy baby angels, then that's how it is. I think it'll be a life I've always wanted, with God, and I'll be able to roam Earth freely and watch over my family. I'll be at peace and get the answers to all of my questions from God. But probably it's very different from that, who knows?

I'm scared that maybe I might go to Hell anyways. And that Hell will be like Dante's Inferno with all of the hellfire and eternal suffering. I'm also afraid of reincarnating into a different, worse life. Tbh sometimes the fear of eternal suffering makes me think twice about ctb. Its just too uncertain.

Realistically we will probably just be in the same state that we were in before we were born. Pure nothingness. But I like to believe that God will forgive me and understand my choice. And that ctb will be worth it to some degree, at least in the sense that I'll finally be at peace and no longer suffering. So someday I'll be back up with God, doing whatever it is dead people do.
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Jan 18, 2020
Atheist, although I hate the word because I find it pretty ridiculous that someone who does not believe in an imaginary being has to be put a label on.
As I see it, atheism is synonymous with scepticism: accepting reality as it is without inventing imaginary hobglobins.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." - Philip K. Dick.
(And obviously I don't believe in an afterlife.)


I was born human and I'm sorry for that. ——太宰 治
Jul 9, 2020
I'm a Christian bapitized in 2014. In the first few years I was really devout. I read through the Bible and sang the prayer songs. I volunteered for church services. However, as time goes on I found myself in some sense of dilemma e.g. I later found actually I'm gay, which is not allowed in my religion; and I'm suicidal. But there were also a bunch of Christian celebrities who eventually chose to CTB e.g. Sulli, Lee Eun-Joo, U-nee, and who grew up in a miserable family of origin just like me.
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Jul 19, 2020
I'm Catholic, so I'll share my perspective on this. Official church teaching on suicide changed in 1992. It used to be that suicide was always considered a mortal sin and condemned a person to hell. The change to the Catechism reflects an appreciation for mental anguish experienced by those who take their own life. It basically states that people who suffer severe depression and kill themselves as a result are "not in their right mind," (paraphrasing here) so they couldn't have committed a mortal sin.

Mortal sin requires full knowledge and complete consent. It presupposes knowledge of the sinful character of the act, of its opposition to God's law. It also implies a consent sufficiently deliberate to be a personal choice (CCC 1859).
Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide (CCC 2282).
We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives (CCC 2283).
So, basically, according to Catholic theology, a soul that commits suicide is a soul that can be saved.

Now, to be fair, I believe fully that I am in my right mind in making this decision. Most people on this forum would agree with me. However, if I tell anyone IRL what I'm thinking, they will say that I'm not in my right mind if I want to kill myself.
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Jun 14, 2020
Are you a religious person?

What do you think it happens when you commit suicide or simply die?

In my case, I'm 95% an atheist like Richard Dawkins and I think there is no punishment or things like that for those who kill themselves.

I just believe that when we die, it's simply like before we existed; there is nothing and we won't remember.

However, that really scares me because I'd really like to be reborn with these memories and do things better in a next life. Still, that's just fantasy for me.

Anyway, I'm interested in your opinions and theories about this topic. Do you think there will be something else when you die? If so, what exactly?
You're right, there is no punishment or judgement from God for those that choose to sleep before their time. Psalms 34: 18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Think about something you've achieved and how much hard work and commitment it took to achieve it - tell yourself, 'I can do that again'! I'll pray for you. Good luck. x
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
I'm Wiccan. We get reincarnated. I feel I have a better shot coming back positively if I leave the world positively. So, I don't plan to be crying my eyes out when I ctb. It will be a relief. I won't have to suffer with chronic pain anymore.
im wiccan too however i personally believe that theres nothing, but thats because i almost died when i was little
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Here is how I think of it. Religion is all someone else's ideas, not mine. If not for religion it wouldn't occur to me about hell, or being somehow punished after I die for anything. Those are all human ideas put in place to control other humans. These are not ideas I would have on my own.

It's sick how religions tell people they may go to hell or be punished after they die. Don't pay attention to any religion. It's been implanted into your mind. Find your own definitions for what spirituality means.

It's good to meditate every day since little by little you gain some insights into what is REALLY going on.
we won't be aware we're dead when we die simply because our brains will be gone too.

The brain dies but your consciousness lives on. So it's not much different than having a brain.

You get in touch with this consciousness and by pass the brain when you meditate. It's a trip.
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draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
Unrelated but I think I started pulling away from my religion is when I was 8 or 9, my teacher keep telling us about how afterlife will be scary, how hard it is to get into heaven (we have to cross a bridge as thin as 1/7 strand of hair) and if you fall you get into hell (if I'm not mistaken), and if you're gay/a slut/a liar/every sin ever there will be different punishment for each one of you. That was a pretty horrifying image for a kid?? I was like, nah, this ain't it, I'm not fucking with this religion, I'm out. But I don't exactly go finding another religion too.


Apr 5, 2020
I'm irreligious, and convinced that when you die, your conscious experience ends, and it's just eternal nothingness from there.


Suicide is self expression
Dec 31, 2018
I am a Christian who's been saved and suicide doesn't impact that. If I were to commit suicide I would still go to heaven, but if there is nothing after death then that's fine too.
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