Obviously I respect your opinion to have faith, I did also have faith once too. But if you look at religion from a very scrutinizing view you realize how little credibility it has in the workings of the world and morality. Human history is wrought with divisiveness and subsequent exploitation of others, even Christian (Other religions too) nations under the guise of God did so, constant war with one another, slavery, genocide, exploitative labor all in the name of God. Human's are truly evil creatures and are entire history has been divisive up until 21st century when circumstances forced us to cooperate with one another (American dominance/ideology/Globalization) .I think humanity is much more in line with "nature" then any godliness, the difference is humans are actually capable of malice whilst animals live of instinct. Intelligent animals constantly suffer in nature losing their loved one's repeatedly, facing hard conditions, yet they have no malice in their hearts unlike humans. So where is their savor? What's better about humanity? We destroy their habitats and inflict grievous pain on one another constantly, There's no good in humanity. And in terms of morality think of all the suffering in the world and ask yourself if a benevolent God really existed would he allow it? Life could be great if it wasn't for all the suffering, so why would God allow such a thing? What's the virtue in it? God is also supposed to have a personal relationship with every one of us yet he allows some of us to suffer greatly whilst others live amazing lives, why is that? (Survivorship bias is a joke) Christians for example might say because of Adam and Eve and the original sin/innate evil of humanity (which is ridiculous).
Another thing to think about which I find most damning is how truly evil individuals exist in this word, you ever seen a serial killer/murderer etc who was plagued with anti-social thoughts from a young age? Do you think they choose to be that way or it was always in them? Why would God create someone like this and let them loose on the world.
The more you try to understand the world and morality the less there seems to be justification for God in the world. And if there's a God all he deserves is scorn.