

Dec 11, 2020
Ok so I obviously have more personally reasons to want to commit suicide. But my more existential reason for this is because of Climate Change. As everyone knows, climate change is quickly approaching and we only have like 11 years so solve it before the full effects of climate change will start to effect the world in a horrific scale immediately, and that was in 2019. Now we only have about 8 years to solve the issues of climate change before it takes full.

I have absolutely no intentions of staying here when the clock begins to run its course, at least I rather not. As soon as the full effects of climate change takes effect, there will be flooding's, storms, famine(which is already happening at a mass scale) refugee crisis(which is already happening because of climate change and will get worst if not solved in) and as food and resources begins to become less, there will eventually be a war on resources across the planet, country against country against coconutty. None of these things are gonna happen at a snap of a finger, its gonna happen very steadily, and most of all, very painful and traumatic. And while there will be a war on resources with other countries, they will be a war on resources among our own neighbors, a lot of people will fight each other for more food and resources among our own neighborhoods and stores, and with people are desperate, they are their most ruthless. As I mentioned, their will be a huge refugee crisis will cause a huge backlash on many nations, causing restrictive immigration policies, racist attacks, and unfortunately, one of the ultimate justification of Genocide.

I don't think that humanity is inherently savages, I believe humanity has the capacity for good and that the can collectives solve all of our issues if we truly want to. And I'm sure that many people during these Climate Change sis will try stoop help each other and help as many people as they can out of the genuine kindness of their heart. As what happened during Hurricane Katrina and even COVID. Unfortunately COVID also shown how utterly selfish, greedy people and the government can be. Especially in terms of other people's lives. And things might get so desperate that a Nuclear War might happen. The most ruthless tends to rise in crisis( Rise of Hitler, Rise of Isis during Libyan Civil War) and tends to prosper in these times, so they have plenty of opportunities to bend the world to their will, targeting all the unfortunate souls in their wake.

If the first really serious signs of climate change starts happening after the clock runs out. I have no plans on staying here. Especially since everyone's gonna be all survival to the fittest. And start killing the " weak.' .Essentially people like me. Someone who's hypersensitive, clumsy, barely does anything right, can't speak well and has a disability that pretty much makes me stupid 24/7 6 times a day. So by society's standards, especially when climate changes comes here and not officially solved, I'm pretty useless, especially useless alive. So I rather take my own life, because its practical for me at this point and also taking life by my own hands. Even without those aspects of myself Climate Change is going to be a traumatic event like no other for many people, and my brain is already screwed up, why make it more screwed up by staying here when one of the most traumatic if not most traumatic event in human history. The slow suffering and demise of humanity as we slowly torture and eat ourselves apart. Who the hell wants to stay around for that!

Bare in mind like I said, I thing we can solve this issue collectively if we truly can, I mean, humanity managed to not fully put ourselves in oblivion despite being very close several times. Unfortunately we suffer from this sort of selfish laziness, we are really selfish and self-centered, and really lazy and don't wanna put too much work into things. So we'll have to see. Either way, if it comes, I have no plans on staying.

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Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
Yup, yet another reason to ctb. Things are definitely not going to change fast enough.
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Aug 12, 2020
They have been coming out those studies for decades. Last one it was supposed to end in 2014. Climates CHANGE. For sure we need to put more effort in, but while China and India keep going up, it will only balance out while other countries reduce. Earth isn't that weak. There were more emissions in the air during the dinosaur era. Things never remain the same. Would be good if large companies stopped ruining forests and allowed the trees to do their jobs. Doritos is bad for that.
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Dec 13, 2020
Previously they said there'd be an ice age, then it was global warming, now they call it climate change so they can claim it's down to us whatever the weather does.

I do agree there are too many people, and we're decimating nature to plant food, primarily food for livestock, the population took thousands of years to hit 1.5 billion in 1918, in the 100 years since we're almost at 8 billion - we can't go on like that. Plus we all consume more than any other era in history on top of our huge numbers.

I suspect that covid is being used to usher in a new way of life, where we use less carbon, consume less food, etc for climate change reasons. Whether things are as bad as they say or not I don't know, but it makes me suspicious that Bill Gates and big US corporations are behind a lot of the stuff going on.

EG bill gates is behind vaccines, he's now the biggest owner of agricultural land in the US, GM crops, AI and food production, and he's just bought a 3 billion private jet company.

In India these corporations have pushed so many Indian farmers into debt that over 10,000 have committed suicide in the last year. They'd claimed to be there to help them.

Russell Brand, love him or hate him, has some really interesting and thought provoking videos on YT covering this stuff, it's definitely well worth a look.

Take care.
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Feb 19, 2021
I don't want to downplay your feelings. But the science isn't settled. It would be pretty sad to see you die over a potential hoax.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
Climate science denialists are bloody mouth breathers, we're fucked long term imo.
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Oct 13, 2019
This reminds me of the hysteria of the late 90s when every man and his dog were convinced the poles will have completely melted by 2012, California would be underwater and Phoenix would be the new ocean town.

I wouldn't get caught up in it. It's all hyper-exaggerated for effect. It's rooted in the old end of the world philsophies which have been with us since time began.

Any change is going to be extremely incremental and have a concordant response. I'd be blown away if there's a material difference to our great great great grandkids lives much less ours.

Fear has a way of attaching itself to potential catastrophe, naturally. I wouldn't give in to it. Let the world sort it out and deal with what comes up. As with any fear, it's always worse than the event itself.
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Jul 7, 2019
Worrying about climate change is almost the same as worrying about death, It will happen, has happened multiple times during the world's history and it's delusional to think that we can "solve" something as big as climate change.

Don't get me wrong, us humans are objectively an accelerator in this process. no doubt about it. But it's very important to remember that we came out of an ice age not so long ago. The world goes through glacial and interglacial periods over and over, and they happen gradually over millennia, just as an example, the pyramids were built during a period when the sahara was mostly green and the Romans enjoyed a Mediterranean with an even milder and comfortable climate.

we have far more time than what those alarmist and the sensationalist media try to tell us, obviously a story about imminent death will sell more than a story of gradual change, and you could throw a rock in any direction and hit 100 of these alarmist scientist willing to say anything for a few minutes of fame.

The real problems that humanity needs to solve is overpopulation, corruption, and the rise of authoritarianism, these are the reason why there is so much pollution and ecosystem collapses. you are absolutely correct in thinking that desertification and immigration crises will be disastrous and could give birth to a future stalin or hitler, but now that I think about it, this is the real unfixable problem that the world has been facing and will continue to face long after we die.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
A great opportunity to push for our agenda. A lot of food and water can be saved with a couple of sarcos and some nitrogen. Or shotgun rentals, N, blood choke devices, etc.
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Dec 11, 2020
. It's rooted in the old end of the world philsophies which have been with us since time began.
Hmmm that's interesting, never really thought of it that way, make sense though, people are pretty obsessed with the end of the world. Its basically part of our culture. I still believe climate change is something that needs to be considered at least, especially in terms of its effects once it comes.

Worrying about climate change is almost the same as worrying about death, It will happen, has happened multiple times during the world's history and it's delusional to think that we can "solve" something as big as climate change.
Yeah. Ok maybe " solve " isn't the write word, maybe more so " mitigate." but your correct that this has happened multiple times thought history, of humanity and off the planet, however some indications says that the Earth might not survive this. So yeah Climate Change is an inevitability in a sense. The effects of it( or more particular how people react to it.) isn't something I wanna stay around for.
EG bill gates is behind vaccines, he's now the biggest owner of agricultural land in the US, GM crops, AI and food production, and he's just bought a 3 billion private jet company.
Corporations will always find a way to benefit from crisis's. Always. Its basically their way of gaining more influence over people in desperate need while increasing their profits and gaining a freindly face while at it . I'm not a believer in the microchip theory at all but I do understand some of your suspicions.


Dec 13, 2020
Hmmm that's interesting, never really thought of it that way, make sense though, people are pretty obsessed with the end of the world. Its basically part of our culture. I still believe climate change is something that needs to be considered at least, especially in terms of its effects once it comes.

Yeah. Ok maybe " solve " isn't the write word, maybe more so " mitigate." but your correct that this has happened multiple times thought history, of humanity and off the planet, however some indications says that the Earth might not survive this. So yeah Climate Change is an inevitability in a sense. The effects of it( or more particular how people react to it.) isn't something I wanna stay around for.

Corporations will always find a way to benefit from crisis's. Always. Its basically their way of gaining more influence over people in desperate need while increasing their profits and gaining a freindly face while at it . I'm not a believer in the microchip theory at all but I do understand some of your suspicions.
Yeah I'm not big into microchip stuff either.

I do know though that in the US even, if you have a bee pollinate your organic crops, you will end up with GM fruits, and if they find out they'll sue you for using their technology and these farmers are being put out of business if it happens.

It's kind of like corporate mafiosi.
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Dec 20, 2020
We don't have 1,2 , 5, 10, x amount of years, we are out of time for the proposed slow decarbonization that had been the environmentalists mantra for many decades. All the major governments know this and they are stalling for time with their gullible publics hoping that the ITER project or some other technobabble will bail them out. And no that doesn't include electric cars - they are being ramped up too slowly and do nothing for negative emissions scenario

this should have been obvious to anyone paying attention to any developments in the energy sector and capital markets , even a casual observer with no technical background.

If you are someone who has spent a significant time in your life trying to combat the issue I'm sorry that wishful thinking about techno or positive eco futures aren't going to happen. Best to make peace with reality. No jetsons for you or your children
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I believe this quote was originally from r/collapse which often discusses things such as climate change:

I don't think there's a motive, atleast not one that is operating at a conscious level, per-se. People in any civilization are inculcated with a set of beliefs just as members of a cult - they are raised with a rather static lens they are taught is the "correct" way to experience, perceive, and make sense of reality; this can be something as simple as "things fall down because of gravity", to "money is a very important pursuit in life", or "communism is evil". Taught repeatedly both explicitly and implicitly, one begins to lose themselves in these messages, and the differentiation between "self" and this static perception becomes very fluid - an attack on this perception, even in the form of a piece of information that creates a stark juxtaposition, triggers a fear response, much like that of an animal encountering a predator. The idea is, we may have incredibly advanced technology, but we still operate psychologically at the level of tribespeople; we become incredibly attached to cultural belief systems the same way we attach to our mothers and fathers as children, even if they abuse and berate us.

This comes to the heart of the problem, in my mind. Our cultural apparatus no longer seems to have answers for us, and the chase of money, status, materialism, et al - the hollow idolatry of late capitalism - is failing writ large to satiate our existential fears, if in large part because the system pumping it out has become so corrupt and inequitable that it is losing its legitimacy, and with it, its ability to hold us under the "civilized" spell. But even so, you have billions who have been raised to believe in its wicked fairy tale, to see and judge themselves and others through its objectifying, atomizing, reductionistic lenses, and for the most part know no other way to perceive reality. This is a large part of why "mental illnesses", suicide, and childlessness have skyrocketed and continue to - these are perhaps natural reactions to perceiving reality accurately, beyond any cultural spell.

This said, how does one continue to exist in a world that is not only rapidly changing for the worse - where an extinction crisis is looming large not so far over the horizon, where one is more likely than ever to be socially isolated, exposed to toxic levels of pollution, live in a terribly unhealthy fashion, work an unrewarding, mundane job that barely pays enough - and NOT want to kill yourself, or at the very least be chronically depressed?

Well, the answer, which also includes the answer to your question, is to double-down and become even more insane in the ways of the culture. The role of culture itself is transcendence - to deny death itself and give life a sense of permanency; culture becomes the self and the self becomes culture, but by becoming so intertwined, one becomes a part of its hypervigilant immune system. The problem is, no one really benefits from this arrangement in the long run; but in the short run, the constant denial of reality keeps one in a state of blissful, willfully ignorant cognitive dissonance. To anyone not insane in the ways of our culture, anthropogenic climate change is the Sword of Damocles hanging over life itself, making everything we need to do to sustain life in modern civilization seem absurdly Sisyphisean.

And yet, the denial of reality serves a dual purpose - it allows one to sink into learned helplessness, and it allows one to avoid the existential crises that come with awakening to the fact they are utterly codependent and individually helpless (much like an abused child who ultimately conforms to its treacherous parents' whims, once it realizes they're the hand that feeds and it has nobody else). To illustrate, right now it is estimated some 60% of the world's population lives near a coastline, with nearly 2.4 billion people living and working within 100km, and some 634 million living only 10m above sea level. The majority of these individuals live in the mega-cities that themselves are the major arteries of modern civilization. These cities are neither sustainable nor self-sufficient, and depend on a fragile global logistics chain to continue functioning.

Imagine yourself to be a decently well-off middle class resident in one of these coastal regions, or cities. You have an advanced degree and a great white collar job - let's say you're a family practice physician at a small doctor's office and although you don't save much, you do make ends meet, have an alright social life, overall things don't seem too bad. You never struggle to put food on the table, you're relatively happy with your life, more or less. You feel "successful" in the eyes of your culture because of the two letters after your name, the size of your paycheck, the fact you "own" your property and a nice car from the last 5 years. You're the envy of your less fortunate friends and peers, who are struggling in the gig economy and paying $1100 for a bunk bed in a small room; they look at you and tell you, "you've made it, man!" - its a similar admiration you experience with the opposite sex, who perk up after you mention your career. So, things seem relatively stable in your life. Economic crises seem to come and go, the world seems to be getting scarier by the day but you don't notice much - sure, groceries are always getting more expensive and the packaged goods keep shrinking, sure, you keep seeing friends from your peer group drop off the map or appear in obituaries you scroll past on Facebook, regardless more and more of them are speaking openly of their "mental health" struggles, and sure, people seem to be driving a little crazier, more of your patients are uninsured or on Medicaid, and the weather seems to be more chaotic than ever. But for the most part, you get up in the morning, get dressed and drive to work like everyone else, and although you can't dismiss this tickle in the back of your mind that something isn't quite right, your life seems rewarding enough to keep the tickle repressed. You might get a surge of anxiety now and then - or maybe that's just another pothole on the slowly degrading, neglected highway you take to work, but eventually you forget it until the next time, and the next.

The point is, if you live in any measure of comfort like the above story, belief in the status quo IS your "self", it not only enables your life, it provides you a stable sense of identity and status. To consider climate change is to collapse that lens upon itself, reveal it as a dream, an illusion, and with it, everything you have come to see as fixed and rigid and sensible about your life, every answer you've ever had to those late night existential questions that keep you up. It is to awaken to the stark reality you are a helpless cog in a massive mechanism, who operates a machine you don't understand, that runs on a fuel you can't create yourself, to work a job that is only possible because of a global logistics chain, to shop at a grocery store full of food and drink from who knows where, made by who knows who, to return to your domicile in the evening powered by who knows what from who knows where - all you know is as long as you keep your bills paid, the lights will magically turn on, the food stays cold in your fridge, and you can veg out to the latest sitcom on Netflix after a long day at work. Besides, what could you really do about rising sea levels or a splitting polar vortex, individually?

If we return to the story, imagine yourself that person again - and you've brought up similar subjects with your friends, or your professional-class colleagues, but they tell you you're being a downer, so you eventually drop it, and maybe even begin doubt it's even real or that it matters at all. "The scientists will figure it out," you tell yourself, clutching the Bible that's actually a cellphone streaming the latest climate denial or techno-hopium to your eyes, as you drift off to a dreamless sleep. Anyway, you've got work in the morning and the clocks always ticking and the bills aren't gonna pay themselves.

It's far easier to accept the one reality that is farcical and mundane and be united with your atomized peers in that, to feel the power your status and money grants you, to do the steps of the dance of "normality" - than to stand completely alone in the other reality, in which you are a dependent child in an adult's body, subsisting in a world that is not only bewildering and complex beyond your imagination, but utterly terrifying and unpredictable beneath it all. In that reality there are no answers, only the fact that there doesn't seem to be a place for you in it, and your life is virtually unimaginable without the forms of modern civilization - the grocery stores, the gas stations, cars, two day shipping, fire and police departments. Most would sooner forget that is the world that is threatened and fading than imagine living in a world would it.
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Jul 7, 2019
Yeah. Ok maybe " solve " isn't the write word, maybe more so " mitigate." but your correct that this has happened multiple times thought history, of humanity and off the planet, however some indications says that the Earth might not survive this. So yeah Climate Change is an inevitability in a sense. The effects of it( or more particular how people react to it.) isn't something I wanna stay around for.

I'm curious as to what those indicators are ,and in what way will the earth not survive?

But like I said before, it's probably for the best that we don't fall for alarmism, the effects that you describe will take half a century to become problematic enough for mass crises.

Besides, there are some amazing initiatives that are being put in place to not only mitigate climate change, but also to save the environment and reduce desertification. One of the best examples is the great green wall in saharan and subsaharan countries, this mega project is also making these notoriously unstable countries come together and fight a common enemy.

None of this will matter either way, some billionaires and shitty governments are too busy polluting and hiding their crimes with the sole purpose of enriching themselves.
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Jan 27, 2019
Ok so I obviously have more personally reasons to want to commit suicide. But my more existential reason for this is because of Climate Change. As everyone knows, climate change is quickly approaching and we only have like 11 years so solve it before the full effects of climate change will start to effect the world in a horrific scale immediately, and that was in 2019. Now we only have about 8 years to solve the issues of climate change before it takes full.

I have absolutely no intentions of staying here when the clock begins to run its course, at least I rather not. As soon as the full effects of climate change takes effect, there will be flooding's, storms, famine(which is already happening at a mass scale) refugee crisis(which is already happening because of climate change and will get worst if not solved in) and as food and resources begins to become less, there will eventually be a war on resources across the planet, country against country against coconutty. None of these things are gonna happen at a snap of a finger, its gonna happen very steadily, and most of all, very painful and traumatic. And while there will be a war on resources with other countries, they will be a war on resources among our own neighbors, a lot of people will fight each other for more food and resources among our own neighborhoods and stores, and with people are desperate, they are their most ruthless. As I mentioned, their will be a huge refugee crisis will cause a huge backlash on many nations, causing restrictive immigration policies, racist attacks, and unfortunately, one of the ultimate justification of Genocide.

I don't think that humanity is inherently savages, I believe humanity has the capacity for good and that the can collectives solve all of our issues if we truly want to. And I'm sure that many people during these Climate Change sis will try stoop help each other and help as many people as they can out of the genuine kindness of their heart. As what happened during Hurricane Katrina and even COVID. Unfortunately COVID also shown how utterly selfish, greedy people and the government can be. Especially in terms of other people's lives. And things might get so desperate that a Nuclear War might happen. The most ruthless tends to rise in crisis( Rise of Hitler, Rise of Isis during Libyan Civil War) and tends to prosper in these times, so they have plenty of opportunities to bend the world to their will, targeting all the unfortunate souls in their wake.

If the first really serious signs of climate change starts happening after the clock runs out. I have no plans on staying here. Especially since everyone's gonna be all survival to the fittest. And start killing the " weak.' .Essentially people like me. Someone who's hypersensitive, clumsy, barely does anything right, can't speak well and has a disability that pretty much makes me stupid 24/7 6 times a day. So by society's standards, especially when climate changes comes here and not officially solved, I'm pretty useless, especially useless alive. So I rather take my own life, because its practical for me at this point and also taking life by my own hands. Even without those aspects of myself Climate Change is going to be a traumatic event like no other for many people, and my brain is already screwed up, why make it more screwed up by staying here when one of the most traumatic if not most traumatic event in human history. The slow suffering and demise of humanity as we slowly torture and eat ourselves apart. Who the hell wants to stay around for that!

Bare in mind like I said, I thing we can solve this issue collectively if we truly can, I mean, humanity managed to not fully put ourselves in oblivion despite being very close several times. Unfortunately we suffer from this sort of selfish laziness, we are really selfish and self-centered, and really lazy and don't wanna put too much work into things. So we'll have to see. Either way, if it comes, I have no plans on staying.

Ok so I obviously have more personally reasons to want to commit suicide. But my more existential reason for this is because of Climate Change. As everyone knows, climate change is quickly approaching and we only have like 11 years so solve it before the full effects of climate change will start to effect the world in a horrific scale immediately, and that was in 2019. Now we only have about 8 years to solve the issues of climate change before it takes full.

I have absolutely no intentions of staying here when the clock begins to run its course, at least I rather not. As soon as the full effects of climate change takes effect, there will be flooding's, storms, famine(which is already happening at a mass scale) refugee crisis(which is already happening because of climate change and will get worst if not solved in) and as food and resources begins to become less, there will eventually be a war on resources across the planet, country against country against coconutty. None of these things are gonna happen at a snap of a finger, its gonna happen very steadily, and most of all, very painful and traumatic. And while there will be a war on resources with other countries, they will be a war on resources among our own neighbors, a lot of people will fight each other for more food and resources among our own neighborhoods and stores, and with people are desperate, they are their most ruthless. As I mentioned, their will be a huge refugee crisis will cause a huge backlash on many nations, causing restrictive immigration policies, racist attacks, and unfortunately, one of the ultimate justification of Genocide.

I don't think that humanity is inherently savages, I believe humanity has the capacity for good and that the can collectives solve all of our issues if we truly want to. And I'm sure that many people during these Climate Change sis will try stoop help each other and help as many people as they can out of the genuine kindness of their heart. As what happened during Hurricane Katrina and even COVID. Unfortunately COVID also shown how utterly selfish, greedy people and the government can be. Especially in terms of other people's lives. And things might get so desperate that a Nuclear War might happen. The most ruthless tends to rise in crisis( Rise of Hitler, Rise of Isis during Libyan Civil War) and tends to prosper in these times, so they have plenty of opportunities to bend the world to their will, targeting all the unfortunate souls in their wake.

If the first really serious signs of climate change starts happening after the clock runs out. I have no plans on staying here. Especially since everyone's gonna be all survival to the fittest. And start killing the " weak.' .Essentially people like me. Someone who's hypersensitive, clumsy, barely does anything right, can't speak well and has a disability that pretty much makes me stupid 24/7 6 times a day. So by society's standards, especially when climate changes comes here and not officially solved, I'm pretty useless, especially useless alive. So I rather take my own life, because its practical for me at this point and also taking life by my own hands. Even without those aspects of myself Climate Change is going to be a traumatic event like no other for many people, and my brain is already screwed up, why make it more screwed up by staying here when one of the most traumatic if not most traumatic event in human history. The slow suffering and demise of humanity as we slowly torture and eat ourselves apart. Who the hell wants to stay around for that!

Bare in mind like I said, I thing we can solve this issue collectively if we truly can, I mean, humanity managed to not fully put ourselves in oblivion despite being very close several times. Unfortunately we suffer from this sort of selfish laziness, we are really selfish and self-centered, and really lazy and don't wanna put too much work into things. So we'll have to see. Either way, if it comes, I have no plans on staying.

can someone please explain why does this all sound so exciting to me? am I that evil/cynical...?
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You see it too? For me, it's always like this.
Feb 21, 2021
can someone please explain why does this all sound so exciting to me? am I that evil/cynical...?
No I get you I despise how our world functions and something to change it up would be exciting unfortunately it's most vulnerable people that will be hit the hardest.

On the brighter site I believe in a post-apocalyptic society ctb will be easier than ever and no one would really give a f* then.


Dec 25, 2018
there are a lot of reasons for suicide... but the Climate change hoax shouldn't be one of them..
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Dec 13, 2020
Is it real, is it a hoax? We'll find out soon enough, no need to rush.


Dec 20, 2020
there are a lot of reasons for suicide... but the Climate change hoax shouldn't be one of them..
If you think it's a hoax , I'm ready to accept bets on any climate metric that you are wrong. My minimum bet threshold is 500 dollars to a 10,000 maximum USD.

possible metrics for betting:

Average global temperature anomaly in 2030, 2035, 2040, 20XX

Total average ACE (accumulated cyclone energy) in a particular typhoon or hurricane basin over a particular decade.

straight up short/ long bets on currencies for specific countries that are going to be ruined by global warming

Will a flood stage on a particular river basin break its record level by a certain date

Arctic sea ice extent bets

Bets on coral bleaching events and when would a certain reef have no more live corals

Will x location or city be uninhabitable or in severe population decline by a certain period of time.

make your own metric

If you want to bet please PM me and we can find a mutually agreeable escrow service.
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Apr 26, 2020
I have been following global warming since the 1990s, and I think it is one of the most fascinating subjects.

I used to know a lot about climate change and global warming. It is a hard subject to discuss due to peoples belief systems for whatever their reasons.

I will say this;

The Tropopause 'rules the roost'! Just look at Venus...
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I want to end it

Apr 29, 2018
What evidence is there that there's only 8 years left to take action? I'm not saying you're lying but I have heard these predictions of 5 years left, 10 years left etc. for the last 10 years now.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
can someone please explain why does this all sound so exciting to me? am I that evil/cynical...?
Some of us are better off when "shit gets real". If you don't find regular life exiting or lively enough you might benefit psychologically from extreme adversity. You may also have some traits that are useful in hard times or turn out to be a "crisis leader".
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Jan 27, 2019
You may also have some traits that are useful in hard times or turn out to be a "crisis leader".
Genes, this is actually really deep/intelligent observation. Didn't expect that from you lol

but yeah indeed, suicidal/depressed/anxious people have abnormally high stress tolerance and need a certain level of chaos otherwise they suffer (or get bored and start making up problems to solve)
What evidence is there that there's only 8 years left to take action? I'm not saying you're lying but I have heard these predictions of 5 years left, 10 years left etc. for the last 10 years now.
Predictions are unpredictable because often, people change their behavior to adapt to the prediction and it might leave you thinking that the prediction was false.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Genes, this is actually really deep/intelligent observation. Didn't expect that from you lol
Literally the only person capable of making me have rage attacks on the entire forum. Thanks for this "compliment". All of this caffeine isn't helping, either lol.
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Apr 26, 2020
I figure we are cycling through this current solar system we find ourselves in for a little while.

Imagine, if Venus were to have been the popular planet to be at back in the day, if possible?

The sentient presence screwed up Venus too. They got lucky and found a small amount of survivability on this planet earth, changed, evolved, and then here we are after an eon or two.

And Mars is up next...
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Apr 5, 2018
So what are the bad news?
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Dec 13, 2020
So what are the bad news?
We're still here :(
We don't have 1,2 , 5, 10, x amount of years, we are out of time for the proposed slow decarbonization that had been the environmentalists mantra for many decades. All the major governments know this and they are stalling for time with their gullible publics hoping that the ITER project or some other technobabble will bail them out. And no that doesn't include electric cars - they are being ramped up too slowly and do nothing for negative emissions scenario

this should have been obvious to anyone paying attention to any developments in the energy sector and capital markets , even a casual observer with no technical background.

If you are someone who has spent a significant time in your life trying to combat the issue I'm sorry that wishful thinking about techno or positive eco futures aren't going to happen. Best to make peace with reality. No jetsons for you or your children
Do you think that covid will be used to usher in a faster de-carbonisation plan? Eg - work from home, less shops and business premises, ordering online instead of driving to shops - stay at home so the virus doesn't get you?

They are claiming massive drops in pollution etc during the last 12 months, would make sense to carry it on.
  • Aww..
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Dec 20, 2020
We're still here :(

Do you think that covid will be used to usher in a faster de-carbonisation plan? Eg - work from home, less shops and business premises, ordering online instead of driving to shops - stay at home so the virus doesn't get you?

They are claiming massive drops in pollution etc during the last 12 months, would make sense to carry it on.
Covid impact on emissions was negligible. Most governments are itching to get back to higher emissions despite pronouncements to the contrary.

Keep in mind all human introduced emissions could cease tomorrow and warming would continue due to feedback loops as well as human introduced sulfates falling out of the atmosphere. These feedback loops have been known about for a long time.

I strongly advise younger gens not to put much hope into this issue and to live more for the moment - if you are planning on having children just know the odds are against them to enjoy the same kind of stability you may have had under the Holocene era. I'm heavily exposed to what is going on in this area for reasons I won't mention here to protect my privacy. As each year goes by I see no reason for optimism on the climate issue.
I also suggest CTBing due to this issue is a really bad idea.

The loss of one person is ultra negligible to future climate conditions and it's actually possible for your CTB to make the situation worse in ways you wouldn't necessarily expect.
For example if you CTB and you have a lot of assets the assets may be passed on to consumeristic people or to people who will use them to have or procure additional children , further compounding the problem. I'm not an extreme anti natalist but I just accept potential scenarios
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Feb 5, 2021
Ok this might sound weird but I think Climate change is slightly exaggerated. I believe it's being exaggerated for a very noble reason though. I think they are giving such a short timespan for everything to go to shit so governments and companies will actually try to fix this mess they put us in before climate change ACTUALLY becomes a massive problems.
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