

Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
I have been entertaining myself browsing my new favourite website..plane crash info. Some suicides that are rather obscure and you might find interesting.

Belgium,1933~ A fire, possibly started by a suicidal passenger attempting to commit suicide, caused the plane to crash killing all 15 aboard. This is thought to be the first act of sabotage on a commercial airliner.
Screenshot 20230211 024425
Wilmington, N. Carolina, 1960~ A despondent passenger detonated a dynamite bomb in his lap blowing the airliner out of the sky and killing 34 people. He was insured for $1million.
Boston, Mass. 1963~ With engines idling on the ground, a girl committed suicide by running into the No. 2 propeller.
San Ramon, Ca. 1964~ aircraft went into a steep dive and crashed while on a flight from Stockton to San Francisco,Ca. The last message which had to be obtained through laboratory analysis was "Skipper's shot. He's been shot. I was trying to help." Francisco Gonzales, a passenger, who had told several people he was going to kill himself shot both the pilot and co-pilot causing the plane to crash, killing all 44 aboard.
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Tokyo, Japan,1982~
The aircraft flew into shallow water after a struggle with a mentally ill pilot. During the approach, the captain, known to have mental problems, put the onboard engines into reverse in an attempt to destroy the aircraft while the co-pilot and flight engineer battled to restrain him. 24 of 174 aboard were killed.
Middletown , Pennsylvania,1983~ A passenger committed suicide by opening right rear door and jumping out at 3,500 ft.
San Luis, Obispo, Ca.1987~ A fired USair employee, David Burke, after leaving a goodbye message to friends, shot both pilots. The aircraft went into a steep dive and crashed killing all 43 people aboard.

Finally , not technically suicide, but as good as..
Bandundu, Congo, 2010~
A passenger brought onboard a crocodile hidden in a sports bag. The crocodile escaped, causing a panic among passengers who all ran to one end of the plane. This caused an imbalance in the aircraft which lost control and crashed.

For any sick puppies out there, like myself, from "last words":

Courtesy of planecrashinfo
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Thanks, this sounds like the painless method I have been after. I'm just having trouble fitting the crocodile into my bag. Can anyone help?
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trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
So many of these resulted in the deaths of other people :(
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Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
The audio cvr recordings have a wealth of comments from viewers who illustrate the very attitudes that stigmatize mental illness. The same people who are responsible for the insufficient services which directly result in countless suicides. If alternative options had been accessible to David Burke or Francisco Gonzales, these tragedies could have been avoided.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Honestly, I hate murder-suicide plots. Why kill a load of other people too? It's cold blooded murder too- I doubt it's some vendetta against all the people that wronged them. I don't know- I can't get my head around it. That type of suicide IS selfish. Unless they truly were psychotic I guess.

That said- like you- I have a gory fascination with the macabre. I find myself watching all sorts of disaster documentaries. Mine tend to be more anger fuelled though- towards greedy corporations that maximise profits over safety and people die as a result- Chernobyl, Bhopal, Boeing Max etc.
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Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
Round two.
When I was younger, hijacking planes was the order of the day. Not with any political motivation, but more of a bizarre "stick-up". When an airliner landed hard, it was uncommon to see people survive. So many upgrades and improvements have been made, that an impressively low number of people lose their lives this way. It's definitely not as simple as we might be led to believe.
If you fly commercial planes day in day out, it's hard to imagine not becoming fixated on going down in flames. Some of these might seem unjustified, yet at least two were truly an inspiration. Ready?
1982. Tokyo. Japan.
Pilot engaged number 2 and 3 engine thrust reversers in flight. The first officer and flight engineer were able to partially regain control of the aircraft. Of the 174 people onboard, 24 perished.
1994. Morocco.
Pilot crashed intentionally by disengaging the autopilot and deliberately causing the plane to crash. 44 people lost their lives.
1997. Silk air.
The Indonesian Boeing 737 carried 104 souls to their r respective makers. During a routine flight from Jakarta to Singapore, the plane plummeted vertically into a murky, fast flowing river in the island of Sumatra. Disintegrating upon impact, weeks spent searching with boats and divers, yielded just a handful of largely unidentifiable body parts. 93 wooden caskets shared a mass grave in a service that was essentially symbolic as most of the remains were lost. Indonesia lists the cause as "undetermined", but the United States NTSB argued the act was one of suicide. A private investigation later identified a flaw in the plane's rudder, however there's just one way a plane of that size can nosedive with such force. The event was a first in the perfect safety record of Silk air. Free falling from 35,000ft, at sometimes supersonic speed, parts of the wreckage were buried 15ft into the river bed. I think this one feels particularly tragic.

1999. Egyptair.
Reserve pilot in command, Gameel Al-Batouti, while alone in the cockpit, disengaged the autopilot and flipped the plane, sending it rocketing towards the Atlantic taking the 217 onboard beneath the waves off Nantucket Island. Reciting the words "I rely on God" over and over, while approaching the speed of sound. Jets like these aren't exactly built for such velocity and will break up, sending anyone and anything not pinned down rattling around the cabin. You can get some idea from the final cvr. All 217 were killed.

2005. Tampa.
Left alone by his flight instructor,15 year old Charles J Bishop made a break for freedom. Aiming it directly into the Bank of America just 3 months after the 9/11 fracas, inevitably judgement has been meted out. His mother suggested the acne treatment he was using, had led to him experiencing depression and suicidal ideation. It's more comprehensible than him representing Al+Qaeda and being labelled as "America's terrorist". Because drone warfare isn't history's finest example of terrorism. The only life lost was his own.

2010. Texas.
Trailblazing protester Joe Stack posted his manifesto online, set fire to the house he had shared with his wife and steered a single engined light aircraft full of fuel into the Texas IRS offices. His daughter declared on national news, that her father was a "hero" for making the politicians take notice. I can't really question the ideology he advocated for. His destination that day didn't appear to incur much opposition either. Only one person went with him into the void.

2013. Mozambique airlines.
The pilot intentionally crashed the aircraft into national parkland in Namibia, after the co-pilot was locked out of the cockpit. A total of 33 fatalities occurred.
2014. Malaysia Airlines.
239 people disappeared, never to be seen again, when this Boeing 777 mysteriously vanished from the sights of aircraft control that day. Following an investigation by the Malaysian, it was asserted that the plane had "naturally" flown off course. Several possible explanations have been proposed, but the leading theory among experts is that the pilot, or the co-pilot committed an act of murder suicide.
2015. Germanwings.
Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz locked himself in the cockpit shortly after take off, permitting the careering jet and it's 150 occupants, to plough into the French Alps. He is said to have told a former girlfriend that "he would do something that the world would remember". The US media circus, baffled by the absence of Muslims, maintained that his homosexuality was the causative factor.

2018. Seattle.
Baggage handler, Richard Russell, helped himself to a Horizon Air Q400 passenger aircraft, performing aerial acrobatics while fending off the attention of responding military fighter jets. Announcing he had "never really thought about landing it" and done with his joyride, the plane crashed into Kenton island in the South Puget sound. Nobody hurt besides him.

Continued in next comment (last part for now).

Courtesy of planecrashinfo, yewtube and various people who fly aircraft.
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Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
2022. China Eastern airlines.

Another spectacular vertical dive plunged 132 passengers and 9 crew members to their demise. Any pilot will confirm that a plane only does this, when a person manoeuvres it in such a way. It has to roll in order to adopt the position for a nosedive, that begins at a cruising altitude of 30,000ft and impacts with the world below in two minutes. At this speed it behaves much like a thermobaric rocket. A fierce fireball that engulfs it as it makes contact with the earth deep in the Guangxi mountains. Assisted in no small part by their failure to drop any fuel in advance. The rapid decent clearly initiated the fuselage breaking up. With debris on both sides of the mountain, it's likely to have broken in half. Hundreds of thousands of small pieces of said debris have been located, as deep as 20m beneath the surface, due to the intense force with which it fell.
You would have better odds of surviving jumping from this height. Believe it or not, an air stewardesses survived being sucked from the cabin of a plane with a gaping hole caused by an explosion. Depressurisation led to her 33,000ft fall. She spent a short time in a coma and broke both legs, but she lives!!
The rumour is that the co-pilot of the Chinese Boeing 737 was a high flyer, but the airline demoted him. Honour is highly valued in the Chinese culture and he supposedly wanted his revenge on them.

But the West can't survive without a consistent stream of Nike's and iPhones off the back of forced labour. Everyone will have forgotten all about it soon enough.
All hail the CCP and their bounty of suspiciously fresh human organs.

A few compilations in which there's an overview of intentional plane crashes:

In 1988, Libyan terrorists put a bomb on a Pan Am flight going from London to New York city. It exploded over Lockerbie in Scotland, while cruising at 31,000ft, breaking up into thousands of pieces. Aboard were passengers and crew totalling 259, all of whom died. 21 houses were destroyed and a further 11 people killed on the ground.
At the time, I was living close to the border of Turkey. That's really not the most comfortable environment, especially on your own. A quiet apparent Brit somewhere they shouldn't be.
It's one way to get killed.
Screenshot 20230211 005701

Oooh! One more thing. Maybe you're familiar with those airport hotels? The ones bang nextdoor to it? Maybe don't bother, eh? I stayed in one when my flight was delayed. It's utterly terrifying!! Every few minutes, a plane comes right for you. They must skim the roof by inches. Even closing the curtains is futile because the room shakes and the noise is deafening. Yeah..no! Wouldn't recommend.
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Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
Beyond hijacking, intentionally flying the aircraft or jumping from an aircraft....there's another option here, I had not thought about. That's being hit by a plane upon take off or landing. Now, if you've thought about the suicide by train option, you might appreciate how huge and loud a train really is and just how terrifying standing in front of one will be. If you've ever lived near an airport, you may have some idea of the fear factor of this kind with an aircraft. Airports are pretty heavily guarded too and being caught trying to break in or trespassing is taken quite seriously. All that aside, here's an account of how someone was killed in such an incident.


Dec 26, 2021
Thanks for posting these,really interesting! No wonder I hate flying.
Beyond hijacking, intentionally flying the aircraft or jumping from an aircraft....there's another option here, I had not thought about. That's being hit by a plane upon take off or landing. Now, if you've thought about the suicide by train option, you might appreciate how huge and loud a train really is and just how terrifying standing in front of one will be. If you've ever lived near an airport, you may have some idea of the fear factor of this kind with an aircraft. Airports are pretty heavily guarded too and being caught trying to break in or trespassing is taken quite seriously. All that aside, here's an account of how someone was killed in such an incident.


Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
Thanks for posting these,really interesting! No wonder I hate flying.
Flying is the safest form of travel by a country mile. Glad you enjoyed looking into this matter though. It fascinates me
My uncle flies helicopters, so flying isn't a massive deal for us. But that concept of falling from the sky, through the clouds and into the Earth at such a speed and with such force that debris buries itself tens of feet into the ground can't fail to grip the attention.
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