
Oct 3, 2020
No pun intended with the title of the thread.

I don't know about you guys but here in my country, just passed mental health week.
With the pandemic, more people have been experiencing mental illnesses than before, so media has been talking about it all week, even still now. It just makes me so fucking mad; where was all that attention and concern towards mental illnesses before?? They've been here for a very long time.
The government announced more resources for elementary and high schools; meanwhile when I was in high school it took me years for someone to recognize I was struggling and offer me help. I had panic attacks in every class for 4 years!! I couldn't even finish my exams most times and the teachers didn't even question it, just let me sob in the back of the class!! And even then the help was shitty at best, the counselor was never available and always late for my appointments because she had too much students to help (not her fault). And the help is only for elementary and high schools, of course, now that I'm in college the help is scarce.
Now they're talking about the poor teenagers with eating disorders, where was that concern when I was stick thin??
Also they're talking about 'reaching out for help', but where?? The ER, where they'll keep you for 24hours at best and give you a prescription? We all know ER visits are only a bandaid on the real problem and dont solve anything. Get psychotherapy or see a psychiatrist? The wait times are often over a year long. Plenty of time to kill myself before that, and how am I supposed to survive during that year?? Call a suicide hotline? Also won't solve much, will only keep you from ctb in that exact moment.
Basically I just don't see how to get mental health support in 2020. I can't imagine how I'll ever be able to receive treatment or recover from my mental illnesses.

Also; am I the only one who feels some sort of morbid satisfaction at knowing that more people are experiencing mental problems? It's so frustrating seeing yourself struggle when other people around are just living life without a problem, or saying stuff like: "Just get a hold of yourself!". So now I feel like saying "Take that", "You're not special, I've been feeling that way for years and now you're crying because you feel depressed? Struggle with it like the rest of us, pussy."
Sorry if this seems insensitive, just needed to get it off my chest.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Britain get talking
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I want to end it

Apr 29, 2018
I noticed that the focus on mental health started in the mid 2010's. That was also the time social media had become very popular and everyone was using smartphones. I don't know if there is any correlation with these things.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Should have started it centuries back
Great for uni students who've found life so hard they've had to take their lectures online or other snowflakes who scratched their limousine. Fucking useless for me. If I rang one of these numbers they'd want to kill themselves
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Yeah. Not proud of it, but sometimes I can't help but think "Welcome to my world you fuckers."
But that doesn't mean I don't sympathise. It's kind of like when people complain when they have missed a few nights sleep and I think "Try having less than an hour a night for six bloody months, then get back to me!"; I still sympathise with losing a few nights sleep, it's horrible.
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Oct 12, 2020
The thing I've noticed is, at least where I am (USA) its just a buzzword. Or a false front. A lot of places won't actually put in the effort they say they are, or hire people who don't actually care about the wellbeing of those who they are supposed to protect. When its "trendy" to care the media jumps all over that and then everyone and their mother claims they're doing "everything they can" but won't actually do anything. Same with things like Breast Cancer Awareness, (look into where the money is actually going...) Black History Month, and Pride just to name a few. Every other time of the year no one gives a shit unless its the "trendy" thing to care about. If it wasn't a capitalistic scheme to potentially make money, no one would bat an eye and force the status quo down everyone's throats like they do every other day.
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Jun 26, 2020
The thing I've noticed is, at least where I am (USA) its just a buzzword. Or a false front. A lot of places won't actually put in the effort they say they are, or hire people who don't actually care about the wellbeing of those who they are supposed to protect. When its "trendy" to care the media jumps all over that and then everyone and their mother claims they're doing "everything they can" but won't actually do anything. Same with things like Breast Cancer Awareness, (look into where the money is actually going...) Black History Month, and Pride just to name a few. Every other time of the year no one gives a shit unless its the "trendy" thing to care about. If it wasn't a capitalistic scheme to potentially make money, no one would bat an eye and force the status quo down everyone's throats like they do every other day.
I am in the (USA) also, and you are 100% spot on. When I read your post I was like WOW!!!!!!. If it is not about $$$$ or trendy in the moment then it falls by the way side.
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