

May 26, 2022
How do you study while being like this, any insight would be appreciated
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Jul 15, 2022
you can play music that motivates you to concentrate
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Aug 21, 2022
check out study tactics by sparkcharts
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Oct 19, 2021
I think the most helpful things would be trying to work in regular positive social interaction. So let's say you want to study for a while but then you start losing concentration. See if there is nayone you know that you can share a meal with. If not, try to go to office hours whenever you can to try to ask questions- the more you go the mor chance you have of finding someone who will be helpful. Find some sort of club if you can on campus and try to get involved. even if you think you don't have time for it. Even just chatting wqith a chasier for a bit cana help. Going to a church can help- you caqn chat with people before and after the service. I am not religious so I wonder consider finding a unitarian church if possible if you are not, or if you are religious try to schedule this. Try to schedule something socially at least once a day if you can. There are videos on youtube for how to make friends that are very helpful. Consider the wbsite meetup for making friends- this website is all about making friends. Even going to a gym and going to an exercise class and chatting with people before and after can help. Regular social interaction is the fuiel nmeeded for studying- we are social creatures and this is so important. Even if this means less time studying this is more imjportant- then the time spent studying will be so much more productive.
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Jan 22, 2020
Start may be a huge drama. But if you overcome the starting feeling, it gets better.

If, after a while, It doesn't and you can't focus in the matter, Well, don't force the machine. It will not help.

(BTW, if you are asking about specific study metholodogies, sorry, i can't help. There's a lot out there :ahhha: )
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Jun 1, 2022
I think it's very hard to study if you're suicidal and depressive if you hate doing it, like really hard same with work you don't feel obligated to do that sucks. Depresion makes you have no motivation and being suicidal makes you have a more short term strategy of life or just justifying to yourself that way to cope.
Depends on your situation but leavin for a while trying to feel better if you see no way of operating is a viable choice.
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Dec 15, 2021
How do you study while being like this, any insight would be appreciated

For some short-term energy boost, you could try exercising before studying, since many things become easier with a little more energy, but that may not help if the subject that you are studying is uninteresting, or if you are unmotivated to study for other reasons.
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Rounded Apathy

Rounded Apathy

Longing to return to stardust
Aug 8, 2022
I've tried to make a routine of going out for a short walk right when I get up, and getting right to my asynchronous course as soon as I get back. Been going well enough when my body & the weather cooperate.
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For my next trick, I will disappear
Dec 12, 2021
Compartmentalize your misery. Try to put it off to the side for as long as you can. Study during that time. You may feel worse afterwards, but you will have at least been able to study.
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Night of the final day
Sep 11, 2022
Honestly? Amphetamines. My life was a disaster before and ex introduced me to speed. That gave me the focus to teach myself programming from scratch and get myself a job in the industry after a year.

Likely a fucker to get hold of without some kind of ADHD diagnosis, especially in the UK. Recommend learning how to use the darknet and getting it from there.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I never got it.. in the end they approved me because yes, because that year the studies would run out and be replaced by others, that 1999... it didn't do me any good, I wasted my time repeating courses because in the end you don't know how to work from what caused me so much pain for 7 years.

My advice is that you look for a comfortable space for the study together with some good support tools.


Jo no ho vaig aconseguir mai.. al final em van aprovar perquè si, perquè aquell any s'exhaurien els estudis i es substituien per uns altres, aquell 1999.... no em va servir pas de res, vaig perdre el temps repetint cursos perquè al final no sabes treballar d'allò que tantes penes em va causar durant 7 anys.

El meu consell es que cerquis un espai comfortable per l'estudi junt amb unes bones eines de suport.


Oct 19, 2021
Honestly? Amphetamines. My life was a disaster before and ex introduced me to speed. That gave me the focus to teach myself programming from scratch and get myself a job in the industry after a year.

Likely a fucker to get hold of without some kind of ADHD diagnosis, especially in the UK. Recommend learning how to use the darknet and getting it from there.
This is a terreible idea, to use illegal drugs to help yourself to study- please do not take this advice.
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Night of the final day
Sep 11, 2022
This is a terreible idea, to use illegal drugs to help yourself to study- please do not take this advice.
You know this stuff isn't illegal and you can get it prescribed by a doctor, right? That adderall is just amphetamines and used in ADHD treatment?
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Sep 18, 2022
You know this stuff isn't illegal and you can get it prescribed by a doctor, right? That adderall is just amphetamines and used in ADHD treatment?
Just putting this out here in case someone might be tempted: if you do not have ADHD, using adderall will not help you; it will actually mess up your brain. There's a reason why it's a prescription drug and tightly regulated. This is well-documented in literature, several articles, and videos.


Jan 4, 2022
I second the suggestions above, for the better days. For days where nothing will get you into proper studying, you could try something less than studying, to see if it still works to some extent. I used to copy my own writeups of things to study, like a little monk. It is an almost brainless activity, possible on all days where I can sit upright, and it still achieves some knowledge gain.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Techno or instrumental music and the Pomodoro Technique.

I also park myself in an area where I have very little to do in the way of entertainment such as a coffee shop or a library. You may have to ditch your phone to make this one work completely though.
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Oct 26, 2019
Just putting this out here in case someone might be tempted: if you do not have ADHD, using adderall will not help you; it will actually mess up your brain. There's a reason why it's a prescription drug and tightly regulated. This is well-documented in literature, several articles, and videos.
Bro that's straight-up not true. If you want to know the actual history of prohibition, drug criminalization, and the "war on drugs," the actual political and economic motives for it, the racial fallout of the ever-expanding prison industrial complex, there's a wealth of information out there to educate yourself. People know why they do drugs, and it's because they do something they want otherwise they wouldn't take them.

You think the "messing up your brain" adverse effects DON'T happen to people with x diagnosis? You think the desired productive/cognitive effects just never happen for anyone outside of x diagnosis group? Don't straight up lie to people based on unsubstantiated pseudoscience about different brain types cmon.
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Jul 3, 2019
Look into Modafinil. Also good for depression. Purchase legally online. As used by Oxbridge students.


Oct 5, 2022
I don't know if you have bursts of energy or moments of calm, but if you do, then try to utilise those as much as possible. I liked to have music playing that I couldn't understand the lyrics of so I would focus on my work. Sometimes you can't learn everything. Try to focus on the most essential parts. Also, sitting by the instructor so you hear everything and are forced to focus.


Mar 5, 2023
How do you study while being like this, any insight would be appreciated
It's pretty hard. When I was preparing for my exams I couldn't stop thinking of CTB and stuff like that... But I was just thinking: "You already have a lot of regrets... don't make this another one" and with that mentality I kinda forced myself to study hard and it worked, now I am still with CTB's thinking, but without any regret related to those exams!
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May 12, 2023
I know this thread is older, but I did it by willpower and adhering to a schedule. Do NOT procrastinate, if the work piles up it will become SO much harder and the stress could make you want to ctb even more. That is my experience. Any students reading this- you can do it :heart: prioritize and don't get behind. Use a planner. Time box.
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One day at a time 🌻
May 12, 2023
I haven't cracked the code either. It's almost damn near impossible to study in that state of mind. I'll just tell you what helped me. My anti depressants have made my mind a lot less foggy. I started taking this syrup called MemoR that has surprisingly helped me to study longer and retain more. I don't know if you can get a hold of it where you're from.. it's sold at the pharmacy without a prescription. I also drink coffee while I study and I made a deal with myself to only study when the sun is up.. at sundown I can rest. I also play music that's soothing while I study to kind of block out the negative thoughts. There's this YouTube channel called May I Choose A Song For You, and I've found some of my favorite songs through that channel. I love discovering new music while I study. So if you're a music lover like me it might make studying more exciting. And I always tell myself, " all I can do is my best".. That has helped me shift my mindset from "I need to score this amount of marks to be good enough" to just learning the content.

That's what has helped me over the past month or so (I'm currently in exam season so I know exactly how you feel). Study to understand, not to cram too. Anyways good luck with everything. Obviously I'm not perfect at this study thing, but if anything I've said works for you then use it and discard what doesn't. I'm rooting for you ❤️
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Petulant Child
Apr 4, 2023
Besides everything already said about meds, it really helped me to go to a location where I have to study. Of course, places like the library are perfect but if you have no motivation to go then just any place with either other people or no WiFi. Even just being in the living room where my mom usually is helps me :)
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