

Jul 3, 2023
It's been a while since I last posted anything about what's been going on with me but whatever. I've seen some people here discuss drug usage both legal and illegal. Out of curiosity I want to know where people are getting "N,N" from. Dimethaltryptamine (If I even care to spell that right). In a nutshell I'm asking around for sources to DMT. I don't "snitch", I don't harrass people over their use of a substance and mostly I just don't give a shit because for a Scheduale 1 substance it doesn't seem like people seem to be getting addicted to it. The information is online and I need to know where. Hoping that someone here is familiar with what I'm even talking about and will inform me of ways in which I can gain possession of this stuff. Y'all talk about wanting to commit suicide, I don't want to hear anyone bitching about what I, myself need. Learning how to make the stuff myself might be the safest option. I ain't goin' to prison over silly shit. Or jail. Jail might be worse from what I've been told. Don't send me suspicious links, just tell me how get my hands on this shit in the most discreet way possible. (Even more discreet than asking people online for it LOL.)

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