
May 14, 2024
Fuck those people who discriminate suicidal people and think all the suicidal people are immoral, they are retarded bitches, you can curse these slutty pussies here.
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Jun 11, 2024
Some people also think that suicidal people are sensitive souls with a heart for poetic expression, and you seem to be proof of that!
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May 14, 2024
Some people also think that suicidal people are sensitive souls with a heart for poetic expression, and you seem to be proof of that!
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Jul 18, 2024
Fuck them and fuck all those antisuicide/ "prolife" who are the same people that vote and advocate for people to have a shittier life.
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death come kind. lay no curse on me.
Jun 29, 2024
I 100% agree. Whether they justify their moral judgement with a religious belief, with their own need to keep you around or even by saying that you have some dept to repay to society for them wasting resources on you as a child, these people simply don't get the concepts of self-determination, bodily autonomy and individual freedom of choice.
Cool it with the slurs though, please. Thank you ^^
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David Benatar Enjoyer
Apr 25, 2024
why would a society built on pain and suffering, ever allow it's subjects to realise the only guaranteed way of exiting such pain, which is to CTB, it loses it's control over you, if there is no YOU to control.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
why would a society built on pain and suffering, ever allow it's subjects to realise the only guaranteed way of exiting such pain, which is to CTB, it loses it's control over you, if there is no YOU to control.
Yes that's part of it . It's about control.
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Apr 18, 2023
Fuck those people who discriminate suicidal people and think all the suicidal people are immoral, they are retarded bitches, you can curse these slutty pussies here.
End of the day if I end up CTBing it's because I had my life stolen from me literally and no one batted an eyelash. Not even to say you are wrong because of XYZ. In fact I have been told the opposite. People then proceeded to not do a damn thing about it. To me that's immoral. It's equally immoral for society to just not give a shit about me. Throw me into a ghetto and forget about me. For people to not even give me a chance and work a job despite high levels of academic success. I would say take the plank out of your eye.... But that whole thing requires people doing something.


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
What I hate about society is that they use their morality to impose continued life on us when we don't want it. We deserve euthanasia since we were born against our will. The most moral decision to do would be to legalise euthanasia for us. It's society that is immoral, not us. Forcing people to survive when they don't want to is immoral.
why would a society built on pain and suffering, ever allow it's subjects to realise the only guaranteed way of exiting such pain, which is to CTB, it loses it's control over you, if there is no YOU to control.
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David Benatar Enjoyer
Apr 25, 2024
What I hate about society is that they use their morality to impose continued life on us when we don't want it. We deserve euthanasia since we were born against our will. The most moral decision to do would be to legalise euthanasia for us. It's society that is immoral, not us. Forcing people to survive when they don't want to is immoral.

the sad thing is that society through it's usage of the schooling system and by exploiting human nature has taken complete monopoly over what ideas are allowed and not allowed to be expressed. or even what ideas people are allowed to hear. most will never even consider the fact that life is unbearably painful, because they have been raised in a world in which they have been taught such pain is in fact good, and not even worth questioning. So most will despite meeting the level of suffering in their life that makes suicide/death a far more rational option, they wont consider it because of societal pressure and expectations placed upon them since birth.

all for the continued existence of this damned species and it's slow destruction of everything it encounters.
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