Our problems are just society's burdens, our friends' or family's burdens, we're not supposed to feel hopeless or sad. I hate how everything has to be fake. I hate how people hate me when i say what i'm feeling. They like you just when you're mirroring them. Some of my acquantainces are probably feeling and thinking the same things as me but they will keep being delusional about their fake happiness and get angry when I try to make them notice that they're just working their asses off like slaves for nothing. I'm glad that I can talk about these topics with this community. Sometimes I just feel like it makes no sense to post my thoughts but I like hearing other people's responses.
Reality is a bummer , so naturally, when you're real, you will struggle to find people who want to listen in most parts of the world. Most people live by managing illusions and by distracting themselves, it's why humor is such a powerful and attractive quality. If you said something dark directly, it would be awkward and taboo and depressing. But if you made it presentable, said the same thing under the pretense of it not being serious, then we could all just play with the idea, express our pleasure at it, express an attitude that sounds like, "This is no big deal", and move on with the fantasy narrative. I don't think jokes exist, they're just acceptable ways to state an uncomfortable truth. It's not a grain of truth in every joke, but a grain of joke in every joke.
@casual_existence makes a good point too though. Even though the dark truths of reality(or just our own personal misery) can be validating, people who suffer do cause those around them to suffer. That's just the mechanics of suffering, it breeds more of itself. That's somewhat balanced around how supportive this community can be.