

A girl doesn't need anyone who doesn't need her
Jun 5, 2019
Basically I've been having many of the symptoms, I'm 90% sure that I have irreversibly fucked my liver. Loss of appetite, ruined sleep, constantly exhausted, feeling nauesaeus - those I've all just had through mental illness - but the sporadic vomiting and aching right hand side are new and certainly point to a physical problem.

I'm unsure how I feel about this. On the one hand I've probably given myself an incurable terminal illness and ctb would become essential whatever mental state I'm in as the alternative is a slow, painful, embarrassing death. But people will just blame the booze for my death. It'll be so easy to say I was just a weak character and tut.

It's not that I want to ctb in order to spite people (although last time I left genuinely thinking I'd complete my plan it suddenly occurred to me how uncomfortable the few so called friends I'd tried to reach out to over last five years might feel and got brief buzz satisfaction. Call me bad, whatever. Obviously I gave up with people couple of years ago) it's just that the drinking has been a way of coping as well as self-destructing, and the MH problems truly caused the booze. Get so angry when people always suggest it's the other way round. For instance, I devolped crippling ptsd and 19 and was becoming increasingly dysfunctional, nightmares, insomnia, hallucinations, panic attacks etc... I did briefly try help but they really didn't seem to care or want to know. Even lost a job. Then I discovered drink. It allowed me to sleep, it numbed the pain and killed most the intrusive thoughts. Oh wow Dr's, you so should have just given me the benzos. Because what did heavy drinking do to me the next day? Give me the most savage panic attacks. Problematic. But then what did I discover? Having a few drinks stopped them dead! Would have thought it's very well documented that people with ptsd often become alcoholics, addicts and are prone to suicide. I can really see why.

The other reason I suppose was when I stated using it in a deliberately self-destructive way. Again, this was after trauma. Just after I turned 28 my best (only real) friend was killed in just about the worst way relating to my ptsd and, bang! Instantly re-triggered, just as I'd finally had a few peaceful years and was happy that my recovery was as good as it was going to get, certainly wasn't screwing with me. Again, the Dr's didn't want to know, despite me describing what should have been some highly alarming symptoms. This time the ptsd came with a wonderful variety of new symptoms, such as crippling social anxiety and agrophobia/claustrophobia. Excellent. All of for some strange reason has triggered off a massive bout of deep depression, which I've been prone to since about twelve and runs in my family big time. After a year of this decided I couldn't live as I was already dead, but that I would try to see early 40s for the sake of my poor babies. But I decided I wouldn't even care how much I drank, as now it truly was my only friend and I'd lost my hope and self-respect. And I'd be dead in just over a decade anyway. Looks like that's been certainly brought forward.

I no longer feel like an individual, parts of my personality have just been stripped off piece by piece, until I feel like just a giant collection of unpleasant competing MH conditions. I've realised that I'm never going to get better, I've tried. Everything just gets worse. The mental pain is shocking and constant, I'm too messed up to be able to work now, so really, what's the point in being here. Was trying to hold on for the sake of my little ones, but my existence is torture and now I likely have severe physical pain to add to this happy mix.

Wow, waffled on quite a bit, apologies to anyone that's made it this far! Just although I'll be dead, so technically shouldn't give a rats arse, it does bother me that all the people that honestly let me down, Dr's and friend's, through dismissing my symptoms out of hand will just be able to say, oh well, such a shame she was an uncontrolled alcoholic bum and totally wash their hands, without ever understanding that perhaps if they'd just LISTENED all those years ago and realised I was honestly in severe mental distress, my story might have been a less dark one...
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Jun 1, 2019
I wish there was something I could say or do that would make it all go away, but theres not. Is it worth getting it checked out? At least that might get you some much needed pain relief?
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A girl doesn't need anyone who doesn't need her
Jun 5, 2019
Realise I've posted bit of a conversion killer here, I mean, what to say apart from "I'm a fucking muppet"? Anyone else traversed the extremes with drink /drugs?

However I'm not sure I regret it. I feel sad for the lively, occasionally passionate to the point of anger, bouncing off the walls person I once was. Can feel sad for that now lost person and the never to be future. But I don't feel sad about ruining this wreck. Guess my body might finally match my mind!
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Jun 1, 2019
When I ws first told about my mourning for my former life, I thought it was BS. But upon reflection, it makes some sense. We mourn others, why not ourselves?

You have probably read my life is missing 3 yrs due to the drink and drugs. Because there were not a lot of psychedelics, medical staff dont think there was any lasting damage. I just exterminated brain cells sniffing anything and everything. But these things make us who we are and I would never accuse anyone of being a muppet for doing the things they did.

Its funny how we are able to be so kind to others but cannot be the same for ourselves.
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Feb 18, 2019
If you have an illness, you'd qualify for Dignitas.


A girl doesn't need anyone who doesn't need her
Jun 5, 2019
If you have an illness, you'd qualify for Dignitas.
Hadn't considered that. But do believe it costs £1000+++ I really don't have access to even few hundred. Seems a bit stingy for those at the end of the road but I guess death is just like life - a fucking shit load easier for the wealthy.
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Jun 27, 2019
Realise I've posted bit of a conversion killer here, I mean, what to say apart from "I'm a fucking muppet"? Anyone else traversed the extremes with drink /drugs?

However I'm not sure I regret it. I feel sad for the lively, occasionally passionate to the point of anger, bouncing off the walls person I once was. Can feel sad for that now lost person and the never to be future. But I don't feel sad about ruining this wreck. Guess my body might finally match my mind!
Not fun drugs, but my sex drive has been wrecked from anti-psychotics. I don't think that counts though. I'm going to try experimenting a bit with the good drugs. I don't care what happens to my brain anymore. I just want to experience something.
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Jul 7, 2019
DYing from cirrhosis is not pretty.I lost my wife to it 26 years ago this coming Sept. She was 31.she drowned on her own fluid


May 26, 2019
I'm at work so I have to be quick - but your liver is your most forgiving organ in your body. I don't know how far the damage has gone, but giving yourself time without stressing your liver out will do wonders if that's what you want. Dying of liver failure isn't a nice way to die...


Jul 7, 2019
Your liver is the only organ that will rebuild itself as long as there's anything to rebuild


Jun 17, 2019
DYing from cirrhosis is not pretty.I lost my wife to it 26 years ago this coming Sept. She was 31.she drowned on her own fluid
My friend died from liver failure almost a year ago, also early 30s. He struggled with it for about 3 years before he died. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's not an easy way to go.


Mar 7, 2019
My brother died recently of alcoholism at only 35 years old. Here is the story.
My brother was a functioning alcoholic, he held down a job, but during summer break things took a turn for the worse. He started binge drinking. My brother came to me about a week ago. He said "I think I am stage 4 to 5 out of 5 alcoholism." Me and my mom tried to help him. We gave him advise. I told him I would help him clean his room because it was a wreak. He laid down on my air mattress. I told him "don't fall asleep there otherwise I will have to roll you off.'" I left to go to work. I cam home at 2am he was laying on my mattress. I got on the computer then at 3am I went to bed. I rolled him off and fell asleep. I woke up and got on the computer again. My mom woke up about 2 hours later and said what is that mark on him? I went and pulled the mattress and noticed that he was already turning blue all over the lower part of his body. I realized he had been dead all night long by that point. I touched him and he was hard, so rigamortis already set in. I was shocked, and so was everyone else that knew him because he was so young. My mom told me that he drank 2-3 cups of my vodka last night. It's really weird to think that my brother was dead all night long as I laid right next to him.

911 was called, the police officer said he likely died of a heart attack alcohol related. We are still waiting for the autopsy results.

My brother was lucky in that he didn't have a long drawn out undignifed death, but it's still royally fucked up that he died so young at only 35 years old, because he wanted to live. Drink at your own risk.
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A girl doesn't need anyone who doesn't need her
Jun 5, 2019
My brother died recently of alcoholism at only 35 years old. Here is the story.
My brother was a functioning alcoholic, he held down a job, but during summer break things took a turn for the worse. He started binge drinking. My brother came to me about a week ago. He said "I think I am stage 4 to 5 out of 5 alcoholism." Me and my mom tried to help him. We gave him advise. I told him I would help him clean his room because it was a wreak. He laid down on my air mattress. I told him "don't fall asleep there otherwise I will have to roll you off.'" I left to go to work. I cam home at 2am he was laying on my mattress. I got on the computer then at 3am I went to bed. I rolled him off and fell asleep. I woke up and got on the computer again. My mom woke up about 2 hours later and said what is that mark on him? I went and pulled the mattress and noticed that he was already turning blue all over the lower part of his body. I realized he had been dead all night long by that point. I touched him and he was hard, so rigamortis already set in. I was shocked, and so was everyone else that knew him because he was so young. My mom told me that he drank 2-3 cups of my vodka last night. It's really weird to think that my brother was dead all night long as I laid right next to him.

911 was called, the police officer said he likely died of a heart attack alcohol related. We are still waiting for the autopsy results.

My brother was lucky in that he didn't have a long drawn out undignifed death, but it's still royally fucked up that he died so young at only 35 years old, because he wanted to live. Drink at your own risk.
You are so right with the undignified death many addicts slowly suffer. And there really is no sympathy for them. Bottom of the pile, even below mentally ill and homeless (although those things are usually related and feed off each other)

Sorry to hear about your brother, that sounds like a cruel and almost senseless way to die, if he didn't want to. Wish there was actual help rather than condemnation for people suffering with addiction.

When I started hitting the bottle was suffering unbearably with ptsd but wasn't suicidal, it was just the only "help" I could find. Now I'm not sure. I'm tired and fucked up. I do everything at my own risk x

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