
Sep 17, 2024
Hi guys I know I joined this forum a couple days back but I've been wanting to ctb for years… just wanting to know if the stuff I have will be adequate?
1.SN from dmc
2. Hydroxizine and Dramamine for AE
3. Propanalol for heart/anxiety
4. Trazadone for sedative( I can't get benzos)
5. Measuring cup/spoons for amounts of sn and liquid.

Thanks to all that respond!
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Aug 4, 2024
Looks right! This is a good list. Good luck!
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Jul 6, 2023
I would try to get actual anti-emetics if you can, hydroxyzine might calm you down a little and Dramamine is really for motion sickness as it dulls out the vestibular system. I would definitely advise you get a scale for measuring the SN, they're probably like 10 dollars in any given department store. I really wouldn't rely on volume, way too many variables. What really matters is the weight. Think of how finely granulated salt is a much higher weight per volume than coarse sea salt, so you have to use less spoons of it for the same strength. We don't really have much of a reference point for the granule size of SN and how much it may vary, the only reliable way to measure is by weight in my opinion. That one is really crucial.
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Aug 4, 2024
I would try to get actual anti-emetics if you can, hydroxyzine might calm you down a little and Dramamine is really for motion sickness as it dulls out the vestibular system. I would definitely advise you get a scale for measuring the SN, they're probably like 10 dollars in any given department store. I really wouldn't rely on volume, way too many variables. What really matters is the weight. Think of how finely granulated salt is a much higher weight per volume than coarse sea salt, so you have to use less spoons of it for the same strength. We don't really have much of a reference point for the granule size of SN and how much it may vary, the only reliable way to measure is by weight in my opinion. That one is really crucial.
Dramamine is an alright alternative as an AE in the 2022 PPH. I think he will be alright with this.
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Jul 6, 2023
Dramamine is an alright alternative as an AE in the 2022 PPH. I think he will be alright with this.
Yeah I've seen it quoted, but it's really not targeting the right thing from my knowledge. I'm not saying to believe me, but I've got a pretty decent amount of hands-on experience with pharmacology. I know you can say anything on the internet so it's kind of a catch-22.
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Sep 17, 2024
Oh shit now thinking about it a scale does make sense… but as far as the ae I couldn't get meto or domperidone…people have technically done sn without any of this stuff but I am planning for this weekend or early next week so I guess I'll need all the luck I can get!


Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
Dramamine is an alright alternative as an AE in the 2022 PPH. I think he will be alright with this.
not for SN. for other ODs sure, but Meto, Domperidone, and Prochlorperazine are specifically named for SN as they are dopamine (D2 receptor) antagonists, which speed up gastric emptying. Dramamine is a histamine antagonist.
Hi guys I know I joined this forum a couple days back but I've been wanting to ctb for years… just wanting to know if the stuff I have will be adequate?
1.SN from dmc
2. Hydroxizine and Dramamine for AE
3. Propanalol for heart/anxiety
4. Trazadone for sedative( I can't get benzos)
5. Measuring cup/spoons for amounts of sn and liquid.

Thanks to all that respond!
Looks good to me. The only thing I'd change is the AEs. Dramamine is not effective at all for SN (see my previous comment), and Hydroxyzine only very weakly affects the right receptor that's needed for SN. If you can't get better AEs, you can of course use these ones for some peace of mind. But dopamine antagonist AEs are what's advised. You may also want a painkiller for the possible headache. Apparently the headache caused by low-blood pressure can be pretty bad, so something like acetaminophen/paracetamol would help lessen or eliminate this.
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Jul 6, 2023
Oh shit now thinking about it a scale does make sense… but as far as the ae I couldn't get meto or domperidone…people have technically done sn without any of this stuff but I am planning for this weekend or early next week so I guess I'll need all the luck I can get!
Yeah it allegedly can be done without AEs. It's a really hard subject to make a study out of, though. I don't really doubt it can be done without AEs. I would agree with it being claimed they're a luxury. If I had to make a choice for myself of an H1 antihistamine vs taking nothing as an AE, I would lean towards taking nothing just because I don't think there's any good data on how an H1 could potentially interfere. I think there's a good enough chance of it causing a problem with the CTB for some unintended reason/interaction. I don't think there's anything that could link it to being beneficial specifically with SN. With other ODs I wouldn't be surprised if the benefit was more from depressing the respiratory system than from AE effects.
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Sep 17, 2024
I found some Mexican brand domperidone for $50 on a website so prescription needed…I am running low on funds but it might be what I need for peace of mind. I'm just scared after buying it I'll throw up anyways!


Jul 6, 2023
I found some Mexican brand domperidone for $50 on a website so prescription needed…I am running low on funds but it might be what I need for peace of mind. I'm just scared after buying it I'll throw up anyways!
I'm scared I will too. My meto is expired but I'm not in the least worried about that. I think I got mine for $45 without a prescription, but that site is no longer selling anything requiring a prescription. The pharmacy is far far away from Mexico, probably as far as you could possibly get from Mexico. I don't know of any other sources, I haven't looked.


Aug 4, 2024
Yeah I've seen it quoted, but it's really not targeting the right thing from my knowledge. I'm not saying to believe me, but I've got a pretty decent amount of hands-on experience with pharmacology. I know you can say anything on the internet so it's kind of a catch-22.
Oh OK! I did not know it would affect differently!

not for SN. for other ODs sure, but Meto, Domperidone, and Prochlorperazine are specifically named for SN as they are dopamine (D2 receptor) antagonists, which speed up gastric emptying. Dramamine is a histamine antagonist.

Looks good to me. The only thing I'd change is the AEs. Dramamine is not effective at all for SN (see my previous comment), and Hydroxyzine only very weakly affects the right receptor that's needed for SN. If you can't get better AEs, you can of course use these ones for some peace of mind. But dopamine antagonist AEs are what's advised. You may also want a painkiller for the possible headache. Apparently the headache caused by low-blood pressure can be pretty bad, so something like acetaminophen/paracetamol would help lessen or eliminate this.
Oh OK! I did not know that. Thank you for letting me know.
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Sep 17, 2024
Actually one thing I forgot to add to the list which I have is leftover 25mg of hydrocodone(norco) for painkiller from when I hurt my leg last year…any more suggestions?? I got one chance to get this right.


Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
I found some Mexican brand domperidone for $50 on a website so prescription needed…I am running low on funds but it might be what I need for peace of mind. I'm just scared after buying it I'll throw up anyways!
AEs don't seem to actually stop one from throwing up. The ones advised for the protocol are mainly to speed up gastric emptying (so more SN enters your small intestines, and it enters quicker) and possibly lessen the nausea. But almost everyone (AE used or no AE used, doesn't matter) vomits at some point during the process.
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Jul 6, 2023
Oh OK! I did not know it would affect differently!

Oh OK! I did not know that. Thank you for letting me know.
I can attest the headache from hypotension can be pretty bad. I've got a rare autonomic nervous system/endocrine issue making my blood pressure totally unstable going from well above the threshold of a hypertensive emergency and back down to 80/45 within 10 minutes. It's all over the place, totally unpredictable and uncontrollable. Besides that, I've also got chronic migraines which are distinctly different to the hypotensive headaches. Both kinds make me vomit though. As far as raw pain level, I would say the hypotensive headaches can at times be worse than my specific kind of migraine. I'm confident other types of shorter duration migraines are probably quite a bit more painful than hypotensive headaches. Meningitis though, that's in a category of its own for damn sure. I lost 40lbs in two weeks mostly because I couldn't eat and I was vomiting every few minutes like clockwork, while on a drip of fentanyl and PCA pump of dilaudid and a bunch of ondansetron. It was aseptic meningitis, so there was nothing to give me to treat whatever it was that was causing it.
Actually one thing I forgot to add to the list which I have is leftover 25mg of hydrocodone(norco) for painkiller from when I hurt my leg last year…any more suggestions?? I got one chance to get this right.
Well it could work, it's got acetaminophen in it which is one of the things suggested. The downside it opioids have a propensity to make people vomit.
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May 6, 2024
I would try to get actual anti-emetics if you can, hydroxyzine might calm you down a little and Dramamine is really for motion sickness as it dulls out the vestibular system. I would definitely advise you get a scale for measuring the SN, they're probably like 10 dollars in any given department store. I really wouldn't rely on volume, way too many variables. What really matters is the weight. Think of how finely granulated salt is a much higher weight per volume than coarse sea salt, so you have to use less spoons of it for the same strength. We don't really have much of a reference point for the granule size of SN and how much it may vary, the only reliable way to measure is by weight in my opinion. That one is really crucial.
Hello, I was wondering if you have any insight to using an anti-psychotic (mentioned in one of the SN guides) as an AE. If taking quetiapine for example, how many mg would work as an AE? Would you take it a little before the sn or hours earlier?


Jul 6, 2023
Hello, I was wondering if you have any insight to using an anti-psychotic (mentioned in one of the SN guides) as an AE. If taking quetiapine for example, how many mg would work as an AE? Would you take it a little before the sn or hours earlier?
I can't really answer that precisely, my experience with doing that was to prevent vomiting up a pretty large volume of stuff in my stomach so that it could at least dissolve and maybe move on to where it would be absorbed, but with SN I think the assault of the SN is probably so significant that nothing would prevent you from vomiting reliably at some point. It's thought the with the specific antiemetics that are recommended, it helps gut motility so that a sufficient amount of SN gets to where it will absorb more readily more quickly, it's in some ways a different tool and different goal.
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Sep 17, 2024
I can attest the headache from hypotension can be pretty bad. I've got a rare autonomic nervous system/endocrine issue making my blood pressure totally unstable going from well above the threshold of a hypertensive emergency and back down to 80/45 within 10 minutes. It's all over the place, totally unpredictable and uncontrollable. Besides that, I've also got chronic migraines which are distinctly different to the hypotensive headaches. Both kinds make me vomit though. As far as raw pain level, I would say the hypotensive headaches can at times be worse than my specific kind of migraine. I'm confident other types of shorter duration migraines are probably quite a bit more painful than hypotensive headaches. Meningitis though, that's in a category of its own for damn sure. I lost 40lbs in two weeks mostly because I couldn't eat and I was vomiting every few minutes like clockwork, while on a drip of fentanyl and PCA pump of dilaudid and a bunch of ondansetron. It was aseptic meningitis, so there was nothing to give me to treat whatever it was that was causing it.

Well it could work, it's got acetaminophen in it which is one of the things suggested. The downside it opioids have a propensity to

not for SN. for other ODs sure, but Meto, Domperidone, and Prochlorperazine are specifically named for SN as they are dopamine (D2 receptor) antagonists, which speed up gastric emptying. Dramamine is a histamine antagonist.

Looks good to me. The only thing I'd change is the AEs. Dramamine is not effective at all for SN (see my previous comment), and Hydroxyzine only very weakly affects the right receptor that's needed for SN. If you can't get better AEs, you can of course use these ones for some peace of mind. But dopamine antagonist AEs are what's advised. You may also want a painkiller for the possible headache. Apparently the headache caused by low-blood pressure can be pretty bad, so something like acetaminophen/paracetamol would help lessen or eliminate this.
I went to my p
not for SN. for other ODs sure, but Meto, Domperidone, and Prochlorperazine are specifically named for SN as they are dopamine (D2 receptor) antagonists, which speed up gastric emptying. Dramamine is a histamine antagonist.

Looks good to me. The only thing I'd change is the AEs. Dramamine is not effective at all for SN (see my previous comment), and Hydroxyzine only very weakly affects the right receptor that's needed for SN. If you can't get better AEs, you can of course use these ones for some peace of mind. But dopamine antagonist AEs are what's advised. You may also want a painkiller for the possible headache. Apparently the headache caused by low-blood pressure can be pretty bad, so something like acetaminophen/paracetamol would help lessen or eliminate

Yeah it allegedly can be done without AEs. It's a really hard subject to make a study out of, though. I don't really doubt it can be done without AEs. I would agree with it being claimed they're a luxury. If I had to make a choice for myself of an H1 antihistamine vs taking nothing as an AE, I would lean towards taking nothing just because I don't think there's any good data on how an H1 could potentially interfere. I think there's a good enough chance of it causing a problem with the CTB for some unintended reason/interaction. I don't think there's anything that could link it to being beneficial specifically with SN. With other ODs I wouldn't be surprised if the benefit was more from depressing the respiratory system than from AE effects.
Hey I was able to do one of those online teledoc appointments and was able to get a prescription for odansetron(zofran) 4mg which is mentioned in the Ppeh… better than dramamine for sure but apparently meto is still the preferred one. Also I found an old expired prescription for librium(benzo) which I got for alcohol withdrawals 18 months ago…would the addition of these two be good enough to ctb?? Thanks
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
Hey I was able to do one of those online teledoc appointments and was able to get a prescription for odansetron(zofran) 4mg which is mentioned in the Ppeh… better than dramamine for sure but apparently meto is still the preferred one. Also I found an old expired prescription for librium(benzo) which I got for alcohol withdrawals 18 months ago…would the addition of these two be good enough to ctb?? Thanks
Zofran isn't exactly what's needed for SN, but it is stronger than Dramamine. However, Zofran does not speed up gastric emptying/increase gut motility, which is why Meto or Domperidone is preferred.


Sep 17, 2024
Zofran isn't exactly what's needed for SN, but it is stronger than Dramamine. However, Zofran does not speed up gastric emptying/increase gut motility, which is why Meto or Domperidone is preferred.
That's a little heartbreaking to hear..but I guess I can say I tried, I'm just gonna use the SN from dmc, zofran, Librium, propranolol, trazadone, hydroxyzine, and hydrocodone with the mindset that with the small amount of money I have at my disposal I have done my best to prepare a ctb kit with decent chance of success!


Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
That's a little heartbreaking to hear..but I guess I can say I tried, I'm just gonna use the SN from dmc, zofran, Librium, propranolol, trazadone, hydroxyzine, and hydrocodone with the mindset that with the small amount of money I have at my disposal I have done my best to prepare a ctb kit with decent chance of success!
don't be heartbroken just yet. some people have taken SN without Meto or any AEs, and they still succeeded (albeit, your chances of success are reduced. how much, no one can say). but without Meto, you will be losing out on that gastric emptying speed, which is the key function needed with an AE. it's up to you whether you feel the risk is worth it.

if you still want Meto, there are online pharmacies that ship without a prescription. but this can be risky as there are scam websites and sites that leak your info leading to credit/debit card fraud. so it's hard to find one that is trustworthy. but you also mention you have a small amount of money at your disposal, and getting Meto might be a bit pricey (certainly was for me, about half the cost of the SN).
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Jul 6, 2023
That's a little heartbreaking to hear..but I guess I can say I tried, I'm just gonna use the SN from dmc, zofran, Librium, propranolol, trazadone, hydroxyzine, and hydrocodone with the mindset that with the small amount of money I have at my disposal I have done my best to prepare a ctb kit with decent chance of success!
But, remember, AE is a luxury, not needed. I wouldn't take the trazodone and opioid
Sorry I was thinking tramadol, trazodone I still wouldn't take myself, but idk probably not overtly bad to take
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Sep 17, 2024
don't be heartbroken just yet. some people have taken SN without Meto or any AEs, and they still succeeded (albeit, your chances of success are reduced. how much, no one can say). but without Meto, you will be losing out on that gastric emptying speed, which is the key function needed with an AE. it's up to you whether you feel the risk is worth it.

if you still want Meto, there are online pharmacies that ship without a prescription. but this can be risky as there are scam websites and sites that leak your info leading to credit/debit card fraud. so it's hard to find one that is trustworthy. but you also mention you have a small amount of money at your disposal, and getting Meto might be a bit pricey (certainly was for me, about half the cost of the SN).
During the teledoc appointment I just told him some of the other medications I'm on give a lot of nausea and some dizziness and I dropped the name Meto…but he felt that from the symptoms I had Zofran would be a much more appropriate choice and I just kind of shut up after that and celebrated the small victory..I just wanted something better than otc and I guess I got my wish. But you are right , anything besides the sn is a luxury!
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
During the teledoc appointment I just told him some of the other medications I'm on give a lot of nausea and some dizziness and I dropped the name Meto…but he felt that from the symptoms I had Zofran would be a much more appropriate choice and I just kind of shut up after that and celebrated the small victory..I just wanted something better than otc and I guess I got my wish. But you are right , anything besides the sn is a luxury!
it also might be that docs typically don't want to prescribe Meto if there's an alternative, since it has quite the reputation for adverse side effects like extrapyramidal conditions, among other nasty things. it's a highly prescribed drug, but if there's a better alternative a doc will choose that first. If you didn't mention anything that warrants an increase in gut motility or gastric emptying, then it's likely that he saw no good reason to give it to you since Zofran would do the job just fine for vomiting and nausea.

and honestly, I'd even consider SN itself to be a luxury, so that's a win by itself! i certainly feel that way.
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Sep 17, 2024
it also might be that docs typically don't want to prescribe Meto if there's an alternative, since it has quite the reputation for adverse side effects like extrapyramidal conditions, among other nasty things. it's a highly prescribed drug, but if there's a better alternative a doc will choose that first. If you didn't mention anything that warrants an increase in gut motility or gastric emptying, then it's likely that he saw no good reason to give it to you since Zofran would do the job just fine for vomiting and nausea.

and honestly, I'd even consider SN itself to be a luxury, so that's a win by itself! i certainly feel that way.
Absolutely I agree…without this method we would have to resort to much scarier ones that require us to get over a much larger amount of SI. 10-20 of vomiting and suffering( which isn't even that horrible) is a small price to pay to leave this miserable existence!
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Sep 17, 2024
Same. It is on the Vizzy's SN guide.
I don't have meto but only odansetron(Zofran) and I've noticed that most successful ctbs usually always have meto. That's the thing that has me worried the most, I guess everyone throws up but the thing I'm interested in most is the fast gastric emptying feature to absorb as much SN as possible so there's no going back(unless you call the ambulance)…besides that I think I got a pretty good setup!

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