but that means you would have to take the SN out of the sealed back before putting the salt in, leaving the bag unsealed after that, obvs. Also, you would have to put the SN somwhere else, hoping it won't go bad from wherever you gotta store
True & good point. But you can buy airtight bags to put the SN in & as long as it is stored correctly, the SN will last years if not decades as I understand it.
I think potentially losing a bit of SN potency is a price worth paying to ensure you get to keep your SN in a worst case situation.
That may just piss them off to where they would definitely come back with a search warrant. Don't know where you live but if you are worried that they'll come back hide it outside of your home.
I live in the UK & I've checked the law on this earlier today & believe SN is legal to own as a result. However I am planning for a VERY worse case situation that the police DO come back with a search warrant. As I have ordered from IC in the past year & my local NHS crisis team know I have SN. See my post (#17) in this thread for my story as I can't be bothered to type it out here again.
Just got police at my front door at 1am for a wellness check since the FBI traced my order from IC and flagged it as a suicide kit. They believed me when I said I hadn’t ordered it and that there wouldn’t be a case number made or anything, but still it was a lot to go through, one of the cops...
(The UK law discussion is also within that thread from post #23 onwards)
I also plan on hiding my SN outside & maybe even spliting it so I can hide it in two places just in case. Even though I expect the chances of the police getting a search warrant for SN are low. But still, I would like to know people's thoughts on the opening question, just in case.
Fuck! They're seizing it in the UK? Like with a search warrant or something?I was going to tell them I threw it away.
Not as far as I am aware at the moment. But knowing UK pro-lifers, would you really put this past them?
IMO, They would do anything to keep people alive & paying taxes!