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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
The phrase is 'jerk you around'. 'Jerk you off' has a different meaning entirely! :pfff:
Haha that's what I meant to say...oops! Although I'm definitely not here for any jerking or jacking of any kind :pfff:
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Jun 28, 2020
Oh dear, another one! Please review the wiki on this site. I wondering if you are causing drama to spread misinformation too. May I suggest that we let this one go. I see no point in arguing here. Please don't insult. I can assure you that I am not ignorant nor do I have a poor grasp of English.
Haha that's what I meant to say...oops! Although I'm definitely not here for any jerking or jacking of any kind :pfff:
OMG what's wrong with these people...taking minor slights so personally. Again, let's make peace and move on.


Last hope
Feb 11, 2020
Please don't misunderstand. People here are well-intentioned. Everyone has the right to disagree but not the right to browbeat others because of a difference of opinion. I have already let it past like water on a duck's back. Cheers.

How are you aware of the sex of the individual? It is not mentioned anywhere. And plus, does it matter? (Since you CAPITALIZE it.)

None of your business, and getting noticeably agitated when asked about evidence is entertaining to me. Someone has issues because they want more than "well I saw it somewhere, here's a mega thread, now LOOK"
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Feb 4, 2020
Oh dear, another one! Please review the wiki on this site. I wondering if you are causing drama to spread misinformation too. May I suggest that we let this one go. I see no point in arguing here. Please don't insult. I can assure you that I am not ignorant nor do I have a poor grasp of English.

OMG what's wrong with these people...taking minor slights so personally. Again, let's make peace and move on.

I'm not sure if your response is a reference to my own post. I will work on the assumption that it is.

Something you would be aware of if you had been a member here for longer is that the Wiki is generally not regarded as reliable. It can be edited anonymously by anyone, and so is not guaranteed to be free of errors or deliberate misinformation.

There is not going to be any simply 'letting this one go'. If you post misinformation under the guise of being a question, and then fail to provide valid or specific evidence in support of your claims, people are rightly going to take you to task on it.
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Feb 8, 2020
I drank a sip and it was the most painful shit ever.
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Jun 28, 2020
Bravo, for your sense of humor!!
I'm not sure if your response is a reference to my own post. I will work on the assumption that it is.

Something you would be aware of if you had been a member here for longer is that the Wiki is generally not regarded as reliable. It can be edited anonymously by anyone, and so is not guaranteed to be free of errors or deliberate misinformation.

There is not going to be any simply 'letting this one go'. If you post misinformation under the guise of being a question, and then fail to provide valid or specific evidence in support of your claims, people are rightly going to take you to task on it.
@Pryras, I have no qualms with you. Please note that quantity (in time) is not necessarily better than quality....

I can only help you or others if they are open-minded and willing to pursue the truth. Suicide is a VERY (capitalization is for you) serious issue and irreversible. I believe everyone should understand the full scope of potential symptoms the individual will experience. I am simply providing relevant information.

By the way, what happens if I were to advise you that I have a medical background. Would that help you?

ps I can only presume neutral sex, i.e., male unless I have been asked otherwise.
I drank a sip and it was the most painful shit ever.
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Last hope
Feb 11, 2020
Bravo, for your sense of humor!!

@Pryras, I have no qualms with you. Please note that quantity (in time) is not necessarily better than quality....

I can only help you or others if they are open-minded and willing to pursue the truth. Suicide is a VERY (capitalization is for you) serious issue and irreversible. I believe everyone should understand the full scope of potential symptoms the individual will experience. I am simply providing relevant information.

By the way, what happens if I were to advise you that I have a medical background. Would that help you?

ps I can only presume neutral sex, i.e., male unless I have been asked otherwise.

Your credentials mean nothing to me or anyone on this forum, who can realistically share and claim anything they want. Male isn't neutral, and saying someone has issues when you barely know anything about them annoys me.
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
Guys and girls, I feel like we've ALL gone off the rails here, and I feel shitty that I may have contributed. I'm brand new here, but it seems like there's a lot of sniping and arguing and its just all going to hell in a handbasket. I suggest we all just take a step back and try to have some love/compassion for each other? Everyone here has *got* to be inevitably stressed out on some level. I'll stop inserting my noob 2 cent piece now...just an idea, thats all. Apologies for any drama I may have accidentally caused, and I hope we all can get past this junk and come together!


Apr 26, 2020
Myoclonic jerking happens at times upon losing unconsciousness from blood flow restriction (e.g. hanging, choking in martial arts, etc.). Sure, it could happen in an unconscious individual near death. Seizures isn't the correct term. what is being described by some in this thread, true seizures, is very poorly documented in medical lit, and would happen to an unconscious individual if it did happen at all.

one can view the effects of hypoxia in Air Force training videos. The shaking is not seizure activity. I'm befuddled by the agenda being pushed by some in the thread.
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Feb 4, 2020
Bravo, for your sense of humor!!

What are you talking about? You posted that above a quote of my post, but my post wasn't intended to be humorous, nor do I see how it could have been interpreted that way.

By the way, what happens if I were to advise you that I have a medical background. Would that help you?

I'd say it was a sad indictment on your supposed 'medical training' that you literally didn't know how to tell the difference between research and fiction! :pfff:

I believe everyone should understand the full scope of potential symptoms the individual will experience. I am simply providing relevant information.

But you aren't providing relevant information, that's the whole point. You started off this thread with a question, then segued into a strongly-held position but without much evidence. Plus you got unnecessarily defensive when people questioned your evidence. You don't strike me as being free from an agenda here.
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
Myoclonic jerking happens at times upon losing unconsciousness from blood flow restriction (e.g. hanging, choking in martial arts, etc.). Sure, it could happen in an unconscious individual near death. Seizures isn't the correct term. what is being described by some in this thread, true seizures, is very poorly documented in medical lit, and would happen to an unconscious individual if it did happen at all.

one can view the effects of hypoxia in Air Force training videos. The shaking is not seizure activity. I'm befuddled by the agenda being pushed by some in the thread.
I appreciated this response! I, for one, and still learning about SN and its properties, so I really shouldn't have said my effort to help, I think all I did was muddy the waters, and for that I'm sorry. From this point forward, I'm gonna do what the old timers in AA say to do for newcomers...take the shit out of my ears and stick it in my mouth :pfff:
Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Okay, so these threads pop up alot lately and cause controversy. SN has a very high peacefulness rating, I personally helped write stans guide and have seen nearly every SN account there is.

Now granted everyone reacts differently yes. Alot of people have been getting cheap low end SN lately as well. Then we have stories of people messing up the regimen.

The final aspect to consider is that no form of death is going to be pleasant. You are dying and there will be some level of discomfort regardless of the method...
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May 28, 2019
Seizures? maybe. Painful? Depends on the individual, the dose, the regimen they followed, their level of consciousness.
I would think that anything you ingest which leads to death will cause some level of pain and discomfort, apart from N maybe.
exactly . SN kills as the result of not receiving oxygen in the body . Even if we pass out, it is the result of lack of oxygen / low blood pressure and it's obvious that it is going to be uncomfortable . Unlike other methods N sleep us first then we will die as the result of too deep sleeping ( it kills us when our brain can not feel any discomfort /pain) . Thanks to our useless governments, we can't even dire peacefully
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
It's up to me how I interpret the links?? :haha:

I gonna review here:

1. In the OP, you specifically said: "As per medical literature, isn't SN ingestion followed by painful seizures?"

2. In post 6, you said: "I was just reviewing the medical literature on suicide via SN. Throughout, there is mention of vomiting and seizures."

3. I asked for links, you linked an SS comment that was an unsubstantiated quote, not medical literature.

3. When I kept pushing your for the medical literature you'd just been reviewing, you finally provided three links. Only one of them mentioned convulsions or seizures. And one of them was fiction published in a medical journal (and that was not the one article that mentioned convulsions or seizures!).

You've used a lot of manipulative moves throughout this thread. I don't know what your agenda is and it's doesn't matter, what matters is that you use manipulative tactics such as evasion, misdirection and gaslighting (creating an alternative reality than the very obvious reality) and are therefore have proven to me as far as this subject is concerned to be untrustworthy. Sorry if that's unsettling. Cheers back!
I agree with all this. I mean, yet another of these SN is the worst death ever posts. After a review of "medical literature" I can now confirm that SN is the worst, most painful, most horrible method ever! Ugh.
Okay, so these threads pop up alot lately and cause controversy. SN has a very high peacefulness rating, I personally helped write stans guide and have seen nearly every SN account there is.

Now granted everyone reacts differently yes. Alot of people have been getting cheap low end SN lately as well. Then we have stories of people messing up the regimen.

The final aspect to consider is that no form of death is going to be pleasant. You are dying and there will be some level of discomfort regardless of the method...
If a method was super quick and absolutely without discomfort, there'd still be the unpleasantness and uncertainty of death itself. I'd say to anyone considering SN, get comfortable with the idea of dying, follow the regimen to the letter and stop expecting a 100% lack of discomfort because it doesn't exist. All we can do is reduce the discomfort to manageable levels.
I am including a link from this site:

I will include more (medical) links when I come across them.
Seriously? Lol.
I'm confused, you asked a question and have users making claims without links + anecdotal evidence. Anyone can read this thread and make their own conclusions from it. I'm sure SHE and others are more concerned about facts than "I remember reading this from somewhere" Everything needs to be taken with a grain of salt unless you've got strong evidence to back up your claims.
Bravo, for your sense of humor!!

@Pryras, I have no qualms with you. Please note that quantity (in time) is not necessarily better than quality....
Quality? You mean your so called sources? You literally posted the ENTIRE SN thread as evidence and when pressed you then posted an actual fictional account. Then you posted a dubious account of a guy who TASTE TESTED a deadly poison, something that is severely warned against. What response do you expect? We're actual people with critical thinking skills my friend.
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Feb 5, 2020
@autumnal I've had localized seizures since I was 14. I'm 33, but also haven't had one in about two years. Anyway, they are not pleasant. I don't lose consciousness. I get an incredibly uncomfortable sense of deja reve (like deja vu except with dreams rather than actual events). It causes intense anxiety, like the worst panic attack you can imagine and makes me feel like I'm going to vomit (I have a couple of times). It honestly feels like you're having a premonition from God or something, with disorienting mild hallucinations, but not in a good way. I would hate to have one in this kind of situation. It takes a while to feel normal afterward. I just feel "off" and uncomfortable.
This isn't saying anything about this SN discussion, I just felt the need to say that yes, seizures can suck even if they aren't the twitching all over the floor kind.
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