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May 19, 2020
This experience is hazy. Any time something like this happens things don't stay clear. Bear that in mind. NOTE: I take Seroquel @ 100 mg a day which may have affected my ability to keep SN consumed.

From my cell phone texts I overdosed on SN on 12:23 PM last Saturday. I called 911 (do not remember doing this) at 12:34 PM. I lost consciousness before they arrived around 12:41 PM. I died somewhere in the 1:00 hour (sister). They had been in the process of giving me the counter drug and I was successfully resuscitated.

I used an even tablespoon in a 12 oz glass of water. I don't remember if I drank the whole glass, unfortunately. I'm a large person, a bit over 360 pounds. My sister ransacked the house afterwards and disposed of everything.

First, I was conscious for much longer than you usually see claimed.

Second, it hurt. A fucking lot. According to what you read you're supposed to be unconscious during this part of the process - I was not. Extreme muscle, stomach, and gastric pain is what I remember.

Third, the hospital having the counter was chance. I live in a large metro area so they had experience with SN. They cut your clothes off - I have no shoes now.

Death was nothing, a blip. I remember my cell phone in my face, being on the floor, then I was in the ICU. I did not exist. No lights. No fanfare. No angels. It could be that I don't remember death - see first note about memory. It could be that I died, visited Hell, and was brought back, memory erased. What I do know is that I as far as I know I wasn't here.

Aftermath: ICU: they wouldn't give me any of my normal medicines so I couldn't sleep, my blood sugar was through the roof (~1000), and they yelled at me when I got irritable about it. I was truly not hungry or thirsty but was told I'd be put on a tube if I didn't cooperate. They claimed (I have not seen proof of this) that they had a court order for me - I really wasn't in a position to argue. No pain medicines. I was strapped down the first day. My urine was bright blue - think Gatorade Freeze blue - apparently from the counter agent.

You're watched by a sitter. You can't do anything without them being there. In the ICU it wasn't so bad because I couldn't do anything anyway. They chart your behavior, your activity, your attitude, everything.

No television, no books, just the sirens and nurse chatter to keep your mind occupied. In ICU I was allowed visitors - my sister came once.

Aftermath: ICU, Day 3: I was moved to Medical to wait for Psyche. Medical discouraged visitors - they didn't have the monitoring staff ICU did.

Aftermath: Medical, Day 3, early AM: started getting insulin, no sleep or pain medicines. Sitter was there in the shower with me, when I took a bowel movement, when I wiped, every second. Got television, although the sitter had to change channels and such and often would simply take control. Still peeing blue. Some sitters will talk with you, some won't. Some sitters are easy on the rules, others aren't. Complete chance. Day 4, 3:00 PM, I was transported to Psyche.

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 4: insulin, no sleep, no pain on the first day. Paced the floor in my room all night. No threats of force feeding. One patient would launch themselves at staff randomly. They literally tased her, talked to her, then put her back on the floor. Another patient would attack other patients if they got too close. A third started throwing chairs (weighted VERY heavily for the very reason of keeping them from being thrown) when he was denied his pills. Mixed into this was a developmentally challenged 19 year old who wanted her Mom back from the dead and a 25 year old who had fried his brains on drugs. One patient had been there for four months with no change in status. The rules were arbitrarily applied as needed. If I touched anyone else (fist bump wise) I would get threatened with being put in my room (I would guess locked). The 25 year old launched into an attack routine, acting out a movie we were watching, and disappeared for a day. But the first three patients had one on one nurses and seemed to get away with anything. There were twelve people in my area - only three were lucid.

Psyche is lock down. General area, bed, restroom.

Psyche is not comfort. Psyche is about control. For suicide attempts I guess you're more likely to try again right away but the impulse fades? The pillows are thin to keep you from suffocating yourself or someone else. Towels and scrubs are kept under lock and key. Personally I thought about using the detachable shower curtain to tie myself face down in the toilet. There's groups which you think would be like the movies - people talking about their problems, sharing life experiences, whatever. It's not. It's coloring, large children's puzzles. No talk, at all. We were actually discouraged from talking to each other.

They take roll call every 15 minutes. If they don't find you, they will hunt you down. They missed me and I was in the shower and was visited by three people suddenly. Oh, shower is warm. Not hot - could scald yourself. The bars you use to hold on you can't actually grip because they have a metal plate soldered in the middle. (Why even have them?)

There is a phone you can use for 10 minutes at a time. It and the television are turned off all day because group attendance is mandatory. Hopefully you're not like me and actually know the phone numbers you need to call and don't just have them in your phone.

If you're in Psyche do yourself a favor and just do what the nurses say. If you don't you're just hurting yourself pointlessly. Nod, smile, stay respectful, get the fuck out. You're not getting help with life while you're there. Really, Psyche did more damage to me than most of my life experiences - I realized I was alone, truly alone. It is just like abortion - they want to keep you from going anywhere but don't want to help you once you've been "saved." Don't joke. They don't like jokes. My BPD makes me think everyone likes jokes. No, they don't.

I was assigned a social worker who filled out my forms with absolutely zero interest in the answers. "When were you sexually abused?" "Are you still thinking of hurting yourself?" I was told I was probably going to be there for a month or more and I began to panic. I needed my job but had no ability to communicate with them. If I lost my job, I lost my insurance, I lost my medicine, and I'd be dead within two weeks due to capitalism. Don't mention dead, death, violence, or anything. Like I said, nod, smile, shut the fuck up. Why save me just to destroy me?

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 5: insulin, sleep meds (finally!), Tylenol allowed. Found out visiting hours consisted of one hour during business hours, maximum 15 minutes, visitor had to agree to be searched and provide photo ID. I received no visitors. Got to finally choose my food.

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 6: insulin, sleep, Tylenol and Lidecain (sp) patch allowed. Got yelled at because my blood sugar was high. Accused of sneaking food - from where? From fucking where? Saw the psychiatrist for the first time for 5 minutes.

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 7: discharged around 10 AM. From complete control to the street. My clothes had been cut off so I left in scrubs - nothing in the lost and found would fit. They did give me a cab voucher. Took the cab to my sister's (one win: knew her address due to Amazoning her stuff but not her phone number), got my wallet, keys, and phone, Ubered home. Brother-in-law loaned me some clothes. Am posting this to blow off steam.

No change in meds, no therapy, no change period.

So I'm here. My sister visited twice. No one emailed me. No one called. No one texted me. No one Messengered me. I'm in my empty apartment right back where I started, except now I know to dispose of my phone before I try again and I don't know if I'm employed.

I am alone.

I wanted this to be more comprehensible but honestly, it's pretty triggering for me so I'm going to go with what I have.
Apparently I received the hospital bill for ICU and medical via email (Epic). Looking at $60k. I have insurance so I won't have to pay that, but...
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Dec 20, 2020
Thanks for the info about SN and your gi issues. My stomach sucks and that I one reason I held off the SN after procuring it and plan to go for the real thing via N
Oblivion Access

Oblivion Access

I don't know anything
Jul 5, 2019
The way we treat the most vulnerable and desperate people is such a damning indictment of out lack of progress as a species, I can only imagine how awful it's been dealing with all that on top of the strain of a failed attempt. To think they have the fucking gall to charge you after locking you up and treating you like a criminal, it's mindblowing. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us.
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Dec 20, 2020
The way we treat the most vulnerable and desperate people is such a damning indictment of out lack of progress as a species, I can only imagine how awful it's been dealing with all that on top of the strain of a failed attempt. To think they have the fucking gall to charge you after locking you up and treating you like a criminal, it's mindblowing. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us.

We got to the point where we make things that are shiny and glow and entertain us

I think this is about as far as we go . Time to die now lol


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
That sounds really awful what you went through, I'm sorry that you had this experience, but thank you for sharing. I wish you the best in whatever happens.
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Waiting for the bus
Apr 2, 2022
Oof, yeah that sounds rough. But also very, very much what I experienced in multiple visits to hospital.

I suppose you didn't weigh out the SN and the dose was likely not enough per kg body weight. The new PPeH suggests 35g of SN for people over 300 lbs afaik.

I am very sorry this was so traumatizing for you. There is in fact a word for it: "sanctuary trauma".
Sadly it's very little studied and documented because it would mean that healthcare professionals "investigate" and study their own horrible behaviours and practices.

Glad you are home and hope you still have that job.
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sending love to cats
Apr 4, 2022
Thanks for sharing your experience. What you described sounds really disturbing. I had a similar experience, and what can i say - yes, imao psychiatrists are really fucking assholes, as well as the medical staff in the icu condemning dudes like us. Sorry you had to go through a failed attempt and in general all this shit too. I also wanted to note, as a person from a country with relatively free medicine, that it amazes me that the bill for the procedures performed with you is 60 thousand. It's good that your insurance covers it, but fuck, why is this torment so expensive. I wanted to wish you success in recovery (?) or in general in your further actions
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May 19, 2020
One possibly neat thing (viewpoint): I was texting someone (to say good bye - how I know when I took it) and when 911 arrived they texted that person that they were there (how I know when they arrived) - my timeout on my phone is 10m so it must've stayed active.

A nice action. I don't want to cause anyone else (unnecessary) pain.

Thank you for the kind words. They help.
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Nov 15, 2021
Considering the painful experience with SN, would you still do it again? I have to know because SN is my preferred method. Was it really that bad? Like out of 10 what would you rate it?


May 19, 2020
Considering the painful experience with SN, would you still do it again? I have to know because SN is my preferred method. Was it really that bad? Like out of 10 what would you rate it?
My original plan was to use gas. I wasn't confident in my execution. So I turned to SN. Considering the alternatives really start to drop off in success rate, and that I technically succeeded, yes. I would use a higher dose and I would think I would go under faster. As wljourney noted my dosage was probably too low for my size.
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In the state of shock of what happened
Apr 30, 2022
Your horrifying experience just further proves the point that doctors are, paradoxically, some of the least empathetic human beings that you find anywhere. It doesn't apply only to psychiatry, but to all medical fields. It's absolutely ridiculous. I feel sorry for what you had to go through. I wish it had been an exception, but unfortunately not.

I'm wondering though... was the "death" part in any way comparable to sleep?
My original plan was to use gas. I wasn't confident in my execution. So I turned to SN. Considering the alternatives really start to drop off in success rate, and that I technically succeeded, yes. I would use a higher dose and I would think I would go under faster. As wljourney noted my dosage was probably too low for my size.
Can I ask you what made you use lower dosage? Maybe SI?


So tired...
Apr 23, 2022
That sounds like an awful experience. The one instance I was admitted to a hospital for my mental health, I left feeling worse. I hope you can take the time to recover from your hospital stay, and I hope all goes well with your job.

If you don't mind me asking, did you only take SN? Or did you also fast, take an anti-emetic, and or take an antacid?


Nov 13, 2021
My original plan was to use gas. I wasn't confident in my execution. So I turned to SN. Considering the alternatives really start to drop off in success rate, and that I technically succeeded, yes. I would use a higher dose and I would think I would go under faster. As wljourney noted my dosage was probably too low for my size.

If you were to try again, would you choose gassing or SN?


Apr 5, 2022
This experience is hazy. Any time something like this happens things don't stay clear. Bear that in mind.

From my cell phone texts I overdosed on SN on 12:23 PM last Saturday. I called 911 (do not remember doing this) at 12:34 PM. I lost consciousness before they arrived around 12:41 PM. I died somewhere in the 1:00 hour (sister). They had been in the process of giving me the counter drug and I was successfully resuscitated.

I used an even tablespoon in a 12 oz glass of water. I don't remember if I drank the whole glass, unfortunately. I'm a large person, a bit over 360 pounds. My sister ransacked the house afterwards and disposed of everything.

First, I was conscious for much longer than you usually see claimed.

Second, it hurt. A fucking lot. According to what you read you're supposed to be unconscious during this part of the process - I was not. Extreme muscle, stomach, and gastric pain is what I remember.

Third, the hospital having the counter was chance. I live in a large metro area so they had experience with SN. They cut your clothes off - I have no shoes now.

Death was nothing, a blip. I remember my cell phone in my face, being on the floor, then I was in the ICU. I did not exist. No lights. No fanfare. No angels. It could be that I don't remember death - see first note about memory. It could be that I died, visited Hell, and was brought back, memory erased. What I do know is that I as far as I know I wasn't here.

Aftermath: ICU: they wouldn't give me any of my normal medicines so I couldn't sleep, my blood sugar was through the roof (~1000), and they yelled at me when I got irritable about it. I was truly not hungry or thirsty but was told I'd be put on a tube if I didn't cooperate. They claimed (I have not seen proof of this) that they had a court order for me - I really wasn't in a position to argue. No pain medicines. I was strapped down the first day. My urine was bright blue - think Gatorade Freeze blue - apparently from the counter agent.

You're watched by a sitter. You can't do anything without them being there. In the ICU it wasn't so bad because I couldn't do anything anyway. They chart your behavior, your activity, your attitude, everything.

No television, no books, just the sirens and nurse chatter to keep your mind occupied. In ICU I was allowed visitors - my sister came once.

Aftermath: ICU, Day 3: I was moved to Medical to wait for Psyche. Medical discouraged visitors - they didn't have the monitoring staff ICU did.

Aftermath: Medical, Day 3, early AM: started getting insulin, no sleep or pain medicines. Sitter was there in the shower with me, when I took a bowel movement, when I wiped, every second. Got television, although the sitter had to change channels and such and often would simply take control. Still peeing blue. Some sitters will talk with you, some won't. Some sitters are easy on the rules, others aren't. Complete chance. Day 4, 3:00 PM, I was transported to Psyche.

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 4: insulin, no sleep, no pain on the first day. Paced the floor in my room all night. No threats of force feeding. One patient would launch themselves at staff randomly. They literally tased her, talked to her, then put her back on the floor. Another patient would attack other patients if they got too close. A third started throwing chairs (weighted VERY heavily for the very reason of keeping them from being thrown) when he was denied his pills. Mixed into this was a developmentally challenged 19 year old who wanted her Mom back from the dead and a 25 year old who had fried his brains on drugs. One patient had been there for four months with no change in status. The rules were arbitrarily applied as needed. If I touched anyone else (fist bump wise) I would get threatened with being put in my room (I would guess locked). The 25 year old launched into an attack routine, acting out a movie we were watching, and disappeared for a day. But the first three patients had one on one nurses and seemed to get away with anything. There were twelve people in my area - only three were lucid.

Psyche is lock down. General area, bed, restroom.

Psyche is not comfort. Psyche is about control. For suicide attempts I guess you're more likely to try again right away but the impulse fades? The pillows are thin to keep you from suffocating yourself or someone else. Towels and scrubs are kept under lock and key. Personally I thought about using the detachable shower curtain to tie myself face down in the toilet. There's groups which you think would be like the movies - people talking about their problems, sharing life experiences, whatever. It's not. It's coloring, large children's puzzles. No talk, at all. We were actually discouraged from talking to each other.

They take roll call every 15 minutes. If they don't find you, they will hunt you down. They missed me and I was in the shower and was visited by three people suddenly. Oh, shower is warm. Not hot - could scald yourself. The bars you use to hold on you can't actually grip because they have a metal plate soldered in the middle. (Why even have them?)

There is a phone you can use for 10 minutes at a time. It and the television are turned off all day because group attendance is mandatory. Hopefully you're not like me and actually know the phone numbers you need to call and don't just have them in your phone.

If you're in Psyche do yourself a favor and just do what the nurses say. If you don't you're just hurting yourself pointlessly. Nod, smile, stay respectful, get the fuck out. You're not getting help with life while you're there. Really, Psyche did more damage to me than most of my life experiences - I realized I was alone, truly alone. It is just like abortion - they want to keep you from going anywhere but don't want to help you once you've been "saved." Don't joke. They don't like jokes. My BPD makes me think everyone likes jokes. No, they don't.

I was assigned a social worker who filled out my forms with absolutely zero interest in the answers. "When were you sexually abused?" "Are you still thinking of hurting yourself?" I was told I was probably going to be there for a month or more and I began to panic. I needed my job but had no ability to communicate with them. If I lost my job, I lost my insurance, I lost my medicine, and I'd be dead within two weeks due to capitalism. Don't mention dead, death, violence, or anything. Like I said, nod, smile, shut the fuck up. Why save me just to destroy me?

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 5: insulin, sleep meds (finally!), Tylenol allowed. Found out visiting hours consisted of one hour during business hours, maximum 15 minutes, visitor had to agree to be searched and provide photo ID. I received no visitors. Got to finally choose my food.

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 6: insulin, sleep, Tylenol and Lidecain (sp) patch allowed. Got yelled at because my blood sugar was high. Accused of sneaking food - from where? From fucking where? Saw the psychiatrist for the first time for 5 minutes.

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 7: discharged around 10 AM. From complete control to the street. My clothes had been cut off so I left in scrubs - nothing in the lost and found would fit. They did give me a cab voucher. Took the cab to my sister's (one win: knew her address due to Amazoning her stuff but not her phone number), got my wallet, keys, and phone, Ubered home. Brother-in-law loaned me some clothes. Am posting this to blow off steam.

No change in meds, no therapy, no change period.

So I'm here. My sister visited twice. No one emailed me. No one called. No one texted me. No one Messengered me. I'm in my empty apartment right back where I started, except now I know to dispose of my phone before I try again and I don't know if I'm employed.

I am alone.

I wanted this to be more comprehensible but honestly, it's pretty triggering for me so I'm going to go with what I have.
Apparently I received the hospital bill for ICU and medical via email (Epic). Looking at $60k. I have insurance so I won't have to pay that, but...
That's quite an extraordinary account, thanks for the day by day play by play, glad you're back with us--Btw, if you think you really went to Hell briefly, as you state, I'm pretty sure you'd remember it lol


May 19, 2020
Your horrifying experience just further proves the point that doctors are, paradoxically, some of the least empathetic human beings that you find anywhere. It doesn't apply only to psychiatry, but to all medical fields. It's absolutely ridiculous. I feel sorry for what you had to go through. I wish it had been an exception, but unfortunately not.

I'm wondering though... was the "death" part in any way comparable to sleep?

Can I ask you what made you use lower dosage? Maybe SI?
That's a tough question, and it's hard to answer because I don't remember either. I'm a programmer, null does not equal null. But I want to say yes?

The lower dosage was flawed memory. I had read that if you take too much you will throw it back up and if you take too little it will leave you damaged so I had measured it out to roughly an even tablespoon but that was two years ago. I should have been more meticulous; obviously I was in an emotional state.

That sounds like an awful experience. The one instance I was admitted to a hospital for my mental health, I left feeling worse. I hope you can take the time to recover from your hospital stay, and I hope all goes well with your job.

If you don't mind me asking, did you only take SN? Or did you also fast, take an anti-emetic, and or take an antacid?
I take Seroquel @ 100 mg a day, which is the recommended anti emetic but wrong dose - 300 mg a day is what you need, for 30 days? Memory. I apologize, I should've mentioned that in the original post.


If you were to try again, would you choose gassing or SN?
I tried gas a month or so ago and screwed it up. For someone who doesn't use gas canisters it seems simple but I did something wrong. The gas was not coming out of the tubing but the exhaust. Opening the valve further (I thought it might be a balance the in/out type of thing) didn't help. Even if I gave it time it was filling the bag very, very slowly. (I have zero knowledge on this stuff so vocabulary could be all wrong. I thought it was like water.)

I really wish the mechanical aspect of gas canisters was explained better somewhere.

So SN.
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Nov 15, 2021
My original plan was to use gas. I wasn't confident in my execution. So I turned to SN. Considering the alternatives really start to drop off in success rate, and that I technically succeeded, yes. I would use a higher dose and I would think I would go under faster. As wljourney noted my dosage was probably too low for my size.
Thank you, this information is really invaluable to the rest of us. I'm so sorry for what you've had to go though. Things must be really shit right now. Take care. You deserve an end to all this suffering.
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Apr 5, 2022
This experience is hazy. Any time something like this happens things don't stay clear. Bear that in mind.

From my cell phone texts I overdosed on SN on 12:23 PM last Saturday. I called 911 (do not remember doing this) at 12:34 PM. I lost consciousness before they arrived around 12:41 PM. I died somewhere in the 1:00 hour (sister). They had been in the process of giving me the counter drug and I was successfully resuscitated.

I used an even tablespoon in a 12 oz glass of water. I don't remember if I drank the whole glass, unfortunately. I'm a large person, a bit over 360 pounds. My sister ransacked the house afterwards and disposed of everything.

First, I was conscious for much longer than you usually see claimed.

Second, it hurt. A fucking lot. According to what you read you're supposed to be unconscious during this part of the process - I was not. Extreme muscle, stomach, and gastric pain is what I remember.

Third, the hospital having the counter was chance. I live in a large metro area so they had experience with SN. They cut your clothes off - I have no shoes now.

Death was nothing, a blip. I remember my cell phone in my face, being on the floor, then I was in the ICU. I did not exist. No lights. No fanfare. No angels. It could be that I don't remember death - see first note about memory. It could be that I died, visited Hell, and was brought back, memory erased. What I do know is that I as far as I know I wasn't here.

Aftermath: ICU: they wouldn't give me any of my normal medicines so I couldn't sleep, my blood sugar was through the roof (~1000), and they yelled at me when I got irritable about it. I was truly not hungry or thirsty but was told I'd be put on a tube if I didn't cooperate. They claimed (I have not seen proof of this) that they had a court order for me - I really wasn't in a position to argue. No pain medicines. I was strapped down the first day. My urine was bright blue - think Gatorade Freeze blue - apparently from the counter agent.

You're watched by a sitter. You can't do anything without them being there. In the ICU it wasn't so bad because I couldn't do anything anyway. They chart your behavior, your activity, your attitude, everything.

No television, no books, just the sirens and nurse chatter to keep your mind occupied. In ICU I was allowed visitors - my sister came once.

Aftermath: ICU, Day 3: I was moved to Medical to wait for Psyche. Medical discouraged visitors - they didn't have the monitoring staff ICU did.

Aftermath: Medical, Day 3, early AM: started getting insulin, no sleep or pain medicines. Sitter was there in the shower with me, when I took a bowel movement, when I wiped, every second. Got television, although the sitter had to change channels and such and often would simply take control. Still peeing blue. Some sitters will talk with you, some won't. Some sitters are easy on the rules, others aren't. Complete chance. Day 4, 3:00 PM, I was transported to Psyche.

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 4: insulin, no sleep, no pain on the first day. Paced the floor in my room all night. No threats of force feeding. One patient would launch themselves at staff randomly. They literally tased her, talked to her, then put her back on the floor. Another patient would attack other patients if they got too close. A third started throwing chairs (weighted VERY heavily for the very reason of keeping them from being thrown) when he was denied his pills. Mixed into this was a developmentally challenged 19 year old who wanted her Mom back from the dead and a 25 year old who had fried his brains on drugs. One patient had been there for four months with no change in status. The rules were arbitrarily applied as needed. If I touched anyone else (fist bump wise) I would get threatened with being put in my room (I would guess locked). The 25 year old launched into an attack routine, acting out a movie we were watching, and disappeared for a day. But the first three patients had one on one nurses and seemed to get away with anything. There were twelve people in my area - only three were lucid.

Psyche is lock down. General area, bed, restroom.

Psyche is not comfort. Psyche is about control. For suicide attempts I guess you're more likely to try again right away but the impulse fades? The pillows are thin to keep you from suffocating yourself or someone else. Towels and scrubs are kept under lock and key. Personally I thought about using the detachable shower curtain to tie myself face down in the toilet. There's groups which you think would be like the movies - people talking about their problems, sharing life experiences, whatever. It's not. It's coloring, large children's puzzles. No talk, at all. We were actually discouraged from talking to each other.

They take roll call every 15 minutes. If they don't find you, they will hunt you down. They missed me and I was in the shower and was visited by three people suddenly. Oh, shower is warm. Not hot - could scald yourself. The bars you use to hold on you can't actually grip because they have a metal plate soldered in the middle. (Why even have them?)

There is a phone you can use for 10 minutes at a time. It and the television are turned off all day because group attendance is mandatory. Hopefully you're not like me and actually know the phone numbers you need to call and don't just have them in your phone.

If you're in Psyche do yourself a favor and just do what the nurses say. If you don't you're just hurting yourself pointlessly. Nod, smile, stay respectful, get the fuck out. You're not getting help with life while you're there. Really, Psyche did more damage to me than most of my life experiences - I realized I was alone, truly alone. It is just like abortion - they want to keep you from going anywhere but don't want to help you once you've been "saved." Don't joke. They don't like jokes. My BPD makes me think everyone likes jokes. No, they don't.

I was assigned a social worker who filled out my forms with absolutely zero interest in the answers. "When were you sexually abused?" "Are you still thinking of hurting yourself?" I was told I was probably going to be there for a month or more and I began to panic. I needed my job but had no ability to communicate with them. If I lost my job, I lost my insurance, I lost my medicine, and I'd be dead within two weeks due to capitalism. Don't mention dead, death, violence, or anything. Like I said, nod, smile, shut the fuck up. Why save me just to destroy me?

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 5: insulin, sleep meds (finally!), Tylenol allowed. Found out visiting hours consisted of one hour during business hours, maximum 15 minutes, visitor had to agree to be searched and provide photo ID. I received no visitors. Got to finally choose my food.

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 6: insulin, sleep, Tylenol and Lidecain (sp) patch allowed. Got yelled at because my blood sugar was high. Accused of sneaking food - from where? From fucking where? Saw the psychiatrist for the first time for 5 minutes.

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 7: discharged around 10 AM. From complete control to the street. My clothes had been cut off so I left in scrubs - nothing in the lost and found would fit. They did give me a cab voucher. Took the cab to my sister's (one win: knew her address due to Amazoning her stuff but not her phone number), got my wallet, keys, and phone, Ubered home. Brother-in-law loaned me some clothes. Am posting this to blow off steam.

No change in meds, no therapy, no change period.

So I'm here. My sister visited twice. No one emailed me. No one called. No one texted me. No one Messengered me. I'm in my empty apartment right back where I started, except now I know to dispose of my phone before I try again and I don't know if I'm employed.

I am alone.

I wanted this to be more comprehensible but honestly, it's pretty triggering for me so I'm going to go with what I have.
Apparently I received the hospital bill for ICU and medical via email (Epic). Looking at $60k. I have insurance so I won't have to pay that, but...
Sorry that SN hurt you a lot, that's rather alarming, could that be because you're 360pounds? Idon't know
That's a tough question, and it's hard to answer because I don't remember either. I'm a programmer, null does not equal null. But I want to say yes?

The lower dosage was flawed memory. I had read that if you take too much you will throw it back up and if you take too little it will leave you damaged so I had measured it out to roughly an even tablespoon but that was two years ago. I should have been more meticulous; obviously I was in an emotional state.

I take Seroquel @ 100 mg a day, which is the recommended anti emetic but wrong dose - 300 mg a day is what you need, for 30 days? Memory. I apologize, I should've mentioned that in the original post.

I tried gas a month or so ago and screwed it up. For someone who doesn't use gas canisters it seems simple but I did something wrong. The gas was not coming out of the tubing but the exhaust. Opening the valve further (I thought it might be a balance the in/out type of thing) didn't help. Even if I gave it time it was filling the bag very, very slowly. (I have zero knowledge on this stuff so vocabulary could be all wrong. I thought it was like water.)

I really wish the mechanical aspect of gas canisters was explained better somewhere.

So SN.
My Nitrogen tank/tubing filled up the plastic bag fairly quickly, about 30 seconds--Not sure of your set-up
This experience is hazy. Any time something like this happens things don't stay clear. Bear that in mind. NOTE: I take Seroquel @ 100 mg a day which may have affected my ability to keep SN consumed.

From my cell phone texts I overdosed on SN on 12:23 PM last Saturday. I called 911 (do not remember doing this) at 12:34 PM. I lost consciousness before they arrived around 12:41 PM. I died somewhere in the 1:00 hour (sister). They had been in the process of giving me the counter drug and I was successfully resuscitated.

I used an even tablespoon in a 12 oz glass of water. I don't remember if I drank the whole glass, unfortunately. I'm a large person, a bit over 360 pounds. My sister ransacked the house afterwards and disposed of everything.

First, I was conscious for much longer than you usually see claimed.

Second, it hurt. A fucking lot. According to what you read you're supposed to be unconscious during this part of the process - I was not. Extreme muscle, stomach, and gastric pain is what I remember.

Third, the hospital having the counter was chance. I live in a large metro area so they had experience with SN. They cut your clothes off - I have no shoes now.

Death was nothing, a blip. I remember my cell phone in my face, being on the floor, then I was in the ICU. I did not exist. No lights. No fanfare. No angels. It could be that I don't remember death - see first note about memory. It could be that I died, visited Hell, and was brought back, memory erased. What I do know is that I as far as I know I wasn't here.

Aftermath: ICU: they wouldn't give me any of my normal medicines so I couldn't sleep, my blood sugar was through the roof (~1000), and they yelled at me when I got irritable about it. I was truly not hungry or thirsty but was told I'd be put on a tube if I didn't cooperate. They claimed (I have not seen proof of this) that they had a court order for me - I really wasn't in a position to argue. No pain medicines. I was strapped down the first day. My urine was bright blue - think Gatorade Freeze blue - apparently from the counter agent.

You're watched by a sitter. You can't do anything without them being there. In the ICU it wasn't so bad because I couldn't do anything anyway. They chart your behavior, your activity, your attitude, everything.

No television, no books, just the sirens and nurse chatter to keep your mind occupied. In ICU I was allowed visitors - my sister came once.

Aftermath: ICU, Day 3: I was moved to Medical to wait for Psyche. Medical discouraged visitors - they didn't have the monitoring staff ICU did.

Aftermath: Medical, Day 3, early AM: started getting insulin, no sleep or pain medicines. Sitter was there in the shower with me, when I took a bowel movement, when I wiped, every second. Got television, although the sitter had to change channels and such and often would simply take control. Still peeing blue. Some sitters will talk with you, some won't. Some sitters are easy on the rules, others aren't. Complete chance. Day 4, 3:00 PM, I was transported to Psyche.

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 4: insulin, no sleep, no pain on the first day. Paced the floor in my room all night. No threats of force feeding. One patient would launch themselves at staff randomly. They literally tased her, talked to her, then put her back on the floor. Another patient would attack other patients if they got too close. A third started throwing chairs (weighted VERY heavily for the very reason of keeping them from being thrown) when he was denied his pills. Mixed into this was a developmentally challenged 19 year old who wanted her Mom back from the dead and a 25 year old who had fried his brains on drugs. One patient had been there for four months with no change in status. The rules were arbitrarily applied as needed. If I touched anyone else (fist bump wise) I would get threatened with being put in my room (I would guess locked). The 25 year old launched into an attack routine, acting out a movie we were watching, and disappeared for a day. But the first three patients had one on one nurses and seemed to get away with anything. There were twelve people in my area - only three were lucid.

Psyche is lock down. General area, bed, restroom.

Psyche is not comfort. Psyche is about control. For suicide attempts I guess you're more likely to try again right away but the impulse fades? The pillows are thin to keep you from suffocating yourself or someone else. Towels and scrubs are kept under lock and key. Personally I thought about using the detachable shower curtain to tie myself face down in the toilet. There's groups which you think would be like the movies - people talking about their problems, sharing life experiences, whatever. It's not. It's coloring, large children's puzzles. No talk, at all. We were actually discouraged from talking to each other.

They take roll call every 15 minutes. If they don't find you, they will hunt you down. They missed me and I was in the shower and was visited by three people suddenly. Oh, shower is warm. Not hot - could scald yourself. The bars you use to hold on you can't actually grip because they have a metal plate soldered in the middle. (Why even have them?)

There is a phone you can use for 10 minutes at a time. It and the television are turned off all day because group attendance is mandatory. Hopefully you're not like me and actually know the phone numbers you need to call and don't just have them in your phone.

If you're in Psyche do yourself a favor and just do what the nurses say. If you don't you're just hurting yourself pointlessly. Nod, smile, stay respectful, get the fuck out. You're not getting help with life while you're there. Really, Psyche did more damage to me than most of my life experiences - I realized I was alone, truly alone. It is just like abortion - they want to keep you from going anywhere but don't want to help you once you've been "saved." Don't joke. They don't like jokes. My BPD makes me think everyone likes jokes. No, they don't.

I was assigned a social worker who filled out my forms with absolutely zero interest in the answers. "When were you sexually abused?" "Are you still thinking of hurting yourself?" I was told I was probably going to be there for a month or more and I began to panic. I needed my job but had no ability to communicate with them. If I lost my job, I lost my insurance, I lost my medicine, and I'd be dead within two weeks due to capitalism. Don't mention dead, death, violence, or anything. Like I said, nod, smile, shut the fuck up. Why save me just to destroy me?

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 5: insulin, sleep meds (finally!), Tylenol allowed. Found out visiting hours consisted of one hour during business hours, maximum 15 minutes, visitor had to agree to be searched and provide photo ID. I received no visitors. Got to finally choose my food.

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 6: insulin, sleep, Tylenol and Lidecain (sp) patch allowed. Got yelled at because my blood sugar was high. Accused of sneaking food - from where? From fucking where? Saw the psychiatrist for the first time for 5 minutes.

Aftermath: Psyche, Day 7: discharged around 10 AM. From complete control to the street. My clothes had been cut off so I left in scrubs - nothing in the lost and found would fit. They did give me a cab voucher. Took the cab to my sister's (one win: knew her address due to Amazoning her stuff but not her phone number), got my wallet, keys, and phone, Ubered home. Brother-in-law loaned me some clothes. Am posting this to blow off steam.

No change in meds, no therapy, no change period.

So I'm here. My sister visited twice. No one emailed me. No one called. No one texted me. No one Messengered me. I'm in my empty apartment right back where I started, except now I know to dispose of my phone before I try again and I don't know if I'm employed.

I am alone.

I wanted this to be more comprehensible but honestly, it's pretty triggering for me so I'm going to go with what I have.
Apparently I received the hospital bill for ICU and medical via email (Epic). Looking at $60k. I have insurance so I won't have to pay that, but...
Psyche Ward sounds like hell
Last edited:


Apr 12, 2022
I had a similar experience. But I think it's because I can only get hold of kosher salt here in the uk. I think it mixed so the SN value is low. Where do you get you SN from?


May 19, 2020
My Nitrogen tank/tubing filled up the plastic bag fairly quickly, about 30 seconds--Not sure of your set-up
I had a canister, a flow meter (to let me measure to 30 PSI) and hose with "inert gas fitting." I would post a picture but I threw it away in frustration. (Yea, like $700 in canister, gas, and fittings. Go me.)

I had a similar experience. But I think it's because I can only get hold of kosher salt here in the uk. I think it mixed so the SN value is low. Where do you get you SN from?
I don't think we can say directly? It was manufactured by a solo predator and found in a forest. It's no longer available - I bought mine 2 years ago and just looked.

Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Thanks for sharing you account. It was really quite comprihensive. Really facinating but tough read. Can't believe they gave yoy shit about your blood sugar being high and accused you of sneaking food. It appears you already told them you needed insulin eary on which they denied you in the first days. Utterly disgusting treatment. It's so wrong I don't even know where one would start in attempts to fix things.


Apr 30, 2022
what a read.. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that

Not sure if this should encourage or discourage SN being my method

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