As much as this comment is off-putting in a way that it is deterring me from approaching this method, I appreciate the honesty and that you educated me. Thank you :).
How in the world is telling you to go get help after a failed attempt with sn is putting you off the method, that makes no sense considering how this method works and being aware of the risks involved. Do you want a method where you won't have to go the hospital to get help?
I guess the only way you could avoid hospitalization is if you throw up in the first 3 minutes tops maybe? Else I understand that I should seek medical assistance nevertheless.
No, even that could possibly need hospitalization if your symptoms progress far enough, it's even stated in the PPH to abort the attempt if you vomit too much and get medical attention otherwise you risk health complications. This is why there's the regimen, to include more doses of sn in case of vomiting.
I say it's off-putting because well... if I end up in the hospital I'll have to tell them the story, and that will be that. My mom finds out, my friends find out... etc. I am seriously considering moving out (I can afford it), and going for the exit bag. Would you say its' a safer approach if I want a possible failed attempt to go unnoticed? That's my biggest pet peeve, I don't want to draw any kind of attention to my actual state of mind
Well, what method isn't without any sort of risk where those you love could find out about it after your attempt. There's other cases of members sharing their experiences on here who ended up having to tell medical personnel and their loved ones that they took sn. It's just the risk you run when you're trying to end your life, that is also the number 1 reasons people fail this method, getting found so if you're that worried about anyone finding out that you took sn then make sure you aren't in a position to be found in time, in the 1st place. Here's what I'm getting at, anything can happen during an attempt and that's with any method, someone could find you midway through your attempt, there have users on this forum who would've ctb if they weren't found because that's just the risk you run. I don't know how it's off-putting because this is something you should've familiarized yourself with to know exactly what you are getting into. This is why you have to be as sure as possible when you make an attempt, whether its sn or not, to minimize as many potential causes of failure as possible and that comes through learning from the experiences of others and seeing where you can improve on this then you won't have to worry about family and friends finding out because they'll find out once your dead anyway.