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Mar 28, 2018
Say for whatever reason you aren't going to kill yourself just yet. The next best option is to spend as much time as possible unconscious or insensible. I suppose this is the driving force behind alcoholism and drug addictions. But why not hit the problem head on: take drugs that will render you unconscious.

Of course if you have a job or other responsibilities, you can't do this 24 hours a day. But you can still maximize unconsciousness by popping pills as soon as you're off society's clock. Say you end up sleeping 16 hours a day, as opposed to the normal 8, that's cutting your suffering in HALF. If you have 10 more years of life, you've effectively cut that down to 5 years just by sleeping twice as long.

What are your thoughts or experiences?

I used to do this quite a bit, for almost 5 years I averaged 12-16 hours sleep per day by taking pills (sober I can only sleep 4-6 hours). I stopped because, stupidly, I decided to give life another go. Now having failed that, I'm going back.

Things I noticed. When I was on heavy pill use (diphenhydramine) my suicidal swings were much worse. Sleeping pills will ramp up your depression, mostly in the morning hours. Also your tolerance builds up fast, and at one point I was taking about a dozen pills each day (recommended dose: one). During waking hours you're often clumsy and dropping things. It's hard to focus on a thought, and sometimes this becomes very irritating. If you take too many pills, your heart & nervous system get excited and you can expect a night of pure hell.

But overall I have to say it worked for me. As long as I'm alive, I might as well be asleep.
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Mar 28, 2018
Just for the sake of accounting... for the last month I've been taking 1 pill (50mg) every night at 8pm and falling asleep around 10 or 11pm. I've kept the dose low so I don't build up a tolerance. Tomorrow I'll start taking 1 pill at noon and hopefully fall sleep by 5pm, otherwise I'll boost it with my regular 8pm.

If it works and I get on a sleep schedule of 5pm to 8am (15 hrs) I'll start moving it up sooner and increasing the dose as necessary.

I've quit my job. I'll run out of money soon enough, but a nice perk is that these pills suppress my appetite so I won't be eating but once a day, if that. Money saved for more pills. Nothing to lose so, bottoms up
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Failure at Living, Failure at Dying
Mar 20, 2018
Diphenhydramine is a bitch.
I can't even use one to help me sleep without excessive and unbearable RLS. Persists for around 2 hours.
I wish I could sleep most of my life away, that would be preferable to spending hours in boredom.
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Mar 28, 2018
Diphenhydramine is a bitch.
I can't even use one to help me sleep without excessive and unbearable RLS. Persists for around 2 hours.

That happens to a lot of people. If I take too many it happens to me also - my skin gets itchy and anxiety goes through the roof. Unfortunately it's the only OTC sleep aid I know about. And I can't get any prescription stuff since the doctors are on to me. I wish I could get something different/stronger. My experiment day 1 didn't go so well, it's 9pm and I'm wide awake.
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Apr 11, 2018
Sleeping is basically my favorite thing to do. I don't even need pills for a good 16 hours. I became completely nocturnal to avoid people so during the day it's mostly sleeping, or just laying in the bath.

As for pills, I'm addicted to benzos but only take them to avoid the withdrawal, not for sleep. Besides Melatonin I don't know any OTC med that would give you a restful sleep and would be viable on the long run.

Sleeping ftw :)

So basically I am already doing what you described.
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Before I started working, I used to sleep like 16 hours a day. I loved sleeping my life away. This shit is just so terrible; you sometimes just wanted to pass as quick as possible.
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Apr 10, 2018
I actually wanted to do this once a week to both sleep and surpress my sexual urges. I have a pack of Bendryl, got high of of one card in January (400mg) It was meh and the comedowns were annoying. But luckily it made me more subseptable to weed. Unfortunately I can't get weed anymore, so i was thinking of switching to benadryl. Problem is, it's expensive to buy benadryl and whatever money i can save goes to my suicide fund. I also did 100mg of Benadryl last month to sleep, woke up in the middle of the night with a racing heart and wanting to pee so bad. Manage to go back to sleep though.
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Sunflower Panda
Apr 6, 2018
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) makes me projectile vomit if I take even slightly above the recommended dosage. Dunno why that is but it's annoying, I like taking it for sleep but it's useless if I can't up the dosage when my body starts to build up tolerance.
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Mar 31, 2018
I take them frequently. They are particularly useful for me, because I live with some rather noisy individuals.
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Apr 10, 2018
I need to take them frequently cuz my sleep is getting shorter. My body hates to see me at peace.
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I knew taking this picture would come in handy
Mar 30, 2019
I was lucky enough to be prescribed sleeping pills, and I'm still waiting for my tolerance to build, weirdly enough. I have ambien, of course.

They always make me wake up at the same time each morning, which is irritating when I have nothing to wake up to.

I would suggest remeron for sleeping needs, if your doctor will give you an antidepressant. They work almost as well as ambien for knocking you out.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Say for whatever reason you aren't going to kill yourself just yet. The next best option is to spend as much time as possible unconscious or insensible. I suppose this is the driving force behind alcoholism and drug addictions. But why not hit the problem head on: take drugs that will render you unconscious.

Of course if you have a job or other responsibilities, you can't do this 24 hours a day. But you can still maximize unconsciousness by popping pills as soon as you're off society's clock. Say you end up sleeping 16 hours a day, as opposed to the normal 8, that's cutting your suffering in HALF. If you have 10 more years of life, you've effectively cut that down to 5 years just by sleeping twice as long.

What are your thoughts or experiences?

I used to do this quite a bit, for almost 5 years I averaged 12-16 hours sleep per day by taking pills (sober I can only sleep 4-6 hours). I stopped because, stupidly, I decided to give life another go. Now having failed that, I'm going back.

Things I noticed. When I was on heavy pill use (diphenhydramine) my suicidal swings were much worse. Sleeping pills will ramp up your depression, mostly in the morning hours. Also your tolerance builds up fast, and at one point I was taking about a dozen pills each day (recommended dose: one). During waking hours you're often clumsy and dropping things. It's hard to focus on a thought, and sometimes this becomes very irritating. If you take too many pills, your heart & nervous system get excited and you can expect a night of pure hell.

But overall I have to say it worked for me. As long as I'm alive, I might as well be asleep.
Good plan but diphenhydramine is a crap sleeping medication. Better morphine or speedball. My dealer used to call it Sheba (never heard anyone else call it that), heroin and coke mixed. You'd spend all your time either sleeping or feeling like you're dreaming awake. Amazeballs. I hope I can find some again. Dopedealer was a jerk but that dope was so nice.
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chronic pain
Jun 14, 2019
Best sleeping med is seroquel
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Still searching
Jun 18, 2019
I tend to hit a large dose of melatonin when I get home from work, then sleep until it's time to go to work again. I would sleep forever if I could.
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chronic pain
Jun 14, 2019
I tend to hit a large dose of melatonin when I get home from work, then sleep until it's time to go to work again. I would sleep forever if I could.
Agree if I could sleep the vast majority of my life I wouldn't need to ctb as I have no pain when I'm sleeping
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We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
I love sleep so this would be super effective for me
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Jun 8, 2019
I love sleep, sleep does not love me. Going on 75 hours awake now...
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Jun 11, 2019
Seroquel works wonders for me for sleep. It makes me sleep a bit too much tho. One time I took 12 25mg pills (keep in mind I'm sensitive to it and usually take 12.5mg) and I slept for 2 days straight.
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Jul 17, 2019
Quetiapine really is the drug for this, though I don't personally think it should be prescribed just for sleep unless as a last resort. I take 400mg daily and have never had such a healthy sleep cycle/routine in my life. Zopiclone is extremely common in the UK but I got nothing from it at all, it's almost as if there's no middle ground when it comes to sleep meds; it's either zolpidem, antipsychotics or fuck all really.
Last edited:
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Jun 5, 2019
I find a develop tolerance to sleeping pills too quickly. Temazepam, zopiclone etc
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F’ing A
Apr 19, 2019
I tried this plan of sleeping non-working hours, but it made my depression worse. My depression is work-related, though, so having the only waking hours being that negative experience probably has something to do with it.
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May 9, 2019
Good plan but diphenhydramine is a crap sleeping medication. Better morphine or speedball. My dealer used to call it Sheba (never heard anyone else call it that), heroin and coke mixed. You'd spend all your time either sleeping or feeling like you're dreaming awake. Amazeballs. I hope I can find some again. Dopedealer was a jerk but that dope was so nice.
I agree about the diphenhydramine, ramps up my anxiety and RLS. I don't personally know about the other drugs but I have heard some old timers call heroin Sheba, too. Most opioids and opiates have stimulating effects like caffeine on me, which is rough on my sleep schedule and insomnia. I wish a couple Benadryl or Melatonin would knock me out!
I love sleep, sleep does not love me. Going on 75 hours awake now...
I'm so sorry, insomnia is awful. I've been there. Hope you've gotten some rest. Sometimes just laying down with the lights off in a cool room lets your body rest, at least.
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I surrender... I SURRENDER!
Apr 26, 2019
This has been working very well for me, I'm sure others might find it useful as well.
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May 26, 2019
Before my PTSD became an issue, I would cycle between:
Ambien (zolpidem)
Restavit (doxylamine succinate if I recall)
Seroquel (quetiapine)

Now nothing works. It's 1.40am and I am not tired at all. I'm absolutely exhausted, but I don't feel sleepy
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Dec 17, 2018
So it's like a free trial of death? Like one of those 'one month try-out' subscriptions. I'd love to.
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