My sleep pattern is all over the place. I sometimes don't see daylight at all. Up all night and then sleep during the day. But I'm a chronic insomniac so can't get into a decent pattern of sleeping at night and then awake during the day. If I do get into a pattern it just gets messed up again anyway. My body will sleep when it wants to sleep, I can't control it. I think it's affecting me never seeing daylight. I'm now a vampire lol.
Same here. At first (20 till 10 years ago) my sleep/wake pattern constantly shifted forwards, so from the moment you have to go working, do social activities,... you would develop instant insomnia since you can't go to sleep when you need to. And this already happened when I was still having a job was
HELL, and I couldn't just retire my job since then I wouldn't get an unemployment benefit.
Then during my unemployment years it even got worse, my pattern got lost completely and I had to go bed on different hours during the whole day and just hope that at one point I was sleepy enough and fall to sleep. I call it "my window of opportunity (WoU)", meaning the amount of time I had to fall asleep at a specific time in a day. And this WoU got smaller and smaller and now there is NO WoU anymore, I NEVER feel sleepy anymore and you can't imagine how much I crave for that sleepy feeling that makes you fall asleep naturally. I need to take a shitload of meds every day and it's a gamble if they'll work at a specifie time.
My sleep schedule shifts constantly. It's like my body isn't on a 24 hour clock so I end up staying up a little later every single day until I go all the way around the clock, and then I just keep doing it. As such I'm awake nights about half the time.
It's called
Non-24-hour sleep–wake disorder, that's how my sleeping problems started.
OTC medication containing the antihistamine diphenhydramine paradoxically induces wakefulness and alertness in all cases of biological AD/HD.
This is interesting, years ago I also tried diphenhydramine & doxylamine, and also had the opposite effect, it's like I took speed or amphetamines. While promethazine (also an anithistamine) made me sleepy. After doing some research, it appears the first 2 antihistamines belong to a chemical class called ethanolamines, and they appear to cause paradoxical effect in some people.
For the record, I don't have ADHD.